
Krypton’s Heir: The Unseen Magic (HP Crossover)

Welcome to the world of Krypton, a place filled with cutting-edge technology but on the brink of collapse. General Dru-Zod, a fiercely proud military leader, is determined to secure his legacy. To do this, he creates a special crystal containing his DNA, hoping to one day have a son who can carry on the Zod name. But this crystal is more than just advanced tech; it’s a key to a completely different destiny. Meanwhile, in Smallville, Kansas, we meet Lily Potter, a bright young Unspeakable working in the enigmatic Department of Mysteries. One day, while exploring a cave, she stumbles upon Zod’s hidden crystal. Drawn to its captivating glow, she reaches out to touch it, and in that moment, everything changes. Suddenly, Lily feels stronger than ever, but she’s also plagued by haunting visions of a mysterious presence that seems to have its own agenda. As Lily learns to navigate her newfound powers, she must also confront the dark threat of Voldemort, who is targeting her family. In a heart-wrenching realization, Lily understands that the only way to protect her son, Harry, is to make a sacrifice that intertwines their fates with Zod’s legacy. If you're intrigued and want to dive deeper into this thrilling adventure, check out advance chapters and exclusive content on my Patreon: patreon.com/FantasyFusionForge. Join me on this journey and see how everything unfolds!

FantasyFusionForge · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

Chapter 5: Year One Part Two

Funnily enough, Harry was right, or that was at least what Hermione summarized. The anticipation was far worse than the actual event and she made it far worse for herself when she built up said anticipation in her head. Once her exam marks were given to her, she could enjoy the remaining few days of the holidays before they came back to school. The brunette witch shifted when she sat on the floor, the book had been pulled out of her hand gently by Tonks.

"Nymphadora!" Andromeda stated in a reproachful voice as she looked at her daughter.

Tonks eyed her mother a little bit, when she got called the forbidden name and bit down on her lip, pouting. Harry seemed very amused by the antics but he was thinking about the dream that he had last night.

It was very weird when it happened and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to learn. He thought that there was something about the dream that he had that could unlock the mysteries of who he was. What he was, was far more than any wand waver. There were powers that he could barely even dream about.

The heat coming out of his eyes, that was not normal, along with his enhanced senses. Well unless he was part werewolf which somehow he doubted. He kept his mind calm.

Hermione folded her arms and slight pout appeared on her face. "I need to study."

"After the marks you got, I don't think that you need to study, it's the holidays Hermione, relax, have fun, be merry, loosen up a little bit," Tonks stated as she rubbed Hermione's shoulders in circular motions before she smiled. "You'll thank me later."

Hermione sighed in an exasperated manner but Harry peered at her with a knowing gaze.

"She's right, you know," Harry responded to her.

Hermione knew that she was but her childhood offered no means to relax. It was a never ending pressure to be the best in the world and anything less would be bad. In fact anything less would be a failure, at least that's what her father pounded into her head. She noticed the arguments her parents had, it was hard not to notice them. The Hogwarts letter was something that caused the biggest row yet; she remembered that with picture perfect clarity.

Before she met Harry, she barely had anything to do with the members of her age group. She coexisted with them but they always annoyed her with their childish antics. The young wizard admitted that he was among the same boat, he had very few friends, except for a couple of people older than him.

"Deep thoughts?" Harry asked as he broke Hermione out of her concentration.

"You know it," Hermione offered with a sigh. "So what about…the gift you received?"

"Andromeda checked it over to make sure there was no curses on it, you can't be too careful," Harry responded as Andromeda stepped forward before handing him the cloak.

"So it's one hundred percent safe, from what I've been able to see," Andromeda responded as she looked at the Cloak. "I don't know how Dumbledore convinced James to part with it but….that's an explanation that I doubt either of us will get any time soon."

Harry had to agree with that point, the Invisibility Cloak was a family heirloom and Andromeda recognized the handwriting immediately. It was in the possession of the Hogwarts Headmaster but at least he was inclined to return it to the sorcerer. Andromeda assumed that it got looted or something, which was curious.

Regardless, Harry had a potential asset in his hand and he turned it over to admire the quality of it, but a knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.

Harry spun around and he saw them standing on the other end of the door when Andromeda walked towards the door. His X-Ray vision, which tended to work on and off, no matter how many times he tried to focus it, spotted the two girls on the other side of the door, trying to keep his focus on them. It took him a moment but he managed to lock on them.

One of the girls on the other side of the door was tall and blonde, Harry recognized her immediately. In fact, he had studied every single inch of her body and explored every nook and cranny in explicit detail. He shifted towards Hermione a little bit and smiled as he saw Lucretia on the other side of the door, carefully watching her.

The second girl had dark hair and dark eyes, she was a few years younger than Lucretia. A closer look saw that she was gifted with the similar sexy body and assets that was a tradition for the Black family females. He saw her in pictures with Nym and Lucretia, but this was the first time that he saw her up close and personal.

"Lucretia, Vega, this is a wonderful surprise," Andromeda stated with a smile as she opened the door.

"Mother sends her regards but her duties mandate that she is unable to attend this meeting," Lucretia stated bowing her head. Draco and Lucius were not even invited, because that opened the floodgates for disaster. Given what Tonks did to Draco when he was seven after he acted like an arrogant twat, Lucretia made a decision to keep those two apart as much as possible. "Harry, Hermione, it's nice to see you."

Lucretia moved over to hug Harry, and he felt the tender embrace of her curvy frame when she wrapped around him.

"Oh I missed you," Lucretia stated before she smiled and Harry got the implied meaning of what she missed. "This is my sister, Vega."

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Harry," Vega responded when her eyes focused on Harry, tracing him rather carefully.

Vega Black was the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and she was very young when her mother was sent to Azkaban with the other Lestrange family members. Officially and legally, her father was Rodolphus Lestrange, although there were rumors among the pureblood community that Rodolphus might have been a bit too into his brother and thus the marriage to Bella was a front. Common theories was her real father was either Sirius or Regulus Black or the Dark Lord.

Her aunt Narcissa took her in and cared for her as another daughter. She and Lucretia were like sisters, even though Vega had been sent to Durmstrang based on her mother's wishes, which Narcissa complied with.

At first, Vega struggled to gain a footing in Durmstrang, but she managed to gain some respect, mostly by breaking the arms of many of the wizards who tried to take liberties with her; not to mention the permanent injuries she dealt them. They respected her a little bit more, she could be a nice and even tempered girl when she wanted to.

Get on her bad side and a person was really taking their chances.

Narcissa stated that Vega reminded her of Bellatrix in that way, before she got messed up by falling into her obsession with the Death Eaters. The Dark Lord did have all of the right answers for a while but in some ways, he used the purebloods like puppets on strings to accomplish his own ends. Vega hoped that he would never return, even if there were whispers at Durmstrang that he was not completely gone.

"Lucretia has told me a little bit about you, Nym as well," Harry answered with his eyes on Vega.

"Only the good things, I hope," she responded as she crossed her arms and eyed him appraisingly.

"Many of the good things," Harry answered, with the two of them locking eyes. "You have quite the reputation at Durmstrang."

"Depends on the one that you're talking about," Vega stated as she looked at him and waited for him to give an answer.

"The one that you're one of the top duelists in your school," Harry responded and he caught the smug look on Vega's face. "So does Durmstrang earn its reputation?"

"Mostly, although it's not as simplistic so called common knowledge at Hogwarts states," she admitted before she added in a diplomatic manner. "The curriculum is intense; they want to weed out the weak."

That sounded rather interesting to Harry, and he wondered if there was something shady going on with that school. Then again, each school had their own ways of doing what they wanted to do.

Minerva McGonagall waited as she thought about the notices that she received about the exams that Hermione Granger and Harry Potter was going to take. At first, she found herself skeptical about whether or not two students were going to get past their exams this early. Learning ten months worth of material in four months, well that was something that would scare most students away. Granted, for some students trying to learn ten months of material in ten months was rather daunting.

Yet they not only met the standards that were set, but they exceeded. The exams were such where they had to receive an Exceeds Expectations on all of their courses, and nothing below. An acceptable was not acceptable; rather it was something that would hold them back. If they wished to move on, they had to be the very best.

Harry got all Outstandings in his exams which was most impressive and Hermione got mostly Outstandings, although she got Exceed Expectations in her Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Potions exams. And those grades were borderline, where if she would have gotten one more point either way. Minerva offered a thought about that, she knew that Hermione would be a perfectionist. She saw the signs in the eyes of the younger girl and hoped that Harry would make sure that she did not lose herself in her studies.

Although Minerva would be lying if she did not think that she would have taken the exams early and take the fast track if she got the chance. There were instances where she felt everything was slowed down past a certain point during the third and fourth years especially. Although that was the standards that the Board of Governors laid down and Minerva did not want to rock the boat any more than she had to. So she let it go and hoped that everything would turn out for the better even though there were times where the lax standards caused many to not be pushed their to their full limits.

Harry Potter impressed her, students challenged her in different ways and young Mister Potter challenged her in a good way. She actually made it her mission to try and figure out ways to enhance his learning, but to his credit, he accomplished every challenge. That brought a slight smile to the face of Minerva, he was much like his mother in that way.

Minerva could only imagine Lily's rage when she found out that there was a fast track out of this school. She got agitated by the stupidity of the vast majority of magical users easily but she had certain ambitions, refusing to allow the Hogwarts curriculum to bog her down too much. The only reason why Harry knew was because he asked.

