
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

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46 Chs

A Well Spent 'End of the Year'!

The Patreon page is now live! Unlock early access to multiple chapters every week, with posts scheduled from Monday to Friday. Additionally, an exciting One Piece fanfiction awaits your exploration.

Here's the link: patreon.com/user?u=76259148

If the link doesn't work, search for this username: The_Omnipotent_Slayer

Also, participate in the free poll to help choose Koganei's love interest. You can help choose the story's female lead by heading to the Patreon page. Participating in the poll is free, so why not do it?

Shout out to Phill, Reece Campbell, and Chris. They are the current paid members on the Patreon page. If you three guys want me to add something to the story, please tell me and I will oblige.

Also, thanks to Daniel Pranata (Free member).





*Clap, clap.*

The resounding sound of hands meeting echoed through the empty court as Koganei signaled for the ball. Swiftly using his offhand to create separation from Tomori, he accepted the pass from Asuma. Tomori, however, wasn't one to back down easily; he immediately engaged in defensive maneuvers, attempting to disrupt Koganei's rhythm.

As Asuma set up in the post with Mitobe keeping a watchful eye on him, Tomori, hands active, directed his attention to Koganei. "He can't go right, block that lane," Tomori instructed, still trying to disrupt Koganei's dribble.

Acknowledging Tomori's advice, Mitobe nodded determinedly. "I got you!" he affirmed, grappling with Asuma in the low post.

Grinning in response to the exchange, Koganei signaled for Asuma to clear the paint. Understanding the unspoken strategy, Asuma moved towards the short corner, engaging in banter with Mitobe. "You've gotten him fired up. I won't be seeing the ball for the next three possessions," Asuma predicted.

Mitobe rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "You've already scored twice. What more do you want?" he retorted, nursing a bit of wounded pride from the consecutive scores Asuma had managed against him.

Amused by Mitobe's response, Asuma shifted his focus back to the intense one-on-one showdown unfolding before them. "Do you think he can stop Koganei from getting to his spot?" Asuma inquired, observing as Koganei held the ball at the right wing. Tomori, displaying tenacious defense, applied formidable pressure on Koganei, forcing him to skillfully dribble the ball while turning his back to his opponent. 

"Nah," Mitobe replied confidently as Koganei started moving forward. Sensing an opening, Koganei executed a sudden, lightning-fast spin, leaving Tomori momentarily off-balance. As Koganei propelled himself toward the hoop, Tomori responded with agility, quickly recovering and shadowing Koganei with precision.

The tension heightened as Koganei reached the short corner, a territory he had claimed as his own—a sweet spot where his skills flourished. Sensing the opportune moment, he came to a sudden halt, deftly pulling up for a fade-away shot. Tomori, determined to defend, contested the shot with all his might, creating an intense visual spectacle against the backdrop of the outdoor court.

The winter breeze carried the collective breaths of anticipation as the ball navigated its way through the air. Then, with a satisfying swish, it penetrated the hoop, concluding the sequence with a victorious flourish.

"That's game!" Kenji's voice echoed across the court as he stood on the sidelines, doubling as a referee for the game. He walked onto the court, offering consoling pats on Tomori's shoulders. "You know you couldn't stop him from shooting that damn ball. Quit acting like it's the end of the world," Kenji said, attempting to lift Tomori's spirits.

"Tsk..." Tomori couldn't help but click his tongue at Kenji's unconventional way of encouragement, silently lamenting his friend's lack of social skills.

"He's right, you know," Asuma interjected as he and Mitobe approached the trio. "Not many people can steal the ball from him. You should be happy you managed to contest every single shot he has taken today," he added, shooting Koganei a slightly annoyed glance. Koganei, unsure of how to respond, simply shrugged his shoulders.

The three of them continued discussing the series of 2v2s they had played, with no one showing an inclination to continue the game. After a couple of minutes, Koganei, holding a basketball, broke the conversation. "Are we not playing anymore?" he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. Eager to further hone his defensive skills, he was itching for more playtime.

However, the other four, though competitive, regarded him as if he were a lunatic. Asuma, glancing at the snow around the basketball court, responded, "Aren't you cold?" His legs slightly shaking from the cold, he began to feel the chill more acutely after standing around for a few minutes.

"I can't feel my fingers anymore. I doubt I can dribble the ball in my current state," added Tomori, quickly retrieving gloves from his backpack and putting them on. Noticing Koganei's well-prepared attire of long-sleeved clothes and sizeable pants, Tomori couldn't help but click his tongue again.

"That's why you were moving so smoothly. Why did I forget about your outfit?!?" Asuma exclaimed in frustration, throwing a basketball toward Koganei.

Swiftly evading the oncoming basketball with a playful sidestep, Koganei couldn't resist poking fun at Asuma's throwing skills. However, recognizing the growing stiffness among his friends, he decided to end the banter and headed to the side of the court to retrieve his backpack.

