
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Don't Touch the Dragons' Eggs

"Keep those eggs riled up, Sir Clark is expecting us to do this job perfectly."


"What is it?"

"Sir Clark wants to speak with you."


The woman went to a small room and talked to his client.

"Miss Trish."

"Hello… my love, I mean My lovely Clark."

"Always eager to talk to me as always."

"Of course, my Darling."

"Let's get down to business. The plan failed, the princess didn't got kidnapped."

"What?! I thought their trained professionals…I guess it was all a fluke."

"It's simply a small miss hap, I want you attack a large village next."

"And where is it? My lovely."

"Far over to the gates of Beramuth."

"Done and done my love."

"Good, I'll see next time then Trish."

"See you later alligator."

In the small village where Luke stay, the four is preparing to move to Mountain as there quest is there still not finished.

"Sir Luke, are you sure we can have all of the potions?""

"We don't need this amount of potions anyways, you can have it."

"And a bear hide...?"

"In truth, my injured colleagues dislike the view of dead animal... probably because their still soft."

"I suppose..."

"So, what you going to do to the left-over bandits?"

I don't know either… maybe we can just kill them.

"They are your prisoners… do whatever you like to them."

"Mister, can we play with your dog?"

"Yes, you can little girl."


"Wow, your doggy is really big!"

"Soo… soft…"

"I can fit my whole head in his mouth."

"His mouth doesn't even smell."

"The children are having fun are they…"

"Don't play with our savior's companion."

"It's alright miss, they can play as they like."

"It's going to be hard to fix this."

"Those monsters destroyed too much of our village."

Toru and Cecilia then came to Luke, to talk to him.

"Hey dude!"

"Hello Luke."

"It's you two."

"I don't know of we're going to make it."

"Should we go to find another village?"

The three overheard the conversation of the villagers and listened for their problem.

The village chief stand beside them and starts a conversation with them.

"Our village took to much damage. If this goes on, will have to move to a new village."

"And it will greatly effect the children, correct."

The village chief nods in agreement.

"Luke… are we ganna leave them this?"

"Yeah Luke, this was the guys that help us…"

"Using too much magic will accelerate my mana capacity and my harm me."

"It's alright Sir Luke…we can handle this in out own."

"If we help them rebuild their destroyed houses, it will take days. And we still have a quest for your King."

"I'm sure dad will forgive us…"

"I shouldn't be doing this but…I can't watch them suffer"

Luke spoke on his mind.

"So, all we have to do is fix these destroyed houses, right?"

"Ye-yes but, it will take a long time to fix this.


Luke then lifted his tight arm across and a dark mist flows out of his sleeve.

The dark mist formed a dark staff on his hand and then fully formed into a wooden staff.

"Sands of Time"

Luke then stumps his staff a pulse of air flow across the destroyed village.

Dust flings across so fast that it scared the children heavily that they run behind their parents with their parents trying to hold balance.

"What was that?"

Asked Toru and Cecilia.

"Sir…Luke, what did you just do?"

Then after the pulse of air, sands began to dig out of the ground appeared and spread across in circling the village.

"What in the world?!"

"Luke! What's happened?!"

"Hey! What just happened?"

The sand encircled the village then suddenly ruse up and formed a sphere that covered the entire village.

"Luke what are you doing!?"

"Sir Luke!"

"Hey Luke!"

The sphere of sands then suddenly drops on the ground and all the debris begins to move and float.

Everyone turn scared by the fact the stones and woods are floating and run away to the road to where they feel safe wuth Luke staying still as well and Toru and Cecilia that's just standing behind Luke, fascinated by the spell.

The destroyed houses started to rebuild itself with shards of glass re-shatter, stones went back to their original places, burnt wood began to fire and immediately put out and back to normal plank.

Stumped grass began to regrow and a flash of light explode right before their eyes.

In a few seconds, the light slowly disappeared and all of the destroyed houses were fixed.

"What…. Just…happened…?"

"What did…you do Luke…?


"Now, all of you don't need to go in a new village."

