
Kusuo Ito World Traveler "Another round please!"

When I was born I awoke to a lab. When I was a week old I had my first kill. When I was a month old I had already consumed ten people's entire beings. At two months I had already escaped and torched the entire complex. Now on my first birthday I was being kidnapped by pirates. Who knew the rest of my life would be filled with Monsters. Some were wearing human skin and some were Monsters in the literal sense of the supernatural. A good bit of them were certainly not human, though they did look like it. But, why do so many females have to be so obsessive over me?

TheMostDapper · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Unofficial First Job Part 2

"Alright I acquired a pair of sh*t guns, so now we just gotta wait for them to show up. Another round of Me please!"


"So how the situation with Dutch?" Glancing at Benny for a second I sigh before deciding to tell it how it is.


"Well I was right for one. Rock's bosses sent trained mercs after us, so expect a good chance of dying today."


"Should I start stretching now, or do I still have some time?"


"Hard to tell."


Looking back at him I glance him once before shaking my head. "Do you even have a weapon? Or are you just the tech guy?"


"I can handle myself in a fight if needed. But I prefer to handle the more sensitive equipment, the heavy hitting is more Revy's thing."


Raising my eyebrow at that I shrug and accept it. "Pardon me, but out of sheer curiosity... Why did she save you anywa-!"


Turning around I face the doors of the bar and frown. Without a word I unfasten my holsters and prepare.


Benny's words knock me out of it before I can continue though,"Something up? They're here aren't they?"


Nodding at that I answer him,"Yeah, a couple cars full of armed men just pulled up. Don't ask but I got a bit of a sixth sense."


"Heh, you're the monster here. I trust you know more about trouble coming our way than I do."


"Thanks. Revy!"


At this she finishes the glass in her hands before scowling at me. "What!? I'm trying to beat this p*nsy here at my favorite pastime!"


Seeing my serious face however calms her down and makes her focus, even with the yelling people all around her. "Trouble?"


*Clank!* *Clank!*


At this I hear a few objects being thrown and rolling on the floor. Looking in the direction I found them to be grenades.


"*Sigh* Yep, they're here."






Random E.O. Grunt POV: A few minutes Earlier

'Damn, I really need to get laid.'


I haven't been with the company for long, but I have to say I liked working with them. I was discharged from the service due to my last psych-eval, so what if I like taking down enemy soldiers? It's a good way to get rid of stress!


Well I showed that quack!


After relieving my stress with his wife while forcing him to watch, beating them bloody, robbing their house, and setting the whole place on fire with them inside it. I found myself with these boys.


I only regret not not being able to p*ss on the ashes, damn cops.


And thinking back to that just made me even more hard.


'Maybe I can just rent some wh*re after this job.'


Right now I was in car with some others, apparently we have to retrieve something from a group of pirates. Well whatever, I'll get my lump of flesh, get paid, stay the rest of the night in a brothel, and probably burn the place down afterwards.


Yeah I've become a bit of a pyromaniac too, but I like it.


Pulling up in front of a bar I sigh before getting out there were a couple other cars besides mine, in total there was around give or take thirty of us all with assault rifles. I didn't care to count that much.


Our Captain was a psycho ex-military man dressed in fatigues like the rest of us, he had blonde hair in a ponytail, wore small round sunglasses even if it was in the middle of the night, a 's' like shaped scar on his cheek, and he always had a wide grin showing his teeth even when he smoked.


We barricaded our cars out front for cover, and once everything was ready the Captain finally spoke.


He put a cigarette in his mouth, flipped his lighter, and with a simple sentence we tossed a few grenades inside.


"Let's get started."




"Sh*t!" Jumping over the bar I take cover with Revy and the bartender, cursing while the windows are blown out. If that wasn't bad enough I didn't even get my new drink yet.


I then heard a man's voice from outside the bar, I found him to be somewhat annoying. "Okay. Let's do it boys. Let's crash this party!"


With no further ado the sounds of machine gun fire filled the night. With my vision clearing up I peek my head up for a second only for a bullet to whiz by my ear. A great deal of people were already dead, and the worst part was ALL THE BOOZE WAS BEING SHOT UP!


