
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

TOS · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Basketball Camp. (5)

The basketball court crackled with anticipation as the offensive coordinator efficiently divided the camp members into six teams of five players each. The teams were poised for a series of 15-minute games, with the spotlight on the clash between Koganei's and Maki's teams—a matchup specifically requested by Coach Anzai for its intriguing mix of ball-dominant players.

Koganei's team, strategizing for their impending game, gathered on their side of the court. The lineup featured Seijuro Akashi as the point guard, Daiya Aragaki as the shooting guard, Shinji Koganei as the small forward, Sei Shiraishi as the power forward, and Teppei Kiyoshi holding the center position.

As the players huddled to discuss their game plan, Coach Anzai's offensive coordinator approached the seasoned coach with a furrowed brow, expressing his confusion over the choice of having three ball-dominant players—Akashi, Aragaki, and Koganei—on the same team.

Glancing at both teams on the court, the assistant queried Coach Anzai about the rationale behind assembling a team with such dynamic individual players. The opposing team, led by Shinichi Maki, comprised Hisashi Mitsui, Shuzo Nijimura, Masahiro Nobe, and Atsushi Murasakibara, each with their own penchant for dominating the ball.

In response to the assistant's inquiry, Coach Anzai wore a knowing smile and began to unravel the strategy behind the seemingly unconventional team composition. He explained that almost everyone they had called to the camp could be considered ball-dominant players. However, the reason for this dominance wasn't rooted in their desire to hog the ball; rather, it stemmed from a lack of trust in their teammates' capabilities.

Coach Anzai singled out Mitsui as an example, highlighting the player's tendency to take matters into his own hands due to perceived unreliability from teammates. Pausing for effect, Coach Anzai clarified that he wanted to observe how these ball-dominant players would adapt when surrounded by teammates of equal or greater dominance.

Acknowledging the logic behind Coach Anzai's strategy, the assistant nodded in agreement. Coach Anzai further emphasized that, despite the individualistic tendencies, he aimed to pair players whose playing styles could potentially complement each other, fostering teamwork in the face of inherent ball dominance.

With the stage set for an intriguing matchup, Koganei and Maki's teams took their positions on the court, making their preparations before the start of the game.




Aragaki glanced over at Akashi, their newly appointed point guard, filled with curiosity. "So, you'll be in charge of handling the ball," he commented, studying Akashi's calm and composed demeanor. He wasn't against it, but he just wasn't used to having somebody other than him be the primary ball-handler. 

Akashi responded with a polite smile and a nod. "Yes, I'll be the one bringing it up the court. Since we're still getting to know each other, let's focus on moving around and finding easy scoring opportunities." Responded Akashi.

Koganei, always eager to contribute, jumped into the conversation, drawing attention to the quiet figure of Shiraishi. "Mr. Shiraishi, even though he's listed as a Power Forward, plays more like a Small Forward. He's incredibly fast for his position and has impressive mid-range shooting skills. If we can set up some pick-and-pops to get him open looks, Masahiro Nobe wouldn't be able to defend against him." Everyone in the conversation turned to Koganei, surprised but intrigued by his astute observations.

Koganei continued, pointing directly at Aragaki. "Considering your skills, Mitsui might struggle to defend you one-on-one. You have the advantage in terms of height and a reliable shooting form from anywhere in the frontcourt. If they leave him to guard you alone, take advantage of it. However, you must be ready for his retaliation. Even I'm not confident about being able to shut Mitsui down." Aragaki, momentarily stunned by the unexpected attention, absorbed Koganei's words with a mix of surprise and confusion. Although he had watched the game opposing Teiko Junior High and Yuuki Junior High, he didn't think couldn't have ever come to watch one of his games.

Ignoring the confused Aragaki, Koganei looked at Akashi. Meeting Akashi's sincere smile, Koganei expressed his confidence. "I believe in your decision-making abilities. Kiyoshi and I are familiar with your playing style, having battled against you multiple times. So, we can adapt accordingly." He glanced at Kiyoshi, who shrugged with a smile, wholeheartedly agreeing with the suggestions.

Looking up and seeing the surprised expressions around him, Koganei shrugged his shoulders and reassured his teammates, "I watched footage of all your games before coming to the camp, so I'm somewhat familiar with everyone's playing styles." He said, his eyes locked with Akashi's, both acknowledging their shared preparation before the camp.

