
Kristian's Battle

This story is a story of friendship and brotherhood between me and my comrades in the War of Independence, in the face of the huge numbers and firepower of the Confederates, written in blood and sweat.  Remembering those who lost their lives in the service of their country, and those who were crippled for life because of the war, the war, though long over, still brings us painful memories. Not only for our side, but for the enemy as well. Especially the billions on the colonial satellites and on Earth who were killed in the one-week war and the battle for the fall of the colonial satellites.  It was the common sin of our self-protecting people, and we can't blame it on the ruling Sabians who were running a dictatorship at the time and say that we were completely blameless.  The Confederates who died at the hands of me and my comrades were not a pile of rotten wood to be destroyed, perhaps to the Confederate hierarchy. But after fighting the Confederate soldiers to the death, we can no longer deny that they were flesh and blood, with wives and children, who could fear, who had ambition, who had backbone, who were living, breathing human beings.  Hopefully, after a war that halved the human race, we will not forget how important peace is to us.

KhanJon · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


When Christian changed into his space suit and appeared in Gnaku. Hans and team leader Jacobson have already been here.

Hans was a few years older than him, his surname was Richthofen. This seems to be the name of the German shooting king during World War I... or his surname! Christian didn't know whether Hans was a descendant of the King of Shooting Down. Maybe his ancestors admired the King of Shooting Down and changed his surname to this.

Hans was a little over a foot taller than Christian, with a strong build and a bit fat. An extremely masculine body shape, so masculine that Christian found it a bit of an eyesore. Because he himself looks more like a girl than a boy.

Jacobson Schur Habschuburg, an experienced noncommissioned officer in his forties, said that he had participated in the secret war to protect himself and build his country. It is said... It is said that before and after the establishment of the Self-Defense Nation, the Federation sent many special forces to carry out secret sabotage and assassination activities in order to crush the Self-Defense Nation.

However, although there are many rumors, novels and stories about this war that is not open to the public, it is not even known whether it was actually fought. However, not even a single photo of this war has survived, and as for Jacobson's words, one has to be skeptical.

"Boy, I thought you were so scared that you wet your pants and didn't dare to come?" Hans said sarcastically.

"Do you want to die?" Christian threw the helmet in his hand without saying a word.

"Christiana, little girl, are you having your period today? Don't throw things away!" Hans, who had just flashed by, said mischievously.

"You kid, do you want to report to the underworld so soon? Okay, I'll make it happen for you." Christian approached Hans without changing his expression, but in fact, he was so angry that his head was smoking.

After that, Christian quickly used his unique holy sword to kill Hans with his sword. But even though this big, fat thing screamed after being chopped off, it still couldn't die.

"Okay, Hans and Anna, the two couples should stop fighting. Be serious!" Jacobson persuaded and took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket.

Christian, who was beating Hans hard, frowned slightly after hearing this. Smoking is harmful to health! Besides, this is Gnaku.

"Hey! It's Christian, not Anna! There are two couples, it's disgusting." Christian, who became more and more angry as he talked, beat Hans twice more.

"Wow... wow..." Hans whined twice more.

"I know, I know, Anna. You don't like Hans and want to be gay!" Jacobson said while lighting the cigarette.

"Please don't bully young people. Smoking is prohibited in Gnaku. Don't you know? Old boy." Director Yoko appeared from behind. As soon as he took action, he pulled out Jacobson's cigarette and put it under his feet.

"Director Yoko." Christian quickly let go of Hans and said.

"Hey! Yoko, maybe that will be the last cigarette I smoke before I die. Just let me finish it! And the word "old" is redundant." As expected of the shameless Jacobson, he said He said that he was using the excuse of asking for justice before he died, and took out a second cigarette without changing his face.

"Confiscated! I'll give it back to you when I get back. Do you think it's worthy of the word boy?" Yoko pretended to be the dean of school, and simply confiscated Jacobson's entire pack of cigarettes. .

"Hey...hey..." Although Jacobson protested, Yoko didn't care at all.

"Why, I am the biggest in Gnaku. Do you have any dissatisfaction?" Yoko looked at Jacobson and said.

"No, no, I have always said that might makes right, and justice is just nonsense." Jacobson countered helplessly.

"If you keep making noise, I'll ask you to clean it up yourself." Yoko pointed at the cigarette butt on the ground.

Jacobson stuck out his tongue carelessly.

"Okay, Christian must come back alive no matter what." Yoko patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Yes." The energetic Christian answered energetically.