"Why…is the village…"

"Save your words later we're done with the dragons. Let's go."

"Luke but…"


"Let's go you two. Brute grab them."

Brute got up and went to Cecilia and Toru and Brute use's he's mouth to grab them in the back of there clothes.

Luke went to the carriage and sat in the driver's sit and Brute toss Cecilia and Toru to the carriage.

"Wait! Sir Luke!"

"What abou-"

"We'll continue this when we meet again."

Luke drove the carriage back to the road as fast possible and head far as he can go.

"Hey Luke what are you doing?"

"Hey, calm down…"



Luke turned around to look at them and the two of we're shocked.


"Your eyes!"

Luke glared at the both of them with a bottomless white eyes and huge scar on his right eye going down on to his neck.

Brute suddenly stopped and carriage and went to Luke to comfort him.

But Luke pushed back Brute then began to cover his face with hand shaking his head vigorously.


"Hey! What's happening to you man?!"

"Luke! Snap out of it!"

All of then began to worry then a bright light came out of Luke's hand and in a brief moment, Luke stopped and took his hands of his face. And his face went back to normal.

Luke looked up and saw Cecilia reaching her hand and Toru shaking in the corner.

Cecilia then puts her hand to Luke's face.

"Hey….are you all right?"


Cecilia then pulls Luke to him to her chest to hug him while stroking his head to calm him down.

"It's ganna be alright…"

Brute then went up slowly and snuggles his head to Luke while Toru is still on the corner shaking.

"Hey man… your freaking me out…"

"I'm… alright now…you can let me go."

Cecilia then let's go of Luke and then Brute licks Luke's face twice and went back down in the carriage.

"What happened?"


"Take it slow…I'll listen…"

"I… used too much magic…I couldn't…hold it in…"

"Hold it in what?"

Luke then snapped back to his senses and looked straight back to the road.

"My apologies for what just happened just now, we still have a quest."

"Hey… are you sure your okay man…"

"I'm alright, Toru."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. Now let's head out."

Brute then went back and began to pull the carriage.

Some time passed and Cecilia started asking.


"Is about the eyes?"

"Yes… And the big scar."

"I can't tell you about the eyes but the scar…


Luke hesitates for a moment and speak.

"The scar in my right eye was a scar of betrayal. Done long ago by my sons and daughters."

"You have kids?"

"Well... they weren't exactly my children... more like creations, that I value as family."

"Why did they betray you?"

"Cause of their hunger for power and their ambition to become a… much more higher ranked status."

"Which is?"

Luke then took a glance at Cecilia and as well as Toru who was just listening on the corner and looked back at the road.

"Are you two really that curious to whom am I?"

"Of course! You're the third person I saw who can cast a spell without chanting."

"And even casted a spell what was super weird. Like, sands and shit then rocks start floating."

"I'll tell you. However, you most not tell anyone about this…NO matter what…"

"We won't."


"But in one condition."

"What is it?"

"Once we put down the earth dragons or find whoever who made the dragons mad. Then I'll tell you. Deal?"


"Yeah sure."

"Alright then… now let's talk about the plan."

Far over the land, Trish and his group are already preparing to launch an attack to a village."

One of men of Trish went to village with a large egg on a bag. He carried the egg inside a rug of cloth.

"There're are too many people here Miss Trish…I can't find any safe place to plant this egg."

"It's like a city here…are you sure this is just avillage?"

"There are too many people indeed…"

"Try finding a shop, maybe put it in the side so people thinks it's one of the decorations."


The man then tries to find a shop and saw a souvenir shop. He then went closer to the shop and talk to him for a little bit.

Then as he gain a little trust, the man give him the rug containing the egg.

But as he reach, a small kid run past and snatch the rug out of it's hand.

The man then quickly react but was still too slow to grab the kid.

He chased the small kid around shouting "Thief!" at the kid.

The people noticed the call of the man but just ignored him and left him to chase the kid on his own.

"Hey you little runt! Come back here!"

"Shit! If Trish finds this out, I'll get killed"

He spoke on his mind.

