
Kusuo Ito World Traveler "Another round please!"

When I was born I awoke to a lab. When I was a week old I had my first kill. When I was a month old I had already consumed ten people's entire beings. At two months I had already escaped and torched the entire complex. Now on my first birthday I was being kidnapped by pirates. Who knew the rest of my life would be filled with Monsters. Some were wearing human skin and some were Monsters in the literal sense of the supernatural. A good bit of them were certainly not human, though they did look like it. But, why do so many females have to be so obsessive over me?

TheMostDapper · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Lagoon Company

Disclaimer: I don't own Black Lagoon or the like. All characters belong to their respective owners.




We all were now in what appeared to be a wreck room, another man was in a adjoining room typing on what I supposed was a computer.


I was sitting on a box I found while the girl whose name I found out was Revy was sitting on a couch. The office worker we apparently picked up was on the floor by the door.


Just then my new boss called 'Dutch' spoke up,"Revy what in the hell were you planning to do with this hostage now that you've brought him with us?! Huh, c'mon!"


Revy who now looks pissed off scowls and growls at him,"You don't get do ya? You just don't get it do ya Dutch? Think about it, were getting paid twenty grand for this job. Only twenty grand! What's wrong with collecting a bonus by asking for a ransom?"


"Your being too simple minded," a voice called from the other room.




"Not really."


Hearing her rant for no reason I speak up,"You know he's right. No offense but Office Worker here is definitely the low man on the totem pole. If what I can infer what his bosses are like they probably won't even bat an eye if he gets hurt. I mean they probably didn't even tell him what the disc is."


"Oh shut up Worm Breathe!


"So, who's gonna negotiate with Japan," questioned Dutch as Revy grimaced. "You Revy? Do you have their phone number? How about a bank account to receive the ransom payment?"




She suddenly jumps up, punting a wooden crate with a few cans on top of it and pulls out one of her guns she had holstered her arm.


"WE'LL JUST SHOOT HIS ASS AND THROW HIM OVERBOARD!" All the while emptying a clip in the direction of the said hostage.


"Stop it!"


"Damnit, don't damage the ship!"




"AND YOU!" She starts at me while reaching for her other gun.


"Start talking! Just what the hell are you! I filled you with lead, so you should be dead you god-damned zombie!"


"I'll talk when you calm the hell down!"




Taking the chance Dutch quickly grabs her putting her in a hold so she can aim at anything important.


Now calm she tries to get Dutch to let her go,"Dutch, Dutch I get it."


"You get what?" Now having her in a hold with him behind her, her gun hand extended upwards with one hand holding her wrist and the other under her arm and neck.


"I get your point now, so let me go."


"Okay Revy, let's play it cool."


"I'm alive."


Hearing that I glace over at the Office Worker raising my brow.


"I don't know why, but I'm alive," he says while panting.


"Yeah, you might wanna watch out better when someone pulls out a gun. Effing civies."


Looking back at Dutch seeing that he that he has released Revy I ask a question,"So you guys want me to explain why I'm not dead now or later?"


"Hmm, go ahead. You are are probation, so this'll be your formal interview."


"Yeah, like how in the hell aren't you dead? Cause if your a zombie my headshot earlier should've killed you."


Hearing that we all turnt to her.


"What the f*** are you sh**s looking at!? With everything back home do you think I'm not prepared to take on a hoard of zombies?!"


"What's this about zombies? Are we gonna watch a movie or something? Oh, I thought one of them died?"


"Benny shut up! Or do you want to die!"


"No thanks."


"Alright, if I can start, my name is Kusuo Ito, or Ito Kusuo in the Office Worker's homeland. And I'm just gonna open this by saying today is my first birthday."


It took a minute for that to sink in, nonetheless they were confused.


"The f***? You look barely out of teens, but your one?"


"Revy, let the man speak."


"Tch, fine."


"No I'm serious. You know the whole monster created in a government lab thing. Well, it wasn't any government that made me."


