Hideki was reborn into the Kuroko no Basuke Universe and embraces his second chance at life as "The King's Shield", one of the Uncrowned Kings. Hideki's story is a journey that goes beyond the court, intertwining his mystical past, unyielding determination, and bright future to carve his legacy as a basketball prodigy.
Now it was a start of a new chapter for Hideki's life. He is now entering High School. He got his new uniform 2 weeks before school and Him and Kanai bought school supplies, that would last him until the end of school year. Even if most of his earnings in the break was used to buy Riko's new game console, so now his cash is back to zero.
Hideki left home with his mom as Kanai is also going to work and Hideki to school, this would depend if Kanai gets a later shift then they both won't go out at the same time. And the way to their places are similar for only a block or 2 before going their separate ways.
Now at the back of your mind you may ask, how would Hideki play basketball in High School? Well, if Seirin High, his new High School, doesn't really have a team, he wouldn't mind playing in pickup games to practice his craft, it's just that it's not viable long term as this would not reflect on his "credentials" but he has his scholarship to fall onto to enter a new school.
But Hideki thought to himself, "If God really move in mysterious ways, I'd bet, random five freshmen would try to create a team before the Generation of Miracles be High Schoolers." Hideki snickered at the thought because of trust issues, he wants the team he would join to try and get better basketball even with small increments, he doesn't want to join a hobbyist club, but a legit basketball club and participate in the InterHigh.
After minutes of walking, Hideki is now in front of the High School he chose, Seirin High School, not a prestigious school like Rakuzan High School or Teiko Middle School, nor an InterHigh powerhouse like Yosen High and Kaijo High, nor sure InterHigh schools like Seiho and Shutoku, yes the mentioned schools are elite in many levels, but Seirin exudes a calm and relaxing aura, maybe due to it being a new school.
As a new school, Seirin has a small number of clubs but there are niche clubs among them too, like the Book Lovers club and Otaku club, and Megumi's fabled Sports Admirers Club. Not gonna lie Megumi even initially thought the club she built on a whim would gain traction and be an established club in Hanabira, and what's more absurd is that it would branch out to other schools too. Good thing was that Megumi's senpai at Seirin asked her permission to jumpstart the Sports Admirers Club again in Seirin.
But for the sports clubs, Seirin only has hobbyists clubs not sports teams, so they only participate in any open tournaments and not official ones. But what's sad is there's only a small number of 'hobbyist' clubs for the school and basketball is not one of them. Well, that may be attributed to Teiko's dominance in the Middle School scene that made the High Schoolers scared to play basketball again, and those who view it as a hobby, immediately quit on thinking about creating a team.
Now Hideki enters the school and he sees two familiar people Riko Aida and Megumi Takahashi, his childhood friend and Middle School classmates respectively.
Hideki got near them and decided to let his presence felt to them, "So how's it going girls?"
Megumi and Riko saw Hideki and said his name and both girls looked at each other, confirming each other's identity, Megumi looked and pointed at Riko and asked "Riko?" Riko did the same to Megumi and asked "Megumi?"
Both nodded and shook hands and introduced to one another. Megumi talked first and said with a smile "Hi Riko-chan, I'm Megumi Takahashi, Hideki's former manager at Hanabira. Let's get along this next three years." Riko then introduced herself with a smile and said "Hi Megumi-san, I'm Riko Aida, Hideki's childhood friend. Likewise to you too."
The girls now recognize each other and left Hideki in the dust, shocked that he was left behind as the girls were walking. Where are they walking? To the Sports Admirers Club. Why?
Well at the first day at Seirin High, several clubs recruit students towards their clubs, and as previously stated, unlike Hanabira there are fewer clubs than you may expect in a more established school, like there is no existing basketball club in the school, but there are niche ones like the Otaku club dand the newly formed Sports Admirer Club.
Since there's no basketball club, it's Hideki's turn to help Megumi and join the Sports Admirers Club and he tried to recruit Riko "Hey Riko-chan wanna join our club?" But Riko quickly turned him down and said "Sorry Hideki-kun, but I think I'll pass." Hideki didn't give up and whispered to her ear "There are a lot of research materials there, as Megumi let's the girls attend games and you can scout out people" As Hideki was whispering sweet temptation to Riko, he was grinning like Koro-sensei and soon enough as he said that, Riko said "Fine, but just for research okay?"
Hideki closed his fist in a small victory celebration that went unnoticed by the girls.
Well the Sports Admirer Club recruitment went on without a hitch. Megumi was accepted without a beat and so was Hideki and Riko, due to being Megumi's friends, and Megumi told her senpai that Hideki was one of the "founding fathers" of the club, being the club's big object of idolization during it's inception.
Which was heard by both Riko and Hideki with the latter's embarrassment, as in his humility didn't really wanted that kind of attention. As he know that fanatics are hardcore fans and Japan's kind of notorious on that, but on other industries.
After the initial recruitment the freshmen trio were told to attend the club's orientation and speaking of orientation, the school had that on the afternoon with the principal speaking in front. Hideki didn't really focused on the speech and was looking around to see if he can see some familiar faces, but there was none, maybe he'll see someone in school one of these days.
Which we don't know if fate will do it's mysterious thing.
Hi Everybody Author here,
This chapter is the introduction to the Volume in which Hideki's High School years will be told.
For the guys who are telling me to let Hideki be more selfish. Sorry, I just can't let it be. He is trained to be a team player and do his role as a team player, although his talents outshine others, but Hideki's real talent is defense (or if I haven't really detailed it much in this story then I failed as a writer). I only made him do offensive stuff as he has to carry Hanabira to the end a la Lebron James (2007 and 2018).
I am thinking right now if I will make a Q&A chapter in the aux chapters just to answer your inquiries, so just keep on commenting and we'll address that in the future.