A knock on the door brought her out of her musings.

"Enter," Minerva stated and the doors opened, to reveal Harry Potter and Hermione Granger who entered the office.

"Hello, Professor, you wished to see us," Harry responded with a charming smile and she edged back, taken off guard by that smile but she shook her head.

"I have received your exam results," Minerva stated as she looked at them with a tranquil and calm expression on her face.

"I know, I could have done a little bit…." Hermione stated but Harry cut her off.

"Actually I think that she was here to congratulate us on these results," Harry responded, a smile crossing his face before he added. "Unless I am mistaken."

"No you were not mistaken, Mr. Potter," Minerva responded as she crossed her arms and shifted the papers on her desk, stacking them a bit more neatly before she focused fully on them. "I must say, I'm very pleased. And you exceeded all of the expectations that one would expect."

Harry tried not to let that get to his head; otherwise he would not be able to fit his head through the door. Still , it made him smile a little bit and he could tell that Hermione had a smile crossing her face as well. The brunette bookworm looked carefully around and hid the smile, careful not to seem too assured of herself.

"As for your courses, each and every teacher will have their individual manner in handling your unique situation," Minerva responded as she watched them. "I trust they will be in contact with you within the next few days. I will assign your work for second year after class, and will use you as a teaching assistant when you are with your peers."

"Why can't we move to the next year of courses full time?" Harry asked.

Minerva sighed. "That's not my call, Mr. Potter. Dumbledore and the Board of Governors felt that you should remain with your year mates in class, as to not set a bad example. Although I'm not sure what that bad example will be."

Harry was unsure about what that bad example would be either.

"I trust you will not hesitate to come to me should you have any inquiries," Minerva responded and Harry smiled before Hermione was the one answered.

"Of course not Professor," Hermione responded, a small bit of her worried that people might wonder why she moved up so faster, but a larger part of her decided not to say anything. That was their problem if they could not accelerate their education and Hermione felt satisfaction that she would be allowed an opportunity that someone like Draco Malfoy did not seize. Or perhaps he was unable to, that made her smile.

She doubted that he would really work for something like this, rather he would coast by on his laurels.

"Unless you have any further questions, I believe that will be all," Minerva stated when she watched them.

"Yes, that will be all, have a good day, Professor McGonagall," Harry stated to her and she offered a rare smile.

"You as well Mr. Potter and keep up the commendable work," she added as they got up and shook hands with her, before they spun around and left her offer. She watched them leave.

Despite being left at the Dursleys, Lily and James would be proud that Harry turned out well despite them. It just went to show people that it mattered only what was on the inside and what was in the bloodline. Minerva was impressed by Harry and looked forward to watching his continued growth and development, along with Miss Granger as well.

She respected both James and Lily as students and as peers. Even though she noticed that Harry took more after Lily, to the extent that he did not suffer the presence of fools very well. He had some minor physical attributes much like James but he would not look as much of him as he aged. At least that's what Minerva speculated.

Although Minerva felt the strong desire to hex Snape or transfigure him into a donkey to better reflect his personality, given how he went on about the spawn of James Potter. He saw things as he wanted to see them and Dumbledore offered classic enabler behavior for him.

If there was a title for Oliver Wood it would be slave driver. Or that was at least what Harry suspected he would think if he did not live for the excitement and the potential thrills that Quidditch Practice would bring. Hermione stuck around for the first bit of practice but after a while, she signaled that she was packing it in, after about two hours.

Harry caught the snitch over and over again. Wood made him catch it blindfolded as well, his theory being that Harry should be able to do so because his vision was impaired. The fact he had other senses like super sharp hearing was always good and allowed him to hear the Snitch.

"I don't think I'll be able to sit for a week," Fred Weasley groaned or maybe it was George, Harry never bothered to tell them apart. They both struck a mean Bludger and had potential as minions.

"My backside will be numb for a week," the other Weasley twin stated as he rubbed his keister.

A tall black third year rolled her eyes when she looked at the twins, she was one of the chasers, Angelina Johnson. "That's the last thing I wanted to hear."

A dark haired girl with blue eyes shook her head, she was the second chaser, Alicia Spinett. "Yeah, that really is. I mean, we got it worse than you."

Katie Bell bit her lip and offered a sigh. She was blonde with brown eyes and despite being a second year, she was nicely developed. Then again all three of the girls were, the robes strained against them, saturated with sweat. "I'll sleep well tonight."

"I would hit the showers, but I don't know if I can make it that far," one of the Weasley twins stated.

"It wasn't that bad," Harry offered when he shrugged but the team gave him glares but a smile crossed his face.

"Whatever you say, Wood Junior."

Harry's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. The Weasley Twins really knew how to turn everything into a joke but he had a feeling that they would not be complaining that much after they won the Quidditch Cup. He was ready even though everyone seemed to roll their eyes. He saw the other team members stumble around.

"Have a nice evening," Harry responded as he moved off to the showers. He would be lying if he said was not a little bit sore, Wood did make sure to get the most out of their time together. Although he also got something that most professional team captains did not get, results.

He stripped his clothes before he felt the warm shower water wash over his body. He carefully relaxed in the shower before he felt a pair of soft and feminine hands on his body. Harry relaxed when he felt the person behind him lather up his back.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

"Hi Harry, knew you'd get done before too long," Tonks responded and he turned around to see that she was as naked as he was. She cupped him when he turned around but he shifted positioning and backed her against the wall. She shivered against him when he rubbed his head against her entrance.

"Nice and wet for me, without the shower," Harry stated as he tweaked her nipples a little bit, causing her rubbing the head across her slit, before reaching forward and lathering her breasts up with the soap.

"Oh yeah Harry," Tonks breathed whilst Harry's lips wrapped around her mouth and he kissed her against the wall. Her back pressed against the wet surface, her legs spread, waiting for him.

She did not have to wait for very long when his cock speared inside her, making her insides squirm with delight. Tonks staved off a very powerful orgasm from his cock being inside her. The young wizard pushed back before he thrust into her center and pounded into her pussy with rapid fury. She wrapped her legs around him and moaned heatedly, fogging up the shower in more ways than one, when he thrust into her pussy.

The dark haired wizard continued to pick up the pace, ripping his cock into her, feeling her tight snatch lovingly caress his prick as he pumped into her. He picked up the pace and picked up her arousal, feeling her squeeze him. Her breasts grew in his hands, and he squeezed them. Her nipples were now the size of erasers thanks to her powers and he licked his tongue down them carefully.

"Oh fuck me, yes, fuck me," Tonks breathed heavily; she used a charm to cause milk to leak from her breasts and Harry latched his mouth onto her nipple, before sucking her like a nursing babe.

He pushed his cock into her warm box, while he sucked on her heaving breasts and also pinched her ass. The sensations continued to go through his body when she tightened herself around his cock and he beat into her heavily. Her hair was a long bubble gum pink, and his hands ran all over her body.

"So good, so hot," Harry stated, after he removed his mouth from her breasts and pushed himself back before he speared himself into her pussy with his hard pole.

The eyes of Tonks bulged out.

"Nymmy, you feel so good," Harry grunted as he cupped her ass and he speared into her. She slid against the wall, her eyes closed in sheer ecstasy when he picked up the pace into her pussy.

The sheer amount of the thrusts Harry gave her lit Tonks up and made her nipples harden with the lustful desire. He could only bring her to these sensations, he could only give her pleasures that she could scarcely dream about. This cock was her gift, a gift that she would never let go. Her cunt wrapped around his member when she rubbed him, it never ceased to amaze her.

Harry realized that this pussy could be tight forever given her powers, it expanded to fit him the best and to give him the most pleasurable experience. The seventeen year old Hufflepuff witch moaned in pleasure, the desire dripped down from her body, and he thrust deep into her, his cock cut a path into her. Her lips rubbed him, swollen with hot desire.

Tonks felt her body heat up with another orgasm and she gave a throaty groan when he pushed into her hard, feeling her fluids spill onto his cock. This lubricated him even more whilst she saw stars and her mind rattled, biting down on her tongue and feeling the pleasure that he gave. The two worked against each other, their hips meeting together trust by trust.

Harry felt himself building up and he trust into her. She screamed and felt her body tense up carefully. The Metamorphmagus noticed that her hair changed colors randomly, which meant that she was having an extremely powerful orgasm. That was one of the quirks of magic; it had an unpredictable side effect.

The two continued their shower time fun, with Harry thrusting deep into her, pushing him into her. Her pussy tightly wrapped around him and he allowed an explosion of his seed to flood her pussy.

"Oh fuck yeah," Harry grunted as he felt the sweet pleasure of release and flooded his cum into her center, splashing into her center. Several ropes shot into her waiting womb, when he continued to pump into her carefully, the woman grinding her mound on his when she breathed heavily.

Tonks screamed loudly and passed out in Harry's arms as he pulled out of her. She came to her senses soon enough but that was a hell of an explosion. Her mind and body was rocked from it.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Dear Harry:

As always, you describe a rather active life, although I'm sure you're holding out with some of the more intimate details. Did I just write that?

So anyway, sorry it took me a little bit to get back to you. Classes are murder. Granted, it's not so much the quality of the work but rather the sheer quantity of it. I get the preparing people for their future's things, I really do.

Although your little harem scheme….well it's fascinating. I don't know whether or not to pity you. You do realize that the fairer sex can get hostile over the littlest things.

