
Lair of The Hidden Vampire

[ Mature Content !!] "Even if you can't see me, I'll make sure you can feel my love!" - Garrard Ever since she got married to him whenever she opens her There's only darkness that she can see, Only his voice she can hear and only feel him around her but what was more bothering her that why a rich man who can even buy her whole family why did he marry her ! A blind woman! And why such a rich man works for other companies as an employee although with that much money he can even built his own company! She was the cure that he had been looking for Centuries only she can cure him a wish that he made as a child which ruined his life. But they didn't know their fated love was going to turn into a fated disaster! What was the wish that he made as a child ? #Teaser: Next morning when Everly got up from her bed and heard noise of shower travelled to her ears as she felt sharp pain around her neck like someone pricked her neck with needle. " Damn it! That bastard bitten me so hard last night that there's even teeth marks!" She suddenly touched her sore neck to soothe the pain but there was two deep Mark's of fangs. she was in shock from what happened to her last night and looked around the room while rubbing her eyes and open them but she got surprised even more when she saw that instead of darkness there's blurry vision. She can see now! although everything was a little blurry but when she rubbed it more her vision got clearer and clearer. But what the first thing she about see was even more shocking for her. There was a tall man with wet dark hair who was currently rubbing his head with a towel to dry them up his face was covered with towel so she can't see him . When he had done rubbing Then he slowly threw the towel on the bed while still standing naked not caring about Everly's eyes 'cause' she was blind. That's what he was thinking till now. When Everly saw his face she actually remembered that face. 'It's must be him! My husband didn't expect him to so handsome' she thought and slowly started to feast her eyes with his looks and started to admire his face while slowly going down to his body but suddenly she saw something between his legs his proud dragon who just got wet in shower and totally awake to attack. Everly blushed and Gasp she automatically uttered "So Big!" And slowly covered herself with blanket. Like a normal person thinking that she was going to sleep again. Author's Note: This is just a preview one of the novel's chapter. Chapter inside the book Will be more detailed. So please support ME ! I'll try my best to create a story that will shake your mind! You can skip first 4 chapters and start reading from chapter 5! ____________________________________ [Original story @All rights reserved ] Cover doesn't belong to me :(

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Arranged Marriage Pt. 2

Everly found herself in blank room there was only a white bed where she was lying on her back but when she opened her eyes there was someone on the top of her it was a man! Her vision was blurry so she didn't get the clear view of his face but she could hear his voice and he was saying. "Hehehe! Everly Arnold get ready to be tortured! Hahaha!" He laughed evilly and pounced on Everly. "N-N-No, d-don't come closer to me or else I-I'll scream!" Everly's heartbeat became fast she felt like her heart would burst out of her chest. "Scream for whoever you want no one is coming to help because. I. Am. Your. Husband.!" He whispered into Everly's ears and tore her clothes she felt like she was going to die soon and tears rolled down on her cheeks. "Everly! Everly! Everly!!" But she felt someone was still calling her even in that state it was a woman's voice that was clearly soothing her uneasiness and when she finally come back to her senses she heard the voice of Ellie she was trying to wake her up. Everly was panting her breathing became really fast as she woke up she gasped in fear. "Haaa!" Thankfully she woke up in time from her hellish nightmare before that man could have done other than tearing her clothes.

"Hey, Everly what happened? did you have a bad dream?" Ellie clearly saw how Everly was being anxious and panting.

Everly tried to sit properly on the hospital bed.

"Don't get up Everly I don't think it's convenient for you to sit right now it's better if you just keep sleeping on the bed!"

Ellie restrained her from doing that because it's wasn't convenient for her to sit on her own right now knowing her condition and considering her broken leg. Ellie stopped Everly from sitting on the bed. "But I am tired of sleeping on bed twenty-four/seven, even my back hurts now!"

" Then let me help you!" Ellie helped Everly sit properly on the bed although her both legs were still lying under thin sheet of blanket at least her upper body could feel relaxed a bit.

"It's nothing, I had just a nightmare that's all. By the way why are you here?" Whenever Everly went through some difficulties and deeply thought about it. It's comes back as a nightmare in her dreams to scare her more.

"Why Am I here? Huh?" Ellie immediately distanced herself from Everly. She felt like someone stabbed her heart with a knife 'how can she say that, nowdays people are so ungrateful' Boohoo she was wanted to cry after listening to Everly's words~Sob sob QAQ!

"How can say that when you clearly know I only came here to see you after I heard that you had a accident with a car and some hooligans even chased after you! I felt so hurt!Boohoo."

Everly rolled her eyes 'Oh this stupid girl is she came here to see me or cry!'

