

Our main character wakes up with amnesia, he has no idea who or where he is. He discovers that he has an odd ability, he doesn't understand what's going on and has to make his way in an unknown city. He meets a girl who he finds that he has a strong connection to, he doesn't understand why, but he knows he must protect her at any cost.

pepper_444 · Fantasy
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55 Chs


Kumo, Utsu, and pepper decided to walk North, following a small stream. They saw pumpkin patches, strangely carved trees, and even stranger animals. After a few hours of walking, Utsu saw something in the distance.

"Um... M-Mr. pepper Sir." Utsu stuttered, trying to get pepper's attention.

"You can just call me pepper, Utsu." pepper replied, with a warm smile.

"O-Okay, I'm s-sorry." Utsu said, looking down.

"It's completely fine, nothing to worry about." pepper said, hoping she'd lift her head.

"You're r-right, I'm so s-sorry..." Utsu said, still apologizing.

"Well, what was it that you wanted, Utsu?" pepper asked, going back a little in their conversation.

"O-Oh, right, I'm s-sorry... I can s-see a house from h-here..." Utsu said, pointing through the fog.

"Oh, I think you're right, I can see one too. Good job, Utsu." pepper said, as he patted her head and then began to walk towards the house, Kumo and Utsu followed behind.

"Hello? Anyone home? We're lost, we could use some directions, if you don't mind." pepper yelled, as he rang the door bell.

"Daddy, I don't think anyone's home." Kumo said, looking up at pepper.

"Hmm... I'll try knocking" pepper said as he knocked on the door, accidentally pushing it open.

"Oh, it must have been cracked open. I guess that's one way to do it." pepper said, as he slowly creeps in while the girls follow.

The three walk into a kitchen, there's scratches everywhere and stuff is thrown all over the floor.

"Stay close to me, you two." pepper says, before the girls both nod their heads.

"Hey, if there's anyone in here, show yourself." pepper said, loudly.

"You should leave. This place is rather unsafe... especially for you." A girl said, standing in the dark hallway.

"Who are you?" pepper asked. "My name's pepper, we could use some directions to the nearest city." pepper said, hoping nothing bad would happen.

"My name... is Maruchi, and you aren't welcome here, leave." Maruchi said, as she walked closer. She had blue hair, her eyes were both red, her skin looked dead and rotted, shd had a huge stich squiggling down the center of her face. Her hair was messy, some parts of her bangs were pink, and she had red hair coming off the sides of her head, they looked almost like very unkept, short pigtails. Her voice sounded lonely and broken, like it was filled with regret, but it was still somehow a pretty and soothing voice.

"We'll leave if you can give us some directions, please." pepper said, walking a little closer to Maruchi.

"I've never left this house, I've been here ever since I took my first breath. And don't come near me." Maruchi said, backing away a little.

"What? You've never left this house?" pepper said, with concern for Maruchi.

"If I explain my story, will you leave?" Maruchi asked, growing annoyed.

"Yes, we'll all leave." pepper said, nodding his head.

"Fine, sit down." Maruchi said, as he explained her story.

Eighty years ago, the same year thst Samuel was crowned King of Halloween, there was a scientist who lived in a house in the middle of nowhere, he preferred not to have neighbors, so he moved far from any and ended up here. The scientist's name was Boris, he liked to stitch strange creatures together and give them life, he called them Mistakes and keept them deep under his house where he'd study them. Creation after creation, he made hundreds, but his favorite of them all was the one he made with absolute care, she was the only one that looked exactly like a human, all she needed was a soul. Boris had a few left over from his travels, how he got the souls, even Maruchi wasn't sure. Once Boris added the soul to the girl, her brown hair turned blue, and she opened her eyes.

"Who... are you?" The girl asked.

"Me? I am your creator, I gave you life. My name is Boris." Boris said, excited to meet his new creation.

"And me, who am I?" The girl asked, trying to understand herself.

"I've decided to call you... Maruchi." Boris said, unstrapping her from the lab table and helping her up.

