
Chapter 3: The Trail of Clues

L Lawliet began his investigation by interviewing Dr. Sophia Patel. "Can you describe the artifact and its significance?" he asked, his eyes scanning the room for any potential clues.

Dr. Patel's eyes widened with excitement. "It's an ancient scroll, said to contain the secrets of the lost city of Atlantis. It's priceless!"

Lawliet's mind raced with possibilities. He knew Libert's modus operandi was to leave subtle clues, often in plain sight.

He examined the crime scene, searching for any hints Libert might have left behind. That's when he spotted it - a small, almost imperceptible symbol etched into the wall.

"Ah, Libert's signature," Lawliet muttered to himself. "But what does it mean?"

He knew he had to think outside the box, just like Libert. He closed his eyes, focusing on the symbol, and suddenly, a connection clicked into place.

"The symbol is a map coordinate!" Lawliet exclaimed, his eyes snapping open. "Libert's leading me on a wild goose chase!"

With the new lead, Lawliet set off to follow the trail of clues, determined to outsmart Libert and recover the stolen artifact.