
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

TOS · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Winter Cup Final. (2)



This chapter was initially intended to be combined with the previous one, but due to an oversight, you'll be reading a slightly shorter chapter today.

In my opinion, this is the most polished chapter I've written so far. If you have a different opinion, please share your choice in the comments.

Additionally, it appears that the comments regarding the female main character have been relatively evenly divided between an original character (OC) and an anime character. Therefore, after we conclude the final saga, I'll post a chapter presenting five options: two OCs and three anime characters. You will then have the opportunity to make your selection at that point.




With that free throw, Koganei reduced the score difference to 1 point. The score was 15 to 14 in Teiko's favor.

As Akashi dribbled the ball up the court, he couldn't help but notice Koganei standing before him. A faint surprise danced across his face, quickly replaced by a subtle sense of delight. It seemed that Aomine, their most potent scorer, would have an easier time with the ball and attacking the basket.

However, Akashi couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that this situation was anything but normal. So, as a testament to his curiosity and desire to explore the game's dynamics, he decided to test the waters.

With a swift pass, he transferred the ball to Aomine, and in that moment, Teiko's players began to adjust and open up the floor for their ace scorer. The court stretched out before Aomine, awaiting his command.

Holding the ball on the wing with Asuma guarding him, Aomine felt a twinge of disappointment. The absence of Koganei defending him was unexpected, but he pressed on with the play.

He initiated a dazzling series of double crossover dribbles, showcasing his impressive ball-handling skills. With remarkable speed and agility, he made his way past Asuma and towards the hoop, ready to seize an opportunity.

Asuma, to his credit, was not easily shaken. Determined and focused, he worked hard to keep up with Aomine, denying him the space he needed for a clean shot. However, Aomine had something more up his sleeve. In a breathtaking display of skill, he executed a lightning-quick dribble behind his back, shifting direction so swiftly that Asuma found himself struggling to react in time.

Aomine, now with a clear path to the basket, was poised to attack. But amid his attempted drive, an instinctual sense of imminent danger prompted him to react with lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, he flicked the ball between his legs, barely evading Koganei's outstretched hand as he attempted to steal the ball.

As the ball emerged from between Aomine's legs and he attempted to regain control, he was met with an unrelenting defensive duo: the dual pressure of Koganei and Asuma. Working in perfect coordination, they created a trap that left Aomine with little room to maneuver. It was Koganei's quick and cunning hands that finally seized the ball away, setting the stage for a rapid transition to offense and Koganei's subsequent layup, which ultimately granted Yuuki Junior High the lead by a single point, with the scoreboard now reading 15 to 16.

The sudden turn of events left Teiko's players, particularly Aomine, utterly astonished. The element of surprise was palpable on the court, as this remarkable sequence unfolded in a manner that even Teiko's exceptional talents couldn't anticipate.

Aomine, in particular, was taken aback by the unanticipated turn of events. As a player known for his prowess and remarkable scoring ability, he was used to confidently asserting his dominance on the basketball court. Yet, in this instance, a combination of Asuma's determined defense and Koganei's quick hands had confounded his expectations.

Aomine's surprise was mirrored by his teammates, who had grown accustomed to their almost unchallenged dominance on the court. To witness one of their own, in this case, Aomine, lose possession and concede a fast break layup was a jarring departure from the norm.

The court was pulsating with tension, as each possession seemed to take on greater significance in the unfolding drama. As Teiko regained possession of the ball after Koganei's layup, Momoi, on the sidelines, was insistent that they should avoid giving the ball to Aomine. She signaled to Akashi, who understood her intentions, but also had a desire to test Yuuki Junior High's defense, particularly against Aomine.

Akashi orchestrated a familiar play, setting Aomine up for an isolation opportunity. The ball found its way into Aomine's hands, and the prodigious scorer quickly went to work. With a burst of speed, he executed a series of dribble moves to outmaneuver Asuma, intent on taking it to the hoop. This time, he was cautious, protecting the ball and not allowing Koganei's attempts to strip it away to succeed.

However, it was Hideki who made the crucial play by rushing in to double-team Aomine, leaving Aomine with no clear path to the basket. Aomine assessed his options and spotted Midorima, who was waiting in the corner, signaling for the ball. The idea was to utilize Midorima's renowned shooting ability. With no hesitation, Aomine fired a pass in Midorima's direction, but before it could reach its intended target, Koganei, showing his exceptional defensive instincts, leaped into the passing lane and intercepted the ball.

Koganei, after his defensive heroics, transitioned seamlessly into an offensive role as he slowly advanced the ball up the court. Reaching the frontcourt, he called for a pick-and-roll play, with Mitobe immediately stepping up to set a robust screen. The screen was executed to perfection, effectively sealing off Akashi, who was unable to navigate around Mitobe's imposing frame.

