

Wilford Von Krieger is a young man and the head of a noble family. Tired of seeing his people suffer, he delivers a revolutionary speech of freedom in hopes of uniting everyone to stand against the caste system, discrimination, and slavery. Unfortunately, it ends in an outcome far more horrible than he ever thought would happen. Hunted by all kinds of people that oppose him, with only a handful of allies, and endless enemies lurking all around, Wilford has no choice but to fight for his ideals in a battle for survival.

Joseph_char · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Fair Trial

Inside a vast courtroom located in the royal courthouse of the capital, a total of one thousand people were gathered to witness the trial of Wilford. Most of them were of high ranks in the army, heads of lower noble families, and chancellors of the high council.

The benches on the left side of the courtroom were those of high ranking generals and commanders in the army. All of them were wearing their military uniforms as they patiently waited for the trial to begin.

The benches on the right side were those of leaders of lower noble families, lords, royal knight captains, religious clergies, and monks. Their chatters were loud enough to hear and echoed around the courtroom. The look of worry was plastered on their faces.

In the front were three sets of podiums, with each one higher than the other. In the lowest podium were twelve seats, each of them occupied by a chancellor of the high council. The higher podium had only one seat, that of the supreme judge who was still not present. Finally, the highest podium had three seats.

In the middle chair sat Engel, resting his head on his chin with a blank expression on his face. On the right sat Schultz, who was as calm as ever. And the left seat was occupied by Ludwig, who had an impatient and frustrated look plastered on his face as he tapped his chair in a rhythmic manner.

The vast space in the middle of the courtroom contained, what seemed to be, endless lines of benches, able to seat up to five thousand people. In front of those benches was a single podium stand, which was facing the three main podiums.

"All rise for the judge of the Supreme Court." One of the courtroom guards said.

In response, everyone in the room stood up from their seats for the judge, who stepped inside the court and made his way towards his seat. The judge was an old man with white hair and a long white beard. He was wearing a long black robe and a pair of glasses.

"Everyone, please take your seats," the judge uttered as he reached his podium and sat on his chair. "Guards, bring in the prisoners."

In response, the massive wooden double doors to the courtroom swung open. Suddenly, thousands of people made their way into the room, a mix of peasants, demi-humans, and beastmen. All of them had their hands cuffed in front of them as they were guarded by royal knights in silver armor.

After everyone took their seats on the benches, one defendant continued walking towards the podium facing the judge. He was a young man with an unshaven beard wearing a dirty white shirt. His blank and dead-tired facial expression stood out amongst everyone in the courtroom. The stench reeking from him was also another major factor in that.

"Now that everyone is here, this court is officially in session." The judge spoke as he shuffled through some papers, "We shall start with the prime defendant, Wilford Von Krieger the third.

Considering that this is the first time in the history of Traumiery that a tribunal like this was held, we shall abolish all normal procedures and rules for this very session. Rules in this court session will be changed as follows:

-Defendants aren't allowed to have attorneys, nor speak for themselves unless they're asked to, considering the fact that the actions of the defendants were a threat to national security.

-The fate of the prime defendant will be decided by a majority vote of the chancellors of the high council, the army, the royal body, and the heads of the three Royal noble families.

-Other than the prime defendant, all the others who will be prosecuted in this trial shall not be judged as an individual, but as a group of people, regarding that their actions were in unison.

Now, let us start the trial.

Mr.Wilford Von Krieger, you are guilty of planning and executing a conspiracy against the kingdom, attempting to overthrow the government, leading a rebellion, initiating a revolution, manipulating the masses, disturbing the peace, spreading false information and propaganda, having ill intent towards three of the four royal noble families, and siding with the beastmen which counts as an act of high treason.

As we all know, these are all crimes that are punished by execution. Wilford, you are allowed to defend yourself." The judge declared before he shifted his gaze from the papers towards Wilford.

The entirety of the courtroom was in complete silence as they watched Wilford, anxiously waiting for what he was about to say.

"Your honor, I am truly guilty…for being a human.

