
Kurama in the multiverse:character system

a normal human was migrated to Naruto's Kurama with a character system. the characters of this work are not of my creation only the MC and others that can be created in the course of the work. the cover photo is not mine. --------- for anyone who wants to support me. my patreon: patreon.com/Louisdg

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

chapter 9

In the cold, calculating heart of one of Danzo's secret laboratories, the silence was only broken by the sound of footsteps and the contained breathing of those present. Danzo, with his single visible eye narrowed in discontent, appeared like a storm ready to burst.

"I can't believe Hiruzen is going to let that boy who just became Hokage do whatever he wants," Danzo growled, his voice laden with a rancor that could corrode steel. "After everything we've done to ensure the stability of this village..."

Beside him, a member of Root, whose face was hidden by a mask that only enhanced the enigmatic atmosphere, remained silent, knowing that any word could be like gasoline to the fire.

Danzo turned abruptly to Root. "Is he here?" he asked with a voice that barely disguised his impatience.

"Yes," replied Root, their tone neutral but their posture tense.

With a brisk gesture, Danzo opened a secret room, where several tubes with green liquid gave the impression of a scene taken from a science fiction movie. In the center of the room, a man with long silky hair and eyes that resembled those of a snake, stood in front of a table with an immobile body on it.

"Nothing yet?" Danzo inquired, approaching the scene with quick, heavy steps, the irritation evident in every movement.

The man, with a calm that vividly contrasted Danzo's mood, turned his calculating gaze towards the leader of Root. "Not yet," he replied, and his voice seemed to carry echoes of a woman, a disturbing duality that fit perfectly with the gloomy ambiance of the laboratory. "There's something missing."

The tension was high in the hidden laboratory, where science and ambition walked hand in hand with the dark interests of Danzo. The leader of Root kept his gaze fixed on Orochimaru, distrust and necessity forming a tenuous alliance between the two.

"I need you to transfer Hashirama's cells to me, and it has to be done urgently," said Danzo, his voice laden with ambition that knew no boundaries. His mind was already calculating the power he could acquire, envisioning the increase in his chakra reserves and the possibility of mastering the coveted Kekkei Genkai: Wood Style, Mokuton. "If successful, the advantages will be invaluable."

Orochimaru, always the astute observer, needed no more than the obvious signs to understand the intention behind Danzo's urgency. "Are you thinking of becoming a jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi?" he asked, with a glimpse of disguised interest in his voice, which still carried that disturbing and intriguing duality.

Danzo stared at him with his single visible eye, penetrating and skeptical. "So you already know," he said, unsurprised. "It's no news, considering you leave your snakes all over the place, always spying." The distrust in his voice was evident, but Danzo knew that for now, they shared a common goal, even if their ends were different.

"I have to stay informed," Orochimaru replied with a slight shrug, indifferent to Danzo's opinion. "I don't want to be caught by surprise."

Danzo wasted no more time on conversation. "Can you implant the cells now?" The urgency in his voice showed that every second counted for his plans of power and control Orochimaru walked slowly to the operating table, casting a calculative glance at the inert body. "We can try," he said, his voice maintaining the same neutral tone as before. "But I cannot guarantee success. Rejections are... frequent and dangerous."

Danzo frowned, impatience burning in his gaze like a baleful flame. "How many bodies do you need for your experiment? But I warn you now, I will want results, Orochimaru."

Orochimaru, with the calm of one who is accustomed to manipulating life and death, replied without hesitation: "Three hundred would be a suitable number... and the majority of them children. They have a greater capacity for adaptation and recovery."

Danzo nodded, a sharp movement that conveyed both agreement and disdain. "I will deliver them tomorrow. I don't want any more delays in our plans," his voice was a command, an order that brooked no failure.

Orochimaru, his eyes gleaming with a cold and calculating light, lightly touched the table in front of him. "Don't worry, Danzo. But in exchange for this favor, I will want more Uchihas for myself. Their potential is... interesting."

Danzo, with a half-smile that did not soften the harshness of his features, agreed. "There are plenty for both of us," he said, and there was a tone of promise in those words, a promise of darkness and secrets.

Turning his back on the grotesque sight of tubes and the inert body, Danzo walked towards the exit of the laboratory, Orochimaru's low and hissing laughter echoing behind him as the harbinger of something sinister.

As he passed through the door, Danzo found Root still in a guard position. "Let's go," he ordered, and his voice carried the urgency of his nefarious plans. Together, they disappeared into the labyrinth of corridors, leaving behind the echo of that laugh that seemed to intertwine with the darkness of the laboratory.

In the imposing shadows of Danzo's hideout, a striking contrast unfolded in the hidden village of the cloud, where the Fourth Raikage ruled with a force as tangible as the electricity that ran through his veins. The Raikage's room was spacious and adorned with symbols of power and conquest, yet maintained an air of strict military functionality. The Raikage himself was an immense figure, a giant among men, with musculature that seemed to be carved from stone. His dark skin shone in the dim light of the room, and his hair, short and spiked, gave him an air of raw strength. A long leader's robe hung heavily on his broad shoulders, marked with the symbol of the village.

A ninja, head bowed in respect, awaited permission to speak. The Raikage, seated behind his massive wooden desk, raised an inquiring look, his expression one of pure authority.

"What is so urgent that you wake me at this hour of the night?" The Raikage's voice thundered through the room, like the harbinger of a storm.

The ninja raised his head, urgency clear in his eyes. "Sir, the Kyuubi is loose."

The Raikage stood up abruptly, his heavy hands slamming down on the desk with such force that the wood cracked and the entire surface split in half. The emotion was palpable, a mix of anger and excitement. "Finally," he roared, "the opportunity to bring the Kyuubi to the Cloud and increase our power!"

He turned to the messenger, the intensity on his face softening slightly. "You did well to bring me this information," he said with sincere gratitude.

The ninja bowed quickly and left the room, leaving the Raikage with his thoughts of greatness and ambition.

Seconds later, a second ninja entered, moving with the efficiency and discretion that characterize the shinobi of the Cloud.

"Verify this information," the Raikage ordered, "and be quick! We need to know if we can truly capture the Kyuubi or if it's just a lie."

The ninja nodded, his mask concealing any emotion. "Understood, sir. I will use all our resources to confirm the location of the Kyuubi," he stated before disappearing as silently as he had arrived.

The Raikage, now alone in his destroyed room, let out a low and powerful laugh. "With the Kyuubi under our control, the Cloud Village will become unrivaled." He envisioned troops imbued with the strength of the Bijuu, a force that could further solidify his and his village's dominion over the other nations.

His laugh echoed off the stone walls, a sound that carried with it the weight of the ambitions of a leader determined to see his village triumph above all others. The power of the Kyuubi was the kind of advantage that could change the course of history, and the Fourth Raikage, A, was a man who deeply understood the game of power and influence that governed the balance between the Great Shinobi Nations.