Akashi, sensing the need to take charge, acknowledged Koganei's input. "As Koganei said, if we stick to our natural playing styles, we can win this game." His confidence radiated from his voice as he continued, "I won't allow myself to lose, even if it's not an official game. Let's avoid any unnecessary conflicts and focus on our objective. If everybody does their role we will come out on top." He said, the authoritative tone in his voice exerting subtle pressure, which Koganei and Kiyoshi easily brushed off, having experienced it before. The other two teammates, initially overwhelmed, regained their composure and stood firm in their confidence.

Shiraishi, exuding self-assurance, chimed in, "Don't worry about me. I've faced Nobe multiple times, and he can't defend against me." Memories of past victories played vividly in his mind, fortifying his belief. They were from the same prefecture and faced each other multiple times, so he was familiar with Masahiro Nobe.

Appreciation crossed Akashi's face as he turned to Kiyoshi, a towering figure of strength. "We may rely on you for screens often during these ten minutes. I hope you don't mind." Kiyoshi, stretching his limbs and mentally preparing for the game, responded without hesitation, "Don't worry. If it helps us win, I'll gladly do it. After all, we won't be judged solely on our individual point total."

Content with Kiyoshi's answer, Akashi glanced at Koganei, who remained focused on observing the opposing team, especially Hisashi Mitsui. Seeing that, Akashi shook his head, understanding that Koganei's playing style and tendencies were already familiar to him. There was no need to provide further guidance to someone he had battled against not long ago.

As the five minutes passed by swiftly, both teams were called into position. Koganei's team wore white vests, while Murasakibara's team sported vibrant red ones. The anticipation in the air was palpable as strategy and camaraderie intertwined, setting the stage for an exhilarating and intensely competitive game.



The game began with the offensive coordinator tossing the ball into the air, and initiating a jump ball between Murasakibara and Kiyoshi. With their towering figures, the two centers leaped into action, but Murasakibara's extended wingspan allowed him to tip the ball to his side, where Shinichi Maki swiftly gained possession.

With the ball in his hands, Maki initiated a methodical advance up the court, signaling for a screen from Nobe, who promptly moved into position. Nobe executed a solid screen, providing Maki with the opening he needed. Taking advantage of the screen, Maki charged towards the basket, encountering resistance from Shiraishi.

Despite Shiraishi's defensive efforts, Maki powered through, attempting a contested layup. With finesse, Maki managed to convert the difficult shot, securing the first points of the game for his team. As he sprinted back on defense, a subtle expression of frustration crossed Maki's face, evident in his pursed lips.

His annoyance stemmed from the lack of movement and engagement from his teammates on the offensive end. While Nobe had effectively executed the screen, the remaining players stood still, failing to provide options or create openings. Maki, recognizing the limitations of passing to Nobe due to Akashi's defensive maneuver, felt the weight of the offensive burden squarely on his shoulders.

Not minding conceding the basket and with the ball in his possession, Akashi demonstrated his trademark poise and control as he began a deliberate dribble up the court. Assessing the unfolding dynamics, he strategically called for a screen from Kiyoshi, who promptly positioned himself to create an opening for Akashi.

Executing a flawless screen, Kiyoshi provided Akashi the opportunity to accelerate past Maki, who struggled to regain defensive positioning. At the same time, Kiyoshi, after setting the screen, made a swift cut toward the basket, anticipating a potential pass from Akashi. However, Murasakibara, standing tall and imposing, strategically positioned himself to block any direct passing route to Kiyoshi.

Recognizing the defensive challenge posed by Murasakibara, and with Nijimura momentarily occupied with Akashi, Koganei saw an opening and made a decisive cut from the wing towards the basket. Seizing the opportunity, Akashi delivered a precise bounce pass from the opposite side of the block, threading the ball through the defense.

As Koganei received the pass at the elbow, he found himself momentarily unguarded near the rim. However, Murasakibara quickly repositioned himself, ready to contest Koganei's attempted layup. Undeterred, Koganei displayed his refined finishing skills, executing a quick and elusive reverse layup under Murasakibara's outstretched arms.

The crowd of players, both on and off the court, witnessed the impressive display of agility and finesse as Koganei's reverse layup found its mark, leveling the score at 2-all. Gasps of astonishment filled the air, showcasing the difficulty of scoring over Murasakibara. However, the even more remarkable feat was Akashi's pinpoint pass that threaded the ball between two defenders to find its mark.