Granted, we aren't that fair when we think about it, with matters of the heart, but oh well, such is life, and all that jazz.

Anyway, good luck on your Quidditch Match. Not that you need my luck. Herbology sounds interesting, pity that I can't sneak in and attend that one. You're going to have to send me the memories of that class. I'm sure there's some kind of spell that you can use, isn't there?

So anyway, I don't think that I have that much more to say. If I think of anything else, well I'll send that back when I reply to you. Kind of hard to get in touch with you easily when you're in no man's land wherever that school is. Do you even know where that school is? Or is it just some vaguely magical thing where it is everywhere, yet it's nowhere?

Talk to you soon,


Dear Pamela,

Quidditch Match against Hufflepuff happened, and guess what; Snape was the referee. Yeah I know, given that there is a fifty percent likelihood that he wants to kill me. I don't know what I ever did to him.

Of course, if we ever need more oil ,someone could drill the top of his scalp. That would work well. We won, as if there was any doubt. One more match and we've got the Quidditch Cup in the bag.

I'm debating on whether or not I want to go after the thing that's on the third floor. You know what I'm talking about, we've discussed it before. I'm pretty sure someone's after it. Given what it is, I'm not surprised. Money or immorality, it's very tempting to grab onto it. Providing of course, it's not a counterfeit.

I'm trying to figure out what I find more disturbing. The fact that Dumbledore potentially put students at risk by putting the real thing in school to bait someone trying to steal it or the fact that Dumbledore put students at risk by putting a fake thing in the school; either scenario isn't really that good. I'll sleep on that. Dumbledore's a genius but he's a step too slow. Guess old age even catches up to wizards. Guy's been around for a couple hundred years by the looks of him, so he's been around the block a few times. Maybe he needs to step back before someone retires him.

Hermione and I are befriending the Hogwarts Gamekeeper, he should have a nice and loose tongue….actually I heard a rumor that he drinks himself silly and has a loose tongue. Which is why everyone knows about that little beauty mark on my forehead, despite the fact that they should not. Thanks Hagrid, thanks a lot. Still he'll be useful to get information.

Charms to view memories, yes they exist but you need a special device to view them, it's called a Pensieve. As for the school, it's vaguely somewhere in Scotland.

For the Collective, you know there's a spot open for you once you're ready to take it. Maybe after I get this insanity trial of becoming a wizard done, the two of us can get together.

Did your petition about Luthorcorp get through, or did he just throw it in the trash?

Hope to hear from you soon,


Everyone had an Achilles heel, it was just a matter of finding the right way to exploit it. Of course, any self-aware person would understand their weaknesses and do what they had to do to counteract them. That was common sense, no question about it. Harry smiled a little bit when he thought about the one glaring weakness that most wizards and witches had.

Deprive them of their wands and they would suffer one hundred percent of the way. That's why Harry refused to be reliant on his wand in any way. He always used it in public in front of other users of this world, but it was a front to make them thing that he was sufficient of it like the rest of them were. In private, he practiced the spells without a wand. He actually felt a bit more at ease doing magic without the stupid stick to begin with but he had to use the stupid stick to make the sheep think that he was one of them.

That couldn't further be from the truth.

"So, this Hagrid guy, you think Dumbledore's going to tell him what's going on?" Hermione whispered to Harry and Harry nodded.

"Word around the school, according to Daphne at least, is Dumbledore fixed up Hagrid with this job after he got expelled," Harry commented as the two of them made their way down to the grounds. "You can't buy that kind of loyalty, it gets conditioned. He could have been exiled but Dumbledore came through for him."

'And I'm sure Hagrid knows how lucky he turned out to be,' Harry thought to himself when he walked forward with Hermione, the two of them continuing towards their destination.

The truth was, he learned all that he could about Hagrid and the man favored the drink a little bit too much. When he started drinking, his tongue got a little slick and secrets spilled from his mouth.

Harry knocked on the door and the door opened with Hagrid answering it. He was a giant of a man, imposing, but Harry knew from word of mouth that he would not hurt a fly. Unless said fly did something to insult Dumbledore. Again, it was fanatical loyalty, but Harry appreciated that. Dumbledore might not even realize that he had a group of people that followed his every word without question. He doubted very much that it was a conscious effort for Dumbledore lacked a certain amount of imagination.

That was beside the point now.

Hagrid's expression brightened up. "Harry, I must have missed you this year, but I've haven't seen you since you were a baby, come in, come in."

Now Harry sensed certain cues from people and it was obvious Hagrid thought a lot about his parents. That gave him the door he needed to exploit something.

"This is Hermione," Harry told him, making conversation. "Thank you for letting us inside, I hope it wasn't any trouble."

The innocent and wide eyed first year act, it worked out well to lower Hagrid's defenses. He was a simple minded type, bless him. Harry gave an "aw shucks" type smile that was expected from a Gryffindor.

Hagrid waved off his words. "It was no trouble, no trouble at all. Sit down make yerselves at home."

Hermione and Harry sat down and they made themselves comfortable. Hagrid poured them some tea and put out some rock cakes. Hermione reached for one but Harry shook his head.

"Trust me, your teeth will thank you later," Harry whispered so Hagrid could not hear him but Hermione could .

'So, how are yer classes?" Hagrid asked when as he kept his eyes on them.

"Fine, they hold my interest well enough," Harry responded, returning the look.

"Yeah, that's right, McGonagall can't stop praising you, not that I blame her with marks like yours," Hagrid stated, with a smile. "Two of the top students of the year."

"Thank you Hagrid, but Harry's much better," Hermione responded but Harry patted her on the hand.

"Don't worry, it will give you something to strive for," Harry responded, feeling that it gave Hermione a challenge to push herself beyond the bar that Harry set. The emerald eyed sorcerer knew that he kept pushing himself to new heights. He kept meeting his limits and exceeding them. He was able to comprehend information much faster than the average person out there and he was beginning to wonder why.

"Yer parents were among the top of their year too, Harry," Hagrid commented idly and Harry smiled, trying to take this conversation in a more personal angle.

"So you knew them, well?" Harry asked, slowly reeling Hagrid in.

"Ah yes, I know them pretty well, they were the best of the best, two finer people I've never met, they've never deserved to die the way they did," Hagrid stated before he cleared his throat and Harry swore he saw a tear trickle down Hagrid's large cheek. "Mind you, they did so protecting you so it wasn't too bad."

"I'm sure it wasn't," Harry commented lightly while feeling like he was reeling Hagrid in for more information.

"It was me who rescued you from the house, wasn't much larger than my hand," Hagrid stated to show him and Hermione smiled, before she wondered what Harry was doing.

"So you have my gratitude," Harry answered in a crisp and cool voice, but he could not allow his agitation to fester at Hagrid for too long.

"Twas no trouble at all," Hagrid answered whilst he poured himself a drink and Hermione chimed in.

"So I'm sure you're up to all kinds of interesting things at this school," Hermione answered; she smiled before she added. "Being the Gamekeeper and going in the Forest, I'm sure you get a chance to meet all sorts of interesting creatures."

"Well I don't mean to brag, but yeah," Hagrid responded when he looked rather modest.

"Oh, I'm sure you have some interesting tales to tell us about your time and maybe a few share of interesting stories about my parents," Harry commented when he eyed him carefully and slid the cup towards Hagrid, the drink was a little bit more interesting and full of alcoholic content than what he served Harry and Hermione.

Hagrid took a sip of his drink and he began to tell his tales, about the interesting creatures he encountered. Granted they were things that were common knowledge of what was in the Forest. Although the rumors that werewolves lived in the forest was always quite fanciful, given the fact that werewolves were humans that were cursed. The young wizard heard more and more tales.

"Fascinating creatures you've met," Harry stated as he saw Hagrid was relaxed. The wizard carefully watched him before he offered the opening. "Have you ever come across a third headed dog?"

"Three headed dog, in fact I do, he's my pet," Hagrid stated in a proud voice, as only Hagrid could be proud about having that three headed thing as a pet. Harry picked up that he was getting more relaxed, more at ease about what he was telling them.

"What purpose would a three headed dog have?" Hermione asked, catching onto what Harry had in mind.

"Oh all sorts of things," Hagrid stated as he watched the two of them, a smile crossing to face. "They are loyal companions and they can guard treasure."

Harry smiled when he thought he was reaching the point where he needed when he poured Hagrid another drink. "And if someone powerful wanted something guarded, they would realize that nothing could better than to use such a loyal pet to guard it. I'm sure it would be the perfect tool to guard something. Cerebus I believe the proper term was."

"Yeah, that's what it's called in Greek Mythology," Hagrid stated, he knew that much.

"Fascinating," Harry stated in an interested tone of voice. "So, how does one soothe the savage beast?"

"Ah, with Fluffy he's pretty easy," Hagrid admitted as he watched them with bloodshot eyes. "All you need to do is play in a little music and it lulls him to sleep .Dumbledore took all of the books out because of that, so don't you two be telling anyone."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Harry answered with a smile, feeling that this was too good to be true, just a little bit more and he would have what he needed. "And I'm sure Dumbledore trusted you above all else to trust that your pet would be competent enough for the job."

"Trust, me Fluffy is more than competent," Hagrid said as he drank a little bit more, with Harry putting a slight compulsion charm on the bottle to help prod Hagrid along. Not that the half giant needed much prodding.

"Who would Dumbledore trust more than you?" Hermione asked carefully, choosing her next few words.

