
Kyra Lee

Moving and Settling down in a new country with her family might be one of the hardest things for Kyra. But things turns around suddenly when she meets Him and it may seem she really likes the Arizona heat now.

Lia_Gabriel_007 · Teen
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3 Chs

Kyra Lee

Chapter 1

It was still early in the morning when Kyra woke up still thinking about why she couldn't stay back in Korea instead of moving to Arizona. She wasn't the type to talk back or go against her mother but couldn't she consider her, she had no friends back in Korea yes because she is a complete introvert, but didn't her mom care about her opinion but irrespective of that she was already used to her mother always ignoring her.

She's head so many stories about the last born being the egg and treasure of the family but her case was definitely different. Even her brother, the middle child was cared for more than her and it still didn't make any sense till now. She's been in southern Arizona for just half a day, long enough to know she completely hated it. Coming out of the airport was like she just entered hell, she was sweating profusely and her knees were begging for help.

Kyra was still feeling disturbed when her phone started ringing.

"Hello who's this," she said without care.

"Wowww you really don't look at your phone before you answer and is that the way to talk to your elder sister," Jade said with amusement.

"Do you think this situation is funny, its so funny to you because you're not here."

"Hey, i get that you'll probably....."

"Probably? Did you just say probably?" She said still trying to calm down.

"Ok i get it, you'll pissed off but i had to stay in Korea because I'm working, I can't leave my Job here and besides free up alittle bit, get to know new people and have fun."

But that was the least thing on her mind right now. She decided to try and embrace it all because no matter what she said or did, she knew she wasn't going back.

"Okay, I'll try. Take care of yourself."

"Love you, whenever you'll having any trouble just call me, I'm always here for you." Jade said before cutting the call.

Kyra knew the only person she could count on was her big sister and no one else. Even since she was little she always had a problem with communicating with people even her mom but Jade was the only one who always stood by her side and understood her.

She was knocked out of her reverie when someone opened her door.

"Can't you knock"

"Knocking isn't in my dictionary so hurry up, Mom's calling you downstairs" Jake said cutting her short.

"Can't you just act like a caring big brother for once."

But he continued walking towards the stairs without saying a word. She just went downstairs hoping she could cool herself down. But she knew dip down that it was going to be hard for her to adjust to everything.

On getting to the dinning room, her mom and her brother were already having their breakfast, so she sat quietly and ate her food.

"We'll be going to your new school tomorrow for your enrollment, so you both should get ready."

That was all Mrs Lee said before she got up and went for work. She knew her children weren't happy about the relocation but she had no choice, being a single mother wasn't easy that's why she worked her butt off everyday and barely had enough time for them especially Kyra being the last child. But she promised herself that when they eventually settled down and she gets her promotion, she would give all her time to her kids.

Meanwhile Kyra was clearing out the dishes when she heard someone opened the living room door. She quickly left the kitchen thinking Jake was going out and rushed out to the living room when she saw him.

It was like he came out of the romance novel she was currently reading, he was an epitome of handsomest. He was tall, with dark shiny skin and not to talk about that muscular body and don't get me started with the his light brown eyes, his eyes were sparkling. And he just kept staring at her, the butterflies in her tummy were just getting too much and at this point she really did not care that he just barged into their house and could possibly be a criminal.

It wasn't until Jake bumpt into her that she came to her senses.

"Hey, Alex you're already here." Jake said in a happy tone.

She couldn't believe that her brother was talking to this well sculptured looking guy.

"Sorry I'm lost." She said in an unusual tone and Alex just smiled at her.

"You know him?" She said raising her brow up.

"Yes, he's our next door neighbor."

"And how don't i know him."

" Do i have to explain everything to you." Jake replied but since it was written all over her face that she really needed to know, he had to explain.

" Ok, fine. When we arrived yesterday and you kept mumbling like a rat, that you didn't like it here, that the heat was going to be the death of you and that you wanted to go home and..."

" Just cut to the chase please." She said forcefully adding the " please" looking so embarrassed that he had to narrate her whole ordeal in front of a good looking stranger.

"When you were busy sleeping and snoring like a pig, our lovely neighbor here and his family came to introduce themselves, so am i done here." He said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

Kyra couldn't take it anymore, so she just left to finish up the dishes. But she continued stealing glances at the boy who was sitting in her living room looking so mysterious.

She couldn't take it anymore so she decided to go to her room to settle down and read her manhwa because that was the only thing that gave her peace of mind. It was more than an hour now but she still heard laughter down stairs like they've known each other since childhood.

" Jake's so lucky he's fluent in English or he would just look so stupid, just like a birdbrain hmph" She said with contentment.

But seconds later she heard a slight knock on her door.

"So you really know how to knock but then you just barge into my room anytime you like."

She quickly opened the door only to find Alex standing in front of her and not her brother. She couldn't say a single proper word, but she just kept stuttering non stop. Jake came up the stairs just laughing at how stupid his sister looked and she gave him the death stare.

"I just wanted to ask where the restroom was, I'm sorry if i disturbed you." Alex said just staring at her.

She could feel his intent stare all over her body and it was giving her the jitters.

"If you're not good at speaking English don't bother talking, do you get it, just keep quiet beanball."

The embarrassment she felt just kept increasing and it was all because of Jake, he had to just call her names. She hurriedly backed the door without saying a word but before she did, she caught that smile again in Alex's lips directed to her and she couldn't just get it out of her head.

A couple of minutes later, while peeping at them from the stairs, she saw Alex biding her brother farewell. She felt relieved that she could go down and at the same time wanted him to stay.

"You're really something Kyra, you just meet him for the first time and you're already head over hills for him and not to talk about that mischievous smile, it definitely not genuine. And this isn't 'like at first sight', so kill those butterflies in your tummy." She kept talking to herself continuously, when Jake gave her a weird look and left.