
Chapter 404: Lessons About Life’s Threats

"Is it just me, or Fenhua is oddly quiet?"

"Quiet?" Yang Nina repeated quizzically, tilting her head to the side at one of her classmates.

"She means there has been no crimes or trouble plaguing the streets today." Another one of her classmates clarified.

"It's true. Not that I'm complaining, but we've been patrolling for hours and we've seen not even a single suspicious activity."

"Maybe it just so happen we're patrolling on the safest part of the city?" Yang Nina reasoned.

"Nah, I heard from the other groups that it's quiet on their side too."

"Urgh, this is getting boring. I need an outlet for my energy."

"I know we're just Earth students and we're not ready for something big yet, but how could the academy expect us to hone our skills if we're just walking around in places looking for people doing petty crimes?"

"Don't forget to add that those people are usually weak too."