
Lady Emperor

Rogue was a Warlord. He was a Former Slave that went through the Flames of War. He climbed the Mountain of Power and reached the Peak of Strength. He created an army that conquered All Nations within the World and made himself the one and only emperor. But as time passes by, Rogue found his Limit. In his Path of Power, He could only see a Cliff that leads to Damnation.  Rogue sought Power, but the Limit broke him apart. He was the only Emperor of his World. He managed to reach the Peak of Humanity. But it wasn't enough to satisfy his Lust for Power. He slowly became a Cold Tyrant Emperor that squashed any Enemies that stands in his way.  As time passes by within the Empire and at the age of 120, The Fall began. With the Tyrant Emperor that Nobles hate, It was time for Revolution. The Technology of War that progress through Half a Century. Even the Emperor's Strength couldn't fight back against Artillery.  It was clear that the Empire that encompassed the World was about to fall. Humanity would then get broken into pieces, and History was about to Repeat.  The Emperor sat upon his Golden Throne with his Aging Body. He looked upon his Ruined Castle as an Alarm echoed within it. He closed his eyes, and a Bright Light illuminated the Empire. An Earthquake was Felt, and a Thunderous Sound was Heard. A Mushroom Cloud was formed as it touched the Heavens. The Reign of the Tyrant Emperor finally ended.  But a Strange Ancient and Monotone Voice echoed within the Darkness of the Void. *Do you Wish for Power?* "Yes..." *Do you Seek for Power?* "I yearn for Power..." *Would you do Everything for Power?* "Anything for Power..." *Then your Adventure has just begun.* [Genres: Fantasy, Scifi, Action, Adventure, Reincarnation, Gender Bender] [Be warned that the MC is Ruthless.]

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
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40 Chs


In the Outskirts of the Mountain Region, There was a Temporary Base that appeared within it. It was a Gigantic Base created by the Droids and equipped by the Monster Army and Attack Drones. Numerous Attack Drones flew above as they protected the Temporary Base while the Monsters attack the Enemy Army. An Attack Drone with a Fleet of Attack Drones protecting it landed slowly upon the Temporary Base. It landed without any problems as a Figure revealed itself by leaving the Drone. It was a 5-year-old Girl with White-Silver Hair. She had Golden Amber Eyes that signified domination, and she had a strange aura of tyranny over her. She walked towards the Command Center of the Temporary Base. It was time for the Reports and the Interrogation of the Enemy Commanders.

As the White-Silver Haired Girl walked towards the Command Center, She wore a Small Commander Uniform and had a Serious and Cold Eyes plastered on her face. She calmly entered the Command Center, and it was time to hear the reports of the Battle. She expected there to be numerous casualties, and to be honest. A Monster dying doesn't equal loss as the Monster would go back to the Hivemind. They can fight once again after gaining back their body. Typhon then said with her monotone voice.

"Master, The Casualties aren't that much, but the information about it will get reported," Typhon said as Rogue nodded. She walked towards the Main Command Room and sat on her chair. She calmly looked at the Metallic Ball, which was Typhon. Typhon then began reporting the Information about the Casualties within Rogue's Army. It was the First Casualty Report in the Entire Existence of the Army. Monsters tend not to bother about casualties, but Rogue wanted to know everything about the Battle. The Deaths, The Strategies, and the Enemies.

"The First Casualty Report would be about Alpha Point Battlefield. The VanMonsters lost within the Alpha Point Battlefield is about 10. The Harvesters lost within the Battlefield is 0. There are only about 10 Casualties on the Battlefield. The Reasons for their Deaths are because of the Number of Advantages of the Enemy. The Shield Generator got penetrated by the Enemy and got disabled. It seemed that we would need to improve on our Shield Defense Systems." Typhon explained the Reports of her Own Battlefield. Rogue nodded and said with a calm tone. "Continue..."

