
Chapter 3 - Babel

"Hey loser"

As soon as Shinji called me, he pointed to the door, the darkness was still present giving no view to what was behind.

"Go through"

As soon as Shinji said this my eyes widened, although Shinji has been making me suffer this whole time, I never really thought he would go so far as to kill me, but here and now, he was asking me to die, i looked around but all my classmates looked the other way, they had really abandoned me, i felt an immense anger inside me, Shinji is a scum, but so are they all, none of these wretches deserve to live, but while these thoughts are flowing like a whirlwind inside me what could I do about it, it was me against them, in an extreme environment humans would be capable of anything.

With this thought in mind I stood up and started walking towards the door, as soon as I reached the front of the door I looked back one last time, all my classmates were looking at me, some had a look of pity on their faces but no one would save me, as I looked back, I didn't notice when a hand approached me, I was abruptly pushed forward falling into the portal, my last sight before I was swallowed by the darkness was of Shinji with a smile on his face, i don't know how long I've been wandering in this space, the only thing I can tell is that I haven't died, but I can't say that my current situation is good.

"Are you frustrated boy?"

As I was thinking about my possible end a voice made itself present in the darkness, the voice sounded distorted, I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman.

"Do you want revenge against those children?"

The voice continued speaking, although I didn't know what was going on there was something I understood at that time, whatever this thing is, it and extremely powerful, I am probably the same as an insect in its eyes.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I'm not getting out of this place anyway"

As soon as I said this something began to distort in front of me, it felt like space was being torn apart, before I knew it a totally black silhouette was in front of me, its blue eyes were spinning in an endless vortex, I felt that if I kept looking any longer it would suck me in, it felt like my soul was being ripped out of me.

"You're not going to die, you've entered a special teleportation made by us gods, you would be immediately transported to Babel, well, that's if I hadn't interfered a bit with the course"

I feel like I've heard a lot of strange things at once, my head is struggling to keep up with what this is saying, but if what she's saying is true, that means we've been transported to this place.

"You are right, more precisely you will be transported to Babel, there is basically the board of the gods, and you of course will be the pieces"

Said the voice appearing behind me, at that moment I realized that this was reading my mind, moreover.

(The shadow said board? we are basically pawns being used for some kind of game?)

My thoughts were racing with the amount of information I was receiving, but soon the voice started talking again giving me no room to think.

"Anyway, all your friends... acquaintances, are receiving blessings from the gods to manage to survive in Babel"

Hearing the words of the being in front of me I narrowed my eyes at the words she used but decided to ignore it, even though I was feeling a bit annoyed it's not like I could change anything about my current situation.

As soon as the voice said this, it disappeared again and when I turned my gaze forward, spiraling blue eyes stared at me.

"That's why I came, I was interested in you, you who have been betrayed by everyone, you who seek revenge, I will help you get revenge on them"

Even though the voice was saying it would help me I still didn't let my guard down, and as the saying goes, what comes for free is expensive.

"What do you want in return?"

As soon as I said that the shadow seemed to smile, although I don't know if that and possible was the impression it gave me.

"I don't want anything, you know, I am immortal, as well as a being far beyond your comprehension, do you think you can give me something I want?"

I was silent at his question, I really can't think of anything that would cheer up the being in front of me.

"Hahaha, you don't have to be so on guard, but, well... since you need a reason to trust me, let's just say that watching your revenge will be enough for me"

After hearing the shadow's words, I give a sigh and walk towards the shadow, even if I get suspicious it wouldn't change anything, if this shadow wanted, I would already be dead.

"Very well, I accept your help, what should I do?"

As soon as I said that the shadow seemed to smile again before touching my hand.

"With that, we enter into the contract"

As soon as she said this I felt as if something was being absorbed into my body, as soon as I looked around, I saw that there was a black mist entering my body.

"I am giving you my blessing, with this you will be able to use the gluttony factor, I will also be able to speak directly to you, so should you need any advice I will be listening to your prayers"

I continued listening to the voice of the being in front of me, suddenly I felt a strange feeling of sleep, I wanted to sleep right there, as the thought of sleep dominated my mind suddenly the shadow began to disperse, and then the true identity of the being in front of me came into view, white braided hair, crystal blue eyes and a beautiful white dress adorned the beautiful girl in front of me.

"When you wake up you will already be inside babel, as soon as you wake up pray for the name, Aurora, and you will see the new power you have acquired, plus I will give you a welcome gift"

As soon as the beautiful goddess said this my eyes closed and I blacked out.

"Wake up you useless thing"

I was suddenly woken up by something, I was kind of bewildered for being woken up so abruptly but I was able to easily recognize the person in front of me.


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