"Can you walk?" Boris asked, holding her up.

"Yes, I believe so." Maruchi said, slowly making her way to a glass of water.

"Ah, you're thirsty, I thought you might be so I left it there for you." Boris said, as he watched her drink.

"Boris, what's my purpose? Why did you create me?" Maruchi questioned, wondering why she exists.

Boris walked closer to her ear. "Love me, that's all I ask for, love me, and I'll do the same."

Marichi paused, and slowly nodded her head. "I think... I think I can do that, Boris. You've been very kind to me, it's the least I could do." Maruchi said, while a smile.

"That makes me very happy to hear, Maruchi. Now come, you must be hungry, one of my Mistakes should have food prepared soon." Boris said, taking Maruchi down stairs, out of his lab.

Weeks later, Borid and Maruchi were both in bed, Boris rolled over and hugged Maruchi from behind.

"I wonder... what it's like to touch and feel a woman." Boris said, hoping Maruchi would let him have his way with her.

"Master Boris, I am your creation, you can do with me as you please, you've been so kind." Maruchi replied, giving him a green light to what he wishes.

"You know, I gave you brown hair before I added your soul. Do you know why it turned blue?" Boris asked, as his hands rubbed her arms.

"No, Master Boris, I do not. Why did my hair turn blue?" Maruchi asked, with genuine curiosity.

"It's because my hair is blue too, it means we were meant to be." Boris said, knowing he'd completely won her over.

"Master Boris... I love you." Maruchi said, as she got closer to Boris.

Two days later, Maruchi sat at the kitchen table, thinking of Boris.

Boris opens the door. "Oh, Maruchi, I thought you were asleep. Did you lie to me?" Boris said, looking angry.

"Master Boris? Are you alright? What's wrong?" Maruchi said, as she got up and went to hug Boris.

Boris pushed her away. "Liars don't deserve affection."

"Master? I couldn't sleep is all, please, forgive me." Maruchi said, confused of the change in Boris' attitude.

"Fine, now go in the room, I've got work to do." Boris said, as he dragged in a large bag from outside.

"What's in the bag, Master?" Maruchi asked, trying to stay with Boris.

"Go in the room, now!" Boris shouted, scaring Maruchi.

Maruchi ran into the room after Boris' shout, she felt sadness and fear for the first time. She hid under the covers and hugged herself while she silently cried, and eventually she fell asleep.

"Where am I?" Maruchi asked herself, as she woke up.

"Ah, so nice of you to finally join us, Maruchi." Boris said, while standing infront a something large with a sheet covering it.

"Us? Wait, why I am strapped to a wall? Master, these straps hurt, please put me down." Maruchi asked, but Boris ignored her.

"Now, my beautiful Maruchi, my greatest creation... Haha... Hahaha... HAHAHAAA!!! I was thinking... Perhaps, I could make you something even better." Boris said, not making any sense to Maruchi.

"Master Boris, please... I'm scared..." Maruchi said, as she started to cry.

"Maruchi, dear, meet your new friend." Boris said, as he gripped the sheet and threw it away.

Maruchi saw a girl with pink hair and red pigtails, her skin was pale and her eyes were both red. The girl was tied up in a cage, she had cloth tieing her mouth shut, tears poured down her eyes.

"What are you doing, Master?! Stop it, she's innocent. She did nothing wrong, did she?" Maruchi screamed.

"Oh, you're right, Maruchi, she didn't do a damned thing. That's exactly why it makes it so much better!" Boris said, with an excited and evil grin.

Boris opened the cage and crawled inside with the girl, her eyes went wide in fear.

"Master Boris, please! Stop this madness!" Maruchi screamed, only for Boris to ignore her again.

Boris struggled to get closer as the girl tried to kick him away but Boris held down her legs with his own. Once he finally got completely on top of her, he grabbed her wrist.

"Boris, please don't hurt her! Please!" Maruchi screamed, to be ignored yet again.