"Hey, you runt!"

He continued chasing the kid.

"Hey! You don't know how dangerous that it!"

"Catch me of you can, old man!


He continues the chase after the kid and until they went into a small alley.

The kid stopped at a dead end and the man is in front of the kid walking slowly.

"Now you got nowhere to go little boy…just give me the rug and I'll forget about this ever happened…"

The kid lifts the rug up and the man stopped walking.

"Hey! That's fragile… don't smash it…"


"Yes, now give it to me."

Lifts it up again and smashed the rug in the ground.


All they heard a loud "Dong" like rock hitting another rock.


The man then took advantage and jumped at the kid and punched the boy on the face.

"Hey hey now! you little shit! You think you can just do this to me?!"

He kicked the kid in the stomach then turned around and picked up the egg.

When he looked up he saw three guys with one smiling at him.

"Hey, you asshole."

"Kicking our little runt, I see ha?"

The man smiling then pulled a knife and starts licking the side of the knife.

"Hey you three…you…you don't want to do this…"

"Ooo…I'm sure we want to do this."

"You think you can just kick my lil' bruda and get away with it, my man?"

The smiling man begins to lough.


The man then puts the egg back to rug as fast as he could and put a talisman on it.

"Assholes! Just wait till you all get killed but earth dragons!"

The man pulled a teleportation scroll and disappeared from thin air.

"What th-"

"I've seen one of those man…his maybe a rich dude."

This smiling man then frowned and disappointed because he thought he could stab someone today.

The three went to the kid and helped him get up.

"Hey, you ight'?"

"Yeah…yeah, I'm okay…"

"Don't steal if you don't have a clear path, you idiot."

"Yeah, I know…I thought I coul-"

"But you got caught. No matter your reason, if you get caught, it's your fault."

One of the guys then went to the egg.

"Hey what's this thing?"

Then opened the rug and found a funny looking rock.

"It's...a rock…"

"You stole a rock?!"

"I didn't know"

"You got beat up for a piece of rock! Let's go back. I have enough of this shit."

They walked away and left the egg in alee.

The man then went back to there base and sign of relief.

"So? You put it in a safe place?"



In a far away land, the earth dragons felt the presence of there egg on the ground and began to dig down and starts heading to the village.

Luke and the other finally reach Mount Vergun and already saw pieces of tracks and equipment's on the ground.

"So, there we're people here…do you think this are the people who stole the eggs?"

"I think so…"

"A mystery still unsolved, this equipment's here maybe from the bandits we fought. The only ways we are truly be sure is that, the eggs of the nest are missing."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's head up there and find out."

"Toru be quiet, because of you we got badly injured last time."

"Now now… no need to fight. However, it will take hours if we climb."

"What? Are you saying we're going to fly up there? We don't have wings!"

"No, but we're going to float up."


A circle then appeared in the bottom of there feet then began to wrap to each of there leg.

"Here, hold my hand."

Luke reach his hand to Cecilia then she grabs Luke's hand.

"You too Toru."

"Well…alright then…"

Toru then grab Luke's hand then Luke began to float then the two follows.


"Hey hey!"

"Try not to drift away."

They slowly float up until they reach half way up.

Toru began to get a hang of it and let's go of Luke's hand.

"Don't hit the mountain."

"Wooohoooo! Look at me! Haha!"


"Let him be. Moreover, you should let go as well."

"But…I might…fall down…"

"You won't."

"I just want to hold your hand just in case I fall okay!

"Hahaha, if you say so."

They reach the top and went to side of the mountain, they saw a cave with a large entrance.

They dropped at the at the cave and saw two dead humans with crashed bodies.

"We we're correct… someone did steal the eggs."

"Correct, and I believe their were the bodies of the people who stole them."

Toru was still flying around with a big smile on his face.

"Haha! Yeah!"

"You damn child headed brain! Get down here already!"

"You can't order me around! You're not my mam!"

"Why you little shi-"

"Calm down Cecilia."

"I'm calm…wait… where's?… why did we leave Brute?"