Hagrid answered with a bit of a blood shot and tense expression in his eyes. "Well, Sprout for starters, then Flitwick and McGonagall, they've been here for a long time. Quirrell has been here for years too."

"I thought the rumor was the Defence job was cursed," Hermione said with interest.

"He was the Muggle Studies teacher for years, but he switched subjects this year; he developed that stutter after that, should have stuck with his other class," Hagrid added with a chuckle. "And Snape…Dumbledore trusts Snape as well."

"So if Dumbledore trusts Snape, that must mean you must trust him," Harry added in a nonchalant tone of voice.

Hagrid did not see anything wrong with this line of questioning. "Snape might seem a bit shifty but Dumbledore has his reasons."

"I'm sure he does," Harry agreed before he poured Hagrid another drink. "So did any of them trust you enough to tell you about their little contributions? Or were they less trusting than Dumbledore was of your talents?"

Hagrid frowned before he coughed and got himself another bottle, this time something a bit stronger, Harry slipping a slight compulsion spell on that one as well. Harry and Hermione kept their poker faces on, not knowing how much information they got from him.

"Oh yeah I heard about it, Sprout, it's the Devils Snare with her," Hagrid slurred as he hiccupped slightly. "Nasty little bugger that one, fire's the best way."

Harry smiled, he had the perfect weapon at hand or rather at eye.

"Flitwick, some kind of charm, he's a master of animation, just catch the right key and it will be the door to your success," Hagrid answered with a hiccup before he crossed his arms. "I really shouldn't be telling you this."

"Hagrid, it's okay, trust me," Harry responded with a knowing smile that Hagrid misinterpreted as an innocent "aw shucks" expression. "You trusted my parents and they were okay people, weren't they?"

"Yeah, McGonagall, she transfigured this living chess set, never been one for the game meself," Hagrid admitted as his blood shot eyes widened and he had another drink. "And Quirrell, well he's got this troll, bigger than the one that attacked on Halloween even. And Snape, well I don't know, but I'd figure it was some kind of Potion. Dumbledore had something too but he didn't really say. He holds his cards close to his chest."

"Well, I'm sure what Dumbledore has is the trickiest one to get past," Hermione responded, wishing that she had more information and Harry did as well.

They talked for a little bit more, until Hagrid said that he needed to lay down. Hermione and Harry edged out and he smiled.

"Did you get what you wanted?" Hermione whispered in Harry's ear.

"Of course, I did," Harry answered when he watched her carefully.

"So the Philosopher's Stone?" Hermione asked with interest. "What kind of plans are you going to have with it?"

"The kind of plans that will open doors that I don't think many in that school could ever imagine," Harry responded in his most cryptic voice. "So, let's get our homework done."

"I can't believe we put it off that long," Hermione responded shifting herself but Harry smiled.

"Hermione, we've got the work done quicker than anyone else," Harry added in a calm tone of voice.

"Of course, master," Hermione answered as she inclined her head, knowing that if Harry thought it went well, then it must have gone well.

"Only in the bedroom, Hermione," Harry remarked with a chuckle and Hermione nodded.

"So, Nym is not going to join us?"

Harry and Lucretia was about to head to the third floor corridor, under the cover of Harry's invisibility cloak. The two of them walked slowly, careful for the cloak not to slip. The blonde turned towards him with a smile crossing her face and bit down on her lips before she turned her head.

"Nymphadora retaliated against the Weasley Twins and one of their charming pranks," Lucretia stated, barely hiding her amusement. "She was not adept enough to escape detection. So she's spending her time in detention. McGonagall wasn't too happy."

"I'm certain," Harry answered when the pair walked their way, holding their ears against the door. "I'm thinking that people might come to the same conclusion that I do, and that's they could get Hagrid drunk."

"So you think someone's after this Stone?" Lucretia asked him but Harry's eyes turned towards her. "Of course you think that someone's after the stone."

Harry was pleased to elaborate on his theory when he watched the blonde walk towards him. "Well it's quite simple really. The Stone wouldn't be brought to the school and Dumbledore wouldn't have made a huge production out of it unless he's trying to lure someone out into the open."

"So, Snape?" Lucretia asked him but Harry shook his head.

"No, Snape doesn't seem to be the type to care much for gold and he is too much of a miserable bastard to want to live forever," Harry responded curtly as they stood, carefully making sure that Filch or Mrs. Norris or any of the teachers were sulking around.

If it was up to Harry, he would have another guard there besides a very nasty three headed dog. Not that he denied the effectiveness of that but still one would think that they would put a little bit more out there than that. The teeth and three heads deterred most but if they came to the same conclusion that others did, and that was get Hagrid drunk, there should have been a backup plan.

Lucretia waved her wand and performed a charm that soothed Fluffy to sleep.

"Make sure you keep that up, I'll take care of what's down there," Harry responded as Lucretia turned her attention to Fluffy who fell asleep next to the trap door.

Harry looked down and saw the vines, they were seemingly harmless but things were not always as they seemed. He squint his eyes carefully, watching them, studying the vines, before he aimed his eyes. A heavy blast of heat vision took care of the Devil's Snare. He waited for a moment for the vines to wilt before he spun back around.

"Coast is clear."

Lucretia nodded, when Harry grabbed her around the waist and they dropped down to the ground gently. He didn't just cause the Devil's Snare to retreat, he may have destroyed it.

"So what was down here?" Lucretia asked and Harry's eyes turned to her before a smile crossed his face.

"Devil's Snare," he responded and her eyes perked up before he responded to her unanswered question. "Do not worry; I used a flame spell to cause it to retreat."

Harry walked forward towards a room with the winged keys. There was a buzzing that he heard above him and he carefully spun around as he studied it. He was looking for a certain key and he knew what he wanted.

He grabbed the broomstick, it was only marginally better than the school brooms that they suffered for flying lessons. Harry mounted the broom and flew up, grabbing the winged key in a moment. It did not have a chance.

With another fluid motion, Harry swooped down and walked towards the door before he placed the key in the lock. He turned it and the door clicked open.

Lucretia followed him inside before she eyed the chessboards. Given that this particular task was dreamed up by Minerva McGonagall it was not going to be that easy, so she turned over towards him.

"Chess is not really my thing," Lucretia admitted, she played a little bit of it, but it really was not her cup of tea. "I hate to say it, but this is one time where Weasley's idiot savant tendencies would come in handy."

Harry shook his head, he played chess but he hated the magical version of the game. There was something about the moving pieces that caused the entire point of chess to be lost but he turned around, eyeballing what he had to do. His arms crossed when he watched it, biting down on his lips. He wondered if there was a simple way.

Someone who wanted to make things more difficult on themselves would try and pay the chess game all the way through.

Something told Harry that whoever was after the stone would not want to try and play this game all of the way through. Which is why he was trying to come up with a different tactic so he could defeat the chest pieces.

"So do you think we should play?" Lucretia asked when she watched him.

Harry shook his head. "No, I've got an idea, an awful idea. I've got a wonderful, awful idea."

"How can an idea be wonderful and awful?" Lucretia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Harry reminded himself that purebloods weren't that cultured. "Muggle thing, never mind."

"Ah," Lucretia stated before a question came to mind. "So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to beat McGonagall's chess game in one move," Harry responded and this caused Lucretia to raise an eyebrow.


Harry simply smiled as his hand glowed with a purple light. A loud explosion rang out, blasting the chess pieces to pieces with one fell shot. She turned towards Harry with a smile, when the blonde Slytherin leaned backwards and watched everything blow up to pieces leaving the chess board clear.

Harry stepped onto the board and saw that they did not regenerate themselves. This gave them the opportunity to move on through their quest.

"See, I beat it one move," Harry responded with a smile.

"Very well done,"

The two walked past the dust and debris. It did not regenerate and this allowed the duo to move into the next room.

The grunt of the troll echoed through his ear and he waited, before he told Lucretia to step back.

The troll's giant club swung towards him but Harry dodged it, using reflexes that were bred by weeks of Quidditch practice. Having the Weasley twins smack flying bludgers near him was good practice after all. He blinded the troll with a flash bang and also blocked Lucretia's vision slightly, before he sent the heat vision through the beast.

He was sliced in half. Controlling the heat vision he was able to only harm the beast without setting anything else on fire.

"So another flame charm," Lucretia stated with a smile as she wrinkled her nose at the smell of burned troll flesh. "That seems to be a specialty of yours."

She swore that there was something else to what Harry did but if she was to know, she would find out about it in due time. Now the two continued to walk forward, before the second to last part of the trial, which was Snape's Potions riddle. That was the one that could prove to be damning.

"So, poison in two of them?" Harry stated when he read the riddle quickly and scanned them. "The corks are different on this one and this one. The rest of them have never been open, never been touched. Never been unsealed by magic or otherwise."

"And how do you know this?" Lucretia asked Harry, not accusing him, she was curious, that was all.

Harry smiled mysteriously, before he peered over his shoulder towards her and gave her the answer of. "I have a good eye for detail."

These traps weren't the hardest in the world which allowed Harry to deduce one thing. They were all to lure a person into a false sense of security. The traps at the beginning and the end were the most dangerous. Although if one was well read enough or smart enough to figure things out, they could get past Fluffy. But most might not, although there was something else beyond the horizon. He stepped forward and watched carefully, taking the potion that would allow him to pass through the black flames.

He stood in front of a handsome looking mirror and a smile crossed his face.