Observing Koganei's departure from the game, Asuma took the initiative to suggest a change of scenery. "How about we go get a coffee? It's only 5 pm; we still have time before Mitobe and Tomori hit their curfews," he proposed, a hint of pettiness evident in his tone. The previous day, plans for a night out on December 31st had been dashed due to Mitobe's curfew and Tomori's commitment to taking his girlfriend out. Every possible idea had been given, just to be scrambled by those two fellows because the already had things to do.

"That sounds like a good plan," Kenji responded, ignoring the glares being shot Asuma's way from Tomori and Mitobe.

Gathering their belongings, the group of five exited the court, strolling towards the nearest coffee shop. All five, including their coach Kimura Shinozaki, resided in one of Tokyo's special wards known as Shibuya.

Shibuya, a special ward in Tokyo, Japan, stands as a bustling hub of commerce and finance. It hosts two of the world's busiest railway stations, Shinjuku Station (southern half) and Shibuya Station. The term "Shibuya" not only denotes the geographical area but is also synonymous with a major center for Japanese fashion and youth culture. Additionally, it ranks among Tokyo's most vibrant nightlife districts.

Of particular note is Shibuya Crossing, located in front of the Hachikō exit of Shibuya Station. This iconic spot brings vehicular traffic to a halt, creating a spectacle as pedestrians flood the entire intersection.

Seirin High School, the upcoming academic home for Koganei and his friends, strategically sits near Shibuya Station. Established two years prior in 2012 by a wealthy and influential Japanese figure dissatisfied with other schools' treatment of his children, Seirin High School quickly gained prominence in the area. With over 800 students, the school's popularity may see exponential growth in the following year.

Overlooking the famous Shibuya Crossing is a Starbucks situated on the opposite side of the road, reputedly one of the busiest Starbucks outlets globally.

Our group of five friends strolled in the direction of this specific coffee shop, seizing the opportunity to enjoy their time together before heading home. With their nighttime plans canceled, the idea of savoring each other's company in the vibrant surroundings of Shibuya seemed like a fitting alternative. 

"We really need to find an indoor basketball gym for practice. Playing outdoors might not be sustainable," Asuma suggested as the group of five settled around a table inside Starbucks. Despite enduring a 30-minute wait for the spot, they deemed it worthwhile.

In response to Asuma's suggestion, Tomori quipped, "We could have used the one at Hideki's house. But, someone's pride and stubbornness about not wanting to feel indebted to others got in the way." His gaze fell sarcastically on Koganei, who seemed unfazed, enjoying his order.

"Stop staring at me like that," Koganei retorted, sensing the collective resentment directed at him. "We voted on it, and it was a unanimous decision. Don't put the blame on me," he continued, glancing at Asuma, who had been the first to support him during the decision-making process.

"He's not wrong," Mitobe interjected before taking a sip of his coffee.

Caught in the spotlight, Asuma awkwardly looked away. "I mean... You were quite convincing," he responded, a hesitant chuckle escaping him.

"You did sound like a politician trying to sway my vote away from someone else. So, he's not wrong," Kenji added, shrugging his shoulders. His comment opened the floodgates, and soon, the others joined in, playfully roasting Koganei. Even Mitobe contributed, making the banter all the more amusing.

Taking the playful jabs in good spirits, Koganei laughed along with his friends. After the banter subsided, they returned to discussing their quest for an indoor basketball gym.

"I think Coach might be able to help us with it. Since he's in the group chat, I can ask him to assist in finding something," Koganei suggested as they wrapped up their coffees, preparing to leave the shop.

Hearing this, Tomori shot him a confused look. "What happened to your whole spiel about not wanting to owe anybody? Aren't you contradicting yourself?" he questioned, surprised by Koganei's sudden change of stance.

Koganei waved off Tomori's concerns, playfully dismissing the teenager's words. "See? This is why people can't talk to you. Can't you think before speaking sometimes..." His teasing words drew a couple of chuckles from the others, acknowledging the truth in the jest.

Kaoru Tomori, known for his impulsive nature, tended to act on his thoughts without filtering them. While this trait served him well on the basketball court, allowing him to react instinctively, it often posed challenges in building friendships. Tomori understood this about himself and didn't mind when his genuine friends joked about it.

With no impending slaps coming his way, Koganei confidently continued. "Although we're asking for a favor..." He began, only to be interrupted by Asuma, who declared, "You! You're asking the favor," earning approving nods from the others.

Sighing helplessly, Koganei carried on, explaining, "Although I'm asking for a favor, I'll be able to pay him back by helping the team win games. I can bring in new, talented players because of the attention I'll generate. I will..."

As Koganei continued to detail how he planned to repay the favor, Asuma leaned over to whisper to Kenji, who walked beside him, "It doesn't come out often, but the narcissistic side of him finally showed itself." He said, making sure Koganei didn't catch wind of his remark.

Sighing with a smile, Kenji responded, "You're a great instigator, you know that, right?" Hearing that, Asuma simply shrugged, wearing a smile on his face.

Eventually, the group dispersed, each heading home to spend quality time with their respective families.