"And Hans and Jacobson, you two guys. One is to come back intact, the other is to leave and don't come back. Don't beat my precious Zaku until it's in tatters and come back for me to repair. "

"Yes." Hans and Jacobson replied at the same time.

"Oh, differential treatment! Hans, people are just nice to talk to. We are just incidental." Jacobson sighed and said to Hans.

"Forget it. Jacobson, I was so open-minded when I was in my twenties, so why are you doing this when you are in your forties! Who said they are 'beautiful girls' and we are 'rude men'! That's the reality."

This guy Hans... Christian was almost furious with them.

"You two, go to hell!" Christian was about to curse like this, but Yoko beat him to it.

But Yoko feels that Christian is indeed... more like those girls who dress up as boys, rather than a boy.

Ayako has a handsome face that makes her look rounder than a boy. She is only a little taller than her short self. Her shoulders are very narrow. Most importantly, she has no muscles on her body and her hands and feet are thin. The only thing that looks like a boy is his short hair, but this short hair makes him look androgynous at best, not masculine. But that's what makes it cute!

Christian, who thought he should be extra masculine today, naturally didn't know what Yoko was thinking.

"Yoko? Find the three of them!" At this time, Captain Kirsten Karp appeared on the communication screen in Gnaku. He was a thirty-seven-year-old man who seemed to be unable to shave his beard. It looks clean, even though he actually shaves twice a day. In terms of capabilities, there is nothing to fault.

"Lieutenant Habschburg, Captain Ribthoven has communications." Yoko said to the two people who had just walked away.

"Next will be our first actual combat. Don't lose the face of the Babenhausen when you go out." The captain said to Hans, Jacobson and Christian who turned around and walked back.

"Yes." The three of them saluted loudly. This is a sign of their confidence in their abilities and high morale.

"Okay. Next, I will leave it to your squadron leader to talk to you." The scene then switched to the squadron leader, Schneider Bing Steiner, who was on another Musai. The squadron leader is almost forty years old, but half of his hair is already white.

The squadron leader took the initiative to salute a military salute, and Christian and the other three immediately returned the salute.

"Well, I'll just say it. I don't have detailed information right now. The order I received is that after we go out, everyone should form a formation and wait. The order given above is that the first task is to destroy the Federation's Sixth Fleet. Secondly, we need to suppress the colonial satellites and cover the Marine Corps' injection of sleeping gas."

"You must not fire on your own without an order. Please be careful and don't be too nervous and fire randomly. It says that anyone who messes up will be severely punished by military law. Okay, Jacobson, you are a veteran. Take two of your subordinates and don't let them go." I'm disappointed." Although he was his superior, Steiner did not act like a superior was suppressing subordinates. Instead, he acted as if everyone was discussing the situation.

"Don't worry, Schneider. We won't let these two boys die. Now is different from before. We have Zaku!" Jacobson said with confidence. (It's time for the Modern Weapons Development class again, and I, Mrs. Anna, are teaching it. Zaku: The name of the newest weapon of the Self-Defense Principality, a mobile suit. It is humanoid, 18 meters tall, and is mainly equipped with a 120mm machine gun and electric heating axe. Uses nuclear fusion propulsion engines.)

"Okay. Attack at 0700. Over." At the end of the conversation, both parties saluted again.

"Then, let's get on Zaku!" Christian and Hans each answered, jumped on the floor, and floated towards Zaku's cockpit.

Stopping at Zaku's chest, Christian realized he was being patted. Turning around, I saw it was Director Yoko.

"Be careful!" Yoko said a little worried.

"Hmm." Christian nodded.

Then he entered the cockpit. Various instruments in the Zaku were activated to confirm that all parts of the body were completely normal.

"Okay, you two have to behave well! Pay attention to cooperating with your companions." The communicator transmitted the appearance of the team leader, and Jacobson said to them seriously.

"I know." Christian answered again. It seemed that it was the first battle and everyone was quite nervous.

But that was not only his first battle, it was also the first official war of mankind in eighty years.

At 0655, all personnel in the Gnaku have retreated, and the entire Gnaku began to draw air. Because the Babenhausen was a mass-produced Musai-type battleship, it was not equipped with a catapult or even a compartment.

This reflects the fact that the military attaches great importance to quantity and neglects quality in recent years. After all, catapults are not necessary, and the capacity of the granary can be increased without separate compartments. Compared with the initial production model, it is slightly inferior to the flagship Musai.