Staring at him from the mirror was his own reflection and standing beside him was a dark haired girl with short hair and black robes. Standing next to her was a tall blonde girl with blue eyes that wore robes with a combination of red and blue. Harry saw of them, smiling back at him, before he stepped up to the mirror and placed his hand on it. They stood tall and proud over the world that they created and helped grow. He recognized them both, Faora and Kara stood on the other side of the mirror. They were asleep but one day they would stand beside him.

"I must have the Stone, to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands," Harry stated and Kara nodded, before she pointed towards the Harry in the mirror.

Somehow, the stone dropped into Harry's pocket. That was the trick to the mirror. To get the stone, they needed to protect it. The heart's desire was strong, and that's what Harry desired above all else.

Lucretia watched when Harry popped out, the fake stone having been left inside the mirror.

"So you have it?" she asked him and Harry threw an arm around her, pulling her into a hug.

"Yeah, I have it," Harry responded, before he tilted her back and kissed her on the lips. She returned the kiss hungrily. "We'll be able to find out how it works and return it to Flamel, when Dumbledore destroys the dupe."

"So we're going to make our own?" Lucretia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Between the two of us, we should be able to figure it out," Harry responded with a smile, as they made their way back up before they were missed.

"Father came from an long line of decorated military leaders," Faora explained to Harry whilst the two walked though the crystalized village before them. Kara remained in the stasis tube, but he felt a slight connection towards her as well. "I should know, I've heard about them constantly, he was rather proud. His father forced him to go to military school at an age that was barely older than you are now. He was pleased at the results."

Harry turned around before he had a question to ask her. His eyes traveled over her form, she wore the black robes that tightened around her body. "So, I have to ask you about my powers."

"The yellow solar radiation increases your already formidable physical attributes," she informed him as they walked. "Although our father informed me that a failsafe has been implemented so that your powers are not completely exposed until you are training. The powers of heat vision, x-ray vision, enhanced hearing and sight, gale force breath, and flight will come to you in due time. I take it you have received hints of those powers recently."

"Yes, the heat vision, the enhanced hearing, and the X-Ray Vision," Harry confirmed to her and she placed her hand on his before she nodded in confirmation. "Although with the heat vision and the X-Ray vision, it comes and it goes. The heat vision only triggers when I'm in a high tension situation and it takes some concentration to control, so I don't burn everyone around me to a crisp."

Faora looked thoughtful, before she sat down on the rocks and invited Harry to do the same. The two siblings sat next to each other.

"The heat vision is triggered by high emotions," Faora responded when she placed her hand within Harry's. "One of those emotions could potentially be anger, another could be fear, another could be lust. Regardless your powers are still developing, as you master them, you can turn it on and off at will. However, given that you have tapped into those powers at a much younger age, the rules might have changed. And that's not counting your magical abilities which change much of the game. Kara and I went to similar things when we trained our powers, both magical and otherwise."

Faora placed a hand on her chin and looked thoughtful.

"You can get it more refined. The fail safes implemented will allow a certain percentage of your powers to be locked until I can properly train you."

"How much?" Harry asked but Faora bit her lip and thought about it.

"I do wish the General was more forthcoming with this information but as soon I awaken, that is a journey the three of us will figure out," Faora added when she ran her hands through her hair and rolled her shoulders back, deep in thought. . "The X-Ray Vision, it's a simple process. You have to focus intently on the object and activate that trigger in your brain. But do not make it obvious. People will start to ask questions of you if you do. I'm sure we can both agree that many people do not prefer to be stared at."

Harry shuddered, he found that a little bit creepy himself come to think about it and his sister grabbed his hand tightly. She ensured Harry followed her gaze.

"Focus on that ledge over there, what do you see behind it?" Faora told him, pointing him in the right direction. "I will inform you if you are incorrect or not."

Harry focused carefully as he tried to sink in every single detail.

"I see several scorpions behind it, and eggs, left behind by some bird likely," Harry responded when he focused with his X-Ray vision.

"Very good, is there anything else?" Faora asked when she watched him carefully, edging closer to him.

"There is a lizard, he's being territorial in what he thinks is his nest," Harry responded and she grabbed his hand in hers.

"Keep focusing to that degree and everything shall turn out for the best," Faora informed him when she carefully placed a finger to her mouth. "Everything will turn out quite well in fact, there is no question to how well it will turn out."

She cleared her throat before she decided to switch tactics.

"The super hearing, it can be a useful tool, enhanced as it is, providing you are able to focus on one distinct sound," Faora responded before she turned around and waved her hand. They shifted in the astral plane before they were ghosts in a city. "I want you to focus for the sound of a crying baby."

Harry tried to focus his super hearing, it was hard work.

"Remember, to block all sounds out of your head, nothing else but that one sound matters," Faora stated before she added carefully. "Once it enhances, you will hear millions upon millions of conversations and sounds simultaneously, and they could drive your brain to mush if you are not careful so there is a need to focus. There is much noise but focus on that one sound and it will be yours."

Harry did as she asked, focusing his expression off to one side and he heard the ringing and the cracking, cars moving, people shouting, talking on their cell phones, dogs barking, birds chirping, essentially everything one would hear in the city. The dark haired wizard pushed forward and he isolated the one sound. He moved off with his sister following him closely behind.

"Very good, you've found it," she stated in an appraising voice. "It took you much time to isolate the sound but that has to do with your inexperience with utilizing this power. Let's see if you can locate a barking dog using the same methods."

Harry spun around and focused towards a barking dog, there were several but he reached the nearest one.

"A guy who is cursing out his automobile for it to be unable to start," she stated and Harry in a much faster time found that. She grabbed him by the hand. "Excellent, now let us continue."

She had him locate several sounds, getting more obtuse.

"Find someone clicking their pen out of boredom."

Harry rushed up to the office and found that person.

"That is sufficient for today, you have made decent strides," Faora answered as she looked past for a moment before she properly turned to him. "But naturally even perfection can be improved on in many ways."

"Of course," Harry responded as he smiled.

"Carve this symbol into that stone with your heat vision," Faora stated when she held up the piece of paper, allowing Harry to burn the symbol into his mind. "Carefully focus, remember you could cause damage to others around you. Try not to do that, unless you are intentionally intending to inflict harm, which in that in case, make sure to inflict the most damage possible."

Harry smiled, he thought that was the general idea all things considered, so he turned his head around and focused on the large rock she presented for him. The rock was his canvas and the heat vision was his chisel. He smiled when he focused on his task. In some ways, it was like Transfiguration, where one had to have good visualization skills about a finished project. Otherwise they would falter one hundred percent of the way. Harry clicked his tongue and aimed his eyes, carefully beginning to carve into the rocks.

Slowly, as to not to break them apart, Harry began to carve the symbol into the rocks, he knew that with one miscue he could mess this up. That was why he took his time and made sure he did not botch anything about what he was doing. The wizard carefully carved it into the rock, using his eyes to trace a steady pattern. He shifted his head a tiny bit, before he carved a slight "U" shape into the pattern. It looked rather crooked before he bit down on his tongue as he slowly carved the symbol into the rock.

He about got it, easy does the trick now and he was getting closer, working the "U" into the rocks, it carefully curved upside down. The young wizard carefully made it his canvas and worked through it, one step after another.

He slid back easily when he allowed the rock to settle.

"A bit crooked but otherwise perfection," Faora remarked as she turned towards Harry. "It was a far better attempt than I would have believed previously."

"You don't have that much faith in me," Harry fired back with a teasing grin.

She shook her head and offered a smile towards him. "All of the faith in the world, my dear brother."

"That's good to know," Harry responded but no sooner did these words pass her mouth, did Faora straddle his lap and wrap her arms around him tightly.

"Your progress is amazing," she remarked when she watched him, and she slowly unbuttoned his shirt, even if it was more for show than anything. The dark haired girl ran her hands down Harry's chest, feeling his muscles underneath her soft hands. "In more ways than one."

Faora whispered huskily in Harry's ear.

"I think it's time for you to be rewarded," Faora whispered to him, licking lightly behind his ear. "Humans talk about wet dreams but I don't think that they ever experienced anything like I'm about to give you."

She cupped him lightly, but Harry reached around and grabbed her waist. His lips found hers in a burning hot kiss and she moaned eagerly into it. This was what she dreamed about, not just the perfect lover, but the perfect lover for her.

Faora edged back carefully, sliding against the ground, before she loosened the fastenings on her robe.

"I think we best do this properly," Faora responded as she slid the robe down her shoulders. "Make love to me as only you can."

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry drank in the sight of her mature body, the black hair that framed her face, the beautiful blue eyes that gazed at him. Her breasts begging to be touched and he placed his hands on them, running them down her body. Down her taunt stomach, her long lovely legs, and he skimmed her pussy.

"See that, it wants you, badly," Faora whispered to him and she sat down beside him, spreading her legs, feeling pleased at the way he touched her. "How about you indulge yourself in a taste first?"

"I'd be delighted, but I think it's only fair if you sample what I have to offer as well," Harry responded when he slipped his robes off to reveal his muscular body, with his erection pulsing towards her.

She reached over, lightly teasing him with her foot, before she bent down and gripped him in a firm grasp. "Delicious, I think that I'll find this little sampling quite tasty. You are blessed."

She laid back, with his cock and balls hovering over her face. Faora breathed her hot breath on him, it causing the tip to tingle, before she shoved it into her mouth, and began to suck on him, feeling his cock push against the back of her throat. The Kryptonian girl got into it, eighteen years old and whilst she had many toys, this was the first one she touched. The only one she would ever consider touching, her brother was made for her and she was bred to be his.