Utilizing the screen, Koganei capitalized on Murasakibara's defensive assignment and initiated a switch, leading to a mismatch on the perimeter with the towering Murasakibara. Taking advantage of his agility and ball-handling skills, Koganei dribbled the ball between his legs, creating hesitation in his defender. This subtle move shifted Murasakibara's center of gravity, opening up an opportunity.

Koganei executed a swift crossover dribble in the blink of an eye, leaving Murasakibara behind and driving past him on his left. With the path to the basket now open, Koganei accelerated, preparing for a layup. However, as he elevated for the shot, he found himself overshadowed by Murasakibara's towering presence. Surprisingly, the big man displayed an unexpected burst of speed, proving that he was not to be underestimated.

With his massive hands, Murasakibara attempted to swat Koganei's shot off the backboard. Recognizing the impending block attempt, Koganei reacted with lightning-quick reflexes. He contorted his body in mid-air and attempted a reverse layup, a last-ditch effort to evade Murasakibara's reach. Unfortunately, the big man's agility and length proved superior, and he successfully swatted the ball out of Koganei's grasp, knocking it out of bounds.

As the fierce exchange unfolded, following Murasakibara's emphatic block, the two players found themselves nearby, their heated words punctuating the charged atmosphere.

Murasakibara, still sporting an expression of annoyance, directed his baritone voice at Koganei, saying something to the effect of, "Stop playing around with me." He had taken offense to Koganei's audacious attempt to isolate him on the perimeter.

Koganei, never one to back down from a challenge, locked eyes with the towering Murasakibara and responded defiantly, "See me at the perimeter."

The exchange continued with taunts and counter-taunts, both players unwilling to concede an inch. Koganei's confidence was buoyed by the gradual unlocking of his 'finishing at the rim' skill, an ability he had been tirelessly working on. While it had yet to reach the high school level, he felt it inching closer with each play.

Their words were punctuated by intense glares and gestures, but before tensions escalated any further, their teammates intervened, physically separating the two adversaries. The players recognized the gravity of the situation and their coaches' stern gazes, emphasizing the importance of maintaining focus and discipline in this crucial game.

The intense exchange between Koganei and Murasakibara didn't go unnoticed by the passionate crowd in the arena. As the two players engaged in a heated verbal duel, the spectators cheered and applause, their excitement growing palpable.

Some of the more ignorant fans couldn't resist the urge to get on their feet, their voices rising in unison with loud cheers and chants of "Yeeaaa!" They waved banners and flags, doing their part to escalate the atmosphere within the stadium. The energy of the crowd continued to swell, creating an electric ambiance that added to the intensity of the game.

A while later, As Koganei battled to receive the inbound pass, the pressure from Akashi's defense was relentless. The seconds ticked away, and he knew he had to act quickly. With great determination, he managed to secure the pass from Asuma just in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding the five-second violation.

With the ball in his hands, Koganei saw an opportunity and seized it. He made a swift move, driving past Akashi, who was momentarily obstructed by Mitobe, creating a precious opening. With the court now stretching out before him, Koganei didn't hesitate. He released a long-range shot from behind the three-point line, the ball arcing gracefully through the air. The spectators held their breath as it sailed toward the basket, and then erupted in cheers as the ball swished through the net.

Koganei's three-pointer had a dual impact, not only increasing Yuuki Junior High's lead but also sending a clear message to Teiko Junior High that they weren't going down without a fight. The score now stood at 15-19, a four-point lead for Yuuki Junior High.

With Koganei's three-pointer igniting a surge of momentum for Yuuki Junior High, Teiko's coach, Kōzō Shirogane, recognized the need to halt the opponent's star player from gaining further confidence. He also saw this as an opportunity to regroup his team, re-strategize, and find ways to counteract Yuuki Junior High's recent successes.

During the timeout, as the teams retreated to their respective benches, Coach Kōzō Shirogane and the coaching staff initiated a discussion about their plan of action. They recognized the shift in momentum and the need to regain control of the game.

Coach Kōzō Shirogane gathered the Teiko players around him, understanding the importance of a structured conversation at this critical juncture.

He began by acknowledging the effectiveness of Coach Kimura's defensive strategy against Aomine, directing the team's attention to the success it had achieved. With a subtle smile, he continued, "That was well executed by them."

"However," he emphasized, "it was successful because they employed it against Aomine, who has yet to experience a situation where multiple defenders effectively trap him. Consequently, he lacks experience in distributing the ball under such circumstances. If we avoid feeding him the ball, their strategy becomes less effective." His words were met with understanding nods from the players. Aomine, who had wanted to voice his thoughts, found himself holding back, reminded of Koganei's consecutive steals, causing him to clench his fist in frustration.

Observing the reluctance to speak, Coach Shirogane proceeded with his instructions. "Atsushi, refrain from direct confrontations with Koganei," he advised, his tone taking on a hint of sternness. He didn't view Atsushi's earlier altercation with Koganei kindly. "We all recognize his prowess as a finisher near the rim. If you sense you might foul him, allow him to score. Our ability to score is unquestionable. They cannot prevent us from putting points on the board."

