

When it was time to leave, Peter took the bus, Harry with the driver, and Gwen goes with her father.

With Peter and Harry leaving first, it was just me, Liz and Gwen, waiting for Gwen's father, not to leave Gwen waiting alone, Liz and I stayed with her, Gwen's father's name is George Stacy, he's police captain of New York.

When I met him, he didn't like me very much, even though I was eleven years old, he already realized that his daughter was already liking me, but over time he started to like me, of course Hammer Industries, making a donation of guns, and Omega Industries donating vehicles to the NYPD helped a little.

While we were waiting, we were talking about the tour at Oscorp tomorrow, I already knew what would happen I was excited, chatting for a few more minutes, Gwen's father arrived.

I said goodbye to Gwen with a hug, and a wave to her father, seeing that they were gone, I turned to Liz and said, "Come on", I'll take Liz to her house as her friends had already left before the game , and not to let her go alone, I'll take her.

Liz said, "Yes we are, I'm looking forward to riding in your new car", saying that she held my arm, and we went to the parking lot, where my car was.

Getting into the car, Liz said, "Wow and so beautiful inside, it looks like science fiction."

Laughing at what she said, I started the car, and left the parking lot, we continued talking, until a topic came up, she asked a question with a flushed face, "Jon, do you remember, when I called you to the music room, at last class day?"

"I remember very well".

"Well, do you want to do that again?", she said, her face even redder.

Just as she said that, I parked the car in front of her house, looking at her I said, "I'm going to say something I've already told Gwen too, I like you a lot, but I like Gwen a lot too, and I've kissed her too, I don't know what to do, I don't want to hurt anyone, but it seems impossible."

She looked up at me, a face filled with mixed emotions, both happy and angry and sad.

Even realizing what she was feeling, I kept saying, "If I date you, Gwen will be very sad, plus there's Peter."

Hearing what I said, Liz got a little confused, and asked me, "What does Peter have to do with this?"

"You may not know it, but Peter likes you, he didn't say it directly to me, but I'm sure he likes you, as I already knew, that you and Gwen liked me."

Listening to what I said, she made a face of astonishment, as if what I said had never crossed her mind.

"I'm very confused, I never thought it could be this complicated, I thought I could make Gwen give up on you, and we could be together, but it looks like she won't give up, plus there's Peter who is our friend and likes me , I'm really confused.", Liz said, looking a little lost.

I was quiet waiting for her to think about what I said, and how complicated the situation is.

After some time thinking, she spoke in a determined tone, "even if it's complicated, even if I don't want to hurt Gwen, or even Peter, I won't give up, my feelings are strong, I won't give up on you".

Listening to what she said, I couldn't help but laugh a little, and say, "Gwen said the same thing, I really don't know why you guys like me so much."

"I know my feelings are strong, even Gwen saying that, I will never give up."

After she said that, we stayed a few seconds, in silence, until she started to bring her face closer to mine, knowing what she wanted, I did the same, and we kissed.

After ten minutes, kissing, I heard a knock on the car window, and a man saying, "hey there's someone in there".

Stopping kissing, we soon realized who it was, it was Liz's father.

Opening the window, Liz's father, Adrian Allen, was surprised, and said, "And you Mr. Jon".

You might wonder why he calls me sir, well it's because he works at Omega Industries, as a mechanical engineer, he had been fired from Oscorp, so I hired him.

Responding I said, "I'm sorry Mr. Allen, I didn't want to get in the way, Liz and I were talking inside, and we forgot about the time"

"Liz, there you are, I didn't realize," he said with a surprised face.

"Keep talking, I'll come in," Liz's father spoke with a huge smile on his face.

Watching him leave, I said, "It looks like he likes me, doesn't it?"

Laughing at what I said, she said, "yes, it does."

And so we talked a little more, about unrelated subjects, about what we talked about before, and said goodbye.

Seeing her enter the house, I started the car, and headed towards my house.