

Molly, lost in her laptop world, captivated my attention with her casual yet real allure. Her red curls cascaded down her back, partially concealed by a comfy sweatshirt. Sneaking up behind her, I surprised her with a warm hug, eliciting a gasp followed by a relaxed response. As we exchanged pleasantries, I playfully inquired about her work on a classics paper while keeping my hands on her shoulders. Engaging in light banter, we shared our experiences with studying, with me jokingly warning her about the blandness of history. Molly chuckled, acknowledging the similarities between our respective majors. Our conversation continued, filled with laughter and warmth, as we enjoyed each other's company.

Fredrick_Udele · Book&Literature
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Dorm rooms were a fucking financial nightmare, so I'm really glad I just rented a place slightly off-campus starting in my freshman year. It was a really wise move. It was slightly inconvenient having to bus every day, but the savings were worth it. The only downside was, I never really got a say in how much privacy I would be getting.

As soon as I opened the door, still lost in my thoughts, I heard a very loud and peppy voice. "Aaron!" In from the living room bounced Chris, who hugged me immediately.

"Hey, Chris." I said to him flatly, annoyed by his constricting embrace.

He broke off the hug and pouted at me. "The bar wasn't good to you tonight, was it, sweetie?"

"I told you guys, I was just out studying." I lied. "I've got a big test about the Balkan Coast post-World War One coming up."

Chris wagged a finger in front of my face. "Don't even lie to me." He warned me in his flamboyant voice. "I know what you get up to. I know everything." His hips were cocked, which accentuated his hourglass figure quite well. I bet that's why Jerome waited until that moment to follow Chris into the coat room.

"Chris, leave him be." Jerome ordered in his low, gravelly voice. His natural disapproving look was displayed clearly on his chiseled face, and his judgmental blue eyes were fixed on Chris. "Don't make him uncomfortable."

"Aw, but Aaron's never uncomfortable about it." Chris whined. "Don't I get to ask him a serious question once in a while? We could do an intervention thing or something."

"Look, guys, I appreciate it, but I'm really fine." I protested. "I'll be fine. I'd just like to have some space."

Chris looked deep into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity. "You have the most beautiful hazel eyes. I have never noticed that before." He finally spouted.

"Chris." Jerome said sternly. Chris pouted and backed away.

"Fine." He conceded. "But if you ever want to tell us anything, we're here for you." He joined Jerome and stole a quick peck on the lips from him.

"Chris, not in front of him." Jerome snapped.

"I don't mind." I waved them off as I took off my shoes and plopped down onto the living room chair. The duo followed, with Jerome sitting down on the couch and Chris getting into some kind of cuddling position with him. Us three sat in silence, watching TV, with Jerome lightly stroking Chris' hair.

"You guys." I lightly jokes.

"You just said you didn't mind." Chris piped up.

"It's not that." I replied. "I think you've been here more this week than I have. When are you moving in with us?"

Chris grinned. "Yeah Jer. When am I moving in?" He asked teasingly.

Jerome groaned and buried his face in his hands. It was hard to see all of his face considering Chris' big hair was in the way. It wasn't long, it was just... big. Almost poofy, but not frizzy. Just a big brown mess. Jerome's hair, on the other hand, was short, blond, and seemingly well-maintained. The two looked like they were straight out of a Neil Simon story. Mine was the usual short Italian black hair you saw in practically every mobster movie, minus the copious amounts of grease.

Chris turned his attention from Jerome to me. "We're working on it." He told me. "Jer Bear spent half the night making arrangements, doing phone calls..." He reached up and rubbed Jerome's cheek sympathetically. "It's been a rough night."

"I was about to say, it's past 2am." I pointed out. "I figured you guys didn't spend the whole night watching Sci-fi B-movies. Are you staying over, Chris?"

Chris nodded. "Sleeping on the couch again."

"I offered you my bed." Jerome pointed out.

"But then you'd have to sleep on the couch." Chris pouted. I knew that neither one of them had to sleep on the couch, but I didn't know how open they were about that kind of thing, so I kept my mouth shut. "I don't mind. It means I get to spend more time with you. And Aaron and Molly, of course." Chris added.

"Oh, right. Molly." I said nonchalantly. "How's she been tonight?"

Jerome shrugged. "Same as usual. In her room."

"Poor darling's been cooped up in her room all night." Chris interjected. "Studying and practicing, making sure she doesn't make a single mistake all year. You know, I think it's better to learn from mistakes in university than always be too prepared. Wouldn't you agree, honey?" He looked up at Jerome with his trademark puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." Jerome answered gruffly.

"But she does have the cutest button nose." Chris went on. "And her beautiful red, curly hair. And her deep brown eyes."

"What, you thinking of marrying her?" I asked Chris jokingly.

Chris smirked. "Call me when she gets a sex change, then I can leave this oaf." Chris prodded Jerome in the cheek, giggled, then reached up and kissed him on the nose. "Besides, they keep the same hours."

"Oh, she's still awake?" I asked disinterestedly.

Chris nodded. "Last time I checked, which was maybe half an hour ago, she was."

I shrugged. "May as well go see her then." I told them flatly. "Then I'm gonna hit the hay. You two have a good night."

"You too, sweetie." Chris merrily waved me off. Jerome merely raised his hand, eyes still fixed on the TV.