
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

TOS · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

After the Finals. (4)

The dawn's light gently crept into Koganei's room, signaling the start of a new day. Following his usual routine, he slipped into his running shoes and ventured outdoors for a refreshing jog. The rhythmic thud of his footsteps echoed through the quiet streets as he embraced the tranquility of the early morning.

After running multiple times around his community, he arrived at the basketball park, transitioning seamlessly into his dribbling exercises and a bit of shooting practice. The familiar sound of the basketball bouncing against the concrete court became a symphony of his dedication to improving his basketball skills.

Feeling the satisfaction of a productive workout, Koganei headed back home, the sun now casting a warm glow over everything.

Ready to tackle the day, Koganei settled into another routine—study time. An hour-long session focused on revisiting a subject covered in class. The hum of concentration filled the room as he delved into his studies, eager to absorb knowledge.

By 7:30 am, he emerged from his room, the scent of breakfast wafting through the house. His mother, diligently at work in the kitchen, greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning, Koganei. Ready for a hearty breakfast?"

"Morning, Mom," Koganei replied with a grin, taking a seat at the table. His father, engrossed in the morning paper, looked up with a smile.

"Hey there, champ. Did you catch the Cavs vs. Warriors game last night?" his father asked, sparking a familiar banter about the ongoing basketball season.

Koganei chuckled, "Yeah, Dad. The Warriors took it home, as expected. Curry was on fire, scoring 37 points." He recalled the excitement of the late-night game.

"The Cavs put up a fight, though. They only lost by a point. If Kyrie had nailed that buzzer-beater at the end of the third quarter, it would've been a whole different game," his father mused, still processing the details of that game.

The father and son exchanged playful banter about their favorite teams, injecting the morning with light-hearted energy. Just then, Hirano, the matriarch of the family, served them a delicious breakfast, the aroma filling the room. The table became a hub of family conversations, laughter, and shared moments, setting the tone for a positive day ahead.

The family enjoyed the meal together, sharing laughter and stories. After breakfast, Koganei returned to his room, diving into another hour of focused study on a different subject, aiming to finish the curriculum before the end of the month. 

After finishing his study session, he went to YouTube, once again, to watch basketball tapes. This time, however, he rewatched the game he played against Teiko. A couple of days after posting the documentary-style video about the Finals, Akane posted the full version of the game on the YouTube channel after getting the basketball association's approval.

Time passed quickly as he watched his various plays, recording in his trustworthy notebook the areas he needed to improve on.

At noon, with the sun high in the sky, Koganei heard a knock on the door. Opening it, he was met with the sight of his big sister, Akane, holding a large suitcase.

A warm smile crossed her face as she greeted him. "Hey, Kiddo! Missed me?"

Akane teased, her playful tone echoing through the hallway. Koganei, not missing a beat, replied, "Well, it's been a whole week without your nagging. The peace was refreshing."

They shared a laugh as Koganei helped her bring the suitcase into the house. The playful banter continued, with Koganei cheekily commenting on her gaining a bit of weight and Akane retaliating with a joke about his "weight loss" after the finals. Their camaraderie reflected a deep understanding between siblings.

After settling into the house, Akane made her way to her room, the familiar creak of the door signaling her entry. She took a refreshing shower and dressed casually, embracing the comfort of being back home.

Returning to the living room, she found Koganei waiting, a congenial smile on his face.

Taking a seat, she eased into the conversation with playful banter, sharing anecdotes of her recent experiences and teasing Koganei about his basketball prowess. The room echoed with laughter, the atmosphere light and easy.

As they transitioned to more serious matters, Akane's focus shifted to Seirin's progress. "So, how's the plan for creating Seirin coming along?" she inquired, genuine curiosity coloring her tone.

Koganei, leaning back, responded, "We're making strides. Kimura is having a meeting tomorrow to finalize the details. I don't think they have any other choice than to accept our proposition."

Akane nodded, "That's great to hear. I thought you wouldn't get to it until the end of the school year. It's amazing to see it coming to life so quickly." She responded, happy that her plans to produce more content for the channel might come to fruition sooner than she expected

As they continued conversing, she delved deeper into the topic, asking about the team's goals for their first few years, potential challenges they might face, and how they plan to recruit members. Koganei, eager to share, provided intricate details, the vision for Seirin unfolding in their conversation.