"Give anyone trying to escape an extra a**hole! Make sure there are only corpses left when we're done here!"




"Damn! Well there goes the fan. Wait, what the?"


Peeking over I see Rock crawling around in the debris, slowly making his way back to the bar.




As Rock finally crawled up next I finally decided to start shooting.


"This is for ruining my good time!" *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *click* *click* *click*




Ducking back down I go over the guns only to find them jammed. 'This is what I get for grabbing sh*t guns.'


Sitting with my back against the counter I sigh in disappointment,"And I was looking forward to the fight. Oh well, at least we all made it so far, right Revy?" I said this looking to my right at Revy who was finishing off her glass.


"*Slurp* Ah, yeah. Just another day in paradise Shots."


"If this is paradise, I wonder what hell is like."


Right next to me Rock started to shiver uncontrollably, it was kinda getting old at this point.


'Wait do I hold him so he doesn't go berserk? No wait, that's for waking up a sleep walker. Or is it?'


"W-what the hell is going on!?"


Hearing that from Rock I glance over at Revy who just shrugs and checks her guns.


Then the old man, who now had a shotgun, started to speak up,"Revy! If these little sh*ts are your friends... then deal with them already!"


"Ain't got a clue who they are."


"They're mercs from Extra order."


At this Rock, Revy, and the old man stare at me. "Tch, Dutch was on the phone talking with our client, some Russian Mafia lady."


"Wow, Sis must really want this job done right if she gives us more info on whose after us."


"Yep, gotta say she's left a good impression on me. By the by, how are we all not swiss cheese yet?"


At that Revy looks over the bar to find it tanking hits but not leaving any permanent marks. "Since when did you bullet-proof the bar?"


"Since the last time you were here," said the old man while smirking. "It's a product of my own handiwork! I've made it able to withstand up to fifty-caliber!"


Peeking over the counter I see corpses galore as well as Dutch hiding out holding a revolver. Suddenly he calls out,"REVY!"


"I'm okay!"




At this Benny calls out while running towards him,"Miraculously I'm alive!"




"I wanna rip off their boss's face, wear it like a mask, and find out how long it takes them to figure out it's me! And besides wanting some chocolate I'm fine!"


"Understandable! ROCK!"


"He's having a mini freak out!" Slapping him on the back I try to get him out of it,"Rock, you can p*ss and moan about it later we are in the middle of a fire fight here!"


He was how sitting up with his eyes squeezes shut while holding his ears. "D-dead! People are dead! I went through all the trouble of graduating college and got a job with a big corporation and where am I now?! This isn't fair!"


At this Revy cocks her guns. "Don't cry dipsh*t. Don't you know you gotta enjoy life, or it'll slip away."


As if hearing her another grenade goes off near Dutch kicking up even more dust and debris. "Revy! I this now is a good time to show Shots and Rock why you're called 'Two Hands!'"


With Dutch's words I can see Revy getting a very dark look in her eyes, as if all the light had flee from them leaving her dead to the world.




I was concerned to say the least, which was actually a surprise to me. I haven't been close to anyone since I had escaped my creators, but I was beginning to care for these people. Even that women who I seduced earlier. It felt nice and warm, and seeing Revy like this right now felt especially sour.




For a minute the bullets stopped only for footsteps to replace them.


"Secure the building! I heard voices,"came from the pr*ck who I think is the commanding officer. "And there's nothing I hate more than survivors."


Hearing that Revy gives a large toothy grin and speaks,"What a great line."


As most of the E.O.s poke are the bodies and the like, a shot rang out from one of them killing another survivor.


As if it was a starting pistol Revy suddenly flips over the bar and fires off four round mid air!




With that a grunt is dead. Landing she springs off the ground dodging a line of fire from a assault rifle while shooting four more times taking out another two grunts!


Jumping again a grunt fires a shot at her only for her to land on him and kill him up close! At this Dutch gives off covering fire with four bullets from his revolver for her to take cover behind the bar once again. Landing in between the bartender and me.


