
lan Zhan untamed ( lan zhan X wai Ying)

In the ancient realm there was a soul who was known widely as Hanguang-Jun. He was known to be aloof and away from worldly beings. Seldom people knew him for who he was or what his heart truly yearned in reality. A man who loved dearly and in return lost everything when he cared for what the world thought of him, but when he received a second chance, to love again, to live again, to be united with the man who was born and reborn to be his, he didn't care anymore. His heart beat only for that one soul. He was born for his love. A love he yearned forever. We WangXian lovers have always loved The Untamed as it was always from Wei Ying's perception but this story will be purely from our Lan Zhan's perception. This is his story. His youth. His love. His yearning. thank His Untamed Story. I hope I truly can do justice to this story, to recreate their love for it's truly a masterpiece. The inspiration is taken from Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed. Rest all are my imagination. =================================== This is a work of fanfiction. All rights are reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means [graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information retrieval systems] or reproduced on any disc, tape, perforated media or other information storage device, etc., without the explicit written permission of the editor. Breach of the condition is liable for legal action. However, the permission to reproduce this material does not extend to any material on this site, which is explicitly identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned. LuvLaws Only 18+

kimsimin555 · Fantasy
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54 Chs

fated day

Each step takes me away from who I used to be. Every rule I follow changes me. Every second I don a personality so different from mine, gone is that warmth that was once within me.

~Lan Zhan at the age of 16~

Reciting Gusu rules is how I meditate these days. That's what I have been taught and am known to practice and follow. Writing down scriptures was one of our daily routines. During one such routine, a fellow disciple takes an opportunity of Uncle not being around and starts gossiping with another, "Hey, have you heard that we're getting some new disciples from other clans?"

The other nods eagerly, "Yes, so I have heard, and this time around we're getting some of the best ones too."


"I have heard the younger brother of Sect Leader Nie would be joining us."

"Really! Who else?"

"The heir of the Lanling Jin Sect, Jin Zi Xuan will be arriving at Gusu."


"Have you heard even Yunmeng Sect's heirs would be arriving?"

"Both heirs?"

"Yes! Well not only their heirs but even that trouble maker" someone chuckles.


"Yes, don't you know, Yunmeng Sect's leader has adopted his friend's son? They say he's quiet the troublemaker."

Yunmeng Sect!

Just then we hear a loud cough and the entire room immediately quietens. Uncle enters and with his stern eyes he commands us, "This year we have other Sects joining us and for next few months they would be learning the rules and regulations of Gusu Sect. They're students. Don't try to befriend them. The rules that apply to you also applies to them. If they go against Gusu's rules, they'll be punished." Walking around he makes us recite the rules and before parting he warns us again, "Remember your morals. If any one of you cause any shame to our Clan, you shall not be pardoned. Is that clear?"

"Yes Elder!" We repeat.

He nods, "Wangji, follow me." Following him to his private chamber, I find Gege awaiting our presence.

"XiChen, Wangji, I want you both to personally look after the wellbeing of other sects. The disciples look upto you two and would be comfortable under your tutelage. I don't want any problems, is that clear?"

"Yes uncle" we reply in unison.

"Alright, Wangji you may leave." I bow and walk away.

Why am I feeling so restless? Being quite at unease I try and mediate but to no avail. Unable to concentrate I leave Cloud Recess to walk around the town when I come across a group of people looking quite apprehensive.

"What's the matter?" I enquire and witnessing my forehead band, knowing that I am a cultivator from Gusu, they immediately inform me, "My brother witnessed a strange person last night. He was coming home when a man with a foul smell and weird eyes was killing an animal mercilessly. At the sight of my brother he chased after him. Luckily for my brother, he entered the village and started screaming. When villagers came out to help him, the strange person ran away."

Walking Corpse.

"If you see them again please contact Gusu clan immediately."

"Definitely!" they looked relived and I stroll around to gather more information.

"Brother" I knock at his chamber door and he trails his gaze from the book he is reading to mine and they are filled with abundant warmth.

I narrate the entire incidence that transpired at the village and he looks on pensively, "That is quiet disturbing. Never have those walking corpse approached any village. We need to curb this matter and investigate it quickly."

I nod, "Let me go."

"Take some disciples with you." Gege suggests and I am about to leave when he stops me, "Be safe."

Bowing down I leave his chamber and staunter towards Uncle's room where he is meditating. Bowing down I explain to him the situation and he too agrees with Gege. Having their permission I choose few of the disciples to accompany me and we're about to leave when Gege calls my name.



"Try to settle the matter soon as we have young guests coming to Gusu. We don't want them to encounter any problems."


"Be safe."

Bowing, we leave.

At times I wish to have had an opportunity to just disappear. What was the use of living a life with no meaning to it? To be a mere puppet at the hands of people who had sadistic pleasure to see your doom?

We were quite successful in capturing the walking corpse but one of our disciple unfortunately was attacked.

"Take him back to Cloud Recess carefully." I command and the others obey. As we make our way back home, we hear someone arguing with the disciples standing guard at the gate. The crowd gathered there parts for us and they allow our disciples to carry the fallen inside.

"Second Master Lan," the disciple at the gate bows, "what happened to him?"

"He was injured." I look at our fallen disciple lying prone as he is carried inside when someone comments from behind, "Seems he was attacked by resentful energy."

That alluring and captivating voice.

I turn.

My heart thumps looking at the man in front of me.


Who are you?

But before my thoughts could rein in my thoughts, another young man respectfully bows and introduces himself and his sect, "Second Master Lan, I am the heir to Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Jiang Cheng and my sister Jiang Yanli and this is our fellow disciple and my brother, Wei Wuxian." They bow and my eyes seeks the man named Wei Wuxian.

Little did I know that's a name I would never forget.

I bow back and about to leave when they stop and seek my permission to enter Gusu. They had lost their invitation and the disciples by the gates were not letting them in without one.

I remember my Uncle's strict orders.

"No invitation, no entry." I repeat, and at the same time, the boy named Wei Wuxian tries to argue with us, fearing his incessant words would cause him trouble, to save him from that agony, I simply turn my back and use the muting spell on him. Not because he was causing me hindrance, but because if he pleads one more time, I might actually allow them in and this would be breaking Gusu rules for him.

Why? For the very first time I wanted to help someone. Genuinely.

Unable to mediate, the restlessness in me was ever growing. Watching the sun set I was aware that Jiang Sect were still out there in the wilderness. Unable to let them suffer, I walk to their campsite and invite them in. My eyes tries to seek that sole man, but was unable to find him.

I was told he had gone back to Cai Yi Town to retrieve the invitation. Looking after their comfort, I leave them to their company when the restlessness gnaws me from inside.

Where are you?

Unable to comprehend the pain in my heart I walk back to my spot and play Inquiry.

"Second Master Lan," the kind spirt glows and I ask my usual question "Is he alright?"

She pauses and very carefully states, "You should know."


"You should know, he's here."

At her words my heart stops, "Speak clearly!" 

"The young lad, for whom you've been waiting all these years, he's here, in Gusu"

My breathing falters. Unable to take it further, I finally ask "Who... Who is he?"

"Wei Wuxian" her voice resonates and my world stops.

She vanishes and I quickly sprint towards the exit.

What do you want Wangji? What are you going to say? What will you say? Do you remember me? What?

Just when I am about to leave, I see someone breaking and entering the walls of Gusu.

It's him!!!

Wei Wuxian!!!

The boy with red ribbon!!!

Can you feel me? My heart? My soul?