Five minutes later, the door of the Gege shipyard opened, and Jacobson took the lead and walked out.

"Okay." Christian walked out second. The previous fear has been completely gone, and now there is a little excitement of looking forward to the battle, but I am still a little worried about whether I will perform well next, just with the strength of the federal army.

After picking up Christian, Hans also came out. Outside, Captain Steiner's team had already lined up and was waiting outside.

The other three fleets in the same fleet, Deggendorf, Griesbach and Starlight, also sent their teams. Farther away, the ships of the entire main fleet also dispatched Zaku and Kadoru fighter jets.

Watching these groups of light points on his side filled Christian with confidence.

After each aircraft, with squadron leader Steiner's team as the core, four herringbone teams were formed. Three teams formed a larger herringbone in the front, and one team followed.

After arranging the formation, the entire self-protection fleet still maintained its course towards the first area. But everyone maintained radio silence.

Sitting in the cab, Christian waited nervously and excitedly. And the image of the colonial satellite group gradually appeared in front.

It has been nearly a century since humans began to immigrate to the universe. Currently, most humans live in cylindrical colonial satellites with a diameter of six kilometers and a length of thirty kilometers. A district is composed of dozens of colonial satellites, with an average population of one billion in each district. The Principality of Self-Protection is a principality established by itself as an independent region from the Earth Federation that oversees all mankind.

Adopting a longer distance track, the self-defense fleet that secretly attacked finally reached the first area.

*** ********

0720 hours on January 3, 0079.

"Fellow citizens! Is our motherland a big country? Or a small country? It is a small country. Our country's economic strength is less than one-thirtieth of that of the United States. But is our motherland a strong country? Or a weak country? It is a strong country."

"Everyone knows that in order to show off its power, the Earth Federation has forcibly held a ship viewing ceremony (ah! Let me explain here again, a ship viewing ceremony refers to a military parade ceremony, which is a word specifically used for fleet military parade ceremonies: Mrs. Anna explained.) This kind of pretentious ceremony just makes the federal soldiers the butt of vulgar jokes. What is their purpose? Needless to say, it is to seize the sovereignty of our motherland's self-protection principality; to maintain the old system that exploits the inhabitants of the universe. Just to protect themselves ."

"Our goal of liberating the inhabitants of the universe has been achieved through hard work. We are not afraid of the Lian Bang or their threat of force to maintain their power; they are just paper tigers. We are not afraid! Tear off the rusty shackles of domination ! Recognize your own excellence! Citizens! Take arms and stand up! What we are pursuing is a new era! We must break the military, political and economic oppression that the federation has always imposed on the soldiers and civilians of our self-protecting principality."

"We want the Self-Defense Principality to become a truly independent country, so that we and the next generation of the Self-Defense Kingdom will no longer be oppressed by the Federation. The glory of victory is waiting for us." At this time, the communication screen reflected Kilian The image of the commander-in-chief, watching this impassioned declaration of war, also means that the war has officially broken out.

The time is 0720 hours on January 3, 0079.

Three seconds later, the advance team destroyed the patrol fleet of the federal army in the first area, and what was later called the Self-Protective War of Independence finally broke out. What was just announced was what would later be called the three-second declaration of war, because the total time from the declaration of war to the launch of the attack was only three seconds.

It's just different from the self-protection citizens or the federal people and high-ranking officials on Earth who saw this announcement directly on TV. Because of the dispersion of Mie particles, what Christian saw just now was actually the image recorded previously.

*** ********

Including the entire Steiner squadron, the Self-protection team dispatched two mobile suit brigades with a total of 120 Zakus, plus two Cadolu fighter squadrons to attack the Federation's Sixth, which was maintained in the middle of the first area at a relative speed. One-third of the fleet's strength.

The remaining forces attacked the other two-thirds of the Federation's Sixth Fleet anchored in the space ports in each colonial satellite.

Although only one-third of the fleet is on alert, there are still fifty ships, which is equivalent to the entire strength of the incoming self-defense force, and they are all combat ships.

On average, two Zakus and one Cadolu fighter will fight one battleship? Christian calculated the numbers on both sides, and it seemed that they were a little weaker. What's more, the Federation hasn't sent out fighter jets yet.

At this time, Captain Steiner in front made a gesture. According to the previously decided tactical code name, Jacobson's second team and Sher's fourth team formed a group and rushed towards the enemy with six Zaku machines.

The second team to which Christian belongs is responsible for support, while the fourth team equipped with 280mm rocket launchers is responsible for the main attack.

