
Chapter 15 - Fighting the salamander

When the ground shook slightly, Saemi and I instinctively looked at what we previously thought was a rock, the "rock" began to rise, a long, long tail appeared as the monster rose. The monster was extremely similar to a Komodo dragon, the only difference was its red color, the monster turned to me and Saemi and stared at us for a few seconds before making an extremely disconcerting noise.


After that without any warning the monster started running towards us, unfortunately its size did not dictate its speed, the monster was running at a tremendous speed.


After those words I take Saemi's hand and quickly prepare to get out of the way of the monster that was furiously advancing towards us.

"Fast step"

After my words Saemi and I managed to escape the onslaught of the monster.

"W-What is that thing?"

Saemi asked in terror, unfortunately this was a question that I also wanted the answer to, while thinking about how to act in the face of this situation I get distracted for a second from the monster but soon my attention returns to it when Saemi calls out to me.

"Makoto, look"

Saemi said pointing, as soon as I followed her gaze, I saw that the monster's belly started to radiate a red glow, it looked like something was moving from its stomach to its mouth, in seconds smoke could be seen coming out of the monster's mouth, as soon as it left its mouth open it was possible to see that there was fire inside its mouth, and with this fire the monster released everything in our direction, without a second thought I activated my skill hoping that it would be able to intercept this monster's attack, there was no more time to move, and even if I tried Saemi would have to be left behind.

"Dark manipulation"

Following my words, a huge black wall appeared in front of me and Saemi, seconds after the black wall was erected, suddenly my body feels a huge pressure, as if something was pushing me backwards, I felt that if I couldn't withstand this pressure Saemi and I would be finished, resisting the pressure of being thrown backwards I grit my teeth trying to relieve the pain, it felt like my body was being crushed, within seconds the pain stops and the pressure goes away.

(What the hell was that? Was that the clash between my skill and that monster's?)

I thought as sweat dripped from my forehead, holding that attack drained almost all the energy I was having, this was certainly an experience I'd rather not experience again in the future.


While I was lost in thought the monster seemed ready to attack again, preparing myself to escape should he throw fire or advance towards us I am confused when neither of these happen, although the monster clearly looked angry, he was not coming towards us, much less looked like he was going to let off fire again.

"What's going on?"

As soon as I asked this Saemi who was standing next to me spoke up.

"There's something... some kind of mist building up inside his body"

Saemi said, as soon as I looked at her, I noticed that her eyes were different, they transitioned wildly between the colors of the rainbow, moreover, I am impressed that she can be so calm in this situation, but even when I look into her eyes all I can see and the calmness of someone who is analyzing the situation.

"What do you mean?"

I asked Saemi not understanding what she was getting at, but my question was answered not by Saemi but by the monster, within seconds a mist started coming out of the monster's mouth, the mist had a green color and I was sure that it would not be good if we were hit by that.


I said taking Saemi's hand again, as soon as I took Saemi's hand I could see that the mist was coming quickly towards us.

"Fast step"

Saying this I disappeared from where the mist would be appearing behind the monster in its blind spot, or at least that's what I thought, as soon as I appeared behind the monster, I noticed that there was a mist underneath our foot.

(Are you kidding me, this thing predicted our movement?)

Without time to think I pushed Saemi aside before being swallowed by the mist, as soon as the mist circled me, I felt a shock in my body, I couldn't move, being more precise I was paralyzed.


Saemi shouted, then before I knew it a sharp pain hit my right side, the monster had hit me with its tail, in seconds I was thrown into a tree, groans of pain were all I could manage to emit, somehow my arm wasn't broken, but that fact didn't make my situation much better.

"Makoto, are you okay?"

I hadn't realized it but Saemi had arrived where I was, I could see on her face the concern she was showing towards me, I think the last person who looked at me like that was most likely my mother, i still remember her look of concern when I fell off my bike while learning to ride one for the first time.

"Don't worry, I'm still alive"

I said showing a smile to Saemi, what would my mother say if she saw me like this, if there is one thing my mother taught me and that is that we never know what we are capable of until we try everything, with a smile on my face I look towards the monster again.

"Time for round two you giant lizard"

After those words I looked at Saemi who was standing next to me.

"Saemi, I need your help"

I said with a smile, although at first Saemi seemed afraid and reluctant she easily nodded, and at that moment I had understood why Saemi was so calm, she trusts me, she believes that as long as I am here, we will be fine.

(I can't let her down, can I?)

I thought as a wild smile appeared on my face.

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