
Lady of the Devil

“An eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound. I shall seek my revenge” declared Ophelia Abellone, the duchess of the Demesne Empire. As the rightful heiress of the Abellone, who had ruled the Demesne Empire for ages, she found herself utterly alone. A devastating fire had consumed her home, claiming the lives of all the Abellone family members. But then, one fateful day, a blood contract was forged with a man dressed in all white, Damien Lynx. Ophelia vanished, only to return, determined to claim her throne as Lady of the Devil. ... Book cover made by AI. WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD! Read wisely.

littlemaomao_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs

CALL OF DUTY: Illiana’s Revival —1


Winter cast its icy grip over the Republic of Illiana. Snow swirled outside, adding a bleak layer to the already tense almosphere within the dimly lit prison cell.

Ophelia's breath came out in visible puffs as she confronted President Maras, who was confined behind iron bars, his once imposing presence now reduced to a figure of regret.

"You made a deal with them?!" Ophelia's voice cut trough the cold air, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and disappointment. "They are using you, Maras!"

Maras, hunched on the narrow cot, looked up with hollow eyes. "I know… I was wrong. I admit that I was stupid enough to let them intervene" his voice trembled, laden with guilt. "I want to fix this mess…"