Harry without further pause spread open her hot pussy lips and stuck his tongue inside her core. The taste was not unlike anything he ever experienced before, his tongue twisted around her, making circular motions. His actions were rewarded by the loud moans from the back of her throat that moved up his cock while he speared it down her throat. He grabbed either side of her face, pumping it into her, making her rock back with the pleasure, with the delight and the desire.

Faora continued to taste this personification of male endowment, it pulsed in her mouth. The veins throbbed and twitched when she took him into the back of her throat. She sensed the sensations that he felt and then the sensations of his own tongue expertly working her pussy. He switched tactics, shoving his fingers in her, while he sucked eagerly on his clit. Her body responded to his touch more than anything, it felt a pleasure course throughout her.

'Oh yes, you are good for me,' Faora breathed as his cock thrust into her throat. She tightly wrapped her lips around it, really working him over. She would give him the best blowjob she could although it paled to what the two could give each other in the real world.

Her lips wrapped around Harry's cock were like pure heaven and he felt her fluids spill onto his face. The scent of her caused his mind to grow wilder than usual. Her mouth alternated between sucking on his balls and his cock, and that was the feeling that caused him to dive into her pussy for seconds. He could eat this pussy all day and all night long, and his sister wanted him to do so. He cupped her ass when she lifted it and pinched her firm cheeks in his hand.

His balls tightened and let a steady current of his seed down her throat. His hips bucked forward and she sucked him dry, making lewd sounds with her mouth. The dark haired beauty really made the most out of her work and really drew all of the cum out of his balls.

She pulled off and sat up, a lustful expression on her face, when she parted her legs and put her fingers inside her. Faora brought the juices to her mouth and suckled on them, licking them from her fingers.

Harry must be inside her now, that was the only way. He was not leaving this dream world until he experienced the delights of her pussy.

He grabbed his hands around her wrists and pinned her down. She moaned when he held her down, her pussy got wetter at the thought of her own flesh and blood dominating her, making her his. Even though it was only mentally, they could do the physical bit later after she woke up.

"Increase our connection," she begged him and sure enough she felt his cock enter her pussy, ramming into her. It hit her in the right spots and touched her so nicely. "YES!"

"You've been such a dirty little girl, haven't you?" Harry grunted as he found his mouth to her breasts and latched onto her nipple sucking it.

She moaned, feeling the fire rising from her belly when his cock speared into her inner chambers. Her pussy burned for the desire, the desire of her baby brother fucking her in every which way. His balls slapped against her thighs when he took a few moments to rock up and spear into her, carefully pushing inside her. The dark haired Kryptonian closed her eyes and rocked her hips up, meeting his incoming thrusts head up, squeezing herself against him. She bit her lip down and moaned lustfully.

"Oh, yes, pound me," she moaned as she wrapped her arms tightly around his back and sank her nails into his back, scratching his back which added to the allure.

She could make him feel in ways that few other woman could. Harry got gratification from the women he slept with this far, but this seemed far more different. All Kryptonians would be like this, which made some sense. He thrust his cock into her tight pussy, driving it into, drilling it into her tight pussy, and working into her center. His thrusts got deeper, more intense, and touched every single bit of her.

Harry felt her cunt wrap around him tightly and she was brought to a huge orgasm that caused every nerve ending in her body.

Faora lost herself in the sensations that his penis brought her, she never thought, she never dreamed. Kara brought her plenty of satisfaction as they played, but this was something else entirely. He grabbed her hips and speared down into her center, carefully working into the center of her. His cock speared into her center, when he worked into her tightly.

"Love it, more, oh touch my breasts," Faora moaned lustfully.

"You're so horny, I love it," Harry stated as he sped up his thrusts into her, carefully working a steady path into her dripping hot pussy. His balls slapped against her thighs when he pulled out and pushed into her. "Shit, baby, you feel so good."

Faora bit down on her lip, happy to see that her brother was receptive to this. It was fortunate that he was put in a community where the only time that the word "incest" was ever used would be to refer to the name of a band. It was funny but it was true. She wondered if that got its fair share of raised eyebrows from the mundane raised.

There was no time to really worry about that, all she worried about was this example of manhood pushing in between her legs, burning her up. His cock buried deep within her pussy and she panted heavily, lifting her hips so it could spear deep within her waiting core. She wanted to feel it, she would have it, every single inch driven into her. Harry grabbed her hips carefully and hoisted himself up before she speared down into her tight cunt.

He felt bliss and it wrapped around him, he could feel her orgasm, her tight walls clenched his hard rock. Her clear fluids lubricated him and allowed his rapid fire thrusts to cause to go into her more and more. He was building up his own release but he knew that this would be the means to break them out of the dream land at least for tonight.

"About to cum," Harry groaned as he pushed into her with rapid fury.

"I want it inside me, fill me up with your sticky goo," Faora breathed when she rocked her hips up, panting heavily, when she clenched him tightly and clenched his stiff rock between her lips.

Harry grunted, making sure he brought her to another orgasm and indulged himself in the wonders of her breasts one more time. He pushed into her, rapid, tight, pushing into her. Her pussy clenched him and milked his cock until his cum spurted out, splashing his seed onto her inner walls in first a trickle and then a flood when he sprayed his heavy load between her creamy thighs.

He collapsed on her chest and felt that he would wake up to quite the mess in his bed.

"I love you," Faora breathed, burying her face into his neck. "And soon we will be together, and we will lead them."

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Exams were approaching rapidly and Harry prepared to take his second year exams, as did Hermione. The two of them hoped to keep their role as the very best at what they did with their exams. There were whispers that Hermione was sleeping with Harry and she got preferred treatment because she was with Harry Potter. Whilst the sleeping with him part was true, it was the fact that people implied that Hermione needed any additional help with her studies was quite frankly insulting to him. It made him want to wrap his hands around the throats of the people who did that and strangle the life out of them..

He kept calm and sat in the back of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, when he turned and eyed the class. Quirrell got to his feet but held a hand up in the air as Harry was about to walk out the door.

"Mr. Potter, a moment of your time if you p-p-please," Quirrell stated as he crossed his arms and faced him, with Harry wondering what this was all about. "Miss Granger you may leave."

Hermione eyed Harry nervously but he shook his head.

"It's fine, Hermione," Harry responded and she nodded before walking off..

"So, Mr. Potter," Quirrell stated as he kept his gaze on Harry. "I wished to s-s-speak with you."

Harry stood on his feet, before he saw something from beneath the turban. It was inhumane and he barely could stomach the sight of it. That put him on his guard.

"What did you want to speak with me about?" Harry asked, standing tense and alert.

'He knows you fool, get him whilst the iron is hot,' a voice whispered beneath Quirrell's turban. 'I wish to speak with him, face to face.'

"Mr. Potter, I note that you are intelligent beyond your peers, therefore, my master wishes to speak with you," the teacher stated as he peered towards Harry through narrowed eyes and the wizard shifted a little bit. He had his hand on his wand, which was a stance that was expected.

"By your master, you mean that stench underneath your turban," Harry answered in a cool voice.

This caused Quirrell to grimace and made him want to attack that impudent brat. When Voldemort put a person underneath his spell, he put them under completely and inspire great loyalty; that much was proven time and time again. Granted there were instances where the loyalty oath faded and cracked, when wizards and witches did not submit themselves properly to the cause.

'Allow me to speak to him,' the voice hissed loudly.

"Master, you are not strong enough."

'No, I have the strength for this,' he hissed out in a low and pained voice.

The turban unwrapped and Harry stepped back.

"Let me guess, that's a pimple that really got out of control," he responded in a voice that showed no fear.

"Harry Potter," the ghostly whisper stated. "See what I have become because of your hand. See what I have shifted into, mere flesh and vapor."

"So, you're him," Harry answered carefully shifting his arms together and waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was ready for an attack although he was more interested in hearing what he had to say. "You are Lord Voldemort."

"Yes, so you've done your homework but I expected nothing less from the likes of you," he hissed out slowly and painfully. "For you are the one who was marked to defeat me but we need not be enemies. Together, we can be formidable together, we can rule over them. I can see it in your eyes; you know that you're special."

"I am special," Harry responded before he added with a smile. "You on the other hand are special education."

Harry smiled back at the vaporized form of Voldemort, a knowing expression tugged on his lips. The young wizard intensely kept an eye on him, putting his hands on his hips before he waited and watched him.

"I do not think you appreciate the magnitude of what I may offer you," Voldemort responded when he turned towards Harry. "Together we can do much, together we can be kings above those that are beneath us."

Harry pondered that for a second before he responded.

"Let's say that I go with the assumption that we're going to be treated as equals, what do I get out of this?" Harry responded before he stopped and amended his statement. "Scratch that, I want to know something else. What do you get out of this?"

Voldemort was prompt with a response, his nasty misty face contorted.

"As for what I get out of this, a return to the full body that was destroyed on that Halloween night years ago," Voldemort commented when he looked at Harry before his face twisted into a malicious grin. "As for what you get, I can make it all go away. I can bring your parents back."

"And then I would be in your debt, providing that you are capable of performing magic that could raise the dead," Harry responded carefully as he kept his eyes locked onto his enemy, never allowing him to move. "And I doubt that very much."

Voldemort watched him, clicking his tongue before he moved forward.