Christian, who was following behind, constantly monitored the situation and the movements of the fourth team ahead.

However, no federal fighter planes could be seen, and the opponent did not fire when they entered the distance of the ship's main gun. It seems that the federal army was completely unaware, and the fourth team selected a Magellan-class battleship as the target.

Without the interference of anti-aircraft fire, the three Zakus of the fourth team successfully hit the target. After the bridge, the stern power section and the bow main gun were hit one after another. More than half of the entire ship was blown up, and then an explosion of power furnace power was caused inside the ship. The entire ship disappeared in the bright light of the explosion.

Christian, who had no target to hit, followed Jacobson in a slight deviation and selected another Magellan-class battleship as the target.

At this time, the target federal ship still did not fire anti-aircraft fire, so Christian selected the turret on the upper part of the ship as the target. Zaku's 120mm machine gun fired twice, hitting ten bullets and blowing up the entire turret. Jacobson and Hans successfully attacked the bridge.

After the three people passed, the slightly damaged enemy ship fired anti-aircraft fire. However, since there were only two anti-aircraft turrets firing, the firepower was weak and there was no accuracy. However, the entire team still made standard evasive actions.

Christian couldn't help but think, United

There's nothing wrong with the national army! No alertness at all and slow to react. It seems that as advertised, the EFF is basically a shelter for the unemployed! After the successful attack, he no longer felt nervous, and his fighting spirit became even higher. While Christian reorganized his formation with his companions, he also determined that he must achieve good results and let his parents and Director Yoko know of his contribution.

"No...impossible..." Sifashu has always refused to accept the fact that Zizhu is launching a full-scale attack, and naturally he has not given any instructions for combat or attack. Until the Self-Defense Force suddenly appeared, quickly attacked, and sank his ships.

"What... what to do..." Looking at the damage report displayed on the screen, more than ten ships were sunk in one wave of attacks, and they were mainly battleships and cruisers. How was he going to explain it to his superiors?

"What...what should we do...Commander..." The chief of staff, who was best at factional fighting and framing opponents, was another redundant member of the army, and asked the commander with a pale face.

After everyone in the command post saw this kind of management ability, they couldn't help but worry that their death was not far away.

The fifty ships of the Federation are composed of five battle teams. A Magellan-class battleship squadron, a Salamis cruiser squadron, two America-class destroyer squadrons and a Cuban-class frigate squadron. In the surprise attack by the Self-Defense Force just now, only the cruiser flotilla commanded by Stewart and the Cuban-class frigate flotilla fired anti-aircraft fire at the last moment.

Even so, as soon as the Self-Defense Forces began to attack, they targeted battleships and cruisers for targeted attacks. Therefore, three of Stewart's ten cruisers were sunk immediately, and one was slightly damaged. But the entire Magellan team was almost completely destroyed by the first blow. Apart from the flagship, only two damaged battleships remained.

As soon as Stewart heard the news of the official attack of the self-protection, he immediately returned to the flagship in a small boat. As soon as Stewart entered the bridge command post, he saw his subordinates busy at work.

"Major General, are you sending fighter jets?" the chief of staff who was taking command asked him.

"Okay, let them go out immediately. Fly them all out and don't stay. The team will fight at maximum speed and form a spherical formation. We will also contact the headquarters to see if there are any instructions." Stewart sat down on the command seat.

The abominable Self-Defense Army started fighting without declaring...

Stewart watched the approaching mobile suit Zaku and thought about covering the other ships in the space port for attack as soon as possible. At that time, because the Self-Defense Forces spread Mie particles that interfered with radio waves, the people in the Sixth Fleet did not see the Self-Defense Forces' declaration of war.

At this time, the second and fourth teams, which had completed their rotation, found that the federal army had already launched a counterattack. Stewart's cruiser fleet released three groups of fighters. There are two groups of Torez and one group of Swordfish fighters.

The former is specially used for fighting between fighter jets, while the latter is used for attacking ships. However, because three Salamis ships were captured before, only 70% of the standard fleet remained, more than a hundred aircraft. The Cuban-class frigates also spread out to cover the entire fleet.

But the two destroyer teams were clumsy and barely formed a spherical formation, not cooperating with the other two teams at all.

The Self-Protection and the Federation launched an attack on the Tor Azgar Swordfish aircraft by the Mobile Suit Zakuga Cardoru fighter planes.

Christian and the other two teams that were rushing towards the federal ship were also attacked. The opponents are two Torez fighters.