The brief pause before the inbound provided Nijimura with a moment of self-reflection. He acknowledged the need to recalibrate his mindset and refocus on the game ahead, setting aside any lingering animosity or emotions that might hinder the temporary team's cohesion. Observing Koganei's effective collaboration with Akashi, he recognized the importance of unity within the team.

Taking a deep breath, Nijimura approached Maki as the latter was about to receive the inbound pass from Nobe. "Hey, Maki!" He called out, gaining the latter's attention.

Turning towards Nijimura, Maki showed a confused look as he asked. "Yeah? What's up?"

"Look, I've been thinking. We need to work together for the team's success. I don't want to lose to a junior of mine. So, let's put it all behind us and focus on this game." Said Nijimura. The two of them plus Hisashi Mitsui have been battling against each other at the national level for three years. Of course, their relationship wouldn't be good. However, upon noticing the great collaboration between Koganei and Akashi, Nijiura had a change of heart as he truly didn't want to lose to his junior.

Surprised but intrigued, Maki received the ball as he curiously asked. "Are you serious? Do you want to collaborate?"

Nodding his head, Nijimura responded with a sigh. "Sure. We've got to set aside any differences and play our best. The coaches are watching us, after all." He said, glancing at Mitsuyoshi Anzai and his assistant coaches before continuing. "I'm ready to do my part. How can I assist you out there?"

Pausing for a while, then nodding, Maki responded to his rival's question. "Alright, let's do this. Just play your game. I trust you. If you see an opportunity, don't hesitate to contact me. I know you'll deliver." He said, starting dribbling the ball up the court.

"Alright, I'll be on the wing. Koganei is hawking me down, right now. I don't think I'll be able to catch the ball at all, so continue doing your thing." Responded Nijimura before running up to the frontcourt.

With their brief but impactful conversation, Nijimura and Maki set aside their differences and emphasized the shared goal of the team. As a united front, they were ready to contribute their strengths to the team's offensive efforts.

As the game resumed, Maki brought the ball into the frontcourt, his eyes scanning the court for an opportunity. Spotting Nobe, he signaled for a screen, and Nobe quickly moved to set it, planting himself in Akashi's path. However, displaying his signature quickness and agility, Akashi adeptly slipped past the attempted screen to stay in front of Maki, forcing him to come to a halt.

In the meantime, Nobe recognized the opening and cut toward the basket, sensing his chance. Reacting swiftly, Maki delivered a pass to Nobe, who caught the ball near the low post. Despite facing heavy contestation from Shiraishi, Nobe went up for a lay-up. Unfortunately, the shot missed its mark.

Amidst the battle for the rebound, Murasakibara managed to outmuscle Kiyoshi, securing the offensive board. With the ball firmly in his grasp, Murasakibara wasted no time and swiftly dished it to Nijimura. In a well-executed play, Nijimura sprinted from one corner to the wing, with Koganei hot on his tail, hoping to disrupt the pass.

Nijimura almost lost possession of the ball as Koganei managed to get a hand on it, but he regained control just in time. Protecting the ball from Koganei's quick hands, Nijimura prepared for his next move. Sensing an opportunity, Murasakibara emerged for a well-timed screen, a move they had successfully executed before.

Taking full advantage of the screen, Nijimura swiftly drove past Koganei, who was rendered powerless by the effectiveness of the screen. As Nijimura reached the free-throw line, Kiyoshi stood in his path, and Akashi positioned himself nearby, ready to provide defensive support.

However, Nijimura saw Murasakibara rolling towards the basket after setting the screen, and he made a split-second decision. In a display of precision and vision, Nijimura lofted the ball high into the air, ensuring that Koganei couldn't reach it with his jumping ability while allowing Murasakibara the opportunity to catch it.

With a thunderous roar, Murasakibara effortlessly snatched the ball mid-air and slammed it into the basket, causing the hoop to shake violently. The crowd of players erupted in excitement, captivated by Murasakibara's immense power displayed through the resounding dunk. It has been a while since they saw things like these. 

With Nijimura's successful alley-oop on the previous possession, Koganei signaled to Akashi, indicating his desire to take control of the ball. Responding promptly, Akashi received the inbound pass and swiftly delivered it to Koganei, acknowledging his teammate's request.

"Let me take this one, Akashi!" Said Koganei while pointing at himself. 

"Got it. It's your play." Responded Akashi, passing the ball to him before running up the court and positioning himself.