"He's the key to the stone, seize him!" Voldemort hissed as he stalked his adversary.

Harry grabbed Quirrell around the hand and surprisingly, he burned his hand. A smile crossed his face, before he focused his mind and his powers towards his eyes.

Voldemort was having a flashback to Halloween Night and tried to maneuver before it was too late.

"Grab him before…."

Voldemort never finished rather Harry blasted pure heat into the back of his head. His eyeballs stung slightly less this time but he focused the heat towards Quirrell's body. The Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was dead the moment he allowed Voldemort into his heart and soul. The black spirit faded, barely holding itself together. It passed through Harry.

A stabbing pain was felt through his scar, as if something was trying to break out to rejoin the black spirit. There was a loud thump that echoed through his ears, another loud thump, before he fell backwards, passing out, most frustratingly.

Harry found himself in the dream plane with Faora crossing her arms and putting her head down with a slight sigh escaping her lips. She threw her head back in a small amount of frustration, she feared that something like this could happen.

"It is as I feared," she responded and Harry watched her with a raised eyebrow.

"Could you be a little more specific?" Harry asked his sister, who smiled.

"That snake faced twat, when his body exploded, it forged a connection, a bit of his soul entered your forehead and latched onto that little lightning bolt right here," Faora stated before she dragged her finger significantly across the lightning bolt for emphasis. "Which is not necessary a bad thing, if you are able to absorb the knowledge without any of the harmful side effects."

Faora turned around and smiled before she spun back towards Harry to continue.

"I'm not sure how this happened but it forged a connection, and not the good kind like we have," Faora commented lightly when she put her hands on Harry's forehead and ran her hands down his body to make sure he was all completely there. She gave him a soft kiss on the forehead, as if she tried to soothe his pain. "So his soul bit latched to your head. I'm sure that is a consequence of him using some depraved form of magic to split his soul up into multiple parts. If it tears at a whim like that and latches itself onto something."

"That would explain how he survived spontaneous combustion, twice," Harry answered as she sat next to him.

"And I'm sorry for the fact you blacked out. It appears that the bit of soul in your forehead, has a negative reaction any time he is in proximity," Faora answered before she inclined her head with a soft sigh. "A living being, a person, it was not meant to happen this way. If I may hazard a guess, they weren't meant to be a soul container."

Harry remained thoughtful; he did believe that type of magic would not be something that would be for public consumption. He turned his head around before he looked up.

"Your body has suffered a shock," she responded as the Kryptonian watched him before she added in a crisp voice. "In fact, it is something that I had not foreseen. Had I known I would have taken further steps to protect you when I am able to, but once I've gotten strong enough, I will do what I can to remove the bit of soul from your head. While you retain the knowledge. But in the meantime, I will do what I can to suppress your connection from him. Your mastery of the mind arts won't completely close the connection because it was not something that was created through natural means. It was a fluke, if it were to happen one million times, the circumstances would never line up completely right."

Harry let that all sit in before he turned around.

"I can't believe that I was weak enough to pass out," Harry responded but she placed a hand on his cheek.

"You are not weak, you are rather strong," she responded in a firm voice as she stroked his cheek and looked lovingly into his green eyes. "But the strongest of us have our moments where we fade a little bit, yes I can believe that. And there will come a time where you will wake up and you will do what you've always done. The Stone is safe, is it not?"

Harry responded with a nod.

"And it will be returned to its rightful owner," Harry responded before he added. "Lucretia and I are close to figuring it out. It has to be done discreetly so no one finds out. But we should be able to crack the code before the summer. Another month or so and we're eighty percent done."

"And I'd imagine this Flamel might be wishing to move on given that he allowed this Stone to be guarded," Faora responded before she added and shifted. "Providing of course that Dumbledore did not interpret any directives Flamel gave him creatively."

After a moment of thought, he responded.

"Dumbledore has many strengths and many faults," Harry stated in a diplomatic tone of voice.

"Most men who are in a position of power do," Faora agreed before she placed her hands on his face. "The idea is to make these faults less prominent and the strengths more obvious when you go out there and do what you need to do. However, it can be done, you're eleven years old, be patient. You have all of the time in the world especially with your longevity."

"I will," Harry answered before he ran his hand over his chin when he responded carefully. "I do have a lot to learn from him, like it or not."

"Yes, that is wise, learn much from your friends, but you can learn even more from enemies," Faora responded when she watched Harry. "I do believe there is some time before you wake up so I will tell you some more information about our family background, best I could learn it myself. I believe that I told you that the House of Zod has had decorated military commanders throughout the history of Krypton."

"Yes, you said that," Harry agreed when he nodded before she continued.

"We were one of the most decorated families of Krypton, there were many houses, the house of Zod was one along with the House of El and the House of Ze, which composed of the marriages," Faora explained to him. "There were other families that were powerful, the Ka family, the Ur family, the Vell line, among others. But the House of El and the House of Ze represented two of the most powerful and prominent lines. The marriage between Kara's parents was very politically motivated with Zor-El only marrying her for the political connections that her family got and she was pressured into marrying a noble by her parents. Zor-El's true eye was on a young woman named Lara Lor-Van. The Van line was what you might call middle class, but Lara worked beyond those connections and became one of the top students in her year at the academy. She did not have the connections but she had the intelligence and the drive to excel beyond the expectations of her social class. She became what would be considered a doctor or a healer on Earth."

Faora paused.

"That should be admired," Faora responded carefully. "So, Zor-El had his sights set on Lara, but in reality, she only humored Zor-El's presence. Lara fell for Zor-El older brother, Jor-El."

"You look like you don't approve of that relationship," Harry answered but she smiled.

"Not so much as I and many others were surprised, we assumed Jor-El to be asexual at best," Faora responded after she thought about it. "He was married to his work, and some wondered if he would notice an attractive woman if she danced naked in front of them. Their relationship was as scientific as one could expect, and they had a son, after many attempts of trying, his name is Kal-El. Unless I am mistaken, Jor-El managed to free him from Krypton and he would be around six or seven years of age presently."

Harry leaned back and waited for more information to be given to him.

Hermione and Harry arrived at McGonagall's office; they had been summoned there once again after their exams.

"Hermione, for the last time, I'm fine," Harry responded in an exasperated voice.

"Sorry, I need to make sure my master doesn't get hurt," Hermione responded with her head lowered. "And my friend."

Hermione felt that she failed but Harry placed his arm over her.

"Hey, you know, you couldn't have known," Harry responded with a brief smile crossing his face, trying his best to reassure her. "And besides, Voldemort would have killed you, do you think I wanted that?"

She shrugged her shoulders and hung her head a little bit. "No, I guess not."

They entered the office of McGonagall, before they stepped forward. They walked towards her.

"Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, have a seat," Minerva responded when she nodded towards them. She seemed a bit out of it today for some reason. "First of all, I would like to extend my apologies on the incident in question."

"What is Dumbledore doing about it?" Hermione asked and Minerva frowned, but she could get where the young witch's stress was coming from.

"The Headmaster assures me he is doing the best he could to investigate this matter, personally," Minerva responded when she eyed him. "The Stone has been removed from the mirror and destroyed. Dumbledore assured me that Flamel thought that it was for the best."

Harry did wonder about that but he would know if he ever met up with the man himself in person later on this summer.

"You seem out of it today, Professor," Harry said, noticing the look of longing on her face and her head turned towards him.

"My apologies for projecting this upon you, Mr. Potter," Minerva responded when she drew in a deep breath and sighed. "Today is the day that my husband died, and it weighs on me around this time of the year. To think what we could have had. I threw myself into my career, my passion after that."

"So you have had no time for any intimacy," Harry responded when he watched her, knowing that with all witches after reaching her third maturity, her age slowed to a crawl.

Given how powerful he suspected that Minerva was, he suspected that even though she was seventy chronologically speaking, she would be a woman in her mid to late thirties physically. The glamor spells she used in class made her appear much older although she relaxed them whilst she was in the privacy of her office like now.

Minerva nodded, although the woman would be lying if she had not had thoughts but the more thoughts she had regarding Harry, the more the educator blocked them out. Opening up her heart was something that she did not think that she would have anything to do with. It leads to something that she did not want to even think about. Even if she noticed that Harry had the best qualities of both of his parents.

Not to mention his intelligence was extraordinary and attractive. She overheard him one night in the Astronomy tower visiting Professor Sinistra, these meetings didn't happen that often, maybe once every couple of weeks. Still they were something that Minerva kept a close ear out for and something that inspired her imagination. The star gazings they shared inspired that.

"But yet, you desire something more than the life you have been given," Harry responded as he placed his arms on her waist.

"Mr. Potter, this is highly…."

Harry pressed his lips against hers, meeting her lips with a kiss. Minerva did not pull away, even if her mind screamed that this was potentially wrong. Then again, perhaps some of the best things in the world were things that were wrong.

Minerva found herself returning the kiss, no matter how wrong it felt. She had not allowed herself to indulge into this as there was someone who offered her something that she longed after for a while.

Harry removed her robes carefully, to reveal that she had a black bra and a pair of black panties. Despite her advanced age, her body was young and healthy as ever before, many women in their thirties might be envious, that was the prowess of magic. He ran his hands through her dark hair and Minerva allowed his tongue to invade her mouth, returning the kiss.

"Mr. Potter, if we are going to do this, we are going to do this right," Minerva responded after he broke the kiss and she cupped him to feel him. "You're quite blessed. Ten points for Gryffindor."

