
Labyrinth of love: Finding Forever

Bithiah_ · Urban
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3 Chs


"I think I need someone in my life. Now that I've achieved all my dreams I want a producer… a male producer." Ina said casually to Tokoni, who is slowly sipping her hot chocolate drink.

"Male producer? Are you going into the entertainment industry?"

Tokoni cradled her porcelain teacup with both her hands, her hands fidgeted as the warmth of the cup seep through her fingers.

She brought the cup close to her lips and took a sip of her tea, her eyes momentarily closing in appreciation of the sweet and aromatic scent of the tea.

"Of course not, I meant a husband. I want children and I'm definitely not producing them myself". Ina replied as she take a small sip of her coffee.

"Hehehehe produce children!?!" Tokoni bursted into a fit of laughter, not caring that they were in a public space.

"I… didn't know you… you… were a factory." She said holding her stomach as she struggled between laughing and speaking.

Ina furrowed her brows in annoyance as she didn't understand what was so funny about what she said.

"Tokoni can you be serious?"

"Okay okay I'm sorry so how do you intend to get this male factory… I mean producer" Tokoni said with a soft chuckle.

"I'll send out an application form tonight, whoever is willing to marry will fill the form and send it to my email. I'll pick eligible ones and interview them physically, the one who interests me the most will be my husband.

A shattering sound filed the whole room as the porcelain cup which was previously on Tokoni's hand crashed into the floor and loud coughing sounds followed.

Ina quickly ran to Tokoni side patting her back as she coughs violently.

The once serene atmosphere now echoed with the unintended drama as those nearby exchanged concerned glances, some offering water to ease Tokoni's struggle.

"It's okay… it's okay baby, calm down." Ina says in a very calm tone as she continues to pat Tokoni on her back while her coughs suppresses.

A waitress came to clean their table, while the concerned strangers move back to their various seats.

"I'm sorry about that." Tokoni said, her eyes a little bit red and watery.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're okay."

"I mean you caught me off guard, but it's okay."

"What about Jason?" Tokoni asked as she watched Ina walk back to her seat.

"He's been all over you for years. Can't you see that guy loves you so much?" She paused for a brief second and continued again; "Ina no man will love you the way Jason does. He talks about you everytime, why don't you just give him a chance and see how things works out?"

"He's been all over me for just two years, don't make it sound like it's ten years." Ina said nonchalantly. She gulped down the remaining content of her cup and set the cup aside.

"Besides I barely know him, I only got to know him through you two years ago that's all, I can't even remember what he looks like anymore." She replied as she dabbed the side of her mouth with a small towel.

"It's not my fault you didn't know him…" Tokoni said but she was quickly interrupted by Ina before she could continue speaking.

"I never said it was your fault." Ina shrugged.

"Okay but if you had given him a chance and not ignored him then you would have know he's a good man."

"Trust me when I say he's a good man, I've know him for ten years and I've known you also, for as long as I can remember, I know he's your missing piece and you're his too." Tokoni said trying to convince Ina, but the girl didn't seem to be moved.

"We'll I won't be bias, let him fill the application form. He will go through the same process as others. If he's chosen then luck is on his side." She said with a smirk.

Tokoni smiled in disappointment, she was just trying to help her stubborn friend but it doesn't seem to be working out.

"I know that smile. Did I ruin your mood?"

"No you didn't." Tokoni lied

"Nah don't give me that, your expression says otherwise." Ina said feeling guilty after all Tokoni meant no harm, she was just trying to help.

" I know what will lighten your mood… let's go shopping. Bills on me."

"Of course, you're the rich one here…"


The clicking sound of Ina's computer mouse could be heard as she scanned through the application letters on her computer.

At a young age of twenty eight years Ina had become the richest woman in the world . It wasn't a surprise when she received thousands of email after posting the application form on her social media platform for who were willing to become her husband—who doesn't want it be the husband of the richest woman in the world. Both young, old, and people—regardless of their gender, filled the form.

The clicking noise stopped as she proceeded to grab a pen, then scribble down somethings in her notepad.

No matter how much the emails are she would go through all of them one after the other and selected her men of interest before physically interviewing them.

"Are you in need of an assistant miss Imogene?" Lisa, her personal assistant asked.

"Yes Lisa. Could you please lock my mail account, I think I've gotten enough applications." She said with a sigh of tiredness.

"Right away ma. Anything else?"

"No for now"

"Yes ma, let me know if you need anything" Lisa said as she leaves her boss to continue with what she was doing.

After a few hours of sitting in the same position and staring at the computer screen Ina shut down her computer system, she picked up her notepad staring at the long list of names she had jotted down, she would be interviewing over hundred men, hopefully she finds the man of her choice before fifty.

Ina reached for the telephone on her desk, as she dialed a phone number. Her gaze focused intently on her notepad while waiting for the call to connect. When the call finally connected she spoke in a calm tone.

"Come in" she said, then proceeds to end the phone call.

Few seconds after she ended the call, a man walked into her office in a stoic manner, each of his footsteps echoing on the polished floor. He approached her desk maintaining an upright posture that convey professionalism—with just one glance one could tell he is a professional security guard and one not to be messed with.

With a nod of acknowledgement Ina passed her notepad to him.

"I need you to do quick background check on these men, send the info to my mail" she said.

"Right away ma'am" he replied as he brought out his mobile phone to take a picture of the note's content. He returned the notepad to her, he bowed in respect and turned around to leave.

Ina relaxed into her chair as soon as her office door closed.