Jacobson, Hans and Christian, who were acting as cover, all fired with 120 mm machine guns. After a hail of bullets. Only Jacobson shot down one, while the other attacked Christian, who fired 20mm cannons and missiles at him.

Christian, who was disappointed that his previous attack had failed, spread out interference wires and incendiary bombs while evading.

The incendiary bombs are just cover bombs with the ability to generate heat. Both sides who continued to attack each other failed, but after passing each other, Christian immediately rotated his body and continued to attack.

This time, it was a lucky hit and the Torez fighter was destroyed. This is the advantage of the mobile suit. The humanoid body allows it to continue attacking without changing the course and speed after rotating the body. Just because the opposite directions have become the same direction, the power of the bullets has been weakened a lot, but the 120mm machine gun is enough to destroy the enemy aircraft.

"Down, Jacobson." Christian said excitedly to Jacobson through the radio. Although there is interference from Mie particles, we can still communicate with our companions at such a close distance despite the interference.

"Okay, catch up and cover Team Scheer." Jacobson instructed. Since the federal army was in a defensive posture, the fourth team chose to lay down the outer covering ships first, and the target selected a Cuban-class frigate.

Due to the small size, fast speed and flexibility of the Cuba-class ship, the attacks of Schell and Conrad, the captains of Schell's team, failed.

Seeing this, the remaining team member Claessen Diesel dodged the anti-aircraft fire of the enemy ship while approaching. In a direct attack at close range, the tactical nuclear warhead blew up the entire bridge in one blow, and the enemy ship immediately lost its combat capability.

Klassen was the only red star in the entire squadron. Because she is a female member, she naturally recruits soldiers; even women are required to serve in the military before the Self-Defense Principality is established. Moreover, she is a graduate of the military academy and holds the rank of warrant officer. She has short hair like Christian, but hers is flaxen. She has a cheerful and generous personality, and is also good at making jokes, except when making fun of her being a man. So no one on the team saw her as a woman. Especially because of her body shape. Tall and thin, it can be said that he has no front and no back.

After Scheer's team attacked, Christian's team also attacked the half-damaged enemy ship after confirming that there were no enemy planes.

On the half-damaged Cuba-class ship, lifeboats had begun to be released, but the anti-aircraft guns on the bow were still firing.

Christian did not pity the enemies who fled, nor did he admire the soldiers who still guarded the anti-aircraft gun emplacements. All he did was blow up a ship.

There was no spare time to think about the enemy, nor did he think that he was killing people. Christian was just fighting. Join Jacobson and Hans. The three-machine Zaku attacked from the stern direction of the ship. With the salvo fire of three 120mm machine guns, the enemy ship that was hit by 20 to 30 rounds of bullets was blown to pieces.

The successful Jacobson team caught up with the Sher team in front, preparing to launch another attack.

"Another Cuban-class frigate has been sunk." The correspondent reported the battle situation to Stewart.

On the one hand, he instructed the team to use a spherical formation to surround the flagship and form a crossfire with the other three teams. Stewart was already worried, judging from the optical reconnaissance. In addition, there are more than a hundred Zakus and dozens of self-protection battleships attacking the colonial satellites.

Their method is to use the tactical nuclear warheads of naval guns and Zaku's 280mm rocket launcher to destroy the ships in the space port together with the space port. This method was very successful. In each colonial satellite, only a small number of fighter planes and ships had time to leave the harbor to fight. But this is too cruel and despicable!

If the residents in the colonial satellite are not able to evacuate in time, let alone if the self-protection can evacuate in time after the war, the atrocities of destroying the colonial satellite where the space immigrants live are really heinous. Of course, Stewart did not expect that the self-defense attack method was not to occupy the first area but to destroy it.

And there is not enough preparation for daily life. The Union Army is paying the price with the lives of thousands of officers and soldiers.

There are many ships in the space port undergoing routine inspection and maintenance. The ship's material reserves are insufficient, and manpower is also in short supply due to holidays. Unlike fighter jets, it is difficult for ships to respond quickly without preparation. The battle was almost a one-sided massacre of self-defense troops against federal troops.

The few warships that attacked sporadically were sunk by Zaku's concentrated attack as soon as they left the harbor. Although there are more and more fighters belonging to the fleet and colonial satellites, the 20mm cannons of the Federation fighters are not enough to threaten Zaku, and the Swordfish aircraft equipped with 40mm cannons only account for one-third of the total number of aircraft. One, even if it hits, it depends on the distance and the location of the hit before it can give Zaku a small amount of damage.