"Don't worry he'll be here any seconds now."

A falcon then starts to flies and starts attacking Toru.

"Hey! You damn bird! Get away from me."

Toru then went down to the cave to escape while the falcon follows.

Toru landed in the cave and went back to Luke while the falcon also landed in the cave.

"That annoying bird keeps on attacking me!"

"Suits you right."

"Hello Brute."


"That's Brute?"

The falcon then transformed back into Brute and sat down with a smile and a tongue out.

"Now then, let's investigate."

"Are we just ganna ignore the fact that Brute just became a bird!"

"How did…?"

"Try not to think about it too much."

"How?! that's normal?!"

"Just focus on the work, you'll forget it soon enough."

The two then went silent.

"I assume that's all your questions, then let's begin."

Luke hand then starts to glow and a orb of light came out a shines light to the cave.

The orb began to split into three and the two orbs with to Cecilia and Toru.

"Look for passible clues you can find.

They search the inside of the cave. They saw blood splatters to the ground, swords, bow and arrows and parts of armor scattering everywhere.

"There are a sign of a great battle…


"Yeah… there's probably a lot of people fighting here…"

"Obviously, you blockhead."

"Hey! What did I do you?!"

"Just keep searching you two… the dragons may comeback if we don't hurry."


They kept on searching.

Then Toru stepped on something, he looked at the ground and found a shoulder plate with a symbol.

He picked it up and took a look at it.

"Did you find anything Toru?"


"Really? An idiot like you actually became useful."


"Let me have a look at it."

Toru hand over the shoulder plate to Luke and but didn't know what was the symbol means.

Cecilia then came closer and took a look at the shoulder plate and then recognizes the symbol.

"Hey I know that symbol…"

"How so?"

"This is the symbol strength used by the Rhuth Kingdom."

"Rhuth Kingdom…?"

"Hold on… didn't the King said something about the Rhuth Kingdom and war… thingy stuff?"

"hmm...yes, war."

"Do you think the Rhuth Kingdom are responsible of stealing those eggs?"

"Most likely…"

"So there the one attacking the villages?!"

"Do you really have to shout ever time?"

"Of course!"

"However, if they have control over the two earth dragons…why don't they just… attack the kingdom directly?"

"That is true…"

"Maybe we'll just go to the Rhuth Kingdom and ask their King. Simple as that."

"No, IT'S NOT simple as that."

"Then how would be find out then?"

While all of them are talking, Trish and her group are in there small base.

They talked about there next plan of attack and more.

Trish was in their small room reporting news to Clark.

"Mission successful, My lovely Clark….

"Good then, once the Dragons are finished with the village, go the village of Mart."

"Why? Isn't one of the villages owned by kingdom of Rhuth!"

"I don't care about that kingdom, I want that village gone."

"The survivors of the destroyed villages are going there as a temporary home. I want them dead."

"Is that so? So be it my Love… then consider it done…"

"Thank you, Trish."

"Soooooo…. What's my reward after this?"

"I'll grant you anything you desire."

"Hoohoo! Soo…if I said I want to have a date with you…"

"Yes, I'll have a date with you if you wish for it."

"What about that thing lovers do...?"

"Yes yes…"


In the Beramuth Kingdom, Arthur's mage went to Arthur running with a hirable news.

"Arthur! Look at this."

"What is it Merlin?"

Merlin showed Arthur a magic map and pointed at two blue dots coming straight to a village with an alarming speed.

"What is that?"

"There's something big coming to this village right here, and I think it's the dragons.


Everyone at the Throne room gasp.

"What the name of the village?!"

"It's…Gunruth village! My King!"

"Gunruth?! When will those dragons arrive!?

"I think… it will reach in noon."

"Noon?! But that's that time Is it too littl- Fine!

Arthur stood up.

"All soldiers head to Gunruth immediately! And evacuated the citizens out of the village!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"I'll kill those dragons myself…"

"Wait Arthur!

"Honey, don't stop me. Too much of my people have died to this beast! I'll take their heads."