I haven't planned…nor executed any conspiracy against the kingdom, for that speech was a right bestowed upon me by Julius Engel.

I didn't attempt to overthrow the government, for I only encouraged people to ask for their rights and a better life.

I did not plan a rebellion, nor tried to initiate a revolution, for I only tried to talk some sense into our suffering people, and give them some hope.

I did not manipulate the masses, nor spread false propaganda, for I only told them the truth, and what they needed to hear most in their time of misery.

I didn't have any ill intent towards Engel, Schultz, and Ludwig, for I encouraged the people to unite with nobles and the upper class to bring about a stable and united society to our great kingdom.

Thus, I am not a traitor, nor have I committed treason against Traumiery. However, I am truly…truly guilty, of being a human being that cares for others in this despicable, disgusting, inhuman, and genuinely pathetic society that is ruled by people who think are greater than anyone else!

For all of you, who believe in supremacy, who are sitting on top of a golden chair made out of people's misery, you are your own worst traitor.

You prosecute me, fearing that I am the enemy, but once the people feel that they've had enough of your false supremacy, then you will see what true fear is like! You will then feel what you made these poor people go through for all of their lives!" Wilford snapped and started shouting at the top of his lungs.

The judge started slamming his hammer in an attempt to try and silence Wilford's intense argument, "Wilford! Mr.Wilford, you are no longer allowed to speak! Everything that you're currently saying will not be accounted for in your defense!"

"I might be executed by the Supreme Court, but you…all of you will be executed by your very people!" Wilford continued without hesitation.

Suddenly, Wilford was struck on the abdomen by an overwhelming kick that made him drop to his knees. He gasped for air before he started intensely coughing. He looked up to see who the culprit was, and much to his surprise, it was Klaus, staring back at him with a cold glare.

"Thank you, Mr.Klaus.

In regards to Mr.Wilford's testimony, it will be taken as a pledge of guilt, considering the fact that he admitted to all of his crimes, but used easier language and some manipulation of the truth to hide the severity of them.

Now, does anyone have anything to say or to add to this court session before the voting starts?" The judge asked.

One of the army generals raised his hand and stood up from his seat before he began speaking, "Your honor, what Wilford has done is regarded as a crime that disturbed the national security of the kingdom and caused mass panic amongst the army. The army and the royal knights are scattered around the country trying to prevent any sort of uprising, which is severely weakening our military power. Death is the only fair sentence."

Suddenly, one of the lower nobles raised his hands and began speaking, "Your honor, despite his title as the head of a royal noble family, Wilford is clearly guilty of crimes that can get anyone executed. Yet, to evade any mass panic amongst the people, I suggest that he gets imprisoned instead of executed."

Then, a priest raised his hand and began speaking too, "This man is defying the order of God in this world. Death is the only way he can atone for his sins."

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed throughout the courtroom, silencing everyone, including the judge. It was the man with the highest authority in the courtroom—Engel.

"Your honor, I, Raymond Schultz, and Ludwig van Roth shall use our veto power to give out the sentence that we see fit for this situation, which I've already written beforehand.

As we all know, Wilford Von Krieger is the head of the royal noble family of Krieger, who also has a lot of influence and power over the people. If executed, the people shall be immensely shocked by the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the body of the royal hierarchy. Thus, execution is neither a good, nor wise decision.

However, if Wilford agrees to these terms, then a better solution can be taken. The terms are as follows:

The royal title of "Von" shall be repealed from Wilford's name. He must give up on all the privileges given to him as a noble, meaning that he'll no longer have money or power. He'll just be a commoner. He will also be banished from the capital and exiled to the red province with his wife, daughter, and son. And, he will not be allowed by any means to enter the capital. For the other Kriegers, they will not be allowed to come in contact with Wilford ever again.

That is all, your honor." Engel finished his testament and sat back in his chair.

The eerie silence of the courtroom was cut short by the judge's gruff voice.

"Well then, if nobody has anything more to add, we shall start the voting process. I want the major electoral college consisting of the general of the army, supreme priest, administrator of the lower noble families, major commander of the royal guards, the prime chancellor of the high council, and the heads of the three royal families to stand up."

