
Lady Boros in Dragon ball

"Welcome to the world where I Boros will defeat everyone that stands in my way. I will trample over people that stands up to my challange!" Disclaimer: I don't own any anime or characters in them

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Friends and Jazz

On the red planet Khal'el, in the Kam family's house, you could see a young girl saying goodbye to her family. The girl had pretty wild and spiky pink hair. Her face was adorned with one large blue eye like the sun. She also had a big cheerful smile, with purple veins running along her body, most of them around her eye.

It was Kam'zul, who had just turned five and couldn't wait. Today would be her first lesson. But most of all, she couldn't wait to make new friends there.

Kam'zul turned at the entrance and looked at her mother, who was the only one there.

Her brother Kam'ra was already at lectures, and her father Kam'op was already at work. Her mother gave her a kiss on the forehead. And spoke.

"Enjoy yourself today, my little star."

Kam'zul just nodded.


And she began to run out for new experiences.

Her mother, Kam'tzu, just chuckled. And remembered something.

"Ah, today I need to go shopping. But first, I should get dressed, shouldn't parade naked through the streets."


(Kam'zul's POV)

'Today is going to be amazing, I can't wait to make lots of friends.'

I slowly walked to the park, fantasizing about today, when I saw someone I knew very well.

I started running towards him and bumped into his back.


We did a few somersaults together and then stopped. Kog'we is one of my best friends, we both want to become professional Uzurnal players.

My friend just grumbled.

"Kam'zul, do you always have to jump like this when we meet?"

I just tilted my head to one side.

"Well, of course. This is our ritual."

We both got up. 'The first day of lectures. My brother said the first ones are easy and then those after choosing a specialization are boring.

With Kog'we, we went to the lecture in the park. We saw several children already sitting on the grass, some I knew, some I didn't. We sat down next to the others. There were eight of us there.

We saw our teacher, she was an older lady who looked kind.

She just smiled.

"Hello, children, my name is Zel'bul, and I will be teaching you for some time."

She just looked at everyone and continued speaking.

"So, now we will introduce ourselves, we will go from right to left, and everyone will say their name, hobby, and what they want to be in the future."

So we started getting to know each other. In the group, there were five boys and three girls, including me.

Kog'we stood up and started speaking.

"My name is Kog'we, I like Uzurnal, playing with my friends, and when I grow up, I want to be a professional Uzurnal player."

The old lady smiled at him, then looked at me. It was my turn. I stood up. And joyfully declared.

"My name is Kam'zul, and I love my family, Uzurnal, and my family. When I grow up, I want to be a professional Uzurnal player like Kog'we."

The old lady smiled and looked beside me, where a girl with black hair was sitting. She looked quite tired. And spoke monotonously.

"My name is Pul'tem, I like sleep, and I'm interested in the technology of various machines. When I grow up, I will create new machines."

The others started introducing themselves. We started playing various games. Before I knew it, everyone was stuck on me. It was an amazing day, and it was starting to get dark. I went home with Pul'tem and Kog'we.

We were at the crossroads. I looked at Kog'we and started speaking.

"Kog'we, see you tomorrow."

Kog'we just smiled.

"Oh, and don't forget, I'll win next time."

I looked at Pul'tem, who was yawning.

"Pul'tem, where do you live?"

She just pointed in the direction of my house. I just smiled.

"Well, then we have the same way."

Pul'tem just nodded, and on the way home, we talked and laughed. For the first time today, I saw her smile.

We had fun until we were in front of my house.

We were alone at home for some time, my big brother and father should be back soon.

I started smiling and decided to tell her everything that happened.

"Today was great, listen..."


(Second day of school)

Kam'zul waited outside the Pul family's house. The door was opened by an adult woman with red hair. She smiled at me. And started stroking my hair.

"You must be Kam'zul. Pul'tem talked a lot about you. She'll be ready soon.

As soon as she finished speaking, a head with black hair appeared from behind her. It was Pul'tem. She waved at me and started rubbing her eye, greeting me with a yawn.

"Good morning, Kam'zul."

I energetically waved back at her.

"Pul'tem, Pul'tem. We must hurry, we can't be late, I can't wait anymore."

Pul'tem's mother chuckled and tousled my hair.

"Hahaha, you're quite an energetic girl. Suddenly, she magically produced some cookies from somewhere and offered me one.

"Would you like some?"

"Yes, thank you, eeeh."

She just smiled.

"You can call me Auntie Tam."

"Thank you, Auntie Tam."

Pul'tem came out of the door. She took my hand and started dragging me away from the cookies.

"Nooo, I want cookies."

Suddenly, I heard a boy's voice.

"Why is that idiot shouting?"

I looked in the direction of the voice. It was Kog'we.

Pul'tem just sighed.

"She wanted to take my mom's cookies, which she baked early this morning. I'm sure she would have eaten them all."

I just puffed up my cheeks.

"I just accepted the kindness of your mom. Kog'we, if you had seen how good they looked and smelled."

Kog'we just sighed.

"And what about your mom, Kam'zul, if you had asked her. She would have made some for you too."

I just crossed my arms.

"It was just a momentary craving."

Before we knew it, we were already in the park.

An old lady, who was in charge of us, started waving at us, clapping her hands, urging everyone to be quiet.

"So, children, today we will talk about families. And names. As you know, names consist of two parts, the first name indicates the family part, and the second part after the apostrophe is your own name.

Own names consist of two or three letters. Girls have three letters, and boys have two.

So now, everyone will say what their parents do. We'll start from the right again, so Kog'we, tell us what your parents do."

Kog'we just nodded.

"My dad works on DNA research, its modification, and other things. My mom is a homemaker."

Most of the children understood what his parents do, except for one boy.

The old lady started clapping.

"That was excellent, now it's Kam'zul's turn."

I just smiled.

"Yes, my dad works on hovercraft, specifically as a controller and organizer. My mom is also a homemaker."

The old lady started clapping again.

"Excellent, excellent. Now it's Pul'tem's turn."

Pul'tem just looked tiredly at the old lady.

"My mom is a doctor, and my dad works on exploring the universe."

Everyone looked at her. Kog'we and I looked at her in support and gave her a thumbs up.

Others looked at her because of her father's job. Exploring the universe is a highly respected job. My dad has a higher normal job, but unlike Pul'tem's, it's nothing special.

We spent the rest of the day exploring ordinary things like all our planets, their gravity, moons, rings, and other such things.

It was getting dark, and Kog'we, Pul'tem, and I were heading home. I was very happy because tomorrow we would have Uzurnal and other sports.

"I can't wait for tomorrow, and I'll crush you, Kog'we."

Kog'we just smiled slyly.

"Just in your dreams."

Meanwhile, Pul'tem sighed.

"Why did I made such a friends?"

(End of a chapter)