Under the high concentration of rice grains, radar-guided missiles are useless. The only thing that can deal with Zaku is heat-seeking missiles. However, Zaku of the self-protection army used heat source bait and coolant to cover it, coupled with excellent and flexible evasive movements. The hit rate is too low.

Stewart reviewed the battle situation and found that more than half of his three fighter groups had been lost as soon as they fought. The three captains, Gibbs, Hals, and Perry, are all senior pilots, and their soldiers have the highest training standards in the federal army. Even they suffered such losses, let alone other troops.

In the previous round of attacks by Zizhu, he lost and damaged another ship. However, the instructions received from Fleet Commander Sifa Shu were only to attack and defeat all the enemies. There were no specific tactical instructions at all.

"Hit...shoot them all down...shoot." Sifashu, who lost his mind in the headquarters, shouted instinctively out of fear. Moreover, the situation worsened as the battle damage report displayed on the screen became more and more serious. When our own side was sunk and injured half of its troops, it also lost contact with the troops in the colonial satellite, and the Self-Defense Forces When the Zaku group approached again, his little courage finally reached its limit.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately. Let's go... let's leave immediately." Looking at the screaming fat man, this time the whole ship was united, issuing instructions to the rest of the fleet and retreating first. Zaku of the self-protection army is too powerful, not to mention the commander is such a person, running away is undoubtedly the best choice at this time.

"Retreat?!" Stewart listened to the signal soldier's report. Judging from the battle situation, it was almost time, but the battle only lasted fifteen minutes.

"The flagship of the frigate fleet had just exploded and sank immediately." Sinking, a term used exclusively in naval warfare on Earth, has become synonymous with total destruction by explosion when used in the universe.

"Okay. Contact the remaining frigates, and I will command them together. Change the course immediately and get rid of Zaku who is attacking us." Stewart shouted.

"Looks like victory?" Christian looked at the flash of light caused by the explosion in the entire first area from a distance, and saw the federal fleet in front of him split into two groups trying to retreat. The mood now is really exciting. Did they defeat the federal army after just a short fight?

At this time, Jacobson in front made a gesture with Zaku, and they joined forces with Schell's team to attack the one with more ships among the two enemy forces, which was commanded by the commander of the Federation's Sixth Fleet, Sifa Shu. ...No, it should be said that the troops followed the commander and escaped on their own, mainly a group of America-class destroyers.

"Hit." Christian used a 120mm machine gun to shoot down another Torez fighter, this was the third one so far. Although the federal fleet was severely damaged, more and more fighter planes flew out of the colony. They were also even busier in covering the Sher team.

Hitting the enemy plane gave Christian more confidence. Unlike simulated combat, the enemies in actual combat will never look the same. There are many enemies that are slower and slower than the computer simulation, and you can defeat them as long as you time it well.

But there are some masters among them who can fly much more nimbly and cunningly than those simulated by computers. Fortunately, there are not many such people. However, during the melee, Christian was hit twice by the 40mm cannon. Fortunately, the power tube was not hit, and due to the direction problem, the power was not very strong. Thanks to Zaku's thick armor, the body was completely undamaged.

However, it was no longer possible to fly in formation. In order to respond to the attack of the federal fighter planes, Christian, Jacobson, Hans and other three people surrounded Scheer's team and moved forward.

As they were rushing towards the target federal fleet group, they were intercepted by a wave of Swordfish aircraft.

The opponent's number exceeds ten, enough for a squadron. Since there were so many targets, both Christian and Hans hesitated for a while when choosing the target. When they chose the target to fire, they missed the opportunity. Only Jacobson successfully fired one.

The two teams that were approached by the federal army were left to fight on their own. As the Swordfish approached, it attacked with its 40mm cannon and fired missiles. The three-machine Zaku of Jacobson's team counterattacked with a 120mm cannon, while waiting for an opportunity to start a melee battle with an electric axe.

But because Scheer's team is equipped with a 280mm rocket launcher, although it is equipped with reserve ammunition, it is too wasteful to use it to deal with the Swordfish aircraft. What's more, even if you barely attack, it's difficult to hit. The only weapons they can use are electric axes.

Relying on Zaku's flexibility and his arm's machine gun's almost full-angle advantage in firing angle, Christian still managed to shoot down an approaching Swordfish aircraft.

