
Chapter 89: Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Li’s Plan

"Jie jie, please come back!" Gabriel wailed on the floor, gripping his sister's dress.

"Gabriel, stop being a child and let your sister go." Mrs. Bai sighed exasperatedly. It was amusing to see her youngest being childish but, she couldn't help but be a bit embarrassed still.

"Not until you and dad let her come back to the company! I don't want non of this in the first place! Give me back my youth!"

Surely, everyone was wondering what on Earth happened? Well, it all started when Gabriel Bai explode from too much paperworks. He had enough working as an acting CEO and doing nothing but reading and signing files after files.

He did not choose IT engineering to work as a freaking businessman! We want to work with computers, not papers!

Just thinking how his sister endured all of this baffled him. Why hadn't she gone crazy from boredom and the continuous cycle of reading, signing and listening to boring meetings and reports?