"Merlin, come with me."

"Just like old times?"

"Just like old times."

Arthur and his soldiers head out to the kingdom and went to Gunruth with haste.

All of the citizens of the kingdom saw and heard the loud steps of horses and cheered at them.

All of the soldiers and Arthur saw the citizens and were inspired and all of then shouted there war cry.

They head to the village of Gunruth as fast as they could.

Finally, they got to Gunruth and warned the village of an incoming attack. They started to evacuate the citizens out of the village.

Go the to carriage Immediately!

We're going to head to the kingdom for settlement.

"Women's and children's first!"

"Hurry before they come!"

"Any signs of the earth dragons yet, Merlin?

The map say's it's almost here. We're not ganna make it!"

"What are you saying!?"

"It's almost here"!

"Shit! Men! Get into position!"

The ground began to shake relentlessly like the Mother Earth has gone mad.

The ground continues to shake, buildings are dropping to the ground and huge cracks began to show to the ground.

Then it suddenly stops.

"What happened?"

Merlin? Merlin!



The ground began to shaking even more.

Then, the ground splits open revealing maw of death. Suddenly, a burst of rocks and stones come out and send flying to the sky.

"Take cover!"

The soldiers with shield made a small defense of shield together covering King Arthur and Merlin.

The sky rains of rocks and stones as screams of man, woman and child can be heard screeching in agony.

The soldiers unfurl the shield and saw a gruesome sight.

Hundreds of soldiers have fallen and civilians blood scattered all over the ground like red paint scattered all over the canvas.


"The people…"

The ground began to move again and burst out of the ground was two Earth Dragons.

The burst of the Dragons intrans created a loud explosion of noise and a big cloud in a shape of a mushroomed.



"You might want to take a look at this."

"Their attacking, how did I not notice this."

"Holy shit, did something explode?!


"What do we do?!"

"What can we do!?"

"Don't panic. We must head in there to save the people. Cecilia, where is that explosion?"

"It's in Gunruth…"

"The village that we bought out potions?"


"We most make haste and head in there immediately!"

"But we're far away, how can we go there?"

"Come hold me hand, you too Toru."


"Is something ganna happen now?"

"Yes, now Toru hold Brute please."


Toru reach his hand to Brute with unsecured look as he reached, Brute bite Toru hand to hold on.

"Aw! Why you little shit!"


"I don't know… you just said hold your hand."

"Hey, I got a dog biting my hand here!"

"I'll take that as a yes."

The sky starts to blacken. Luke's hands began to cast an electricity, covering Luke's entire arms and began to spread all over to Cecilia, then to Toru and Brute.

"Wooooo! Are we ganna fast travel again?!"

"Yeah! Let's go fast again!"

All of there body we're covered with electricity and a Blast of lightning strike down to all of them then and they all disappeared like air.

They coursed to the thicc cloud with lightning speed and with the ability Luke used, they we're able to reached Gunruth village in a moment.

They reached Gunruth village and a blast of lightning strike down and came forth the Luke, Toru, Cecilia and Brute.

However, they we're too late.

They saw King Arthur fighting one of the dragons and got blown away by it's tail and landed to at the side of Luke.

"Are you alright?"

"What the? Luke?"


"Why are yo- get out of here! I underestimate these beast. Go before you die!"

"Why ar-"

They looked around and saw death and destruction all over the village.

Limbs of arms and foot scattered everywhere, crushed body and broken bodies of dead children.

They looked up and the both Earth Dragons staring at them.

"Toru, Cecilia. Take any survivors you can find get them in a safer area."

"What about Sir Luke?"

"I shall take care of this."


"Go, before all of you die as well."


Said Arthur painfully.


Toru went to Merlin unconscious body and carried him away.

Cecilia helped her father get up and walked away to safety.

"Don't get killed."

"Worry not, Death is something that holds dear to me."

With Brute standing beside Luke, they stood tall as the Dragons looked down.

And a great fight is about to commence.

If DIO touch his...dong...

Is that gay?

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