
meeting the fiance

Stephen's pov

it was now lunchtime and they were still nowhere to be found.

''hey, Stephen where do you think he's going'' asked blaze' I looked to where he was pointing and saw Lorenzo going out with a smirk I don't know maybe the bathroom?

5 minutes later he comes back but with the girls, right behind him, I noticed they were looking for somewhere to sit, we were the only sit left available so they made their way to us. and sat down victoria was on her phone and her head was on her rothers shoulder and the same was going on with her friend Lola but her head was on Elena's shoulder instead. she looked so beautiful I wanted to talk to her but I was interrupted by her whining.

''zozo am soo hungry'' she said

''stop being a brat princess weren't you guys at a cafe?'' asked Lorenzo

''so what that was like 20 minutes ago she replied

''what am I gonna do with you girls'' Lorenzo muttered. ''

what did we do, she's right you know we are soo hungry and the fucking McDonald's is not here yet'' said Elena.

not long after someone dressed in a McDonald's uniform came in with a bunch of food.

food delivery for miss victoria.

''omg, bitch finally you came that's my food gimme'' she said running with her high heels scaring the delivery guys, Lorenzo just laughed like this was normal while her best friend and sister ran after her, again with super high heels on

''bitch your fatass better wait for me that's our food'' Lola shouted not even bothered by the people staring at them

''shut up hoe I ain't gonna finish it all'' tori replied

''That's what you told grandma when she came for dinner but she left hungry afterward'' Elena added they were arguing as they made their way back to us.

not even 30 minutes later they finished all that food and seriously we were in shock cause who can eat that much, also isn't my baby a big star so shouldn't she be watching her weight?

they just ate got up started joking around and left, they didn't even look at us.

''um did that just happen'' Selena asked

''wow, little sister why don't you ever eat like that'' asked blake

''Because I thought girls always eat healthily and were supposed to worry about our health?'' she said more like asked a question

''well, I don't think that's the case cause if a big star like victoria can eat like that then I think she doesn't care how she looks'' Klaus said.

not long after we got a message from mom and dad asking us to go to victoria's house, so we went home changed and got there but we noticed they weren't there yet.

Victoria/tori's POV:

we were done with the hellhole, we went for a long drive together and then we went home.

Why is the house so quiet?

Mom, dad where are you guys?

''In the living room honey, we have some visitors''. dad shouted

Hey daddy, hey mom. ''hey, princess how was school'', asked dad.

it was great I learned a lot, I lied right through my teeth with a smile and I noticed my siblings and my best friend looked amused.

''victoria''? yes, daddy? ''you are never this excited about school is there something you want to tell me''? dad replied and mom was looking at us with amused eyes. Ummm so where are the visitors? ''oh yeah we forgot about them, tori say hi to your uncle, aunty, and their son, and his friends''. said, mom

I turned around and who did I see the pervert from this morning with a big ass smirk on his face. what the fuck is going on? why is the pervert here?

''yeah, dad, this is too much, why are that dick and his friends here'', asked Lorenzo

''well, Lorenzo that's your sister's fiance''. my mom said with a big smile.

''your kidding right I will never let my sister get married to that'', Lorenzo said.

''yeah, dad, I agree with Lorenzo'', Elena added,

''come on uncle think about this'', Lola said.

I couldn't talk I was frustrated, mad, and sad all at the same time.

Stephen's pov;

we had arrived before them, my daughters were super excited they were big fans of victoria, and I was nervous I couldn't wait to see her again, then we heard the door and my gem came inside she was talking with her parents so she didn't see us but seconds later her mom told her she was to marry me and that was final, her siblings and friend looked angry. and were glaring at me, especially her brother looks like his the overprotective one in the whole family.

wow they really hate me, and my fiance looks like she wanted to cry and my heart ached at the thought of her crying.

mom? all our heads turned to her as we heard her talk. she sounded distant, ''mom this is a joke right? you were joking'', she asked her voice drowning out as she talked sounding almost demonic. ''I'm really sorry princess, but no am not joking you are gonna marry him and that's final'' her mother answered.

''that's final you say, that's final really'' she took a step forward as she replies.

her siblings and friend took a step back. what was strange was that even her parents took a step back.

I knew then that things were about to get interesting.