"Wait, wait you telling us your some kinda Frankenstein's creature or some sh**?!"


"Eh. From what I could find it was funded by the church to make some kinda ultimate weapon to take out their enemies. While using material taken from a special one. So I think it is obvious I am connected to the supernatural."


With this Revy just stares at Dutch while deadpanning. "Dutch, were buying silver bullets."


"It's not in the budget. Besides living from lethal wounds what else can you do? Laws may be loosely followed where we work, but I'm not really for child labor."


"Before you get worked up about this, let me just say I can eat people. But, it can be beneficial to you guys."


"What the hell, you eat people?!"


*Bang!* Revy then stomps her foot cutting off the Office Worker.


"Shut up or I'll shoot you again jack***."


"Like I was saying after I eat them, or absorb them rather, I get their memories and abilities. I can also shape shift myself to take their form or even grow natural weapons like claws and such."


"Hmm, that would allow us to take on infiltration jobs now, and we wouldn't have to torture some fool just to get information. Plus we now have a heavy hitter."


"Hey that's cool and all, but now we can have our own cleaner, so that would save us some money," Benny called from the other room.


"And that means we all get a raise! Not bad for a rookie."


"Oh yeah by the way," I say while turning around in my seat. "Since I can shape shift, I can store a few things on me. So, consider these as gifts."




Grabbing ahold of the four objects I turn around and sit them on the small table. Revealing them to be four bars of solid gold!




"Damn," Dutch gasped quietly.


"Woah..." The Office Worker said amazed.


"Wait? What are you guys amazed about in there? Did Mr. Monster take off his own head?"




"That's easily a small payday. We can even sell these to our current client for a fair price. Well as fair as they can get around here. Things are looking good for you newbie."


"Ah hell yeah! I'm starting to like you Shots!"


"Shots Revy?"


"What Dutch? He can survive being shot in the head and everything. Then pop back up like daisies, so Shots!"


"What are you a**holes looking at! I'm clever, and he's not directly on my sh*t list unlike a lot of people I know."


"Okay this is great, but now can I go topside? I wanna stretch my legs for a bit."


"Alright, alright. You passed the interview for the most part, and the gold definitely helped so welcome to the Lagoon Company. We should probably pick up the "hostage" too or he just might mess with something."


"Revy make sure you guns are working. Never know what might just pop up."


"What is my life coming to," sobbed the office worker silently while being picked off the ground.



I was doing some light stretches while Dutch and the Office Worker sat down next to each other smoking.


"What's gonna happen to me?"


"Since this is Revy's fault, I guess we'll make contact with your company somehow and try to set up a trade," replied Dutch.


"So there's gonna be a ransom huh. This is gonna go on my permanent record."


"Honestly, if I were you, I'd be more worried for my life," I chirp. "Say what you want but a job's a job, if it's not done they don't get paid and probably get some trouble heading their way in the future if it's not satisfactory."


"Or probably dead if I can guess what the current client is like. Sh*t happens, you just gotta deal with it."


"Ain't that the truth. So, what's your name kid?"


"Okajima, Rokuro Okajima."


"Well it was nice to meet you Office Worker."




It was a little after sunset when we finally made it to port. Hopping off the Lagoon I couldn't help but be a little excited to see the nightlife. I was always more of an night owl anyway.


Standing next to Dutch I couldn't help but already feel the levels debauchery taking place not too far from me.


"You coming Rock," called Dutch.




"I think he means you."


Behind the now named Rock appeared a nerdy looking cacasian man. He had long curly blonde hair in a ponytail, wore a red Hawaiian shirt, tan shorts, and had glasses.


"So you coming or what?"


"What? W-where are you guys going?"


"Some place you get a drink. Don't you want to come?"


I then speak up as we start to leave,"You know guys I don't think I've ever been properly drunk. Or will they even serve me, oh who cares this is gonna be fun. Hey, see you slowpokes later!"


