
Krul Tepes, The Gamer

Being thrust into Kuoh Town as my favorite waifu and with the gamer no less was something I never imagined in my wildest dreams; the fools always say I am heartless, a cheater, and unnecessarily cruel, but they don’t know who I am. I am the gamer.

Great_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Vampire Gamer’s Rise to Power

[Choose 2]

[Quest: House of Hayasaka (1/3)]

[Detail: In the past, the Hayasaka Family was independent and one of the long-standing aristocratic families in Japan. But no more, now they have lost in the financial war against the Shinomiya Zaibatsu and are subservient to them, with two members of their important family taken as hostages, Hayasaka Ai and Hayasaka Nao. Your quest now is to take their force as your own; it's a waste for them to be managed by Shinomiya Ur'yu. For now, let's start small: fully win over Hayasaka Ai and Hayasaka Nao under your command.]

[Reward: +50,000 XP, Mystic Eye of Enchantment (2), Phoenix Flame (1).]

After choosing the option two before me, I twinkled my eyes in amusement at the vampire capitalist before me who had endless devotion in his eyes. My royal authority worked wonderfully on the man as his loyalty soared to 100. He no longer had the heart to betray me after he swore his allegiance. Every one of my orders was law unless he broke free to the medium and higher-level vampires.

But will I let him be? No, never. I will make him stay low while his company will be taken by Kaguya in the future, who will be my future subordinate candidate to rule the Shinomiya Family behind the scenes. I trusted giving free will to someone naïve like Kaguya more than to this cunning old man. I will not restrict Kaguya's growth as I do with the old man.

Shinomiya Gan'an

Lvl 30 CEO

Detail: As someone who built the Shinomiya Family from scratch to the point of becoming one of the four Zaibatsu in Japan without bowing his head to supernatural power or being subservient to them, already shows the power and influence of the Shinomiya Family in Japan. But how long will it last? Not long, because you have already tamed the head of the family. The rest of the capitalists and shareholders are not yet in your hand, but you are determined to swallow this huge group under your rule.

Loyalty: 100

Thought of you: Waiting for you to give him the command.

"Gan'an, I have something you need to do for me," Krul Tepes commanded.

"You should send Hayasaka Ai to be my attendant. I want her to arrive in this place immediately. If someone asks who I am, no need to tell them. Just tell them I am an important and respectable guest of the Shinomiya Family. This should do for you, doesn't it?"

No questions asked and no hesitation sparkled in Shinomiya Gan'an's eyes as he bowed.

"I will, Queen. She will be sent to you immediately." When he wanted to leave and execute my order, my words halted him.

"Don't forget to get rid of all the CCTV about my arrival in this place. Every eyewitness should be disposed of. Understand, Gan'an?"

"Yes, Queen, I will make sure no one knows about your arrival." Shinomiya Gan'an nodded as he continued his steps once more.

I nodded in satisfaction as I sat down on the hospital bed that had formerly been occupied by Shinomiya Gan'an and waited for Hayasaka Ai's arrival


Hayasaka Ai POV

"You are freed, Hayasaka." The other side of the phone spoke indifferently as if her freedom didn't matter to him in the first place. Doubtfully, as a spy that had been implanted by Lord Ur'yu toward Miss Kaguya since she was a child, I doubted that Lord Ur'yu would really let me go freely, especially since my mother still served as his valet, to be precise, a hostage to have me under their control and faithfully report every movement of Miss Kaguya.

"Is that all, Lord Ur'yu?" Despite my confusion, I knew that I should answer the other side of the phone to prevent myself from displeasing the guy. Who knows what he would do if he was displeased.

"Father has given you an order that from now on you will serve someone important to the Shinomiya Family. She is in the Private Hospital of the Shinomiya Family. You should meet her immediately. This is a direct order from Father. Don't delay, don't show any disrespect, and don't shame the Shinomiya name. Farewell, Hayasaka, and congratulations on your freedom. You will no longer serve Kaguya from today."

By then, Shinomiya Ur'yu hung up his phone, leaving me trapped by my own emotions, which were very complicated because now I would no longer endure the guilty feeling of being a rat and spy for Miss Kaguya. But I knew my servitude to Miss Kaguya had come to an end.

I sighed. I could no longer delay.

Who knows what would happen if I was late?

Now, let's meet this important guest of the Shinomiya Family.

I wanted to see what made her so important that the Head of the Family was willing to hand over someone that was supposed to belong to his son to an outsider.


Rias Gremory POV

"It's weird, it's supposed to be here," I said to Sona beside me on the bench that our MC had formerly occupied.

"I noticed the powerful presence in our town. Should I contact my brother for help?"

"The powerful presence you speak of has already left, Rias. There is no need to contact our family members for it unless that powerful presence comes back again. For now, let's talk about what we should do about the fallen angels roaming around our town." Sona Sitri shook her head and refused the suggestion, instead bringing back the topic of the fallen angels to me.

"We will observe for now," I suggested.

When I saw them easily spotting Sacred Gear Users and hunting them down, my eyes brightened. Perhaps they will guide me toward the perfect peerage members that fit the bill to cancel my engagement with Riser.

For now, I didn't see any Sacred Gear users of my liking and could only continue to observe. I found out that the Sacred Gear Twilight Healing was held by a nun in their church, but she is not someone that could help me. But she could still be recruited nonetheless.

So, my solution is to continue to observe until I find the perfect Sacred Gear user for me to take as my family member.

"How long will this be, Rias? Do you want to continue to observe even after seeing what they did?" Sona's face was pissed off after hearing my suggestion.

Understandable. After all, they did murder many humans in our territory, especially that crazy priest named Freed.

But I still need them to guide me to the Sacred Gear user, so they couldn't die yet. Not yet.

"Trust me, Sona. Continue to observe. I will take care of them after I find what I want," I pleaded.

Sona looked at me deeply before she let out a long sigh and said,

"I will trust you for now, Rias."

"Thank you, Sona."

"If you want to thank me, then you should act like a proper ruler at least for once," Sona snorted.

"I will," I vowed.

After I get what I want, people like them will never appear in our territory ever again. Never.