
Kyuubi in Dxd

Transmigrated in Dxd World as a perfect jinchuriki of the Kyuubi.

Anotherhumanperson · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

I was currently standing at the Teleporting Area for Guests with Yasaka and Enma waiting for the arrival of Sun Wukong and Indra. The mood was low since Enma and Yasaka were worried about the Emperor of Heaven himself coming to visit us, since it was kind of inevitable that I was going to fight him, while I on the other hand am very excited. This is going to be my first fight with an opponent of equal ranking and probably power, and I literally can't wait.

"Why do look so happy? Did you forget that Indra is coming here to challenge you?" asked Enma confused. I didn't even know I was smiling but it seems my excitement just can't be held in.

"I just can't wait to fight Indra. It'll be the first time I can fight with someone who is my equal." I responded while laughing, but the looks Enma gave me made me confused.

"You actually think you're Indra's equal?" asked Yasaka, her mood slightly elevated by my confidence.

"Ofcourse. I can confidently say that only Ophis and Great Red are beyond me." I responded, "I never actually have gone all out before."

"Let's hope your claims are true." said Enma whose expression darkened as a golden magic circle with a monkey in the middle appeared before us, "Their here."

A bright golden light flashed revealing followed two figures standing before us. One was a monkey youkai who appears around the same height as a kindergarten (at least a meter tall), covered in dark beige fur, wearing a monk's cassock, a wrinkled, creased face and beige skin, wearing prayer beads around his neck and a golden headband around his forehead.

[Name- Sun Wukong

Race- Buddha.

Rank- Super/ Buddha.

Might- 1 400 000.]

The other figure is a man with a buzz-cut hairstyle with greenish brown hair color and lavender eyes. He wears circular sunglasses, an aloha shirt, and has a jewel around his neck when in his leisure. He has a vermillion mark on his forehead and his height is 195 cm/ 1,95 meters. This is Indra and he had the highest Might I have ever sensed.

[Name- Indra

Race- God.

Rank- Super/ God.

Might- 2 000 000.]

Indra and I just stare at each other seizing each other up.

"You're not bad." said Sun Wukong while rubbing his chin, his eyes on me, "It seems Enma made the right judgement."

"You're not bad yourself, old man." I commented before turning my attention to Indra, "You on the other hand."

"Why hide so much power?" asked Indra curiously in a casual tone.

"Not many people could ever make me use even this much" I responded frankly.

"True." said Indra excitedly,"Wukong, make us a strong barrier."

"Yes, Indra." responded Sun Wukong as we both were instantly teleported away into an artificial dimension of Sun Wukong's creation.

"I can see you're excited. Is this your first time fighting someone as strong as you." asked Indra.

"Yeah. No one I've met, besides you could ever make me serious." I responded as a version 1 cloak immediately surrounded me, boosting my Might to exactly 2 000 000. After I became the Kyuubi, I could now regulate the amount of power I wanted to use in my human form on my own as long as it's not above 80% of full power, since that would make my true form irrelevant.

"Let's start." I said as I dashed towards Indra, punching at him but easily dodged by stepping to the side and throwing a fist of his own. I pushed his punch to the side and quickly used the spell Devastating Punch which Indra also easily dodged by ducking down. The force from the Devastating punch blew a hole through a mountain that was behind Indra.

Indra quickly threw another punch, but this one was covered in bright blue Divine aura {Like Super Saiyan Blue aura}. I threw a punch of my own, my hand had turned Version 2 and I activated Devastating punch again.


A crater a kilometer wide, a meter deep instantly appeared below as the auras on our fists touched. The aura's fought for dominance, mine struggling to keep Indra's divine aura at bay but we both retreated after a few seconds, jumping a few hundred meters away from each other.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You are crazy powerful for a Youkai, but let's get serious." said Indra excitedly as his whole body was covered in Bright Blue Divine Aura and a spear made of lightning appearing in his right hand, his Might boosting all the way to 2 750 000.

"This is the first time I've used this much power." I said while pumping up my power to the maximum, my Might jumping all the way to 2 880 000 which is exactly 80% of my full power.

With a flick of his spear, a lightning ball the width of my mansion fell from the cloudless sky aiming for me, but a powerful tornado immediately appeared behind me as it instantly grew to skyscraper size meeting the insanely large divine lightning bolt mid air.


An explosion of unheard off proportions occurred, almost ripping the sky apart. Of course the divine lightning won as it tore through my tornado after battling for an instant and it continued speeding for me, but I was already hundreds of meters away before Indra. A small car sized blue spiraling sphere a few centimeters from my right palm which I was thrusting towards the God of Heaven, Indra.

In a feat of godly reaction speed, Indra hurled his right hand in front of him, shielding himself with his divine weapon, Vajra the lightning spear.


In an explosion rivalling the one that had happened a few moments back, Indra was hurled away at speeds that even I couldn't follow into the mountain I had blew a hole though, instantly barrowing through and doing the same for the two mountains behind it.

I sprinted after him at full speeds, only to be able to track him after the first mountain slowed him down, but he stabilized himself after the third mountain, his Divine aura darkening around him {Like Super Saiyan Blue Evolve} and throwing Vajra at me at full power which arrived before me before I could even blink, but I managed to go version 2, which has higher defense than the version 1 at the last second. I was blasted away by the spear into at least four mountains before I could orient myself and land on the ground but Indra was already a few hundred meters away catching Vajra who he had thrown while sprinting towards me.

I opened both my palms as a shuriken shaped blue energy construct appeared in each, both spinning at impossible speeds which I hurled at him, before forming another Gigantic Rasengan and following after them.