Boris let out a sadistic laugh and snapped the girls' wrist, she shook in pain, but she made no sound. Then Boris snapped her other wrist, again, she only shook in pain, no sound.

"Boris! Boris, please! PLEASE!" Maruchi screamed and begged, that only made Boris want to hurt the girl more.

Boris beat her ribs and stomach, blood dripped from her mouth and nose.

"Where did Boris go?! The Boris I knew would never do this! How could you?! You're a monster, you might have created monsters, but you're the true monster!" Maruchi shouted and cried out.

Boris crawled out of the cage and punched Maruchi in the head, knocking her out.

Maruchi woke up again. "What... happened? That poor girl! Is she okay?" Maruchi said, as she shot up off the lab table, and ran down stairs.

"Girl? Where are you?" Maruchi said, as she saw no one was in the cage.

"Maybe... Maybe I just dreamed the whole thing. I feel disgusting, I need a shower." Maruchi thought.

Maruchi went into the bathroom, when she flicked the light switch, nothing happened. She realized no other lights were on in the house. She walked to the sink to check the water, no water came out. She looked up and saw the mirror above the sink, she looked at herself in confusion and horror.

"Is... that me...?" Maruchi quietly said to herself.

"And what I saw was what you see now." Maruchi said, with no emotion on her face.

"This was eighty years ago? Surely he's dead by now, or at least senile, right?" pepper asked, wondering why she stays here.

"Boris? Of course he isn't, don't you know?" Maruchi asked, confused on why pepper would ask that.

"Don't I know what?" pepper hesitantly asked.

"Your kind lives much longer than humans, about two or three times as long, you're only about eighteen, right? You've got plenty of time and so does Boris. As for my kind, including the two behind you, we'll never die unless we are killed." Maruchi said, confused about how pepper seems to know nothing of this.

"Wait? So I'll die... and leave Kumo and Utsu behind?" pepper asked, with concern.

"Yes, that's just the way it is. Nothing can be done." Maruchi said, not trying to hurt pepper but not caring if he is hurt.

"Hm... Whatever, I'll worry about that later. So why don't you leave? Are you afraid of Boris?" pepper asked, questioning Maruchi's reasons.

"I'm not afraid of him, I'm afraid I'll hurt people other than him, I'm afraid of what's in my head. The girl... she talks to me, she says to get revenge, she tells me to do... horrible things..." Maruchi said, looking more broken than usual.

"I see. You're a very good person, Maruchi, and... I know how you feel about Boris, but you have no reason to hate me, you should join me, I'll do my best to bring your happiness back, I really care about you." pepper said, hoping to help Maruchi.

"No, you look too much like Boris, it'd kill me. I know you're good but if I went with you, I doubt I could control the girl." Maruchi said, pinching herself.

"Alright then, if you ever need something, you can find me on planet Earth, idk if this is just another planet, or dimension, or whatever. But we'll be on Earth." pepper said, wishing she'd change her mind.

"Go west, you can find the castle and everything there, you can't miss it." Maruchi said, as she left the kitchen.

"Alright. Goodbye, Maruchi, I hope we meet again. And, thank you." pepper said as he walked outside of the house with Kumo and Utsu.

"Okay, girls, let's go west." pepper said, as the girls followed behind him.

"Hey, Utsu, How much of that do you think is true?" Kumo asked Utsu, as they walked through a field of grass.

"U-Um... probably a-all of it... I've h-heard reppep talk a-about Boris b-before... that's wh-where he got those w-weird monsters..." Utsu said, hoping she satisfied Kumo's request.

"Oh, then it must be true. I feel bad for Maruchi though... She seems so sad... I don't like when people are sad, I just want everyone to smile." Kumo said, bobbing her head from side to side.

"Hey, girls, I see it." pepper interrupts.

"I'll race you there, Utsu!" Kumo shouts as she ran off.

"U-Um... I haven't run... i-in a long t-time... but I-I'll try." Utsu says, as she trys to run.

"Haha! Here, lemme help you, Utsu." pepper said, as he picked up Utsu and started running fast and past Kumo.