Walking up to the wing, Koganei surveyed the court, assessing his options. With a glance at his teammates, he saw the opportunity to create an advantageous situation by instructing them to clear out the left side, leaving plenty of space for him to operate against Nijimura.

"Clear out! Left side open!" He said loudly with an authoritative voice. His teammates obliged as they moved away from the left side of the frontcourt.

As his teammates adjusted their positions accordingly, Koganei took two slow dribbles, establishing his rhythm and unsettling his defender. With a between-the-legs dribble followed by a crossover, he skillfully juked Nijimura, creating the opening he needed to drive towards the rim.

As Koganei made his move, Murasakibara anticipated the shot attempt and moved to block it, ready to unleash his defensive prowess.

"I've got you" He loudly stated, positioning himself to prevent Koganei from laying the ball up.

However, Koganei's court awareness shone through as he spotted Aragaki sprinting towards the wing from the corner. Recognizing the advantage, Koganei swiftly unleashed a precise pass towards Aragaki, who found himself unexpectedly open, catching Mitsui off guard.

The pass arrived with precision, leaving Mitsui, who was assigned to guard Aragaki, unable to react in time. His belated attempt to contest the shot proved futile as Aragaki, recognizing the opportunity, wasted no time in releasing a quick and accurate shot.

Despite Mitsui's frustration and belated defense, Aragaki's quick release and accurate aim sealed the deal, resulting in a successful basket. As the ball swished through the net, their team secured a one-point lead.

Clicking his tongue while lifting his hand, Mitsui admitted that it was his fault for not paying attention. "My bad. That was on me."

 The game continued with heightened intensity as both teams battled for supremacy. Two possessions, one from each team, unfolded without much success, and as 3 minutes passed since the start of the 15-minute game, Shinichi Maki held the ball in the frontcourt.

This time, Maki called for a screen from Nobe, using it to create separation from Akashi, who fought to get through it. As Maki reached the paint, the opposing team's defense closed in on him, applying pressure. Recognizing the collapsing defense, Maki swiftly made a decision and kicked the ball out to Mitsui, who positioned himself in the corner.

Alert and ready, Mitsui prepared himself to shoot as Aragaki rushed to contest the shot. In a display of basketball finesse, Mitsui executed a simple yet effective pump fake, causing Aragaki to leap in the air. Seizing the opportunity, Mitsui skillfully sidestepped his jumping defender and found himself in the short corner, where he calmly pulled up for an open mid-range shot. The ball left his fingertips with precision, finding nothing but net, granting his team a crucial one-point lead.

Unfazed by the turn of events, Shiraishi swiftly inbounded the ball to Akashi as their team surged towards the frontcourt. Setting his sights on the hoop, Akashi called for a screen, and Shiraishi delivered a stellar one, creating an opening for Akashi. Utilizing the screen expertly, Akashi zipped past Maki, who struggled to navigate through Shiraishi's solid pick.

With Maki trailing behind, Akashi read the defense and made a split-second decision. Sensing an opportunity, he waited for the speedy Shiraishi to cut towards the basket. Nobe, witnessing Shiraishi's movement, instinctively moved to defend and prevent the potential scoring play. However, Nobe's commitment to stopping Shiraishi left an open lane for Akashi to exploit.

Momentarily hesitating after noticing the open lane, Nobe's indecision proved costly as Akashi swiftly tossed a well-timed pass toward the basket. In an impressive display of athleticism, Shiraishi soared through the air, snatching the ball in mid-flight, and emphatically threw it down with a powerful two-handed dunk.

The court erupted with audible gasps and exclamations of awe. The impact of the play was evident not only in the players' swift return to defense but also in the visible reactions of the cameramen filming the game, capturing every captivating moment. The dunk produced a profound visual and emotional impact, leaving the spectators, both in the stands and watching on screens, astounded by the exhilarating display of skill and athleticism.

After receiving the ball from Murasakibara, Maki was prepared to dribble it up the court when the towering figure of Murasakibara halted him in his tracks. "Pass me the ball in the low post," the big man demanded, a fire of excitement lighting up his eyes. It had been a while since Murasakibara had faced a team where every player had the potential to embarrass him at any given moment.

