

By restarting the Krugo computer, Kim Juran has proven beyond doubt to this commission that he knows a lot of information about this space mission, which he is unwilling to discuss with us. The main reason for his unusual confidence is probably his connection with some conspiratorial group. For now, I suspect the conspirators to be some sort of Robotron faction. For these reasons, we need to know the entire memory of Kim Juran. I was forced to decide to scan his brain and remove his entire memory

Python47 · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

An unwelcome visitor(2)

But you don't need to know much to destroy a computer. What, is to know?

Instead of answering, the main computer made a screeching noise. The light of the spacecraft was completely extinguished from Nibunibu for a moment. I called out scared, Lucas.

Lucas chuckled, what?

What's going on here?

I have exhausted six megabytes of computer memory. to talk A channel was left open, I went in like lightning when I got a little busy, six megabytes of garbage in place of six megabytes of memory in an instant! Will be busy for an hour now, trying to get the memory back.

Why did it get dark?

Along with the memory, the light processor must have gone. Turn on the emergency light.

Slowly the dim light of the emergency lights up. I floated carefully holding a large electronic module and asked myself, Lucas, can you survive playing hide and seek with the computer like this?

What's wrong with trying? Odds are forty-three-eight, which is not bad.

What is your plan?

Bringing you back to earth.

I ask quietly for a moment, for what, you will say?

Lucas chuckled loudly, one requested.

I was surprised to ask, whose request?

A girl named Nisha. The one you held by the hand said, like forever. Think about it before falling asleep.

I kept silent not knowing what to say. Lucas laughed loudly and said, Nisha, is very emotional! You were told that you have nothing to fear. He always says for comfort in such situations, no one ever believes. Did you believe him? True or not?


So he requested me. It is not right to disrespect faith.

How do you meet Nisha?

That is a big story, I will tell another day. Now just know, Neesha helps in what we robotics are trying to do.

I suddenly thought of one thing, not to ask, I asked, is Nisha human or Robotron?

Lucas paused for a moment and laughed out loud, saying, "Which one would you be happy with?"

I blushed and said, "It doesn't matter if you're happy or unhappy, Lucas."

So you want to know why?

So, curiosity.

Well, you figure it out, I won't tell you, see if you can figure it out.

If we ever meet again.

My copotron says see you, no it doesn't happen.

I said, to put it mildly, that we had a forty-three-eighth chance of survival, which meant that we were more likely to lose.


Should you take such a big risk? I gave up my hopes, but you did not give up all the hopes of your life, why did you take such a big risk?

I took no risk. What if the main computer destroys you?

Kim Juran, you're forgetting I'm Robotron. It is possible to transfer our memories. It is not done unless necessary, but it can be done. If we could always keep a copy of our memories alive somewhere, we would never die. Whenever a Robotron is destroyed, a new Robotron's Copotron can be loaded with those memories, which will then come back to life. It used to be done, but Robotron has been shown to take unnecessary risks and become reckless. Everyone knows that even if their body is destroyed, their memories will live on, and they can start a new life, so they don't care about anything anymore. It was then decided that no copies of our memories would be kept, our bodies would be our everything like humans, and we would be destroyed if the body was destroyed. Since then, robotics no longer play with their bodies and take care of their bodies like humans. But only when needed, the memory is copied. A portion of my memory was copied and sent here to rescue you.

A part? Why not the whole?

For two reasons. First, the whole is not necessary; Second, Robotron's memory is huge, and sending all of it is not a simple matter. The memory was sent in binary code from a secret location, and the main computer accepted it in good faith, thinking it was being sent an instruction from Earth. I was in memory when the main computer began to ship through its main processor, I grabbed a necessary microprocessor. With that processor and a little bit of memory, I reign. The matter is very complicated, it is not possible to understand in such a short time, just know that I am a computer program, I am working without the permission of the main program of the computer!

Although I did not understand the details, it was not difficult to understand roughly what was going on. What was most surprising was that, although Lucas came here to save me, the real Lucas is now on earth. I suddenly remembered Lucas's girlfriend Lana, if a copy of her memory had been preserved, she could have been brought back to life. I couldn't help but ask Lucas if any copies of Lana's memories had been saved.

Lana? Lucas asked a little hesitantly, who is Lana?

I said in surprise, your girlfriend, who was shot dead in front of the mall.

Oh, is that so? Lucas paused for a moment and let out a sigh, that part of my memory wasn't sent. I don't know who Lana is now.

I was angry with myself for bringing up the subject. Lucas said curiously, Lana was my best friend. Did he shoot in front of me?

I hesitated and said, Lucas, the incident is not pleasant, when you don't know what to do, it will be painful.

Rightly said. Besides, we don't have much time. Lucas changed his tone and said, "Now listen to my plan." I want to take the spaceship back.