"The Second Casualty Report would be about Bravo Point Battlefield. The VanMonsters lost within the Bravo Point Battlefield is about 1,200." The Atmosphere within the Command Room got colder and colder. Rogue had a cold expression plastered on her face as she wasn't happy with the report. She then opened her Hivemind as her voice echoed through every Monster but mainly towards Exodus. "Exodus, Do you have any explanation about your Casualties?" Rogue said with a cold tone as she waited for Exodus's answer.

*I apologize for wasting my Emperor's Soldiers. The Army was quite chaotic as the Enemy dared to underestimate us. The Monster Army began charging, and they probably still haven't thought of their life as something important. The Change the Emperor brought upon the Army still hasn't been plastered upon its very soul. I wish the Emperor to give the Monster Army a chance as they are still young in the Emperor's ways.* Exodus was quite good at explaining the Faults of the Monster Army. The Cold Atmosphere within the Command Room slowly disappeared.

"You're quite good at giving at explaining and making reasonable arguments," Rogue said with an honest tone as she had a smirk plastered upon her face. The Hive Mind then closed, and it was time for Typhon to continue reporting the Reports in the Last Battlefield of the War. The Charlie Point, also known as the Emperor's Battlefield for the Monsters. Rumors have been spreading about the Rogue's accomplishments within the Battlefield.

"The Last Casualty Report would be the Charlie Point Battlefield. According to the Information and Reports we have. There are no Casualties within it, and the Harvesters rarely move. Master took out most of the Enemy by herself. The Reports said things about Golden Transparent Spears that fell from the Heavens. It might be the Armament Creation that Master recently learned. There are also rumors about the Emperor spreading within the Monster Army." Typhon said as Rogue raised an Eyebrow. She was quite curious about the Rumors in the Monster Army. "What rumors?" Rogue asked with a calm tone.

"The Rumors were about Master beheading the Queen and Killing an Entire Army using the Heavens. The VanMonsters in Charlie's Battlefield seemed to be the ones spreading it. They also receive your speech which made the Monsters within different Battlefield jealous about them." Typhon explained the Rumors about Rogue. Rogue, hearing Typhon's words, nodded. The Rumors spreading within the Monster Army weren't harmful and since it was their first war together. Rogue would let them off for now.

"It seemed that the Reporting of the Casualties is finished. Why don't we talk about the captured Commanders." Rogue said towards Typhon. Typhon nodded in her Metallic Ball form and began taking out a Report about the Enemy Commanders. The Commanders they had were numerous and came from different species. The only strange thing they had was that they spoke one language, which was ultimately strange. It was strange even for Rogue for numerous species to have on language.

"Master... The discussion about the Enemy Commanders will now start." Typhon said as Rogue nodded. It was time for them to begin the Important Discussion about the Enemy Commanders. The Hologram Imaging Machine then activated, and the Enemy Commanders was revealed. Rogue looked at them with a curious expression. They were the commanders of the Army that consist of a dozen million creatures.

"The Enemy Commanders captured alive are the Giant Elephant, Giant Eagle, Big Black Tiger, Giant Dinosaur, Giant Gorilla, Giant Serpent, Giant Treant, Ancient One, and The Queen." Numerous Holograms about the Monsters were in front of Rogue. They came from different species that worked together to fight against her. How they manage to unite was quite surprising, especially when their technological level was quite low.

"Would Master like to meet them?" Typhon asked as Rogue nodded. The two of them left the Command Room and exited the Command Center. Arriving at the Metallic Door that slowly opened, They met with Numerous Monsters waiting for Rogue. They bowed and seemed to have nothing to do other than look at her from afar. Rogue and Typhon head towards a Small Area where the Prisoners were kept. They didn't have a facility for the current size of the Enemy Commanders, so they decided to keep them outside.

Rogue then managed to see the Enemy Commanders surrounded by Attack Drones and Harvesters. She looked towards them, and it seemed that they were really huge creatures. If it was in her Old World, One of them could easily bring havoc and end her Old World. To think such monsters would be in her backyard captured by her own army. It was quite surprising to see how much the scales of her life got higher and higher.