A smile crept across Maki's face upon hearing those words. "You're getting fired up, huh?" he remarked, earning a simple nod of agreement from Murasakibara. The imposing center immediately sprinted up the court, eager to showcase his skills. Shaking his head, Maki glanced toward Coach Anzai and Yoshimune, contemplating how they devised such a unique idea for this game.

Originally, most of the players were from different areas, so they likely never crossed paths before. Unless you were part of a powerhouse team like Teiko's Generation of Miracles, Shoei's Kiyoshi, Kitami Junior High's Maki, or Takeishi Junior High's Mitsui, encountering challenging players was a rarity. It was akin to being a frog confined to a well. However, coming to a place like this allowed their horizons to expand, compelling them to work harder to reach the top.

Shaking off these wandering thoughts, Maki entered the frontcourt and delivered a precise pass to Murasakibara in the low post. Nijimura, positioned in the corner, swiftly darted to the wing, taking Koganei along with him, preventing the latter from double-teaming Murasakibara. Utilizing his superior strength, Murasakibara forcefully pushed Kiyoshi back not once, but twice. Then, with a crafty spin move, he left Kiyoshi off-balance and soared toward the rim, throwing down a thunderous two-handed slam dunk. The crowd erupted with the same magnitude of excitement that followed Shiraishi's previous basket.

Just as the ball nestled into the basket, Shiraishi snatched it up and swiftly passed it to the sprinting Aragaki, who had already made his way to the half-court line. Catching the ball in stride, Aragaki accelerated towards the basket, attempting a layup. However, before the ball could even touch the backboard, Maki's large hands swatted it against the backboard, sending it soaring out of bounds.

With lightning-quick reflexes, Koganei swooped in to save the ball, haphazardly throwing it towards the racing Kiyoshi, who was charging up the court. Though Koganei fell heavily to the ground, he promptly sprang back to his feet, eyes fixated on the ensuing action.

Kiyoshi, clutching the ball after receiving the pass, drove towards the basket with Maki standing as an obstacle in his path. Shrugging off the tall point guard's presence in the paint, Kiyoshi powered towards the rim, rising and challenging Maki in mid-air. In a fierce confrontation, Kiyoshi's size advantage became apparent as he forcefully slammed the ball into the hoop over Maki's extended arm.

The throng of players surrounding the court grew more excited and restless, with some even threatening to step onto the court and join in the celebration. Even the coaches wore huge smiles on their faces while observing the exhilarating game, with Mitsuyoshi Anzai among them. 

Although they had great hopes for these players, they didn't know seeing them face each other would be this exciting.

Feeling a hint of humiliation, Maki received the inbound pass and confidently dribbled the ball up the court. Approaching the frontcourt, he called for a screen specifically from Murasakibara. Though initially hesitant, Murasakibara obliged, setting a solid screen that allowed Maki to drive toward the basket, causing a defensive switch with Kiyoshi following closely.

Unfazed by Kiyoshi's presence, Maki fearlessly navigated his way into the paint before exploding upwards with incredible force. Kiyoshi rose to meet him in an aerial confrontation. Just as Kiyoshi was ready to swat the ball away, Maki made a subtle mid-air adjustment, absorbing the contact, and forcefully slammed the ball home, completing his emphatic retaliation.

As he landed back on the ground, Maki let out a resounding roar of satisfaction. The crowd of players, fueled by his excitement, joined in and celebrated the electrifying play. Hyped-up players like Aomine and Kise couldn't contain their anticipation, eagerly asking the coaches when they would have their turn on the court. The atmosphere was abuzz with excitement, leaving everyone captivated by the intensity and skill on display.



Filled with excitement after witnessing Maki's incredible performance, Koganei couldn't help but sport a wide grin on his face. Approaching Kiyoshi, he quickly and succinctly explained a play he had in mind, confident that a smart player like Kiyoshi would grasp the concept.

As they entered the frontcourt, Kiyoshi positioned himself in the high post, signaling for the ball. Akashi swiftly delivered a precise pass to him before swiftly repositioning himself on the wing. With Murasakibara prepared to defend, Kiyoshi turned his back to the towering center. In a sudden burst of action, Koganei sprinted in from the right wing, executing a seamless hand-off with Kiyoshi.

Snatching the ball as it left Kiyoshi's hand, Koganei benefited from an impeccably timed screen set by Kiyoshi. The impact of the screen brought Nijimura's full-speed advance to a screeching halt, leaving him momentarily stunned and unable to continue his defensive pursuit.

