
Kuroko no Basket : The Sixth Man of the Seirin Basketball Team

Update once in two days! Seirin is not a bad team. However, they are definitely not the best ones in the Kuroko no Basket series. It took Kuroko and Kagami a lot of luck and plot armor to win the game against the other Generation of Miracles. So, what if they have one more competent player coming from the bench? Here is a story of Kouki Furihata playing basketball in the middle of the genius of his generation. Can he shine among the Generation of Miracles? WARNING! Kouki Furihata here will be an OOC Character and I will make him a smarter player without his meek personality. I will also try to make it a bit MORE REALISTIC with a lot of NBA references, so don't expect Midorima to take a full-court shoot every time he has the ball and still has a 100% shooting percentage or for Kagami to do a dunk from the free-throw line every time, It is NOT realistic. Thank you!

Zeta_Faes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
160 Chs

Chapter 28 : A Day Before the Game

"Yo, Kakashi-sensei!" Furihata waved his hand lazily, greeted back the blondie.

"Uuuugh!! How many times do I have to say, don't call me Kakashi! Now, even my senpai and Kagamicchi started calling me that!" Kise whined childishly, resulting in a chuckle from Furihata.

"So, you have already met Red?" The point guard asked, which was answered with a nod from Kise, knowing this weird habit of Furihata for giving a nickname to anyone.

"Yeah. But that guy is so annoying. He keeps gloating about his win over me. I mean, I scored 45 against him! It is me who should do that to him!"

"Well, Kakashi-sensei, I am sorry to inform you, but we win in the end. And as any wise athlete said, the winner has the privilege to gloat to the loser, and Red took that too personally, I think."

"You too, Furihatacchi?! And can you stop calling me that name?!"

"Excuse me, Kise-kun, but what is wrong with Kakashi?" Kuroko suddenly spoke with a confused tone. However, he got the 'are you stupid' look from Kise.

"Are you serious, Kurokocchi?! Kakashi is dull and pervert! How could I be like him? If anything, look! I am blonde, bright, and have a powerful signature move! Am I more suitable as Naruto?"

He looked at both Furihata and Kuroko with a bright smile, asking for validation. However, all he could hear is a low mutter from Furihata.

"Yeah, of course with all of his loud voice and annoying personality, he would be suitable as Naruto."

Kuroko who also heard that nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Kise-kun. You are indeed loud, just like Naruto."

Kise sweatdropped comically at that comment.

"Kurokocchi?! I thought we are friends here! Why did you side with him?"

However, Kuroko just tilted his head and asked the critical damage question,

"Since when are we, friends?"

That resulted in Kise being stabbed by a million imaginary arrows straight into his heart.

"How could you, Kurokocchi!"

They keep bickering for a while, laughing together while hearing Kise's story about his evil senpai or other trivial matters. It is strange for Furihata to get close to Kise this quickly. Maybe it is because their personality clicked in, or maybe Kise is too easygoing. Either way, he didn't want to think too deeply about it.

However, all pleasantry has to end when Furihata glanced at his watch.


"Well, Kakashi-sensei, it is already late. To what do we owe your visit today?" He decided to ask the main question. However, Kise is still not willing to give up the playful atmosphere among them.

"Can you drop the nickname? It is really annoying to hear that." Furihata raised his eyebrows slightly before replying,

"Well, since you didn't hear me complain about my new nickname, you don't have the right to revoke your nickname as well. Don't be a hypocrite, Kakashi-sensei."

Kise just huffed a little, couldn't give any come back to his last remark.

"Well, whatever." Then, suddenly, the playful atmosphere around them vanished, replaced by Kise's serious face. "You will start the tournament tomorrow, right?"

Seeing the nod from Kuroko, Kise let out a deep sigh.

"Haaah… You are unlucky, Kurokocchi. You have to face both Midorimacchi and Aominecchi in this prefecture. If only you agree to my proposal.."

"Hey, no stealing Kuroko please!" Furihata makes a playful gesture to protect Kuroko. Kise just laughed, clearly enjoying his time with Kuroko and Furihata.

