
Kunlun Divine Punisher

I am the Divine Punisher of Kunlun I am feared not only by unorthodox sects of Kunlun but also by the orthodox sects I am the nightmare of all those who sin Or at least I was all of that But now, "Who is this ugly old man and why is he looking at me like that? I don't want him to look at me like that" But now I am a toddler or at least in a one ======================= Hello guys, Author here This is my very first novel English is not my mother tongue so there are bound to be some mistakes, but I hope you can ignore them and give my novel a try. The first twenty chapters are a bit about the settling down of the mc after which the prologue will end and the first arc will begin. Until then, please give it a try. Also, there will be one chapter every day for now, but if I gain support, the chapter count might increase. Read it and let me know if I should change something in it. Thanks, and enjoy reading. Also, the cover does not belong to me so the owner can let me know and I will remove it.

Dark_keeper · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 2

"How is he, Uncle Jake? Is there anything wrong with the baby?" asked Joseph, to which Jake answered after some hesitation, "No, there is nothing wrong with him and he is healthier than most newborn children but for some reason, he is not crying". Jake had a difficult expression on his face. He had never seen a baby that didn't cry after birth and the baby's expression wasn't helping either. He didn't know what to conclude from that as the baby's internals were fine when he checked by running his energy through the baby. "Is it bad?" asked joseph having no knowledge of a newborn baby's behavior. Seeing there was nothing wrong Jake said: "Well there is nothing wrong so you can be rest assured, it's just that usually newborn children cry but there is not much to be worried about". Listening to Jake's answer, Joseph heaved a sigh of relief.

It was then that the woman, Carla gained back her senses, "Where is my baby?" she asked which ended the conversation between Jake and Joseph. Jake hurriedly brought the baby close to Carla so she could see him from up close. Carla mustered the strength to sit up and Joseph, seeing her struggling like that, helped her to sit up. Carla held her baby in her arms and seeing him brought happiness to her that she forgot about her sluggish state. Seeing her happy Joseph also gazed upon his son who had an entranced expression that was very weird for a baby to have but he ignored it. His baby looked very healthy and from the looks of it would grow up to be a handsome man. This brought a smile to his face.

"Have you thought of a name for him?" Carla asked Joseph after admiring her son for a while. "Well I have but I also want to hear your opinion as well," Joseph said to Carla. "I'm happy with whatever you name him." Said Carla while looking at joseph with a happy expression. Joseph also smiled seeing her happy expression and presented the name he had thought in case a son was born "Michael". "Michael huh, I see, Michael it is then. Welcome to the world and our home Michael. Welcome to our lives." Said Carla while smiling as she kept smiling at her son who no longer had an entranced expression but was still looking at her like he was trying to understand what she was saying. Carla didn't notice this expression on her son but Joseph and Jake saw this expression on Michael's face which they thought was very weird and wondered if they were too tired to see things.

At this moment, an old man entered the room which brought Joseph and Jake's attention to him. Noah came into the room and his gaze went to the baby who was in his daughter-in-law's embrace. The baby was very healthy and already showing signs that he would be a very handsome man once he grew up. He went near Carla and Joseph made space for him. He looked at the baby up close and happened to see him looking back at him with a curious expression. For a moment he thought he was seeing things but the next moment he ignored it. "Can I hold him for a moment, Carla?" Noah asked Carla to which she nodded and handed her son to him. Noah carefully held the baby in his embrace and looked at him with an affectionate gaze. "Welcome to the Revstein family little Revstein. I as the head of the Revstein family, Noah Revstein welcome you to this world and our lives Michael Revstein. May you live a long-lasting and happy life".


While the old man and the young man were having a conversation, the person in question or so to say the baby in question was panicking over what was happing to and around him. 'Where am I? What is this? Is this an illusion? But such powerful illusions can not even be cast by the Illusion sect. So it must be some kind of sorcery. But then again such powerful sorcery doesn't exist which can affect me. It must be a dream. Yeah, a dream and I'm soon going to wake up.' While he was panicking like that, the old man who was carrying him passed him over to the woman who was lying on the bed.

He saw the woman smiling while looking at him. For some time, he was entranced by seeing such a beautiful woman in front of him that his train of thought stopped at the dream part. 'Let's watch this dream a bit longer. That's one beautiful woman. Who is she? They say you see people in dreams you have seen before but I have never seen the people in this room and certainly not this beautiful woman. I wonder who she is?', while he was thinking that the beautiful woman and the young man were having some sort of conversation which made the little man jealous. 'That guy must be her husband. Damn what a lucky bastard you are.' The woman then brought her attention back to him and said something he again could not understand and tried hard to understand if it was something important since it was coming from the beautiful woman.

While he was trying so hard to understand what she was saying to him, he noticed another person entering the room. It was another old man but this time with a bulky physique. He came close to the beautiful woman and said something to her after which the beautiful woman passed him over to the old man. 'This old man, he's a warrior. His presence won't lose to an elder from a renowned sect. Yet another person I have not seen before.' he thought while looking at the old man. The old man had an overwhelming presence that compelled the others in the room to respect him and be afraid of him. The old man said some words to him that he still could not understand. 'Say something I can understand damn it.'