Just when he was about to choose his next target, he saw Klassen being attacked by a Swordfish aircraft. After avoiding the opponent's attacks several times in a row, federal fighter jets approached and attacked with missiles. But Klassen, who moved swiftly, suddenly slowed down and took advantage of this opportunity to hit the Swordfish machine with a slash of his axe.

But behind Klassen, another Swordfish plane attacked.

Christian immediately fired a burst of 120mm cannon at it. Although it missed, it blocked the opponent's attack and forced the Swordfish to turn away.

"Thank you!" Klassen thanked Christian in a slightly breathless and nervous voice.

"You're welcome." Christian, who was in a tense state of combat, could only respond with this short answer.

Due to Zaku's superior performance, the inferior skills of federal pilots, and luck. Neither team suffered any losses, but instead managed to capture seven Swordfish aircraft.

Afterwards, they reorganized their formation and once again caught up with the escaping federal destroyer.

Including Klassen, the three Zakus of Sher's team launched a total of six tactical nuclear warheads. Four hit, blowing the entire battleship into pieces.

Christian also seized the opportunity to attack another nearby America-class destroyer.

"Come on!" he shouted to himself in the cockpit.

Although it failed to destroy the ship, it still caused a series of explosions on the side of the enemy ship.

The self-defense forces with high fighting spirit launched attacks again and again.

But on the federal side.

"Damn it! It's useless at all!" Gibbs yelled because his 40mm cannon had no effect at all. After nearly half an hour of fighting, he only used heat missiles to shoot down a Zaku.

"Retreating! Gibbs." At this time, a communication came from another captain Hals. Because of the high concentration of rice grains, he was forced to fly back and forth between aircraft to communicate.

"Damn it! Except for the heat missiles, everything else is useless." Gibbs was angry at the uselessness of the weapons.

"I have informed Peri to retreat first. This is an order from the team headquarters." Hals's voice was low and gloomy.

"But..." Gibbs, who had only two subordinates left in the entire brigade besides himself, said unwillingly.

"Don't scold me until you get back!" Hals's reply

Very tough answer. In comparison, he was even more unwilling. The 40mm cannon was somewhat useful at close range, but the 20mm cannon of his Torez fighter was completely useless. Fighting for a long time was almost like a one-sided massacre. Except for himself, all his subordinates were completely dead. And the result is zero.

When the commander of the federal fleet, Sfashu, left his men and retreated.

After Stewart merged his cruiser fleet and frigate fleet, there were not even ten ships in total. However, because a large number of fighter planes were dispatched from the colonial satellite, under the cover of the fighter group, he gathered the scattered federal ships that had successfully left the port, while resisting the attacks of self-protection ships and mobile suits. Try to draw the enemy's attention to yourself as much as possible, so that civilian cargo ships, passenger ships or shuttles can escape as much as possible.

The attack methods of the Self-Defense Army are direct and brutal. While two brigades of Zaku were sent to suppress the direct fleet commanded by Sifa Shu, other battleships and Zaku attacked the space port of the colonial satellite, destroying the port and the federal ships inside.

This will cause an air leak that cannot be repaired. If the residents are not evacuated in time, all residents of the damaged colonial satellite will die.

But although this method is cruel, Stewart knows that it is a very effective method. For the Self-Defense Force, which is far smaller in number than the Federation, in order to capture the colony before reinforcements from the Federation fleet arrive. This is the easiest way to achieve your goal. Otherwise, there are troops stationed in almost every colonial satellite. If the self-defense forces conduct internal ground warfare to prevent damage to the colonial satellites, they may not be able to capture the first area in a month.

"Jacobson. We've almost run out of ammunition." Captain Sher contacted Jacobson.

"That's enough for the fight. Let's see what Schneider's orders are first!" Jacobson replied.

Christian listened to the communication between the team captains and looked at the less than ten remaining ships led by Sfashu who had finally escaped.

At this time, I really had time to look at the entire battle situation. The Federation only has a few scattered fighter planes left, and friendly forces are everywhere on the battlefield.

But now he realizes that the price of victory is extremely shocking. Under the attack of the battleship's mini particle cannon and Zaku's tactical nuclear warhead, nearly half of the space ports at one or both ends of the colonial satellites were destroyed. As the air leaked out, they were uninhabitable, and it was feared that a huge refugee issue.

The battlefield was filled with the wreckage of federal ships and fighter jets destroyed by them. The result was really amazing, and seeing this result, Christian really felt like killing someone.