"I didn't mean that I was just teasing you but I didn't know that you would really cry just because I asked so, Ha-ha!" Everly was awkwardly laughing to ease the atmosphere.

Ellie immediately wiped off her dramatic tears and hugged Everly tightly. "Are you going to strangle me to death let me go!" Ellie had hugged her too tightly that she felt like she would even before getting married.

"Sorry-sorry I was too excited to see you are okay, by the way I heard from your mom that you'll get married after your leg get recovered?! Is that true?" Everly lowered her head when heard Ellie's questions.

"Yes that's true!" Everly replied in a very low voice like her all energy had been sucked.

"Did you agree to this? Why? You always said that there's no point in getting married without love and you also said that all the men that your family arranged for you were not even suitable then... why?" The more Ellie force Everly to speak up the more she tightens her lips not to say anything. Ellie was closely watching Everly's expression when she says something about her marriage she just lowered her head and tried not to answer them.

"Or is it because they're are forcing you that's why you aren't saying anything! Just tell me Eves if they are forcing you I'll beat them up and see after that they dare to force you!" Ellie sounded really angry because of she knew how hard Everly was trying to live her life. Ellie wasn't from a poor her family her parents were was quite rich they hold some power in the city. But she won't be able to do anything to Everly's family unless Everly agreed with it.

"They aren't forcing me! Just think Ellie I am already twenty-eight and after my parents will be gone then there would be no one to care for this blind person anymore and mom told me that this the man they choose for me isn't some retard nor he is fifty years old!"

" Hmmm! What you have said makes but what if they are trying to deceive you by telling these things!" Ellie wasn't very sure about that but Maybe her parents could do that to her morever Everly's inability to see things already gave them a upper hand to do that. That's why there's had more reasons to be suspicious.

"You are right but I already put the conditions that if I can't meet him before marriage then I am not going to get married."

"Then, that's great I will come with you when you would meet him I'll come too with you if I'll see anything suspicious about him we'll immediately cancel him!" Ellie beamed with happiness when she heard that she will get to meet that man and she could get a chance to save Everly from being deceived. But what she didn't know that this marriage was already destined to be and no one be able to stop it from happening.

"Thanks Ellie for your support but everything would be going to depend on other party if he didn't agree to meet me I don't know what I am going to do?" Everly's face turned sulky.

" Don't worry Eves just let me know when you get his profile I will immediately contact the match-making company to arrange a meeting of you two. Everything is going to be fine as long as I am here you don't have to worry!" Ellie's assurance had given so much courage to the Everly somehow she wasn't feeling afraid as much she was before!

"Ooookay! Thank you so much and I think you should leave now I want to rest I'm so tired from sitting like this!" Everly yawned and stretched her hands in the air.

'This girl! she never talk to me properly and now she had enough of me so she's telling me to scram! So ungrateful!' sob sob~ TT^TT

"Wasn't your backbone was aching while sleeping like that now you are even tired from sitting like that!" Ellie still helped Everly to sleep back on the bed because her mother had some errands to run so she wasn't there for few hours. Ellie bid goodbye to Everly and left the hospital.

One month later....

Everly's leg had recovered quite well in past few weeks now she could walk properly on her own but what bothering her was tomorrow Linda will give her bio-data of her future husband and of course! there will be a photo of him too. And she just needs to tell Ellie to come there and see his photo so she could know how he will look but she wasn't expecting a prince from sky to fall over for her just someone who can give her some respect her, cherish her and take care of her well for the rest of her life.

Destiny had already planned some other roles for her to play in this life.

And whereas Everly was being worried at her home Grarrard was also in distress he was afraid what if she'll reject him then how he'd going to free himself from that curse or how will he approach her or what if she recognises his voice and remembers what happened in the hospital how Grarrard left her there! He kept tossing and turning on the bed whole night and didn't get any sleep until 3 in the morning. Everly's situation was same too she get any sleep because of nervousness that was kept building inside her heart. But somewhere in heart there was a voice telling her that everything was going to be fine she just needs work hard and thinking about all these things she somehow fell asleep too. Although both of them were quite faraway from each other but their hearts were still feels connected with a invisible string of faith that their lives would change after this marriage. Grarrard was nervous, but Everly, she was afraid and nervous, both.

As soon as Grarrard opened his eyes his butler Qin Mo was already knocking at the door. " Master today's your big day please wake up and get ready I had already prepared your car for you!" Qin Mo's those words were enough to remind Grarrard what he was talking about.

Hii! This is my first book so don't expect it to be so perfect I know my writing quality is as bad as Madilyn Bailey's hate comments but I still trying to make it better as much as possible. I just love to write that's all ^_^

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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