Harry could not believe she said something like that but she dropped to her knees, to push his pants down.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

The stern Transfiguration teacher was another woman who on her knees was wanton as the rest. She pulled down his pants and revealed his boxers. She removed his short and allowed his erect cock spring out.

"It's been a while since I've had the chance to do this so I hope you will assist me in this lesson," Minerva stated when she rubbed his cock but then she felt a burst of cool air between her legs.

Hermione already dove between her legs and was licking her pussy. She could not think of the moral implications of this, no that was the furthest thing from her mind. Rather she felt Hermione's tongue work her over.

She regained her faculties long enough to see his throbbing cock bounce out to face her and she captured it in her hand, stroking him slowly, carefully, before she licked around the head. Minerva wanted to taste him and she felt him grow. The Transfiguration teacher bent down to snake her tongue around his balls.

"You're…ah a natural," Harry hissed through his teeth, she licked her tongue around him, before she felt the pleasure and removed her bra to reveal her breasts. They were supple globes with perky nipples that begged to be touched.

Minerva's breasts felt tender, they had not been touched since the death of her husband. Not so intimately, and then she felt her thighs clench together when she smashed down.

"Harry, I need you in me," Minerva stated as she turned around, closing her eyes carefully.

"Here Professor, time to return the favor," Hermione responded with a coy expression on her face.

Harry's cock was properly warmed up and Minerva was bent over her desk, with Hermione sitting herself spread eagled before her. The brunette witch's lips were waiting carefully and ready to be touched and pleasured.

Minerva's tongue worked its way into Hermione's hole and she began to lick it, to give the younger girl pleasure top the best of her talents. When she tasted the tender and youthful pussy beside her, she also felt Harry's hands mold her ass and his hot breath over her inviting hole.

Harry's cock speared into the tight and barely touched pussy of the teacher, slamming into her youthful yet mature body from behind. He grabbed her hips and speared into her when she was over the desk. He beat into her from behind, feeling her tight core wrapped around him. It hugged around his prick snugly, when he continued to spear into her tight pussy.

"Oh, yes, Professor, oh you feel so great," Hermione breathed as she felt McGonagall suck on her clit down and that drove a pleasure beyond all description through her body. "Grab her tits Harry, Jesus, that's so hot."

"I know, we need to arrange more…detentions," Harry responded with a hint but all McGonagall could do was devour Hermione's pussy, sucking on her clit and slamming her fingers into her.

Harry grabbed her tits and plowed into her, feeling the pleasure of the tight pussy hugging his large cock, his balls slapping against her thighs. The heat filled his body and he could tell from her mind that she was slowly becoming addicted to him, his touch, and his cock that pressed between her legs, burying inside her.

Minerva bit down her lip briefly after she removed her face from Hermione Granger's pussy. This hard pole spearing inside her from behind brought her to an unprecedented orgasm.

"Did I break you, Professor?" Harry asked as he slowed down with her slumped against the desk.

"Hardly, continue," she breathed before she bit down on her lip and Harry speared into her even greater yet. "Oh sweet Morgana."

"I think something is neglected, Professor," Hermione responded with a grin and Minerva put her mouth on Hermione's pussy, and continued to eat her carefully. "Oh yes, that's the spot."

"So hot, two smart girls going at it like that," Harry answered when he cupped her breast once again, spearing into her. She ground back against him, squeezing his cock. The pressure of her tight walls against his invading member made his balls tingle. "Oh fuck, that was a powerful one…oh fuck."

Harry ground his cock into her, he focused on her and gave her pleasure. He could tell from her glassy eyed expression and shallow breathing that she was still into this one, albeit barely. That proved to be promising when he cut this deep pace into her.

Minerva felt herself size up with the pleasure and the pressure of her cunt squeezing him, her fluids spilling out and he slammed into her with ease. She never felt anything like this ever before and she longed for me. She needed more.

"Potter, don't slow down," Minerva breathed trying to maintain the façade of sternness but fading as she bit down on her lip. "Please…."

She was silenced by Hermione shoving her mouth down onto her pussy and eating it.

Harry plowed into her, being a powerful witch, she had prodigal stamina, but even she had her limits. He beat her pussy raw with his thrusts, tearing into her with his motions that got more rapid fire. He slowed down enough to allow her to come down from the orgasms before he sped back up.

"Oh yes," Harry groaned as he pulled out and pushed back in. This thrust caused his cum to shoot out at a high volume and splatter into her pussy.

Minerva collapsed from the pleasure, holding on. She knew that she might have a bit trouble sitting straight without the aid of pain relief motion but this thick and juicy cum splashing into her was worth it. Especially when his hands moving all over her body, sending pleasurable jolts to make the experience that much more.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

The latest school year of Hogwarts ground to a complete stop and Harry was summoned to Albus Dumbledore's office. He seen Dumbledore a few times during the year and he felt that he should almost be honored. Perhaps it would be more of an honor if he met Dumbledore in his prime when he was actually someone to be respected even more. Now he was a few steps past where he wanted to go.

He walked towards the gargoyle across the then and smiled before he said the password.

"Chocolate frog," Harry responded and the gargoyle sprang open, this allowed him entrance. The young wizard stepped in, wearing his best robes and a calm, crisp expression. He walked forward, making his way into the room.

Dumbledore carefully surveyed Harry from the other side of the desk, before he offered him one expression. He gave that grandfatherly expression that was almost too nice and inviting. It almost gave him the perception that the Headmaster was up to something.

"Sit down Harry, make yourself at home," Dumbledore stated as he motioned for Harry to take a seat. He slid the dish forward, offering Harry a sweat but he ignored it. "You've had an extremely eventful school year."

"One could say that, yes," Harry responded carefully when he kept his eyes on Dumbledore. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore looked amused, he did like when someone was direct. It was a refreshing change.

"We do have to discuss the nature of your living arrangements for this summer with your family," Dumbledore answered but before Harry stated anything, he held a hand up. "First of all, I would like to state my apologies for your living arrangements. I had hoped that Petunia would have been….a bit more adept in letting go of her anger regarding not being allowed to come to Hogwarts with her sister. She disappointed me."

Harry noticed that Dumbledore admitted he was wrong without really admitting that he was wrong. He found it to be a shrewd statement and he stated it.

"My time at that residence with my relatives had not been completely without merit," Harry responded, feeling that he got a decent amount of momentum.

"Yes, given the Ministry laws on the book, you weren't able to be sent anywhere but with the Dursleys," Dumbledore stated and Harry saw these laws, they were passed twenty years before he was even born. It prevented pureblood children from being sent to Muggle orphanages. Given that most of the pureblood families were interrelated, they would have relatives that were found. "But yet, it was perhaps…unfortunate."

Harry figured that Dumbledore did not want to upset the applecart that much. He was the type that kept the status quo intact, to the point of sad absurdity. The young wizard carefully surveyed the older one. Given his Occlumency, Harry was able to put up a false front of thoughts that made Dumbledore believe that he accepted everything that was said at face value.

"The protections around your home, Andromeda Tonks informed you of them," Dumbledore stated, he was not too pleased that Andromeda took that liberty but she had powerful friends at the Ministry that could make his life rather uncomfortable. And at his age, an uncomfortable life was not something that Dumbledore wanted. "It will be sufficient for you to live there for a month."

"And given the fact that I was attacked this year by one of your teachers, I might feel a bit vulnerable this summer," Harry responded, carefully playing his next card. "And I feel that it would be prudent to allow someone to move in with me."

Dumbledore suspected that this was coming and Andromeda hinted that she would allow Harry to return to the Dursleys or at least not fight it as hard for the time being if he allowed him certain concessions. Of course, at the end of the day, it was really not what Dumbledore allowed. Despite the fact that many looked up to him, there were others who wanted to take him down in any way. He was merely a school teacher to some and that was what he felt was his best legacy.

His early years were not something that he was proud of and Dumbledore worked hard to redeem himself every step of the way. He thought that if he redeemed himself from the handling of Tom Riddle and what happened with his sister, he could die at piece. In many ways, he felt Harry was this opportunity, although he did wonder what he was causing.

"Naturally Harry, I would not allow you to bear the burdens of the past year alone over this summer and upon the evening of July 31st, you will be allowed out," Dumbledore responded, carefully watching Harry for a moment. The young wizard eyed him and a smile crossed his face.

"Thank you Headmaster," Harry responded, he watched his movements, the way he moved, the way he talked. There was much to learn from Dumbledore about captivating people. Faora mentioned to this in their shared dreams. "And was it you that sent my Invisibility Cloak to me?"

Dumbledore was sad to part with it but James made him promise. "Yes, it was your father's and a very old family heirloom."

This interested Harry, he was under the impression that Invisibility Cloaks only had a rather short shelf life. As far as he knew they only lasted fifteen to twenty years before it faded. He would have to investigate the cloak a little bit and what it meant, because there was something special about this cloak.

"I believe you have your examinations to prepare for," Dumbledore answered as he watched Harry.

The old Headmaster had to admit, he wished he had known about the fast track out of Hogwarts when he went. He would have taken it. There were few secrets that were kept from him during that time but he registered his own disappointment when he found out about it when becoming teacher.

Then again, only a select few people would handle the course load.

Harry prepared to take these second year exams and be prepared to begin his third year classes. He would be returning back to the Dursleys but it would only be for a month and it would not be alone.

It was like chess, sacrifice one minor thing to win the overall game. Dumbledore had no idea, he had no idea at all.

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