"Well, what do you think, Kurokocchi? Can you win against them?"

It took him a second before Kuroko opened his mouth and said,

"I don't know if I can win or not. I just want to give it a try."

Kise stares at the blue-haired boy for a second, trying to find any hidden answer behind his expression. However, when he found none of it, he busted a laugh loud.

"HAHAHA! That is a good answer, Kurokocchi! As expected from you. How about you, Furihatacchi? Do you think you can win against my former teammates?"

Furihata smiles wryly as he shook his head, surprising Kise a bit.

"We would only be able to face Aomine if we can advance through the final league. But to do so, we have to win against Midorima and Shutoku, which I don't believe we could win. With Shutoku's power right now, I think they are second in Japan, only behind Rakuzan in the race for the championship."

Kise pondered for a moment before he nodded.

"I heard from Senpai that Shutoku was the third place last year, defeated by Yosen Academy in the semi-final. But now, with Midorimacchi, they will be more dangerous. I have to warn my senpai about this! Thank you for your information, Kurokocchi! Furihatacchi! Try to not lose so early, or I would not be able to take my revenge. Bye!"

He leaves both Furihata and Kuroko who smiles wryly as they both looked at Kise who slowly disappeared from their eyesight.

"What a laid-back person." Furihata sighed tiredly.

"Well, he was always like that since our first meeting." Kuroko shrugged helplessly at him. "I thought that was his way to cope with his busy schedule. I mean, he is a top high-school model and one of the best basketball high schoolers in the country right now. It must be hard for him."

"Well.. If you put it that way…" Furihata pondered for a moment before he shrugged. "Anyway, this is already too late. It would get dark in twenty minutes, we better hurry and go home Phantom."

"Yeah, I think so too," Kuroko replied while looking at the sky that gradually turned dark.

"Okay, let's part here. My home is several blocks from here. See you tomorrow, Phantom."

"You too, Furihata-kun."


On the next day, they all gathered on the court, but not for training. No. They would have a game tomorrow, so they would need to rest their body.

The reason for this little gathering is something more exciting. When Furihata saw his senpai finally came with a huge box getting carried by Mitobe, he couldn't hide his excitement, and it was mirrored by all the first-years except Kagami and Kuroko.

"Okay, everyone! Be quiet, please! First, let's gather here!" After taking a minute to make the first-years calm down, Riko gives a warm smile at them and began to speak,

"I know you are already aware that tomorrow will be the beginning of our journey. However, what is a basketball game without its proper attire? So, here, without beating around the bush, I present to you, our jersey this year!"

All of them clapped excitedly, especially the first year. You have to know that they are the new member, so even though they have already played in the game against Kaijo, they all wear the generic sports vest that day. So, seeing as they finally get their own jersey, they couldn't help but get overwhelmed.

"Okay, I will call your name one by one. Come here when you hear your name." Seeing her players nod simultaneously, Riko opened the box in front of her and take the jerseys out of the box.


The captain stood up and walked graciously, receiving his jersey and going back to his sit with a very calm demeanor. There is nothing special here. He got the same jersey number as the last year, #4.


The senior point guard also has the same calm demeanor. But there is a hint of giddiness on his face as he received the jersey. He also got the same jersey number as last year, #5.


The cat-face senpai stood, bowing funnily to the other, and received the jersey with a stupid grin. He also wears the same jersey number, #6.


The ever-quiet center stood up and walked like a robot, accepting his jersey and giving a nod to the coach before he walked back to his sit. He wears jersey number #8.


The smiley face senpai stood up and accepted his jersey, saying a quick thanks before he went back to his sit. He wears jersey number #9.

And now that all of the senpais have received their jerseys, it is time for the first-year to get one too. All the rookies are bouncing on their butt right now, getting ready for their own jersey.

"Okay, everyone. Calm down! You all have one here, so, be patient."

After getting nods from her kouhai, Riko started calling the name again.