The discussion then shifted gears to a different arena – the YouTube channel. Akane brought up the impressive subscriber count but noted the scarcity of content. "Koganei, you've got over 110K subscribers, but the channel needs more content. Any ideas on what you could add to keep the audience engaged?"

Koganei scratched his head, pondering for a moment. "Well, I've been doing a lot of studying and watching basketball tapes. Maybe we could turn that into content somehow?"

Akane leaned forward, intrigued. "That's a good start. How about sharing insights about basketball games, especially the NBA ones? Break down some cool moves or strategies for your viewers and show them your deep knowledge of the game?"

Hearing her words, Koganei's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Yeah, that could work! People might find it interesting to see how I analyze and learn from the pros. I could even throw in some challenges to make them feel like they are part of a real community of basketball enthusiasts." He added, multiple ideas spinning around his brain, making his smile get wider and wider.

Akane smiled, "Exactly! Personalize it, make it relatable. You've got a unique perspective, being a player who has participated in important games and played pivotal roles in them, so your input might be taken more seriously." She started before suddenly stopping, looking at Koganei up and down before continuing. "Your age might be a problem since many might think you're too young to talk about something as deep as basketball tactics. But, if you show your skill, they might think you're a genius, even though you're not."

Although her last sentence earned her a glare, Akane smiled as the two continued talking. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, ideas bouncing back and forth like a well-played game. They brainstormed content ideas, exploring avenues to showcase Koganei's basketball knowledge, both as a player and 'analyst.'

Koganei delved into his experiences on the court, recounting specific plays and moments that viewers might find intriguing. Akane, with her unique insight, suggested ways to add a personal touch, emphasizing the behind-the-scenes aspects of Koganei's life and suggesting that Koganei makes vlogs.

As they continued, their discussion evolved into planning a content calendar, with Koganei jotting down potential video titles and themes. They even touched on potential collaborations with other basketball enthusiasts, both local and international, to diversify the channel's appeal.

The living room buzzed with creative energy, and the siblings were immersed in the excitement of building something meaningful. Ideas flowed endlessly, and each suggestion was met with consideration and enthusiasm. The prospect of providing engaging content to a growing audience fueled their determination to make the YouTube channel a vibrant hub for basketball lovers.

As the lively conversation between Koganei and Akane continued, the passage of time brought with it a subtle reminder of hunger. Akane, ever the nurturing older sister, decided it was time to whip up something in the kitchen.

"I'll go make us something to eat. You stay right there, Koganei," Akane declared, already moving towards the kitchen.

With a shrug and a nod, Koganei settled into his seat, phone in hand. The familiar rabbit hole of YouTube awaited, ready to provide a diverse array of content. Basketball highlights, comedy sketches, and educational videos became the backdrop to the wait for lunch.

Around 1 pm, the aroma of a well-cooked meal wafted through the air as Akane set the table. Koganei, engrossed in a particularly entertaining video, reluctantly tore himself away. The siblings sat down together, and Akane presented a delicious spread.

The food proved to be a delight, and Koganei, ever the appreciative eater, cleaned his plate with gusto. As he finished, Akane looked at him with a mischievous smile.

"So, was it good?" she inquired, a playful glint in her eyes.

Koganei, with a sly grin, responded, "Nah, lacked seasoning."

Akane chuckled, "Really? Look at your plate; it didn't even need me to clean it. Seems pretty clean to me."

Koganei, not one to be outdone, retorted, "Well, I didn't want to waste any food. If I don't eat it, nobody will."

The banter between the siblings flowed effortlessly, each comment met with a quick-witted response. As they engaged in their playful exchange, the sound of dishes being washed became the background music to their familial bonding.

A while later, around 2 pm, Koganei decided it was time for his training session. Changing into his training outfit, he grabbed his basketball and announced his departure to Akane, who was still in the kitchen.

"I'm heading out for some training, Akane. Be back later," he called out.

Akane, wiping her hands on a kitchen towel, looked over and wished him well. "Have a good session."

"Thanks!" he replied with a nod, a mix of determination and enthusiasm in his eyes.

With that, he stepped out, leaving behind the warmth of the house for the open court and the familiar embrace of the basketball in his hands. Akane watched him go, a sense of pride and love evident in her eyes. Whenever Shinji holds a basketball in his hands, she can see the love he has for the sport, something their family never thought would happen. 