Indra used his Vajra to block again expecting to hurled back, but the Rasenshuriken exploded into two massive 3 story spheres of destruction while I was pushing a Rasengan the width of football field through the spheres.

My attacks were instantly blown away by a shock wave, revealing Indra unscathed wearing a golden Buddha inspired armor, his divine weapon Vajra now white as was the raging Divine aura around him.

[Name- Indra

Race- God.

Rank- God.

Might- 3 700 000.]

Seeing his Might, I didn't hesitate to transform into my true form. My body was instantly covered in a bright orange light and a giant 200 meter Kyuubi burst out of the light. My Might at it's maximum of 3 600 000 making me weaker than him by 100 000 Might, but at a battle of this scale 100 000 Might difference didn't mean anything.

""Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"" we both laughed hysterically as we felt each other's power.

"I Indra, the God of War and the Heavenly Emperor declare you True Kyuubi Emperor amongst the strongest in the world!!" shouted Indra, his voice travelling through the Dimensional Gap and reaching every corner of Draconic Dues. Anyone who was involved in the supernatural world heard him loud and clear, and some powerful ones looked through the void to view the last act of the legendary battle.

In an instant, Indra had conjured up hundreds of lightning bolts the size of the first one he had used against me, but I immediately reacted by using my tail Catastrophy, plus maximum Perfect Wind Manipulation blowing all the lightning bolts away, while simultaneously charging a tailed beast bomb, which I decided to release as tens of smaller blasts which rained down on the area Indra was standing, each easily destroying dozens of mountain ranges.

Indra burst through the explosions, his body covered in thick Divine Lightning, as He quickly appeared before me swinging his spear which instantly enlarged to match the size of my arm. My right arm instantly formed a Rasengan which was purple in color which I shoved at Indra meeting his swing.


But Indra wasn't blown away, as he swung his spear again. This time both my arms formed a rasengan which I started using as a weapon to fight against his annoying Divine Spear, Vajra.


For a few minutes, the fight reverted to back to melee as Indra relentlessly swung his spear at me and me blocking it off with my vermillion{Plus Kyuubi Chakra} Rasengans until Indra had enough and jumped back a few kilometers away landing where there used to be a sea.

"If you survive this, I will declare you my equal." said Indra as his hair stood up, now glowing Bright Blue like his first Divine Aura, his spear Vajra slowly merging with him, "This is my final move, The one that slew Asura King, Virochana millennia ago. I call it Heavenly Divider"

His Might had raised all the way to 3 900 000 as he slowly floated up into the air until he was at my eye level. Seeing his new might I didn't hesitate to use my last and final move as well. I opened my large mouth and a purple sphere so large it made me look like a dwarf instantly appeared but I wasn't done as around it four bright blue blades that were spinning at impossible to follow speeds appeared.

' This is also my last act.' I thought as I activated 'The Last' spell and my attack was covered in an ethereal white and white aura, 'The Last Tailed Beast RasenShuriken.'

"HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" we both shouted as we unleashed our attacks. Indra sped at me so fast that all I could see was a thin ray of blue light and I unleashed the giant attack floating above my mouth at the thin ray of light and ....

There wasn't even an explosion as the artificial dimension went completely silent and completely covered in white light. Before I could react I found myself and Indra lying on the floor of UraYouki covered in numerous wounds.

"You're alive." said Indra who was still in his divine form, his golden armor tattered all over as he sat up and stretched out his fisted hand.

"I'm more surprised that you are." I said while shrinking down to my human form, where all my clothes were shredded conveniently except for my underwear with multiple injuries and bruises on my body and I fistbumbed him.

-Sun Wukong's POV-

"What in the actual Holy Fuck am I seeing?" I said out loud as I was watching the fight from the surveillance barrier I had placed on the artificial dimension. The Kyuubi was actually fighting Indra. I had expected a brutal beatdown where I would beg Indra to spare him on my behalf, but this was out of this world.


"Is this how Gods fight?" asked Yasaka who was standing besides me and Enma. That explosion was Indra flying through multiple mountains.

"It seems I underestimated the boy. I didn't think he was holding back that much when he fought against me." commented Enma also clearly shocked at the Kyuubi display of power.

Indra immediately used even more of his divine Aura and blasted the fox through even more mountains, but the fox quickly got his bearings and counter attacked Indra causing him to use his Divine Form. The Kyuubi then transformed into his true form and he was massive. Even larger than Great Red.

The display that followed was even more spectacular as they were both using full power. Each of their attacks completely vaporized mountain ranges and I was having a hard time keeping up with them, even with the time slowing barrier and my Ki reading. The dimension I created was quickly falling apart and they were destroying it faster than I could repair it and this thing is as large as half a continent. The funny thing is that they weren't even actively trying to destroy it, but their aura's and shockwaves from their attacks alone was enough.

When they launched their final attacks, I immediately pulled both of them out since my dimension was already on it's last legs and each of their attacks can easily level a continent and threw the dimension into the depths of the Dimensional Gap. Don't want to be anyway near that shit hole when it blows up.

-Unknown POV-

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" maniacally laughed a tall, pale man with long black hair and narrow, blood red eyes. Unlike other Fallen Angels, the man has pointy, elf-like ears and possesses five pairs of black wings. The man is wearing a black robe with detailed accessories and purple shoulder pads with gold streaks on the side.

"My plan even got juicier. With that Kyuubi's little sister in that town, I can start a war of proportions never seen before. Even greater than the Great War." he said as the fight had just finished, "But to think a Youkai can match a God like Indra, the world's really gone mad."

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