
Lady Sovereign(DRAFT)

Ever since Yani found her real identity, she had been under a lot of pressure. Along with her Mother Planet reviving it's vitality. Various ancient powers appeared one after another. The once peaceful world becoming chaotic, full of danger and opportunities. Yani could only start at the bottom, refusing to accept defeat.

SweetPanda101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 12: Academy

The scene outside was pure evil.

Yani took back her gaze, dark emotions still swirling in her pitch-black eyes as she turned to look at the scene outside the bus.

The people outside were excited as they carried out their prayers frantically with people crying and laughing maniacally in the background.

However, when they saw the red school bus appear on the road, the looks in their eyes changed, glancing at the bus with caution and fear.

The people immediately ran away, abandoning what they were doing.

The driver who always had on an impatient expression on his face this whole time was visibly furious as he looked at the crowd outside.

The bus that was driving at a constant speed, sped up.

The driver's eyes were glazed with anger as he drove the bus quickly onto the fleeing crowd, his intentions obvious.

Some people who were at the back of the crowd and was running slower were hit terribly, their bodies thrown and bleeding all over from the impact.

Unfortunately, those at the front who ran fast escaped from the bus range, causing the bus to miss them.

Seeing that, the driver punched the glass window at his side, breaking the glass window instantly while glaring viciously at the fleeing crowd of people.

The people ran faster, escaping throughout the narrow and dark alleyways that the bus couldn't get through.

Yani who was witnessed to the entire spectacle was surprised by the bus driver's madness but she really couldn't care less.

Agreeing to be here must be the worse decision she made in her entire life. Her uncontrollably growing negative emotions since she came here was proof.

Managing to resists and controll the corruption before was because there was someone who helped her, not like now where she could do nothing but be passive

She could only temporarily control it now but, it would not always be the case.

There would always be a time in the future when it will explode eventually.

Yani tried hard to control the raging negative emotions as the black threads visibly slowed down, no longer rushing and being absorbed into her heart as fast as before.

At the same time as it stopped, her black eyes that was almost enveloped by darkness disappeared, making her pitch-black eyes clear.

The others on the bus were getting used to the negativity that might attack them at anytime while Anne was licking her lips, showing a look of regret.

Seeing that the bus couldn't catched up, the bus retreated and continued to drive on the road unhindered.

As the bus moved, more dirty-looking and gloomy buildings appeared on both sides. And in the center, they saw an old majestic school, probably the oldest building in the city.

It was huge.

Just a glance of the massive black walls and gates could make one feel as tiny as an ant.

From afar, they could see patterns and murals, images depicting a bloody war and the gods and goddesses that people worship.

'This must be the new school',

Yani mused as she looked at the whole school from the distance, feeling a familiar calling for her inside.

The red school bus approached the gates of the school and drove through the massive gates.

When Yani looked closer, she realized that besides the images depicting war, there were also exquisite unknown writings on the walls surrounding the school.

However, based on her knowledge, Yani didn't managed to matched the written language that she saw on the existing languages the she knew.

When the bus stopped, a bunch of students in different uniforms came out from the school, stopping just before the massive black gates.

The driver alighted first, with his face still the same annoyed look.

Yani unhurriedly followed, leaving the stifling atmosphere inside. The girl on ponytails running quickly out of the bus holding her luggage, sighing in relief as she got out of the uncomfortable situation inside.

The others followed closely behind them with their luggage as they all alighted safely from the bus.

A female teacher wearing a black dress with the same pattern and design as the driver approached them as they all got out.

"What do you think?"

She asked the bus driver seemingly nonchalant, sweeping her eyes at the new arrivals one by one examining them.

"Not bad. Some have great potentials while some are simply trash that those in powers threw to us."

Hearing that, the group behind following him immediately focused their wandering eyes on him, giving him different reactions.

Ignoring them, the bus driver continued speaking unconcernedly.

"What about the other batches?"

"Your's is the last of this year's batch of students, I guessed."

The female teacher shrugged casually, not really paying attention.

"Where are you going then with this entourage of elite students in your command?", the driver raise his eyebrows questioningly at their group.

As if reminded by the question, the female teacher's face turned serious immediately as she slowly and carefully reminded the man.

"The other side have been on the move recently."

"Is that why the school couldn't even spare a few to patrol in the city?!"

"The school have been lacking in manpower recently. Almost all the elites are sent to the other side."

Yani, who was observing quietly instantly perked up hearing the term 'other side' being said repeatedly. She listened quietly, gathering every little information she could of the school.