A few months before, Koganei was just a regular Japanese teenager who had nothing to be excited about. "I hope he doesn't quit mid-way this time." She thought, remembering all the activities Shinji had dropped because he grew bored of them, before sitting on the couch, rewatching the videos they posted on Koganei's channel.


As Koganei made his way to the basketball court, the rhythmic bounce of his basketball echoed in the quiet streets. Soon, he crossed paths with Mitobe, his reliable friend and soon-to-be teammate at Seirin. The two fell into step, their friendship evident even in the silence.

As they walked towards the court, Koganei broke the ice with a grin. "Hey, Mitobe, ready to make the court ours today?"

Mitobe, known for his quiet demeanor, simply nodded, a hint of anticipation in his eyes. Then, breaking his usual silence, he spoke, "I had a funny thing happen last night. Some kids recognized me at the store while I was getting stuff for my little siblings."

The monotone delivery masked the excitement, but Koganei, being Mitobe's best friend, could sense the joy beneath the surface. "Seriously? That's awesome! You're practically becoming a local celebrity," Koganei teased.

Mitobe shrugged, a modest smile playing on his lips. "It was unexpected, but they were excited. Made me feel kinda famous."

The duo shifted the conversation to the YouTube channel, a topic that ignited a different kind of excitement. As they discussed the channel's progress, Koganei expressed his desire for more content to keep their growing audience engaged.

Out of the blue, Mitobe offered a brilliant solution. "What if we film ourselves going from park to park, playing 2v2 or 3v3 games with Kenji? Win or lose, it'd be entertaining for the viewers, and it'd help us consolidate what we've practiced."

Koganei's eyes widened in surprise, and a burst of excitement bubbled within him. "That's an amazing idea! I never thought about that. Playing against older players, getting some real competition – it's genius!"

Mitobe, maintaining his calm demeanor, nodded in agreement. "It would showcase our progress, and we'd have fun doing it."

Surprised that his stoic best friend could come up with such great ideas, Koganei teasingly put his hand around Mitobe's shoulder "Mitobe," He called, waiting for his friends to look at him before he continued. "You're a genius! Let's make the channel even more awesome!"

Mitobe held a shy smile as Koganei continued teasing him. However, the prospect of filming their basketball adventures will inject a new level of excitement into his life. At least, he thinks so.

Having received Mitobe's brilliant idea, Koganei stopped teasing him and reached out to his sister, eager to set the plan in motion. Dialing her number, he relayed the concept, emphasizing the potential of filming their basketball adventures across different parks. Akane, ever supportive, responded with enthusiasm, assuring Koganei that she would work on coordinating with their parents and possibly hiring a cameraman for the task as soon as their parents finished the project they were currently working on.

"Wait for some good news. This could be a game-changer for your channel," Akane encouraged, her excitement palpable through the phone.

The call ended with a promise of updates, leaving Koganei buzzing with anticipation. The prospect of bringing fresh and engaging content to their channel added a new layer of excitement to his basketball journey.

Joined by Mitobe, Koganei made his way to the basketball court, the sun casting a warm glow over the asphalt. They waited for a few minutes until Coach Kimura and Kenji Natsume arrived. Without wasting any time, they delved into an intense training session.

Kenji, unable to resist the pull of the court, eagerly joined the session, showcasing his passion for basketball. Coach Kimura, appreciating the teenager's enthusiasm, welcomed him into the training without hesitation.

Two hours flew by in a flurry of dribbles, drills, and strategic discussions. The quartet, bonded by their love for the game, eventually took a breather on the side, sweat glistening on their foreheads.

As they rested, Koganei, curious about Kenji's future plans, decided to strike up a conversation. "Hey, Kenji, what school are you thinking of going to?"

Kenji, seemingly lost in thought, responded with a nonchalant, "I don't know."

Internally excited at the prospect of potentially having Kenji on their team, Koganei was about to express his thoughts when Kenji continued, "And even if I do, it probably won't be in Tokyo."

Koganei caught off guard, blinked in surprise. The excitement shifted to a hint of concern. "Not in Tokyo? Why not?"

Kenji, sensing Koganei's reaction, explained. "I want a change, you know? Experience something different. Tokyo is great, but there's a big world out there."

The revelation surprised and, in a way, saddened Koganei, who hadn't anticipated this turn in the conversation. Before he could pitch his idea or delve deeper into the topic, Kenji's contemplative gaze hinted at a sense of determination.