

POV-Natasha Romanoff.

This boy is very strange, at first I didn't understand, because I would need to investigate a 14 year old, but when I read his file I was impressed, he not only masters dozens of martial arts, he also has several PHD, in several different areas, moreover, he is a genius inventor and investor, because by our investigations, he who created Omega Industries, his father was just a front to cover up his genius.

Now, when I met him, he found out almost instantly that I was no ordinary maid, plus he found out that I had combat proficiency.

Now we're going to his gym.


Arriving at the gym, I threw my shirt on the floor and climbed into the ring, looking at Natacha, I saw her face a little shocked, I soon realized why, my muscles were not something you would see in a teenager, despite not being very bulky, he it was all defined, moreover, it is perfectly symmetrical.

I pointed to her where the locker room was, and soon she came back with a training outfit, I leave several training outfits in the locker room, both male and female, of various sizes, it's just that at some point someone needs it, now for example it was very useful.

The two of us in the ring, she said, "Aren't we going to wear gloves?"

"Do you want me to wear gloves?" I said teasingly.

"Don't complain later," she said a little annoyed.

Laughing a little, I said, "let's get started then", when I said that, we started the fight, she tried some blows, but I defended, or dodged, all the blows.

She tried a feint punch, but I dodged and punched her in the stomach, she tried a kick, but again I defended, seeing that I defended, she tried her classic move from the movies, but unfortunately for her I had already foreseen it and dodged it.

After five minutes of fighting, I decided to put an end to it, for that I trapped her in a jiu-jitsu triangle, for those who don't know, a triangle is a blow that you hold your opponent by the neck, between the two legs making a triangle, beyond from the triangle I held her arms so she couldn't react.

Stuck in a triangle, and unable to move her arms, she tried in every way to kick me, but she couldn't.

Seeing her disgraceful situation, and realizing that she couldn't get out, she said, "OK I give up"

Releasing her, and letting her catch her breath, I said, "Do you know about our body reconstruction project, where we help people who don't have one or both arms and legs, or even people who are paraplegic or quadriplegic?"

"I know, but why the question" she said a little breathless, and with a confused face.

"Well, and that we are entering a new phase of the project, which is to rebuild organs, both for arms and legs, as well as for organs such as the heart, liver, lungs, and as I realized that you no longer have your uterus, I would like to to know if you wanted to participate in the project."

Looking at me with a shocked and annoyed face, she said, "How do you know that?"

"I found out by doing a calculation with your body weight", totally a lie, I just used x-ray vision to confirm the information from the movie, "and if this is a sensitive topic, sorry for being impolite"

Shocked by his explanation, she replied, "It's okay, I'm sorry I was annoyed, and I've never told anyone about this, but even if I reconstitute my uterus, I still won't be able to have kids, as I don't have ovaries either"

"About that, it's not a problem, even if the ovaries are an organ that is more difficult to replicate, with their DNA we can still do that."

With a smile, she said, "thanks for the offer, I'll think about her"

"No need to thank me, I like to help people", that's true, I like to help others, but not with a super hero, but with something that helps change people's lives, like this project.

"Well now I'm going to take a shower, I recommend you do the same," I told her.

Agreeing with me, we both went to shower, of course in different bathrooms.

When I finished taking a shower, Natasha was already waiting for me in her maid outfit, "I think I'll order a pizza, my parents are away, and the cook has already gone to his own house, and I don't want to order one of the maids with this, do you have any flavor preferences?"

"Sir there's no need, I'll eat later"

"Of course not, I don't like to eat alone, plus you'll have to sleep here as a personal maid, why not buy us a pizza, it's not like I'm running out of money, so any taste preferences?"

Seeing that I wouldn't give up, she said, "I prefer pepperoni"

"And so the pizza arrived, and we stayed up late, eating, talking and watching the series, as if we were old friends"