
Lady: Ex Machina

“This is not the place for you to die…” Those words still rings in my ears... What does it take for someone to protect at all costs? When the fate of the entire world is inside this young woman, to what ends of the world would you do to protect her? And how many people does it take to handle such a mission? A clueless high schooler’s life would be in the hands of the country's best men and women. Also what complications does it have when getting too close with the main objective? Is getting comfortable enough to get the entire world on the bleeding edge of destruction, hopefully not.

Sandwich_Author · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Clearing & Cleaning I

While I prepare myself for school. I heard Mom's voice to inform me of something. It's most likely important, well it is.

"Seems like they'll be moving around people to scout out the area that you guys might be walking in. Try to stick to that route and be on high alert. Your mother here will try her best to not let any of them get to you kids." Mom informed me of the situation through

"Anything else you want to tell me Mom?" I asked.

"Oh I love hearing those words but no I don't just have fun out there at school without dropping your guard as always. Mother will take care of the rest." Mom disconnects her connection after saying that.

Seems like she's engaging already at this hour too?! She better have some rest first. Mom's working hard so I'd better do mine as well.

Soon after I met up with the others on our way to school and we walked together.

"How's your morning today? You look happy Mia." I asked to start out the mood.

"I had a great breakfast today, mom made it super special for today." Mia shares her morning event and how she was happy about it.

"What about you Elizabeth?" I asked her after Mia finished telling her day.

"I just so happened to finish a book I was reading this morning while I was eating breakfast." Elizabeth responded quite calmly in comparison.

"Oh, what's the book about Eli?" Mia asked.

While they continue their conversation I could spot a few bugs around the area that keeps an eye out for us… And then disappear as if they weren't there, it seems like Mom is doing her best to keep everyone safe out here.

With the reassuring performance Mom is doing out there I feel a bit relieved that there's someone keeping us in check. But that doesn't mean I have to let my guard down. The special magic Mom uses to keep us both in check is surprising that both Hailey and Sylve have detected yet.

I bet this is some kind of advanced magic that only Mom knows. I wonder where she learned so much about magic. I let that thought in my head for a while and we continued on to school.

After that I went on by my day going to school with my classmates and Elizabeth. I got close to her to give myself some ground to prevent any quick handed tactics on any form of attack. And as always I hide it behind a facade to form a bond with her.

Meanwhile in Exia's perspective…

Now that I gave my message to Beatrix. I can finally stretch my legs again after what… A decade now of me not fighting? I'm glad that I was allowed to engage enemies again.

I spotted a squad coming up from the west side of the school route far from the usual routes students take while still being close to the proximity. I guess it's time for work, and begin to chant these words…

"My body is my vessel…" Those words resonate with me as I form a blade to begin my operation.

Landing in front of where the suspected squad would place themselves. Weapons? Suppressed guns on most of them. But something's off from the way they have their weapons I must engage now.

"You boys are quick to deploy, sadly this is where your deployment ends right here right now. I won't let you get anymore closer than this."

"Who the hell are you?" The ruffian raises his rifle towards her.

"Oh, aiming that weapon at a woman is rude, you know?" I made quick work of him in front of his comrades.

Seems like I still got it. My blade hasn't been dull over the past decade or so. I usually handle them with hand to hand combat but they're using weapons so I have to use mine as well to keep a level playing field.

"What the hell!? Wait, aren't you the Cleaner?! Everyone, shoot her-" The leader, what I presume he could be, died before he even finished saying his orders.

"Oh dear, he died before he finished saying his final words… Don't worry I'll make everyone of you say your final words." I raised my blade and finished what I had started.

To protect those people coming from different walks of life. And to secure a peaceful future. That's what I fight for in this field.

I have an adopted daughter whom I didn't want her to join the work I do. But I can't really force her to stop now that she's old enough. I didn't bring up the work I do from her, she just happened to stumble upon it.

And right now my goal here is to keep her, and her new found friends safe and sound. I wonder how they are doing over there at school. Also I can't believe these bastards have the audacity to prepare an attack on the school itself.

I extracted some information about them. And they plan to act like terrorists attacking the school. They have affiliation to ArmTech Industries, the company that is connected to Krome's family.

These poor bastards were just hired to be cannon fodder. Something's really up since for some reason. They're positioned and spaced between other teams as far off as possible.

But they are as predictable as cannon fodder plus it's not that they have any other choice but to accept their fate fighting against me.

Meanwhile back to Beatrix and the others…

From the feeling alone around the school. It feels like 3-5 people are keeping an eye out for us. I haven't let them notice me just yet.

The others seem like they haven't noticed that we're being followed. So I redirected everyone to the clubroom to divert everyone's attention. Since so far this is the only place we're safe from them.

"We've been walking around for a while now. What if we stayed in the clubroom." I suggested the topic of hanging out in the clubroom.

"Oh, yeah, I mean there is a reason why we have a clubroom." Chuckled Sylve.

"We almost always do our club meetings outside so we're not really used to being in the clubroom since we barely had members." Embarrassed Hailey.

And so we headed to the clubroom but I had to leave. I have to report what is happening here.

"You guys go ahead. I'll go to the bathroom." I told them I had to go.

"Oh sure we'll just be in the clubroom." Elizabeth replied as they went to the clubroom and I headed to the bathroom upstairs.

Mom, you there? Can you hear me?

"Loud and clear, Bea. Do you have something to report?" Asked Mom.

Seems like I spotted a couple of peeping rats on our tail. They've been following us in school for a while now. And I now start to doubt the security of this school. Can you check it out for me?

"No can do Bea. I can't get inside those school grounds. I'm gonna stick out like a sore thumb. You have to handle them yourself." Mom replied.

Great now how do I handle them when there's a lot of witnesses here. I can't just engage them when risking other students' lives out in public.

"Didn't I train you to do covert operations? Use what I taught you, plus I have info on them already. They're not students here, you can take them out without mercy." Mom replied.

I guess I have to trap them in the abandoned clubroom in the old building.

"Sure, that should be a good enough space distance from the students there. Wear your Presence Concealment ring when taking them out. You only have CQC to use out there good luck. I'll handle the rest of them here." Mom disconnects from the call.

Alright, but before that I have to cover up my position. But I could probably finish this before it gets too far. They're probably using radar to detect us. It's best to end that hope of them finding me.

Time to clear out this place. These bastards have overstayed their visit here.

I learned some tricks from Mom on how to screw up radar and misguide the people who use them. A little bit of adjusting and targeting the abandoned building in about 2 minutes. On their radar it would show up like they're walking to the abandoned building.

Magic is such a mysterious ability. If I could call it that even, I know its something not to mess around but I am concerned how I could use them so easily.

It's odd that this is magic and not some kind of technology. I hope they fall for this trick. Best to follow what I've learned for now before I start to doubt my own ability here. Anyways, let's get to business and show these bastards the ropes of this world if you mess around in this country.

Thanks for picking up the newest chapter!

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