Rogue then stood in front of the Enemy Commanders. She looked like an Ant compared to the Enemy Commanders. But such Ant and its Army caused the end of their allied species. The Enemy Commanders looked at Rogue. They were quite shocked to see a Little Girl that had White Silver Hair and Golden Amber Eyes. They understood that the Little Girl was the Alpha of the Army. The Leader that destroyed the whole ecosystem of the Continent.

"It's nice to meet you... Prisoners of War." Rogue smiled and said with a calm tone. The Enemy Commanders avoided her gaze as they turned their heads. Rogue then released her Aura and made the Enemy Commanders looked at her. She then turned her gaze towards the Giant Treant. The One Creature that manages to connect with the Hivemind.

"A Creature like you is quite Rare. You would be a good specimen for my Future Creations." Rogue said while looking at the Giant Treant. She then looked at Typhon and gave her the Signal. The Attack Drones that hovered around the Enemy Commanders then fired harpoons towards the Giant Treant. The Giant Treant then got dragged by numerous Attack Drones. Some Enemy Commanders wanted to stop the Attack Drones only to meet the Gigantic Cannons of the Harvesters.

"Now, Are any of you ready to talk?" Rogue said in the Language current spoken by the Creatures. The Enemy Commanders were surprised as they looked at Rogue with open eyes. The Giant Gorilla then spoke towards Rogue. "What are you gonna do to us? Are you gonna kill us?" It was a question that Enemy Commanders wanted to ask. Were they gonna die like their Army?

"Hmm... Killing you would be wasteful as all of you are good specimens." Rogue said as she was planning to experiment on them. She would get some of their DNA and make some hybrid out of them. But before she could continue with such a plan. She walked towards the Enemy Commander that didn't look at her. She stood in front of the Enemy Commander and smiled.

"Queen... Can you stop pretending?" Rogue calmly asked as the Queen's eyes began gazing towards her. The Enemy Commanders right beside the Queen shivered after seeing the actions done by the Queen. "I never thought that you could easily pierce through my Masked Death. As expected of the Leader of a Monstrous Army." The Queen said with a calm tone to Rogue.

"There is a reason why I brought you here. I never thought of you as dead." Rogue said as the Queen understood that her Masked Death never worked. She originally thought Rogue was making her head a War Trophy. It seemed that she was quite wrong about it. She then began chuckling and spoke to Rogue with a calm tone.

"What do you want?" The Queen asked as she was curious as to why Rogue brought her to this place. Experimenting on her body would be a good thing to assume, but Rogue was hinting at something else. Rogue smiled and spoke towards the Queen with a Tone that signified dominance. "I want you to be my Subordinate and integrate to the Hivemind."

"If you don't accept my offer. I wouldn't kill you... I will make you feel hell before dying in peace." Rogue said with a smile plastered on her face. Her Tone was passive-aggressive. She was saying it as if she was advising the Queen to accept her offer. The Queen was forced into thought. She thought about it for a while and sighed.

"Understood... I will accept your offer." The Queen said as Rogue nodded in satisfaction. She then walked back to the Facilities of her Temporary Base. It was time for her to check on one of her newest Awakened Abilities. It was quite an interesting ability according to its name. Rogue never had the time to check on it as she was focus on the Armament Skills.

She then walked back to the Command Center and began testing the Awakened Ability called Inspect within it. It was a Strange Name that signified something strange. She then held a Simple Cup and activated the Inspect Skill. She then met with a Screen Window that came from the Inspect. Rogue looked at it and was shocked.

"How is this possible? This is strange!!!" Rogue said as she never knew what to feel about it. She looked at it and began reading the things written on the Screen Window. After reading it multiple times, The Shiver within her body got stronger and stronger. She felt her cold sweat dripping from her forehead and her heart beating wildly.

"The Awakened Ability called Inspect reveals a Written Code within an Object. But why would there be a Written Code within an Object?" The only answer to such a question was only one thing. Rogue didn't want to say a single thing about it. It would break her reality and would give her insanity.