


Orits_Shola1 · History
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Chapter 2: A visit to the regent

After the meeting, King Arthur slowly started walking out of the court with his retinue following him from behind. The ministers had all left the palace and the regent had already gone back to his house. As he walked over to the entrance, he paused when he reached where the guards, who escorted Minister Edward out of the court, were standing.

"Your Majesty." They both bowed their heads.

He turned to them. "Where did you take Minister Edward to?" He asked them.

The guards looked between themselves and did not say anything.

"I am certain that I asked a question." King Arthur pressed on.

Finally, one of them opened their mouth to speak. "Your Majesty, we only led him outside and handed him over to the other guards. I am sure that his Lordship, the regent, would handle it on his own terms."

The King clenched his fist and swallowed hard. He was very certain that the regent would not let Minister Edward go scot free after challenging him in the court. He was actually surprised when Minister Edward spoke about how he really felt, it was the first time a minister tried to go against the regent in a while.

"Alright." He nodded and continued walking away with his retinue following his every steps.

"At this rate, the people of Wales might all perish. The tax has been increased again."

The King paused in his steps as he overheard two maids whispered to themselves or so they thought, as they walked their way. At the sight of the King, the maids quickly stopped talking and bowed before him.

He looked away from them simply continued walking his way without saying anything.

They were right. Even the average people in the kingdom would suffer from such increase, not to mention the poor. It pained him so much that he could do nothing while such a decree was made.

The regent, the King's grandfather, was elected as the regent after the death of the King's father, the previous King. And since he was only five years old when his father died, the kingdom needed someone to govern it and so, that's how his grandfather was elected as the regent.

The regent continued to rule but then, when he reached 18 years, the regent was expected to step down and allow him rule but he didn't. He took over the kingdom instead.

All through the years, the regent had been colonizing the court and bringing everyone to his side. He got the support of the ministers and other important people to his side and so he became in charge of the court.

The regent had too much power and so many people feared him. All he could do was follow his every command and sit on the throne like a puppet King because the person who held true power, was not him but the regent.

This would greatly affect people and it broke his heart so much but there was nothing he could do.What was the need of being a King if he couldn't help his people?

He was not like his father, who was a great King. Everything was great and peaceful at the time his father ruled and the people of Wales loved and respected him.

"I shall become a great King, father, and I shall do good things for the people of Wales." Those were the words he had spoken to his father when he was four years old and he could remember vividly the proud look on his father's face the day when he said that.

"I believe in you my son and I trust that you shall make history." His father had said proudly to him.

And now, what good things had he done? He was nothing but a disappointment to his people. The lives of the people depended on him and he could not even do anything to help them.

After the death of his father, the regent made sure to replace all of his father's people who did not support him and he didn't hesitate to get rid of anyone who stood in his way.

He was only 22 years old at the moment and the ministers are already talking about bringing in a consort? They were all looking for ways to bring their daughters into palace and they did not even care about the current problem of the Kingdom but are only blinded by their greed.

His mother, the Queen Dowager, had forced him three years ago into marriage with Carissa, a noble lady from a powerful and noble family from the city of Swansea in Wales. The marriage was solely based on politics but he had no choice but to marry her. It has already been three years and she had not been able to give birth.The royal physician had already confirmed that she would not be able to birth a child because she was infertile.

Though he knew the court would bring up marriage matter but he didn't expect it to be at a time like this.

"Your Majesty, are you not feeling hot?"

He turned to head eunuch Harold, who had spoken and stared at him. The King looked up to the sky and squinted his eyes to the bright sun shining down. Then he looked back at the eunuch again. Even his retinue did not work for him but they were all serving the regent. They report his every movement to the regent and so, he did not know nor had anyone to trust.

"I am fine." He replied curtly and turned away.

He continued walking while they followed him quietly. What should he do?

Then, he paused suddenly. He decided he should pay the regent a visit and at least try to talk to him about the decree.

"Prepare the chariot." He said to his servants before he quickened his steps.

The chariot was prepared for him in no time and his retinue all stood close to it, waiting for him to enter. He slowly entered into the chariot and the horses started moving while his retinue followed on foot.