The remaining E.O. grunts then open fire on the bar where they last saw Revy. Which now includes us. "Don't come back here Revy!" Is what came out of the bartender,"You pain in the a**! How many times have you destroyed my bar?!"


Feeling one trying to climb over the bar the apparent owner simply blasts his face off. Looking back at us he growls again,"You owe me for all of this damage got it! I mean the broken furniture, the grenades, and the cost of a good cleaner these days! Or else I'm gonna weld all of your a**holes shut, and make you a new one on your head!"


"Got it," she said while focusing by crossing her arms.


Hearing the cleaner part I pitch in,"I can take care of the bodies, just keep them in storage until our job is finished. It'll be free of charge!"


"Tch, at least you're useful outside of destroying my property kid."


"Thanks man! Anyway, DUTCH!"


At my call he draws their fire again letting Revy crouch on top of the bar to take out another two grunts!




Jumping once more she takes out another size grunts, all while smiling the whole time.


Looking to my right I see Dutch sending out shots when he can, and Rock was staring at Revy in confusion.


With two more bullets whizzing near me Dutch talks up,"Hate to break it to ya, but at this rate I'd say trading Rock for a deal is no longer an option."


At this Rock speaks up,"Then what's gonna happen to me?!"


"You weren't part of our plans to begin with, Shots is a nice addition to our crew, but how about we part ways here."


"Please, I'm gonna die here! Take me with you!"


"*Sigh* Here's my good deed of the year," I complain. "Dutch he's kinda right, it'll leave a bad taste in my mouth if he just dies now."


"Fine then, but if you slow us down Rock, you'll be on your own. Revy, we're leaving!"


Firing off a few more rounds, she responded,"Gotcha!" At this she grabbed a grunt, using him as a human shield to cover all of us on the way out.


Bursting through the side door Dutch unleashes two rounds taking out two grunts. Finally out in the cool night air, I find it somewhat strange no cops are here yet.


Only to realize that they all were probably paid off to due the clean up. Headlights coming up on my side I turn only to find Benny pulling up in a classic red Dodge.




Needing no more reason I jump into the middle of the backseat with Rock on my left and Revy on my right. It was a tight squeeze, Dutch however emptied his gun before getting in the front.


As more grunts appear and open fire we pull out, only for Revy to lean out of the window with a f**king grenade! 'Where did she even get it?!'


With a yell she pulls the pin and throws it,"Eat this c**ksuckers!"


As we get away everything has now become a bit more quiet. And with a sigh I relax,"Whew, you know sorry about that guys. I would've transformed, but I don't want to have the military on my ass if word gets out about me."


"Nevermind that shots, we just have to get you some good hardware for next time."


"Hey, having two heavy hitters in a fight is gonna be a big help. Especially nowadays," at that Benny looks back in the mirror at me. "If they have guns that work actually."


I narrow my eyes at him for a second before shrugging,"I'm actually like being close up and personal. Shifting doesn't give me a lot of ranged options besides making a whip or the like, so I've gotten used to it. But for now, I'll learn to use a gun like the best of you guys."


"Oh hell yeah! I can teach you some things Shots, I'm not called 'Two-Hands' for nothing!"


At that nickname I smirk a little,"Oh really?~ I wonder how well you can teach me?~"


Hearing this well all chuckle a little, even Revy, but not Rock. Who was looking clueless.


"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." In her head she continues with a barely noticeable blush on her face,'I'll show you sometime soon Shots. Wait, WHAT THE HELL!' Hearing her own thoughts she looked at me, which I didn't notice, and shook her head to focus.


"Hey Dutch. Bao was so p*ssed off he looked like a steaming pot."


Hearing her I cut in,"To quote verbatim, "Or else I'm gonna weld all of your a**holes shut, and make you a new one on your head." So we should pay him back then."


"Well that's terrifying. Maybe we can get Balalika to cover him."


"Yeah, and take it out of your pay. My Russian is a little rusty, but I could try to get us a bonus for damages."


"Your just full of surprises, aren't ya Shots?"


Hearing that I nod my head, then shut my eyes and lean back. "Yeah, and I keep wondering when they are gonna stop coming up."