
Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story

Home destroyed by an accident of Heaven, Dan and his family have been reborn. Transported into the galaxy of his dreams, Dan, May, and their two pets, navigate family life while they change the script of the world itself. How far will they go to protect their new home? What fate awaits them as the future changes its shape? Join Dan and May as they adventure through space, build a kingdom and challenge the will of the force. Please comment with any suggestions, as well as characters you’d like to see and universes you’d eventually like to visit! We do monthly polls for content on my patreon and this novel won! It will get five chapters a week and my highest priority. Join us on patreon if you want to vote in the next poll and make sure I know what the audience is most interested in! This fanfiction contains elements of D.C. and Marvel comics, as well as the Star Wars canon and legends universes. It will also contain things from multiple other sources, like Warhammer 40k, Invincible, various anime and movies. It can be found on my Patreon for free as well, listed as just Krypton Reborn.

VendakSoth · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter Twenty, Part Two

A flash of light brought Dan's scout ship into orbit above Sekot's orange-green surface. It had been over a week since his battle with the Great Ape, and his body had healed. The echo of his failure still stung at his heart, part of the reason he returned here, now.

He'd called a gathering of his summons, where he would lay out new guidelines for their behaviour. His own unrestricted freedoms had almost led to catastrophe. Dan wouldn't have his summons make the same mistake. The scout sped into the atmosphere, headed for a tall range of mountains.

"We'll land there," Dan motioned to the display, a deep valley between several snowy peaks. "I want to plant a fortress crystal here, then we can wait for the others to arrive."

Ultron nodded and sent the ship into a dive, Anakin at his side. The boy was riveted on the machine as Ulrton operated the controls, blue eyes wide. Dan gave a wry smile. Even at five, the chosen one had an obsession with technology and flight.

'System… are you absolutely certain my summons will always obey my orders,' Dan needed a clear answer, before he took the step he was about to make. 'What would happen if I gave Ultron all the infinity stones, would he break free of my control?'

[Anything created by the system is forever bound by the system's user,] the system's reassurance played through his mind. [No matter what additions, or changes, they will follow your commands without fail.]

Dan sighed. He believed that his system told the truth, but anything was possible. He returned his gaze to Anakin, heart heavy. The real risk was his plan for the chosen one. The young wizard wasn't his summon, but he was beloved by the Force itself. He was useful as a shield against the twists of fate, a ward blessed by the powers of a protagonist.

'How powerful is the Superman serum?' Dan turned to his next question. It was from D.C. comics, but that was a big collection of universes. 'What kind of Superman are we talking about?'

[Any being injected with the serum will gain the physiological abilities of a Kryptonian. The peak potential varies based on the biology of the user. Potential is calculated to be equal to a Titanium level summon, a solar system level threat.]

'Titanium…' Dan's eyebrows raised. That was three tiers above his gold level summons, although they could grow on their own to new heights if he provided the resources. 'That should be ok… a kryptonian of that level will never outpace May and I.'

"We've arrived," Ultron prodded at Dan, who jerked free of his inner dialogue with the system. "Shall I plant the crystal, or do you want the honours?"

"Feel free," Dan tossed the A.I. a fortress crystal and rose to his feet. "Just pick a central spot in the valley, Sekot will provide all the power we need."

"What about me?" Anakin followed Dan's heels as they marched toward the exit ramp. "You haven't even told me why I'm even here!"

"Just hold on until the others get here," Dan held the energetic child at arms length, until the ramp opened to Sekot's warm, tropical air. "I have a gift for you, two actually, but you'll have to be patient."

"Is it a star ship?" Anakin leaned against Dan's fist, stars in his eyes. "I've asked Merlyn, over and over, but he always says that it would be a distraction…"

"It's better than a ship," Dan shooed the boy away, toward a group of the hive minded Taurill, eyes set on the glow of thrusters on approach. "Go play with the wildlife, I need to have a chat with my servants."

Ultron's main body led the way for Doom transport, while Merlyn popped into existence, Goku in hand. The wizard dumped the Saiyan to the ground and glared at Dan.

"What is so important that I'm forced to fetch this idiotic monkey," Merlyn snorted as he looked down his nose at Dan. "This time would be better spent at study, unless you think you've made enough progress with your magic?"

"Wait until the others get here," Dan ignored the Wizard's mockery, eyes on Ultron's approach. "I've got something to say, and I only want to say it once."

Ultron landed in a squelch of moist earth, distaste on his mechanical face. He strode toward Dan as Doom's shuttle landed, ramp already extended before it touched ground. With Venom included, all of his summons had gathered. A Wizard, the political adviser, a thick headed Saiyan, and his maniacal guardian machine.

"Why is my main body needed," Ultron complained as Doom moved to join the circle, the last to arrive. "I am always by your side, this is redundant."

"We'll get to that, but first…" Dan raised a finger to the skies, face hardened into a mask. "I need to lay down a few ground rules for the future." His point shifted to Merlyn, a hard glare in his eyes. "Your random disappearance needs to be the last, next time send a message if you're not in trouble."

The Wizard's mouth opened, the beginning of a retort that Dan silenced with a wave. He turned to Ultron, the newest target to his finger.

"As for you," Dan poked the A.I. silver chest, a harmonic chime of vibranium. "I know you've still got your secret projects, the orders I gave left you enough freedom for some shenanigans." He looked into Ultron's blue-red eyes. "Don't make me lock you behind a wall of restrictions that leave no room for you to express yourself."

Dan looked past Goku, who had long lost his focus and turned to examine the flowers at his feet. Doom was next, hands raised in his defence.

"I have performed my tasks with all my effort," Doom shrugged, half a smile on his face. "No shenanigans exist from me…"

"I know," Dan nodded, a smile on his face that failed to reach his eyes. "But you're also the most suspicious because of it." He waved to Ultron and Merlyn, Goku half-forgotten. "These two can't help but be themselves, but you're driven enough to bide your time."

"I can assure you…"

"It doesn't matter, either way," Dan cut Doom off and motioned to the group around him. "I've brought you all here to make a deal, an agreement that will win you your freedom in the future."

His summons fell into stillness at this, even Merlyn. The Wizard's face turned solemn, while Ultron's eyes flashed. Dan looked at each in turn, except Goku, who now played among the Taurill with Anakin.

"If you serve for one hundred years, without any major incidents, I'll order your freedom." Dan held Doom's forceful gaze, an honest smile on his face. "We can set a contract in stone, if you like?"

"One hundred years is a lifetime for a human," Doom snorted as his head shook back and forth. "I'll be half in the grave by the time my debt is paid…" He reached out and snagged the glass vile that Dan tossed through the air. "What is this?"

"A gene therapy, one that can turn someone into a member of my species," Dan held up another three vials. "No risk, take this and you'll live forever, as long as you get enough sunlight." Dan snapped his fingers to get Goku and Anikin's attention. "This offer applies to the two of you as well, take this and grow stronger, help me build a better world!"

Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful to all of my supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! The Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Updates for this series will be at five a week, a chapter part monday-friday, with bonus chapters whenever I can get them written and edited.


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