He sighed heavily and rested his head as they moved out of the palace. He stared through the opening in the chariot as they made their way through the market and he watched as the people paved way for his chariot. Some of them stood watching while others carried on with their daily activities. He felt more guilty as he watched these innocent people managed their businesses. What would happen to them if they could not meet up with the tax? What if their businesses closed down and they go hungry? He looked away and shut his eyes. He couldn't bear looking anymore, else, the guilt would consume him.

Soon, the chariot arrived at the regent's compound and the King stepped out of the chariot before he made his way into the chambers of the regent.

~The Regent's Chambers~

"Your Lordship, the King is here to see you." The Regent's eunuch, eunuch Bancroft, informed him.

The regent who was relaxing in a tub, getting a massage from his maids slowly opened his eyes which was shut.

He kept quiet for a while before saying. "Is that so? Tell him to wait." He said eunuch Bancroft who nodded at once before walking away.

The regent shut his eyes again and relaxed deeper into the tub while the maids continued to massage his back.

Eunuch Bancroft walked over to the King who was standing at the entrance of the room.

"Your Majesty." He bowed before the King. "His Lordship, the regent, said you should wait." He informed him with his head still bowed.

King Arthur, who was standing at the entrance of the room, nodded before walking inside. Eunuch Bancroft led him over to a chair and he sat down.

After a a long wait, the regent walked into the room wearing a robe and he walked over to where the King was siting.

"Have you been waiting for long, Arthur?" The regent asked as he sat down on the chair opposite the King.

King Arthur faked a smile, "You must have been busy, your Lordship, I understand." He nodded his head.

The regent smiled, "Oh yes I was. After a stressful day, one desires a good massage and a hot bath."

King Arthur feigned a wider smile. "Of course, you do need it."

The regent nodded and just then, a maid walked in with a tray in her hand. She placed the tray of sack wine and some scones on the table between them and after bowing, she exited the room.

"Do have a drink, this wine was directly from China." The regent offered pointing at the wine.

King Arthur's eyes travelled to the tray on the table before he looked back at the regent who was smiling widely at him. King Arthur fought against the urge to roll his eyes because it was sickening for him to watch his fake smile and fake gestures.

"I do not feel like having wine but thanks for the kind gesture." He answered.

The regent shook his head, "Oh no, do not say that son, have some. You should have a drink with your grandfather since you have come to see me." He said smiling.

Grandfather? The word did not sound familiar to King Arthur at all. The regent had never for once, treated him like a grandson and he never saw him as his grandfather either. Their relationship was that of a regent who ruled the kingdom and a puppet King who followed his every command.

"I will have some later then." He gave in.

The regent nodded, "Alright then. So, why are you here?"

King Arthur clenched his fist and sighed.

"Could you uh... could you take back the decree?" He asked in a low voice as he looked down.

The regent's expression hardened. "And why should I do that?"

King Arthur swallowed and managed to add on. "It would not be easy for the people."

"Are you trying to say that I do not care for the people?"

King Arthur shook his head abruptly. "No no no. I am not saying that. I just... I just thought that augmenting the tax would not be good for the people, especially at a time like this when things are already hard enough."

"And who says that I am not doing this for the people?"

King Arthur did not say anything and didn't raise up his head either.

The regent sighed, "Do not provoke me Arthur, so never mention this again."

"Please... " King Arthur pleaded. "For the sake of those who are already having a hard time." He pressed on.

"Are you trying to go against my decree, Arthur?" The regent frowned.

"I do not dare to, Your Lordship, I just...I cannot go against your decision."

"Of course, you cannot..." The regent cut him off. "Now do you have more to say?"

King Arthur bit his lower lip and raised his head up, slowly.

"I understand, I shall not say more on it."

The regent smiled. "Good, you made the right choice. Now, if that is all, you can leave."

King Arthur nodded and stood up. He bowed his head to the regent and slowly made his way out of the room.

The regent watched him leave and as soon as he was out of his sight, he frowned deeply and stood up from the chair.

"That bloody fool." He muttered.
