

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Daoist1GdsHP · Fantasy
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92 Chs


Chapter 88: Gains!!!

On a certain afternoon, while Zain and Lamil were having a duel close by, the spirit speaker was training Lancelot Jr as he was suspended in the air. "Your consciousness should be stronger now spread it out"

Lancelot Jr did exactly that, and immediately, a transparent barrier spread out in waves as it covered the entire area, Lancelot Jr could feel every heartbeat, hear every word and feel everything in his surroundings, from the dropping leaves to the whistling monk to the chirping bird, he was like a god connected to everything.

"We still don't know what the other four abilities are, but with this one, you could do some serious damage to others and keep them in a dummy state for at least a few seconds"

The spirit speaker spoke in Lancelot Jr's head, she sounded a bit excited. "Let's practice with the weapons you've gained, let's start with the sword, and keep your consciousness spread out, it's so powerful now so the more you learn to control it, the stronger you'd be, and also will your ability to use it." The spirit speaker commented.

Lancelot Jr called forth the sword from the ring and it appeared in his right hand, he moved it from one point to another, it felt alien to him, he tried to swing it, the sword suddenly drew flames from Lancelot Jr's body and the flames shot out with such force, it burnt a floating bridge to crisp such that there wasn't even a portion left.

"So powerful" Lancelot Jr muttered to himself.

"It seems the sword could not only guide your elemental powers in attack, but it could also as well amplify the effect. The amplifying effect of the sword would be significant in an aerial battle." The spirit speaker commented.

"Unfortunately, this is your first time holding a sword, you're not familiar with it at all, get that senior Monk to teach you."

"Mom you mean monk Lui?"

"Yes, he is the only Monk friend you've got now ever since that incident. The rest are avoiding you it seems'

"Monk Lui would have been perfect, but he is part of the administrative staff, he has quite a lot of work to do in the monastery"

"Why don't we get one of the elders"

"They are a difficult bunch, however, I have a plan'

"Son, what do you plan to do?"

"Don't worry mom, just trust me'

With that Lancelot Jr, left his colleagues who were practicing and headed for the floating temple very close to the veil. Alisha noticed this and left the veil and followed after Lancelot Jr.

"Where are you going?" Alisha asked as she appeared beside him.

'I'm going to get an elder to teach me how to fight with swords'

"How do you plan to do that?"

'l don't know but I will somehow get them to"

Alisha was silent but followed Lancelot Jr with an inquisitive gaze.

Lancelot Jr got to where the elders were sitting and he went to the same elder who had made a bet with him a month ago. "Greetings Elder Di, I came to ask for a favor'

"What favor? If you want to use your favor as the descendant of James Night, meet Lui"

"Not that, I came to ask you to take me in as your disciple, I need to learn to use weapons. I have three weapons here which I am yet to master and if I am to stop this war somehow, I need to be ready and prepared" Lancelot Jr explained slowly but clearly.

"Go and get another master, I'm not interested" the elder responded and continued to stare into space.

"Elder Di, please do me this favor"

"You aren't even a monk, and you want me to take you in as a disciple, It seems you are delusional about something, you should know that passing the inheritance test means nothing when compared to being a monk and you're not even qualified so go..." Elder Di spoke dismissively as he continued to stare into space.

The monks around were watching with rapt attention, they also felt the same way as elder

Di. Elder Di was the most gifted elder and in his 70 years on earth he had only taken in two personal disciples, both disciples were known to be extremely talented and no ordinary monk was their match, even senior monks would rather avoid them.

Elder Di felt that Lancelot Jr would spoil his record. Elder Di was extremely arrogant and had to boast often in front of other elders on how gifted he was and how outstanding his disciples were.

Taking in Lancelot Jr would be a waste of time and also he wont achieve anything meaningful in record time, he thought of all these and decided not to, but he didn't know that Lancelot Jr also saw through his thought patterns and had prepared a well-crafted trap for him.

Lancelot Jr then looked calmly around the other elders and senior monks around and spoke, "l, Lancelot Jr Night, a novice and untrained weapons wielder, challenge Elder Di to a duel, if Elder Di can defeat me in 30 seconds, I will give up on my quest to have him as my master, but if not Elder Di has to hold up to his word. Does Elder Di accept the challenge

Everyone looked towards Elder Di ls direction and then to Lancelot Jr's.

"He's so dead" a monk nearby spoke, trying to stifle a burst of laughter growing within him

"What are you doing?" Alisha whispered to

Lancelot Jr, she couldn't see any possibility of Lancelot Jr holding out for 30 seconds let alone winning. She thought it was a foolish challenge.

"Do you trust me?" Lancelot Jr whispered to Alisha as he stared at Alisha. Alisha was conflicted but she had known him since they were kids, he never took on a challenge he wasn't prepared to give his all to, and if he chose to fight this, he must have a trump card up his sleeve.

"Hmmm" Alisha responded with a nod.

"That is good enough for me" Lancelot Jr whispered as he looked towards the Elder for his response.