The red-hair stood up and walked nonchalantly, accepting his jersey and walking back as if nothing happened. He wears jersey number 10.


The shadow of the Generation of Miracles also stood up and walked as if nothing happened. He accepted his jersey and go back to his sit quietly. He wears the same jersey as he was in Teiko, #11.


Now, it is his time. Furihata walked toward his coach and accepted his own jersey, admiring it for a while, before he walked back to his sit. He chooses jersey number #12 as a reminder that at that age, he started falling in love with basketball.


The first-year center walked forward and accepted his jersey awkwardly before he walked back immediately right after he received it. It is a bit weird, but everyone could see his eyes shining brightly when he saw his name plastered on the jersey. He wears jersey number #13.


The last player, the bald rookie who is probably the most hard-working player among all of them, walked forward and accepted his jersey. He gives a quick thanks to his coach before he goes back to his sit. He wears jersey number #15.

"Okay, folks. That's it! Now that all of you have received your own jersey, how do you feel? Are you excited?"

Riko received huge cheers from the rookies.

"Of course!"

"This is the first time I am having my own jersey now! I cannot wait to show it to my mom."

"I am fired up yeah!"

She nodded her head, satisfied with the reaction.

"Okay, I will not prolong this meeting any longer. Tomorrow is our first game, so you all need to come here early at least at 7 in the morning. We will have to play against Shinkyo at 11, so get ready! Remember your excitement today and vent it out tomorrow! That's it! Meeting adjourned!"

Right after she dismissed her players, they all choose to go home and prepare for the next day. Even the bench members who probably had no chance to play also did the same, in case someone gets injured and they have to play, the coach said.

However, Furihata didn't do that. Instead, he walked back to his classroom, trying to calm his excitement.

You have to know that even if Furihata acted so mature in the past, this is the first time he has his own jersey. Who wouldn't be excited after receiving his first jersey?

He took a photo of his jersey and send it to his mom.

[Me: {jersey.jpg} got a game tomorrow. Wish me luck!]

[Mom: That;s a cool jersey. Way cooler than the one I brought for you. Be careful and have a good time, sweetheart. I am sorry I will be back at least at 3 in the evening. But we can have a little celebration for your first win. How about it? :)]

[Me: Thanks mom, I would love to. You too, take care of yourself and have a good time!]

He closed his phone with a wide smile growing in his mouth. Getting his own jersey and receiving the news that his mom will be back tomorrow, could this day get any better?

Right after that thought crossed his mind, he could hear the door open, and he saw a familiar face looking at him with a surprised expression.

"Kouki-san, what are you doing this late?"

That was Hana Hoshida, the girl he met at the bookstore while he was hanging out with his mom.

"I am just finished my training with the basketball team. How about you, Hana-san?"

The girl flustered for a little before she replied,

"I am also the same. I just finished my own training with the choir club."

Wow! You must be good at singing!" Furihata said with a hint of surprise. However, Hana shook her head immediately.

"No no no! You are wrong, Kouki-san! I am just an amateur who loves singing. Nothing else!"

'That is what a pro would say!'

Furihata rolled his eyes at the girl whose face is getting redder every time she speaks.

"Well, if you say so." He decided to drop the matter, leaving an awkward silence between them.

"Uhm…" Furihata broke the silence. "It is getting late here. Do you want to go back together?"

Hearing this the girl's eyes shone brightly as she nodded rapidly.

"Sure, I would love to! Wait a minute please!"

She left Furihata alone once again, leaving the boy with his thought wandering wildly.

'What is that reaction? Is it really true that she has a crush on me? Should I ask her? But if it is not true, it would be awkward between us! Whatever. Let's leave this matter for now. Tomorrow is the day of my debut. It is better to think about that.'

With that, he leaves this girl's matter to the future, without him knowing that it would be addressed by his mom later. Fortunately for him, it only happened in the future, so he doesn't have to worry about anything right now.


Author note:

NEXT CHAPTER: VS Shinkyo I - The Beginning!

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You can also read this fanfiction up to chapter 48 on that page. Thank you! :)