However, it is just like the pilots who carried out strategic bombing during World War II in the old century. You can't see the enemy, and you don't even know the horror and pain they faced before they died. Christian only felt that he was just performing his duties. People will definitely die in the war. This is normal and there is no need to blame or feel guilty at all.

After contacting Squadron Leader Steiner, the Scheer Squadron and Scherer Squadron, which used 280mm rocket launchers, had almost run out of ammunition, so they would return to the MSE-type battleship to reinstall 120mm machine guns and supplies. As for the first team commanded by Captain Steiner and the second team commanded by Jacobson, they are responsible for suppressing an undamaged colonial satellite, resisting possible counterattacks by the remaining federal forces, and waiting for the Marines to use sleeping gas to suppress the colonial satellites.

As for the other federal army commanded by Stewart, after gathering the lone ships and providing cover for civilian ships as much as possible, they also dispersed out of the war zone.

The federal organized resistance in District 1 was declared over.

Christian, Jacobson and Hans parked the machine on the colonial satellite. Captain Steiner and his subordinates Leopold and Scheer were not far away, but within a communication distance.

"Hmm! Isn't it too much to destroy the colonial satellites like this?" Look at the destroyed colonial satellites one by one. Christian sighed and said, is there no other way?

"This saves a lot of trouble. There are tens of thousands of troops stationed in each colonial satellite. If we fight landing battles one by one, how long will it take?" Jacobson said.

"But it would be too troublesome to destroy it like this." Christian couldn't help but say. When I think about the refugees and repair problems in the future.

"It is inevitable to sacrifice a little for victory." The answer came from Leopold.

"Hey! What I'm curious about is why we want to occupy this place! And according to the situation, other colonial areas should be attacked?" This time even Scheer intervened.

"The federal army dispersed its forces and stationed its fleets in various colonies. Is it surprising that we defeated them one by one?" Christian said.

"It's not surprising to attack the fleet, but why do we need to occupy the entire colony? Although there are many benefits, the most important point is that our military strength is only one-fifth of the federation. Our country, Solomon Fortress, Abao Fortress, plus Go to this first area and add at least two other colonies! Isn't it suicide to spread the troops like this?" Scheer's statement sounds very reasonable.

Although everyone in the team has their own ideas about the government's military operations. But what Scheer said about spreading the troops is undeniable. Could this be what Commander Kilian would do?

Everyone was silent for a while.

And the sporadic low resistances here and there are almost completely over. From each colonial satellite, civilian ships can be seen escaping. Large and small cargo ships, passenger ships, yachts, shuttles and even small ships sailing between satellites were all loaded with refugees and fled.

Really see it. Because there are cargo and people wearing space suits piled outside the ship.

Seeing this, everyone in the team couldn't help but think that these residents were exaggerating! What makes them even more surprised is that all the ships escaped from the first area, and none of them entered the undamaged colonial satellite to carry out rescue work.

"This...this, why don't we see ships going to rescue those destroyed colonial satellites?

"If it's too late..." Christian couldn't help but feel worried. If all the air leaked out, all the residents inside would die.

"Okay. If you want to chat, let's wait until we return to the ship to talk slowly! Then we can say anything. Anyway, the battle is won, and then I, the captain, will find an opportunity to arrange for everyone to have a party." Steiner, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison. And it is true that now in combat, it would not be good if it is too casual.

The boring waiting continues. Finally, we finally saw Zaku from the Marine Corps.

Zaku, who belongs to a team dedicated to the Marine Corps, appears accompanied by a giant gas tank. The installation was completed within a few minutes, and the work of injecting sleeping gas into the colonial satellite began.

After completing the work, Zaku of the Marine Corps left. But watching them, Christian felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Is that really a sleeping gas? For some reason, Christian felt a chill running down his spine since the gas started being injected.

As time passed, he felt a strong sense of fear and hatred in his mind.

Although he tried his best to stay calm, his heart was suddenly filled with fear. Christian thought about whether this could be the guilt he felt after killing someone in the battle just now. But no, it feels like an enemy will appear at any time, and he will be killed as soon as he appears.

Therefore, he searched for enemies everywhere, but various monitoring instruments showed that the federal army within the reconnaissance range had long been eliminated. As a result of his constant searches, he found that the source of his fear was the colonial satellite being injected with sleeping gas.

Is that really a sleeping gas?

Feeling indescribable fear and uneasiness, Christian finally chose a message transmission tube near him. Then he stretched out Zaku's hand and connected the communicator near the palm with the internal communication system of the colonial satellite.

What he saw next was a horrific scene that he would never forget.