A story about an underrated character. Kugo, finds himself in Alabasta as a Kung Fu Jugon....... Watch as he terrorizes the seven seas, well, unless I drop this... None of this belongs to me...
Alabasta, Grand Line…
"Arf! Arf!"
"My disciples! We will head towards Yuba today!"
"Yes, Master!"
"What is Yuba?"
"Is it edible?"
Kugo's disciples gathered before him. A few years back, after falling into a killer whale exhibit at an aquarium, he had drowned unintentionally from fear.
When he opened his eyes, he was suddenly in what seemed to be a desert?
After looking into the reflection of a small pool, he realized that he was in One Piece, as one of those cute Kung Fu Jugons. Or the seal mentioned in the Alabasta arc.
Jugons were small short creatures that resembled seals and had paws instead of flippers and fishlike tails instead of legs, though they were absolutely fearsome fighters.
After a while, he realized how deep the Jugon community actually went.
They had there own crude language, ranking system, dojo's, and some complex, vivid culture.
There were a few rules that the Jugon Seal followed, called the Jugon Code.
One: You shall become the apprentice of any who beats you, regardless of who they are unless you don't like them.
Two: To betray a master is to betray the Jugon Code.
Three: If another is to defeat your master, you can choose to stay or join the one who defeated your master.
Four: No surrender unless said otherwise.
Five: Food is meant to be shared, so share it, okay?
Six: In fights, there is no hatred, or jealousy, only the enemy/opponent, who you must defeat.
Seven: To gain power is to gain honor, but do not forget the ones who have carried you and helped you along the way.
Eight: If you already have a master, unless they beat your master, you shall not become there disciple.
Kugo quickly challenged and defeated all the Kung Fu Jugon's or Jugons, in most of Alabasta, cementing himself as a fearsome fighter.
He was a tier above everyone else, due to having experience in karate, boxing, and wrestling, which the Jugon's were not suited to fighting.
"Yuba is a small human settlement! Near there, is the Droughty Bark Dojo!"
"There leader, Rat, and his disciples will be our opponents!"
All his disciples bowed, waving his paw in the air, he yelled. "Onwards we march!"
Kugo's dream? To become the Pirate King. Sort of cliche but, wouldn't it be hilarious if the new Pirate King was a Jugon?
For know, he was rounding up all the Jugon's in Alabasta. He had already amassed quite the following, a total of around eight-hundred seals…
It was pretty cute actually, all of them wearing tough, seaweed green shells and hoodies, which acted as a sort of armor that helped in training. One Jugon, was already formidable enough, with their armor and skills, a normal one could probably beat up three grown men.
But with about eight hundred trained Jugon seals, man…. What kind of devastation could be caused?
The name of their dojo, or band, was Ambery Sand Dojo. For some reason, the dojo names were always two words, with a "Y" at the end of the first word.
The names of the Jugon's were always one noun or verb. Like Bark, Rush, Leaf, Cloud, Shell, Turtle, Bee, etc.
He was one of the exceptions, having a name that did not mean anything in the Jugon language.
Kugo was at the top of the Dojo hierarchy. He was the grandmaster, or "greatest one".
Below him, were his twenty "pillars" or masters, as they supported him throughout.
Underneath them, were just disciples and apprentices, the ones who did the menial work and the ones who fought mostly.
His two strongest pillars, 2 seals by the name of Radish and Dancer, were pretty nice. Dancer was pretty tall for a seal, with a scar doing down his left arm. Radish was also pretty tall, but had fur, quite pale for a Jugon, as Alabasta's weather was pretty sunny mostly.
Those two pillars were once the leaders of two dojos in Western Alabasta.
He had come to this world before canon had started, but from human gossip, it seemed that Baroque Works was already moving in the area.
He had commanded his disciples to stock up a bunch of food and other resources, while also seizing a few abandoned dinghies and small boats in case of an emergency.
There was only one Dojo's left until he would take over the whole entire Kung Fu Jugon population in all of Alabasta. His disciples would be over a thousand strong, and there were even more out in the nearby islands…
He had taught most of his disciples how to box and gave pointers a lot, or he wouldn't be much of a master, though it could get tiring so he also employed the help of his pillars to teach.
"Why can't we stay by the river?"
"I am sorry everyone! But to unite all of Alabasta, we must charge forward!" Kugo yelled over all the arfing Jugon's.
"Only one Dojo remains!" Radish yelled out.
They marched forward in a neat formation, as Kugo had drilled it into their minds. Kugo was seen as a sort of sage among Jugons, as he had come up with many innovations and "Juganized" many human things.
Jugon's had mostly an indifferent outlook on humans as they were a carefree species, but they also did not trust them, as even though the former leader, King Python, had outlawed the hunting of Jugon's which was popular back in the day, though the suspicion still wafted through the Jugon communities.
He had taught the Jugon's many things, how to cook, how to sail, and some other things, like sewing and a little human language, which Kugo could speak fluently.
Though the Jugon's did look derpy and some humans looked down on them, they were pretty intelligent. Though a few were quite dense, the rest had reasonable common sense and logic.
A few hours later…..
With the high endurance and will of the Jugon's, they had made it all the way to Yuba and were currently walking into the village.
The townspeople were sort of paranoid, as Jugon's could be pretty fierce if approached.
"Relax. We here to fight other Dojo." He said in his broken human language.
Though Kugo could speak fluently, the biology of the Jugon made it sort of annoying to speak.
"Just passing by, will not hostile unless you start." he waved at his disciples, which followed him through the town.
'It can speak!" A few adults screamed before running away.
The others knew that Jugon's could somewhat speak their tongue so they just rolled their eyes and walked off, waringing the children not to go near them unless they wanted to have their shit beaten out of them.
It was quite surprising seeing this many as part of a Dojo though….
Resting for a bit, the supplier Jugon's or the Jugons who carried the supplies, mostly the bigger and stronger ones, handed out a few rations, which the seals passed back, arfing along the way.
Kugo sat on a rock and started eating what seemed to be dried jerky. Jugons were omnivores which were pretty handy…
"In a few hours, we will go off and challenge them, we will win!" He roared, waving his paws in the air.
A chorus of what seemed like "arf's" to the humans rang throughout the midmorning sky.