
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Talents Continued

--NOTE: Anything in square brackets [ ] is written inside a book.

Desser continued from Chapter 2: Talents

[ Before ending the chapter here, the next important date to remember for Talents is on one's 18th birthday. ]

[ The second Talent is essential to your growth. You get a chance to shape the second Talent into something more useful. Why is that? Well, most people's desires change now that you've gotten a Talent that helps you in your day-to-day life. Instead, you'd desire something more than just a comfort but a great ambition. For example, a farmer might get a talent for strength to help them farm better and longer, but they might desire something more remarkable for the second Talent. A farmer could obtain a Talent for haggling; therefore, influencing the price of his grain or cattle. He could earn more money to become the richest farmer. The second Talent usually becomes a potent power for one's destiny and achievements. However, your desire must be significant enough to create such an outcome. Some desire multiple things and, of course, only end up with a single Talent. They will need to achieve all their goals by restricting themselves to the success of that Talent. ]

[ I have only been able to study commoners up until now because, understandably, nobles are apprehensive about me prodding their brains. Anyway, I recommend that my future successors think of a Talent that will strengthen their first Talent. I believe it would create a powerful combination and accomplish more for you than two weaker talents would. The future is yours to take; so, far be it for me to tell you how to live it. ]

[ Also, to my future successors, I will add blank pages to the end of this book. Write how the world has changed and what our descendants need to know for the prosperity of our nation. I might be the strongest Magi in history, but we are made stronger together. The Kingdom of Mogar must remain as permanent as the great Yagul mountain, as vast as the Mogarian Ocean, and as powerful as the Besalial Empire. ]

Desser stopped to think for a moment before moving on to the next chapter. He thought to himself, 'this Arch-Magi truly loves his kingdom and its people…but I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't feel anything for this place or them.' Desser had to look out for himself most of his life. Although he sympathized with people who suffered, especially like he had, he was callous to the joys and lives of anyone outside himself. Nathan, his best friend on Earth, helped him see the joys of being with someone and caring about another, but that experience still wasn't enough. Having a friend only made him want to care for people close to him, but he looked at anyone else with indifference. He did not hold hatred or love for anyone he deemed "other."

For a couple of minutes, Desser could hear a commotion outside his door. The noise disrupted his muse, and he yelled out, "what's going on out there?"

A knight replied, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Prince Mogar. Your personal maid is insisting that she needs to enter and tend to you; however, we've been instructed by Magi Cornelius to make sure no one disrupts you."

"Let Sonia in. I would like to hear what she wants," Desser told the knight.

"As you command!"

Sonia walked in and looked down as she did so. Desser was confused why this maid was remaining silent. Maybe she thought he was angry and was waiting for permission to speak?

"What is it, Sonia?"

Sonia answered, "Your highness, it's already nightfall. You have yet to eat anything, and I need to tend to your legs."

It was true that Desser was feeling famished now that he thought about it, but he wanted to know what she meant about his legs: "My legs?"

"Yes, they will atrophy without me helping move them to improve circulation and massage the muscles."

Desser was still not used to being attended to. He would have to do most things on his own. Although he wasn't a great cook, he could make a mean lasagna. Even his mother would praise his cooking, which he appreciated those few happy moments. Now, there is someone constantly around looking out for him. Desser began to understand why he loved this nation. It seemed to have such caring people, or maybe he was just emotional because he was hungry.

Desser spoke to the knights, "Sonia may come and go from my room as she pleases. Do not stop her when she needs to tend to me."

The knights were surprised because never has a maid of her social class had unlimited access to a royal's bedroom. Most maids for the King, Queen, and their descendants were nobility. The highest honour was to serve the royal family and the great prophet's direct lineage. Yet, Sonia was given direct access to the crown prince's bedroom. They did not voice their concern; instead, they decided to report to the King later. They replied, "As you command! We apologize for our impertinence!"

Desser replied, "No worries. You were only doing your job. As you were!"

The knights closed the door, and Sonia approached Desser. Sonia then said, "your highness, it's important for your recovery to eat and look after your legs daily. I don't want to see you in such a bad state again."

Desser laughed at this girl, who seemed shy but found the courage to voice her opinion. It seems his well-being was the only thing that made her come out of her shell. Sonia looked at Desser with concern, and he decided to tease her.

Desser said with a stern voice, "and you presume to lecture me?"

Sonia began to sweat and, with a trembling voice, "I-I-I would n-never! I'm ju-just worried a-about you, m-my prince! I am y-your personal mai-maid…." She said the last part in a much quieter voice.

Desser laughed again and said, "I'm only joking. I think I'm beginning to like you. Continue with what you have to do, Sonia."

The maid blushed and smiled as she attended to Desser. Desser looked out the window and saw it was dark out. The night sky was filled with stars that illuminated everything with a blue hue. He noticed that there wasn't one but two moons in the sky. A smaller moon looked like it was revolving around a bigger moon. Desser sighed in resignation. He really was in a foreign world. Sonia brought food for Desser. And after eating, he decided to sleep and continue reading tomorrow.