
Kuro's Classroom of the elite

Unlucky kid gets reincarnated and becomes the youngest billionaire the world has ever seen and enters a school

LazyZuri · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

About me

Honestly i myself think im pritty bad at writing at stuff and i wanted to improve in it so i thought i would make a fanfiction story to improve a bit and i just came back from vacation so im also kind of bored i dont know how long i am going to keep going maybe a long time maybe short i wouldnt expect much since english isnt even my first language but i think im pritty decent at it im not good with . , ? ! ' or " so dont expect much of that i will try tho i will prob use some stuff from like movies animes books and irl experiences in this ff story and my imagination ofc i dont think i am very creative but i will try last time i actually wrote a story i was maybe i dont know around 11 so that was a long time ago im pritty fast at typing so if i have ideas and time it probably wont take long untill i release something new anyway this story is mostly just gonna be me messing around to improve at writing so of u see something very dumb or random my bad please go easy on me i also saw that there were not alot of fanfics about this novel so i might as well publish my story because maybe people wanna read more of the fanfictions about classroom of the elite but as i said dont expect much