With an open lane ahead, Koganei wasted no time and accelerated towards the basket, his sights set on Nobe, who was approaching from the opposite side to defend. Unfazed by Nobe's presence, Koganei elevated into the air, meeting him head-on. Although Nobe possessed formidable strength, Koganei's agility and flexibility allowed him to maneuver past Noble's lunging attempt to block the shot. With a thunderous display of athleticism, Koganei slammed the ball into the basket, signaling his first official dunk in a game.

Witnessing Koganei's unexpected dunk, the crowd of players surrounding the court erupted in a mixture of astonishment and admiration. Koganei, standing at a seemingly modest height of 180 cm, defied expectations by soaring through the air and slamming the ball home. This display of athleticism caught everyone off guard, leaving them in disbelief.

Among the amazed onlookers was Koganei's close friend, Kenji Natsume, who couldn't contain his excitement. He found himself clapping his hands vigorously and cheering Koganei on with an exuberant voice. The sight of his friend accomplishing something so extraordinary filled him with pride and awe.

Meanwhile, Shinji, having descended from his dunk, let out a bursting roar, his soul ignited with a fierce passion. He yearned for this feeling—the intensity of competing against opponents on an equal playing field. The Winter Cup Finals had provided a taste of it, but it fell short as his teammates couldn't match the skill level of their adversaries. Shinji believed that if Teiko were to face Yuuki Junior High once again, Teiko would easily win by over 15 points.

However, in this current setting, where everyone boasted similar abilities, Shinji felt intense pressure to perform and meet the high expectations of his temporary teammates. Nobody wanted to be embarrassed; they were all determined to exhibit their best skills and leave their mark on this game. The fact that it was being filmed was the icing on the cake.

Excitement filled the air as the crowd reveled the poster dunk executed by Koganei. Mitsui, his face adorned with a feral smile, approached Maki, who had just received the inbound pass, with determination. "I need the ball," he demanded, raising his hands and waiting for the pass. With a playful smile, Maki shook his head and obliged, passing the ball to Mitsui. "Try not to get embarrassed. Aragaki is a solid defender," Maki advised, a smile still lingering on his face.

Confidently dribbling the ball up the court, Mitsui responded with a confident smile. "Don't worry about me. Nobody in this camp can guard me," he confidently declared, pointing towards Akashi. "You need to worry about that guy. He already has the advantage over you, even without scoring," Mitsui taunted, the pair now reaching the frontcourt. Maki shook his head playfully, sporting an amused expression. "You've got quite the sharp mouth," he remarked. "Just remember, we're here too. Koganei has been paying attention to your moves. Looks like he's ready to double-team you," Maki advised before sprinting off to the wing.

Annoyed by the warning, Mitsui moved to the opposite wing, the ball still in his possession, gesturing for his teammates to clear out. "Clear out. Aragaki, I need you on the wing," he commanded, singling out Daiya Aragaki. Aragaki, displaying a serious expression, approached Mitsui, ready to defend.

Mitsui, with the ball firmly in his hands, took a couple of deliberate dribbles before suddenly accelerating to the right, attempting to blow past Aragaki. However, Aragaki, alert and quick, reacted swiftly, blocking Mitsui's path. Undeterred, Mitsui executed a dazzling dribble behind his back, swiftly changing directions. With a perfectly executed stepback move, he found himself repositioned behind the three-point line. Aragaki, being a skilled defender, pounced on him, anticipating the shot. But just as Aragaki lunged forward, Mitsui smoothly dribbled the ball between his legs, leaving Aragaki stunned and diving past him.

Now at the elbow, Mitsui noticed Kiyoshi running towards him. Taking a quick breath, he halted his movement and confidently released a shot from the elbow. The ball sailed through the air with precision and grace, finding nothing but net as it smoothly swished through, earning Mitsui another impressive basket.

The fierce competition continued to unfold on the court as each player showcased their individual talents. Koganei and Akashi took the opportunity to display their exceptional defensive abilities, trapping the overconfident Mitsui not once, but twice. With swift movements and calculated steals, they left Mitsui momentarily stunned, proving their prowess on the defensive end.

However, it wasn't just their defense that impressed the spectators. Koganei and Akashi utilized Kiyoshi's screens to create scoring opportunities for themselves and their teammates. Their fluid coordination and seamless teamwork hinted at the potential the five of them possessed as a formidable unit. With a little more practice, they could undoubtedly become an exceptionally dangerous team.

