
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Death Game (1)

The knights stood in a circle around Desser and a young knight who was gagged and bound to a chair.

Magi Cornelius handed an augmented blade that was light for an average knight but too heavy for Desser's weakened state. Before he could ask Cornelius for a lighter or shorter weapon, Cornelius said, "when you apply Magical Energy into the blade, it'll become light enough for the wielder without sacrificing its strength or sharpness."

Desser looked at the Magi with surprise. This was the first time finding out that you could imbue a weapon with Magical power. He began to accumulate Energy into his hand, which the sword began to absorb as if it were a dried sponge.

Suddenly, the sword's hilt illuminated with similar letters that appeared on his arm. From what he remembered, these were divine words that gave people their Talents and information; but now, these words were shining on the sword in his hand.

Desser wanted to learn more about augmentation, but now was not the time. Instead, now was the time for the death game.

Vince was the only knight by his side, while Sonia was told to stay at the camp with the other maids, and Magi Cornelius stood nearby. Desser told Vince, "move me closer to this traitor. I will cut off his legs."

The tied-up knight shuttered in fear as his pupils shook at hearing what was about to be done to him.

Desser then told Cornelius, "make sure to stop the bleeding and heal him but make sure he can still feel the pain of my sword!"

Desser raised his sword. At that moment, he hesitated. Never had he hurt someone, much less killed someone. His conscience ate at him, but he couldn't afford to be so weak and kind in this new world. If he wanted to live, he needed to steel himself. This was his first step to survival, even if it was also his first step to losing his humanity.

SWISH! The sword was so sharp that the blood sprayed towards Desser. The blood shocked him. His head instinctively backed away from the scene as he closed his eyes. However, the muffled screams of the knight refused to let the prince dissociate from the reality he created.

The bleeding and screams stopped in seconds. The knight had lost consciousness because of the pain and seeing his legs fall on the ground like a rag.

Alfonse, who was in the crowd circling the gruesome scene, yelled, "is this cruelty and torture necessary? What are we even here to witness?"

Desser snapped his neck to look at Alfonse and replied, "do I have to justify myself to you? Magi Cornelius, tell me who here is above my authority?"

"Only the King and above him is Brutreq, our god."

"Good. Alfonse, hold your tongue or meet the same fate." Desser's cold response made Alfonse sweat. Never had anyone talked to him like that, not even his father, the duke. However, he felt that the prince was serious and stayed quiet.

Desser smiled to see Alfonse lower his head. He knew precisely why the senior knight spoke up now. Alfonse wanted to look like the saviour and to help his legless friend. After all, Desser recognized the knight tied up in front of him. This knight's voice resembled the one he heard insulting him with Alfonse. However, unlike Alfonse, the knight was not from a ducal family, so he could humiliate the traitor even more.

Desser then told Alfonse, "grab a rock and start beating him." He pointed at the legless knight.

Alfonse was so confused he instinctively said, "what?"

Magi Cornelius couldn't hold his anger and began choking Alfonse with Magic. Alfonse responded between gasps, "yes, my prince."

Cornelius lost his patience because Alfonse kept questioning their future prophet. Nothing was a greater sin for Cornelius than questioning the prophets. However, Cornelius turned to the prince: "Sorry, your highness. I did something without permission. I will accept your ire as well."

"Nonsense. You did well, Cornelius. A shining example of obedience and loyalty that most of these knights have forgotten."

Desser's words stung at the pride of the knights. Not all of them were on Alfonse's side, and many took their vow seriously. A knight's vow was their loyalty, obedience, protection of and to Brutreq, the King, and the Great Prophet's legacy. The last vow to "the Great Prophet's legacy" meant everything from the kingdom to his teachings to his descendants.

Majority of the knights did not object to Desser's cruelty. They thought it was their punishment for lacking discipline and failing their knightly vow. So, the anger in some knights' faces was not directed to the prince but to Alfonse. Alfonse had made them all look bad and pitiful before their liege.

However, Desser did not know what the other knights were thinking. Instead, he thought they were upset with him when he saw their upset faces. This made him angrier because he saw enemies everywhere. His life and safety were being threatened.

Desser roared in frustration. He commanded Cornelius, "end Alfonse's miserable existence if he doesn't beat the shit out of this knight." Desser pointed at the tied-up and legless knight.

Alfonse looked at Vince who was still stoically standing beside the prince. Alfonse's face looked at him pleadingly to reason with Desser. Because Vince was by his side, which was a great honour for any knight, Alfonse knew that his little brother had gained the prince's trust.

Desser noticed the look exchanged between Alfonse and Vince but stayed silent. This moment was a time to see if he could trust Vince.

The junior knight raised his head and looked at Alfonse in disgust. Vince had always respected and feared his older brother. Alfonse was paraded as the heir and best knight in the family. Vince would lower his head as his older brother hurled fists and insults at him. How could he argue with his older brother? Vince felt like he was worthless in comparison, but he now had a chance to rise above Alfonse!

Alfonse noticed his little brother's defiance, which filled him with rage. He ran at the knight, who he viewed as a friend, with the intent to kill. He bashed him in the face over and over and over and over again.

Desser silently admired the scene with disgust. His plan was to show the rest of his friends that listening to Alfonse would get them nothing. Alfonse was not more powerful than Desser, even while he was paralyzed. If they valued their vow and lives, Alfonse's friends would abandon any rebellious thoughts.

Desser called Cornelius over, "stop that mad man." He was talking about Alfonse. Cornelius laughed because it was Desser who created this insane situation, yet he was calling Alfonse the mad man. Cornelius stopped Alfonse.

"Heal the knight's face enough for him to see and his legs so he doesn't feel the pain from them." Desser spoke loud enough for everyone to hear: "We will now start Part 2 of The Death Game!"