How I wished for the woman I love most dearest in this world to have suffered less pain than was dealt to her.
You know how people wish to help carry the burdens of their beloved? That's how I feel about her load.
But the myth is, would I have ever been strong enough to combine the cards I've been dealt with her hefty load or would I succumb under the pressure?
"Well are you going to keep us standing on the doorstep or invite us in?" Noah asks while holding onto a squirming newborn covered in a fluffy pink blanket with little embroidered silver stars on it.
The sight of them broke my heart. Leading my trail of thoughts to a dark place, a place of loss, grief and a massive explosion of cold brutal pain.
Having Amia stand next to him with the brightest smile she can possibly muster rubbed even more salt in my already raw and still open wound.