
Laid Back Life On My Demi Human Ranch!

A Fantasy World of beautiful Demi Human monster girls working on a ranch alongside Hildegarde, the owner of the Ranch and a certified Rancher, Breeder, and Hunter! Join Hildegarde on her journey to build up her dilapidated Ranch on the edge of the Frontier, create a thriving farmland, house many different species of Demi Humans, and of course... breed quite a few of them too~! Sustaining herself and her partners, can Hildegarde survive by herself out on the edge of the Frontier, where monsters and bandits roam around freely looking to prey on the weak? Author's Note: THIS IS FUTANARI, YURI, AND FEMALE ONLY!!! This is a smut book alongside being a Survival/Farm Sim/ Life Sim type of novel, so understand that there will be sex, breeding, pregnancy and more; additionally, the Demi Human's are treated like a different race compared to Humans, and as such it may be uncomfortable for some to read about. There WILL be some scenes that will likely bring up that discomfort, as well as other discomforts, but there won't be anything incredibly dark within the novel, so don't worry about that; besides that, yes, this novel will have a story alongside the 'plot', so I hope I can do well with that too lol~! Come on in, enjoy, and if this doesn't sound like something you would like to read, please, don't force yourself; I want to value your time as much as I value my own. PLEASE do not spam comments, don't be rude for the sake of being rude, and do not feel the need to announce your own departure; if you have criticisms, I am open to hearing them because that is something I can improve from, but being rude and not offering criticisms is not welcome.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Day 1

"Master, where exactly should we begin..? There is... quite a lot of work to be done."

Crima was looking around with a small frown, the red Wolfkin taking in the sight of the overgrown fields outside before turning to look at the dilapidated interior of our new home, something that made me smile wryly as I replied to her a moment later, after I took out the Demi Human eggs.

"There is indeed, but uh... I hope you don't mind it..? I know you're more of a Hunter type Demi Human, but... I needed protection and an extra set of hands in the beginning..."

She just shook her head at that, the Wolfkin looking at me as she said "I knew there would be work needing to be done. Just making an observation, Master."

"Oh... Well, then we should probably start with getting the house clean and ready to be lived in. I bought a lot of blankets and quilts just in case, and since we don't really have an actual bed in here yet, it... seems we'll be sleeping on the floor tonight. Um, after we get the house cleaned though, we can get to work on the fields. At least, I want to get a small patch cleared and a path cleared towards the well."

"Then Master, would you prefer if I worked on the outside whilst you worked inside? Spread out our labor for two different areas?"

I pursed my lips before nodding a moment later, giving the Wolfkin the okay to head outside and begin clearing away the land whilst I moved into the barn behind the house, the eggs cradled in my arms whilst the Power Crystals resided in a pocket each.

Approaching the Incubator, I opened up all three of the hatches and placed in the Cowkin, Goatkin, and the White Sheepkin eggs, making sure they were secure on their pedestals before closing the hatches and latching them.

With the eggs secured, I knelt down and opened up the power panel on the bottom of the Incubator, revealing the slot for the Power Crystal, which I slotted in gently and watched in amazement as the mana inside began to power the various crystal wires that connected to intricate circuits, which... looked really pretty and really expensive.

I was a Rancher, not a Crystal Engineer, so this meant little to me, but it did mean that I had power and that the Incubator was ready, so in a week we could have some extra hands to help out. 

Hopefully by then we could also have our food growing and ready to be harvested, if not already harvested the first yield and have the second planted; the benefits of the mana rich soil was most felt in the extremely quick growing times of crops!

Wheat usually took a month back in the Empire, but here, on the Frontier, we could grow three or four, maybe even five yields of wheat in a month!

It was incredible, and it could be even quicker if I got some Water Mana attuned Demi Human's to imbue the well with more mana, as well as the pond... and if I got an Earth Mana attuned Demi Human to help take care of the soil as well...

Then if I got a Crystal Engineer to come out and install another well and install some irrigation pipes beneath the fields...

There was so much I could do, but they all needed so much money to do..!

Activating the Incubator, I listened to the soft hum as it began to heat up the eggs and settle into a steady temperature, the new machine getting to work and making me relieved as it sounded like it was smooth and not broken in any way at all.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, I went back into the manor and grabbed a bucket and a rag, heading to the kitchen and installing the remaining Power Crystal there so that the appliances would have power too; the stoves had small Flame Circuits, the sink had Water Circuits, and the fridge and freezer had both Water and Wind Circuits.

All of those began to hum softly as they activated, before returning to their neutral state that was barely noticeable; activating the sink, I got some water and began to clean off the dust and get the inside presentable, passing the time alone with my thoughts.

It didn't take too long, but it was still tiring work that expended a good amount of energy that I would have preferred to use on planting my crops outside.

This needed to be done though, and after getting everything clean I began to look around at the walls, making sure there was no need for drastic repairs on this floor.

Not finding any, I grabbed the crate with the blankets and quilts and went down into the basement, putting down two sets of bedding for Crima and I before bringing down the crate that had my clothes in it, which could act as a table and storage.

Then I brought in the materials from the barn inside and sorted through them, going over their contents and finding out that someone had slipped an extra Power Crystal into the stone crate, while the sheer amount of wood and other building materials was comforting.

Heading back into the barn, I set out my own tools and set the rusted ones aside, sorting them into scrap and potentially refurbish-able items, which I could make use of eventually.

With the house in working order, I went outside and joined Crima in the fields, donning my gloves and carrying out a small spade and a shovel as I began to dig out the roots and pull out the weeds.

The sun was slowly descending towards the horizon, its warmth gradually leaving the mountain behind in a shroud of cool air that shepherded Crima and I back into the manor, where the fireplace was lit and keeping the wooden manor warm.

Not before I managed to plant a few of the wheat seeds and water them with the bucket from the kitchen, so for a first day... it was uneventful, but progress was progress, and I was quite happy to have managed to get a decent amount done in such a short time.

We only had rations for today sadly, making dinner a sad affair, but when that was finished and we went downstairs to turn in for the night, it appeared that Crima was just as 'happy' as I was, and I belatedly realized that there was no need to make two separate piles of bedding...

Not when the hungry red Wolfkin stalked forwards and pounced on me, preparing to devour her prey and relish every last bite...


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