In unison, everyone who was mentioned stood up from their seats in response to the judge.

"Everyone who agrees with Mr.Engel's statement, please raise your hands up." The judge ordered.

In response, all of the electoral electors raised their hands in agreement with Engel's statement. However, deep inside, not all of them agreed with it.

"Mr.Wilford, do you agree to Mr.Engel's terms?" The judge asked.

"…What other choice do I have…" Wilford replied in a defeated voice.

"Then, it has been decided. Mr.Wilford, you will be stripped of your title as a royal noble, which means that you will no longer have any of your privileges. Furthermore, you shall be banished and exiled to the red province and never allowed to enter the capital, nor come in contact with any other member of the Krieger noble family except for your wife, daughter, and son.

Guards, take him away." The judge declared the sentence before he ordered the guards.

As Wilford was being dragged out of the courtroom by the guards, the judge commenced the trial without hesitation.

"Let us commence the trial. As we said before, only the prime defendant shall be judged as an individual, the rest shall be trialed as a group. Meaning that some rules will be added. The rules shall be changed as follows:

-Unlike Wilford's prosecution, the rest of the offenders aren't going to have their fates decided through electoral votes.

-The entirety of the jury's body agrees that only the Supreme judge shall give the sentences, meaning that the final order is that of the judge, and only the judge.

The offenders currently in the courtroom are guilty of participating in a conspiracy against the kingdom, attempting to overthrow the government, being active members of the rebellion, starting a revolution, disturbing the peace, having ill intent towards the heads of the three royal noble families, and treason.

Unlike Wilford Von Krieger, none of the offenders here are allowed to defend, nor speak for themselves.

Considering such crimes, the offenders will be separated into groups of three. The first group consisting of humans, the second group containing demi-humans, and the third group made out of beastmen.

After further investigation, we have reached the conclusion that is as follows:

-The humans were the least active group, as some of them were even loyal enough to their country, and reported this rebellion to the authorities. Thus, they shall have sentences varying from one year, to five years in prison.

-The demi-humans were an active group of the rebellion, some guards around the capital even reported their hostility towards authorities and even tried to attack them. Thus, all demi-humans shall be sent to fifteen years in prison and forced labor without any chance of parole or pardoning.

-The beastmen were an extremely active group of the rebellion. They even initiated a wide-scale crime spree across the capital consisting of, and not limited to property damage, robbery, assaulting the royal guards and knights, and resisting arrest. Thus, all beastmen shall be hanged, drawn, and quartered.

This court session has ended!"

The judge slammed his hammer before he stood up and walked down his podium.

"What?! But we did nothing! The beastmen committed no crimes at all!" One of the beastmen shouted in retaliation to this unfair sentence.

The despair in his eyes as tears raced down his cheeks was a heartbreaking sight. The injustice he felt was unparalleled. He was indeed guilty…for being a beastman.

In response, one of the royal knights unsheathed his sword and dashed towards the young beastman. Before he could slice his head off, the knight was interrupted by the voice of Engel.


The royal knight sheathed his sword and took a few steps back in response to Engel's orders.

"I'm looking for a beastmen named Hans, Hans Kant. Is there any beastmen in this courtroom named Hans?" Julius asked.

Everyone in the courtroom was startled by Engel's sudden question, and more so from the fact that one of the beastmen had a name, and a surname on top of that. A privilege that not even the human peasants were allowed to have.

The very same beastman that retaliated at first rose his hand in response, "I-... I am Hans." He hesitantly uttered.

"Ah, wonderful. Guards, keep this one alive, and preferably, keep him in the cellars with the peasants. As for the other beastmen, you can proceed with the normal sentence."

Powerless to do anything, all other beastmen watched in horror as they fully accepted their horrible faith. All of them knew that the hope they had back at the festival's opening was nothing but a false illusion that led to their unspeakably gruesome and brutal demise.

Today's trial makes its mark in history as the biggest atrocity the kingdom of the warriors, the most brutal owners of the beastmen slaves, committed against the beastmen.