As we were walking to the bar I was amazed by what I saw. Strip clubs showing some girls, prostitutes openly displaying and offering their services, gambling in the middle of the street. I think I even just saw a guy get dragged into an alley!


"Yo guys this place is awesome! I should've come to Roanpur earlier!"


"Now your talking Shots! We could've lit up the town!"


"Here's the Yellowflag. Now calm down you two so we can drink."


Entering the joint it was just like the end of the world bar. Hookers, betting on pool games, poker, everyone has a gun, with ne'er-do-wells and thugs all around.


Gathering at the bar I honor my new nickname with some shots for myself. Not even getting a buzz while feeling multiple pairs of eyes of the female variety staring at me. Revy was also a little tense while happily drinking some rum, but I couldn't tell why.


"I just don't get it," I heard from Rock. "Why is their a gun on every table. Is this the so called bar at the end of the world you see in westerns?"


"I was thinking the same thing Rock. But, eh. Don't mind me, I'm just wishing I had some better clothes to party in."


"You two have a good idea of the place," spoke Dutch. "This place was founded by the southern Vietnamese soldiers who survived the war. They started taking in fugitive soldiers too, and before we knew it the place went straight to hell."


"Hookers, junkies, mercenaries, hitmen, irredeemable criminals everyone of them. Don't like it?"


As a fight breaks out behind us I sigh in relaxation.


"Honestly this place ain't half bad, companies' neat and good drinks. I could chill here," I say while watching the fight.


As I do that one of the two drunks picks up a bottle and throws it at the other one in my direction. He dodges but it knocks over all my drinks!


"Grr! Hey barkeep! If I beat them up can I take their stuff?"


The older man just scoffs before shrugging.


"I don't care what happens to them as long as nothing messes up my bar. So don't make a mess, or you'll literally pay me an arm and an leg. Got it?"


"Whatever you say! Dutch I'm gonna..."


"*sigh* Like he said just don't make a mess."


"Sure thing. Hang on guys I'm getting myself a souvenir of my first time here," I said while getting up from my seat.


"Hey get something good!"


"No promises Revy!"


Running over to the two drunks who were now grappling I move to the side of them to get an opening.


Taking my shot I quickly grab them both by the back of their heads and forcefully slam them together!


*crack!* *slam!*


The two are laying on the ground one holding his bleeding nose with the other trying to sit up while holding his head.


'Can't have that now.'


Ignoring the one with the broken nose I grab the headache guy by throat and lift him to feet. With no fanfare I knee him in the groin and a second time to the stomach!


Holding him bent over I elbow him harshly in the back of the head to knock him out. And like a light he's out!


Dropping him I turn around to face the the one with the broken nose. Who now is standing and rummaging around in his right pocket.


Giving him a second to see what he pulls, I'm disappointed to only see it be a pocket knife.




With a shout he lunges at me, only I dip to the side and grab him and his arm in a hold.


"Really a pocket knife? You really are as stupid as you look."


"Let go ya bas***d!"


"Oh so that's what I am? Well let me teach you something you fat oaf."




"Never anger me again or I'll break your other arm and nail your balls to the wall. It was a waste of some perfectly good drinks. Now shut up!"


Ending the fight I simply choke him out and drop him on the floor. Doing a quick search on both of them I just made over eighty-five American dollars along with a practically mint leather wallet. Standing back up I ignore the cheers and catcalls and get back in my chair at the bar.


"Well that was mildly amusing."


"Thanks Benny. Hey barkeep! Here's a fifty for the trouble."


Taking the money the man smirks before going back to cleaning some glasses.


"I'm starting to like you brat. At least you don't go and start trouble like Revy here."


"Hey! I'm trying to keep out of trouble these days!"


"I'll believe it when my bar isn't ruined because of you coming here. Any minute now I'm waiting for the bullets to go flying."


"Whatever. Let's get back to drinking."


"Hopefully trouble doesn't follow us here. I like this bar."


"You know your stuff Brat."


"Thanks Old Timer."


Little did I know I had already jinxed us...