Mitsui, Murasakibara, and Maki fought tooth and nail, carrying the weight of scoring for their respective teams. Nijimura also stepped up, making important contributions to his team's offense. However, Nobe seemed to struggle, becoming Akashi's primary target for attack. Akashi's astute observation had revealed Nobe's weaknesses on the defensive end, and he capitalized on it, scoring multiple buckets and creating scoring opportunities for his teammates at will. The coaches around the court came to the realization that they had possibly overestimated Nobe's abilities. Fukatsu, Nobe's former junior high teammate and fellow camp participant, had elevated Nobe's game with his deep understanding of the pick-and-roll tactic. However, it became evident that Nobe still needed improvement in other aspects of his game.

As the intense 15-minute game neared its conclusion, Koganei's team managed to secure the victory with a score of 30-26. Koganei himself had an impressive performance, contributing 8 points to his team's total. Kiyoshi and Aragaki displayed their scoring skills, each adding six points to the scoreboard. Akashi and Shiraishi chipped in with six and four points respectively, showcasing their offensive capabilities.

On the opposing team, Mitsui and Murasakibara each tallied eight points, exemplifying their scoring prowess. Nijimura executed timely plays that resulted in four points, while Maki contributed six points to his team's efforts. Despite not scoring a basket, Nobe showcased his tenacity and skill on the boards, grabbing several rebounds to help his team.

As the game concluded, both teams displayed their resilience and determination. It was evident that each player had their strengths and weaknesses, and with further development, they could become formidable opponents in the future.

As the first two teams stepped off the court, anticipation filled the air as two new teams prepared to showcase their skills in the upcoming matches. The atmosphere crackled with excitement as the players took their positions, ready to deliver an exhilarating basketball showdown.

One of the standout players in the first match was the formidable Daiki Aomine. With lightning speed and remarkable agility, he dominated the court, single-handedly scoring 16 of the 30 points his team managed to accumulate in the intense 15-minute game. Aomine's dazzling moves left defenders scrambling and spectators in awe. However, despite his heroic efforts, his team fell short of victory as Midorima's team unleashed a flurry of offensive firepower.

Midorima, widely known for his deadly accuracy from beyond the three-point line, proved to be a force to be reckoned with. His precision shooting combined with Kenji Fujima's exceptional passing skills created an impenetrable wall for Aomine and Kenji Natsume to conquer. Fujima expertly threaded the needle with his passes, disorienting and outsmarting the defense, while Midorima's long-range shots proved to be a constant threat. Their team's cohesion was evident as they flawlessly executed their plays, leaving Aomine and Natsume struggling to keep up. Also, the presence of two ball-hogging individuals like Aomine and Kenji didn't help Hanamiya, who was on their team, show any notable performance. It didn't help that those two players were better than him.

However, amidst the intense gameplay, another player caught the attention of coaches and spectators alike. Morishige, a mere 12-year-old, displayed physical talent rivaled only by Murasakibara and Shinomiya Tono. Despite his young age, he exhibited great promise and potential, igniting excitement among the coaching staff. Morishige's presence on Midorima's team further solidified their dominance on the court.

Meanwhile, in another match, Shinomiya Tono commanded attention with his explosive athleticism and dominance in the power forward position. Ryota Kise, renowned for his versatility, faced the daunting task of defending against Shinomiya. However, the skilled youngster proved to be too much for Kise to handle. Despite Shinomiya's limited shooting range beyond the three-point line, his explosive physique rendered Kise virtually speechless. The inclusion of Akira Sendou in Shinomiya's team further compounded Kise's troubles. With Fukatsu's exceptional playmaking abilities, precisely threading the needle with his passes, and Shinomiya and Sendou exhibiting exceptional scoring prowess, Kise found himself overwhelmed by their relentless attacks.

By the time all three games concluded, it was already noon. The coaches, satisfied with the intense and impressive performances exhibited by the players, gathered them together. They urged the athletes to head back to the hotel, take a refreshing shower, and recharge with a nourishing lunch. With their bodies refueled and minds focused, the afternoon held a series of rigorous training sessions in store for them.

The players, brimming with excitement and determination, eagerly followed the coach's instructions. They retreated to their respective hotels, envisioning the afternoon ahead—a valuable opportunity to further refine their skills and strengthen their bond as a team. The day had proven to be an exhilarating showcase of talent, leaving both players and coaches hungry for more.