Upon seeing Murasakibara reluctantly nod in understanding, Shirogane couldn't help but internally shake his head. The players, who had earned the moniker "Generation of Miracles," had seen their egos swell to unimaginable proportions. The notion of someone challenging them and achieving success was unacceptable to them. Unsure of how to temper their growing egos, Shirogane could only ignore it and hope that life might one day humble them. However, that day wouldn't be today, he mused, as he turned his attention to giving instructions to the rest of the team.

"Akashi, do your best to avoid the switches Koganei is attempting to force," he began. "Atsushi already has two fouls, and we can't afford to have him foul out." Akashi, Teiko's captain, nodded in acknowledgment.

Shifting his focus to Midorima and Kise, Shirogane continued, "We'll concentrate on both of you on the offensive end. Kise, your speed surpasses Hideki's. Utilize that quickness to cut to the basket. Akashi will find you. Midorima, your role is to move around the perimeter and keep the court spaced. We can't allow them to clog the paint. Atsushi and Aomine will set screens for you to create scoring opportunities."

As he concluded his instructions, the referee signaled for the teams to return to the court. With just over a minute remaining in the quarter, the players made their way back to resume the game.

Once the players returned to the court, Shirogane turned his attention to Momoi, who had been silently scrutinizing Yuuki Junior High's defensive strategies. He inquired, "Have you discovered something?"

Nodding in affirmation, Momoi began to share her insights. "Why haven't we targeted Kotaro yet? Yuuki Junior High's players are keen on protecting him defensively."

Shirogane's eyes widened with realization as her words sunk in. Kotaro was primarily defending against Midorima, which meant he hadn't faced many one-on-one situations. Each time he was scored, Midorima utilized screens to create opportunities for himself.

With this newfound perspective, Shirogane quickly signaled for Akashi, who was dribbling up the court, to pass the ball to Midorima for a one-on-one opportunity.

Akashi, puzzled by the unusual instruction, complied without hesitation. He knew that when the coach provided specific directions, it could significantly impact the course of the game.

As Akashi crossed the halfcourt line, he executed a subtle signal that took his teammates by surprise. Nevertheless, Teiko's disciplined players responded promptly, understanding the importance of following their captain's directives.

Midorima, now in a one-on-one situation against Kotaro, could feel the tension in the air. Kotaro's teammates, aware of his defensive limitations, appeared concerned about the impending challenge. Meanwhile, Koganei, who understood the situation, muttered his frustrations under his breath, realizing that Teiko had uncovered Kotaro's defensive weaknesses.

With the ball in his hands, Midorima demonstrated his exceptional skills. A simple jab step was enough to off-balance Kotaro, a subtle maneuver that caught both Teiko and Kotaro by surprise. Midorima exploited this advantage, dribbling the ball with his left hand in preparation for a three-pointer.

Witnessing Midorima's move, Hideki, who was closest to the action, reacted swiftly to support Kotaro and contest the three-point shot. However, just as Hideki closed in, the ball swiftly sailed past him and found its way to Kise, who had expertly cut to the basket. Kise effortlessly completed a layup, reducing the point difference to just two.

A few moments later, following Mitobe's missed mid-range shot, and with only 15 seconds left in the quarter, Akashi orchestrated a switch. He maneuvered to make Kotaro his defensive assignment out on the wing. Koganei couldn't risk leaving Midorima unguarded, Hideki was wary of Kise's cuts, and Aomine was simply not an option to leave open.

Kotaro was once again thrust into a one-on-one situation, and time was running out, with less than seven seconds remaining in the quarter. Akashi sensed an opportunity to make a statement, giving Teiko the lead and potentially demoralizing Yuuki Junior High.

With seconds ticking away, Akashi squared off against Kotaro, confidently dribbling the ball with finesse. He exhibited his extraordinary ball-handling skills, starting with a between-the-legs dribble, followed by a seamless behind-the-back dribble that left Kotaro in his wake. The young defender scrambled to catch up, sprinting at full speed to close the gap.

But Akashi had a surprise up his sleeve. Employing a rapid snatch-back dribble, he cleverly manipulated Kotaro's balance, causing him to stumble and tumble to the floor. The crowd audibly gasped, and many spectators leaped from their seats in amazement at the extraordinary display of skill.

With a condescending glance in Kotaro's and Yuuki Junior High player's direction, Akashi seized the moment and released a three-pointer. The shot reverberated through the arena, the sound of the buzzer signaling the end of the quarter perfectly synchronizing with the swish of the ball through the net. Akashi's clutch three-pointer made a lasting impression, showcasing his dominance on the court and providing Teiko with a crucial lead and momentum boost as the quarter concluded.