
Application and Opening Ceremony

Kuroko POV

I go to my class 1E to look for my seat. I was lucky to get the last seat near the window. I never understood why this happens but I would always get the same seat throughout both my elementary and junior high schools. I think people forget about me and only realize it when there's an empty seat and then assign it to me.

I sit down at my desk and look at the clock. It's currently 8:05 am. I came to school really early today as it's the first day so I have nearly twenty five minutes left for the weekly morning assembly held on every monday. I decided to fill the application for the club now.

   Karasuno High School Volleyball Club Application

*Name : Tetsuya Kuroko

*Gender : Male

I wondered why the have a gender field but I guess they gave the same application to both boys and girls club.

*Position : □Player     □Manager

I ticked the player box.

*Class : 1 E

*Middle school:  Teiko Middle School

(A/N : Other characters fromkuroko no basket aren't going to be used, atleast currently. )

Volleyball Position: Pinch Server

This is the first non compulsory field but I am not quite surprised as players tend to change their position quite often in high school level.

Middle Blockers(A/N : like Tsukishima) become wing spikers(A/N : like Tanaka).

Outside Hitters(A/N : like Tanaka and Asahi) become Opposite(A/N : like Daichi).

Opposite with good defense technique become the libero(A/N : like Nishinoya).

Height : 168 cm (5'6)

Weight :  62 kg (136 lbs)

I also kind of expected both fingertip height and jumping reach but they aren't there.

Once the application is done I look at the time and since there's not much time left I go to the assembly.

A boy with short gray hair and square rimmed glasses comes on to the stage. He looked the personification of punctual as his uniform is perfect. He had a very serious vibe around him as not only the first years but the whole student body became quiet and attentive as he entered.

Manabu: "A very fine morning to our respected principal, vice principal, loving teachers and all the students. I am the student council president Horikita Manabu. I welcome all the first years to karasuno on behalf of the student council and all the other clubs. I hope you have a wonderful three years journey in this school.I would like to call our principal on to the stage to give a small speech."

An elderly man with long gray hair and mustache and beard entered the stage. He looked incredibly fit and muscular. The most noticeable thing was that he has a scar on his right eye running diagonally from the middle of his forehead down to just above his right cheekbone. He wore an olive-colored yukata tied by a white obi and wore geta sandals.

Sadao: "Welcome! Welcome to a new year at karasuno.  My name is Kawamura Sadao. I hope you have a wonderful year here at karasuno. I don't want to waste your time with a speech, I'm sure you want start your day and meet new friends or old friends for the older students. Thank you."

With his speech we completed the assembly. It was rather short as the time is still 8:50 am only. We left the grounds to go to our class.