In a world dominated by various magical techniques, the adventures of Shigeki Chaser, who, with his innate curse, idolizes the greatest emperor of the time and sets his goal to become the head of his empire.
Spells, Curses, Empires, and so on, this medieval world is put to paper through the life of Shigeki Chaser.
The Kregerta Empire is a beautiful empire with a large land area, bordering the Ocean of Fortune and a strong military power. With the death of the last emperor and the focus of the ranking individuals on the throne, Kregerta, whose political and economic power had diminished somewhat, was slowly trying to regain its strength. In the midst of these events, Chaser, a lone survivor and aspirant to the throne, was living in Maria-Molly, in the North-Eastern part of Kregerta, close to the harbor.
Since the area was far from the Administration building, the center of Kregerta, there were more cursed beings around than in the center. This is exactly why Chaser is here. To kill the curses. Chaser made his living as a mercenary, killing curses for a certain price. Thanks to his power, the curses had almost no willpower, and their intelligence was much lower than that of a normal human being, Chaser had no difficulty in killing them, and he could earn a decent amount of money from it. At least until a while ago.
Curses are actually people who have magic in their body but are no longer conscious of it because their body can't handle it. It comes from birth. And the ability of their body to remove the magic depends entirely on the Negative energy in the place where they were born. That's why curses are less likely to occur in the Center.
After Chaser killed so many curses, there was a decrease in the negative energy around. This decrease also decreased the amount of curses. Therefore, the chaser, who could not kill as many curses as before, now had difficulty in making a living. That's why he wanted to get a job as a sailor in the harbor or on the shore. But because of his abilities; many dangers such as burning boats, burning ships, burning harbors, harming his colleagues and reducing work safety prevented him from getting a job. When you want to get a job, the employer is allowed to take a look at your saved files in the empire. So he can see your skills. The reasons for not hiring Chaser are actually these;
Chaser is a type 4, which means he has a special magic technique. So he is not a descendant. If you think about why this puts him at a disadvantage, his bloodline's abilities and spells are adapted to the place where they are. If you are born with a different and incompatible ability, you are bound to have difficulties in your region.
Chaser's technique is Fire manipulation. As long as sunlight reaches the earth, he can create fire out of nothing, change its shape and use it against himself. And of course he can produce various techniques from this fire. Apart from that, being born with an incompatible ability has given him a kind of Seal/Curse.
If anyone hit Chaser during a fight, all the creatures around him would turn hostile to the one who hit him. This was both good and bad for him because he couldn't control it. So he needed a job where such causes were unlikely, or he needed to get a job that was not a threat to him or his environment, whether it was or not.
Chaser, whose mode has fallen
- "Pffphs.. I wish I could make money the easy way like everyone else, but the world gives me these difficulties to make me stronger. I accept my fate," he thought to himself, but his fate was making him depressed.
He was on his way home when he came across a banner: "Next Sunday, the dueling challenges with a 25,000 jewel prize begin!"
Chaser ripped off the poster he had seen and made his way home to deal with it at home. In his mind there were thoughts that kept shifting back and forth between entering and not entering. When he got home, tired from the day, he threw himself on his couch and started to think.
"'What if I lose my life for 5 cents', 'But I'm the strongest I've ever seen except for the higher authorities', 'Is it worth the effort', 'What if I don't lose'" he falls asleep in his thoughts.
In the morning, he wakes up from his hard couch, where he fell asleep to the sound of birds singing, as if he had a nightmare. He quickly puts 2-3 bites in his mouth and looks at the poster again. He realizes that his name is printed on the poster. And since he has the luxury of not going even if his name is printed, he rushes to print his name.
There was a long line at the entrance of the arena. Chaser felt like he was going to wait forever. He bragged and huffed and puffed about it, but before he could blink, it was already his turn.
"What's your name, son?"
"Shigeki Chaser," he said in a cold voice.
"Good luck."
He made the traditional bowing gesture of thanks or gratitude and put his palms together in the center. As he walked away, he felt a slight pang of regret. As he walked away, he couldn't take his eyes off a girl he was not used to seeing around here. It was obvious that she was not from around here, both in appearance and dress. So Chaser goes over to her to have a little chat with her and at least put her mind at ease.
"Hi, first time I've seen you around here, are you new?"
"Yeah, actually, I'm not really from here."
"Then do you mind if I ask where you are from?"
"No, I'm from Pirhelia, you don't look like the people I'm used to seeing around here, you look like you're from the South."
"Hm, not really. The only reason I'm different from Kregerta people is that I have different genetics than Kregerta people."
"Well, what's your name then?"
"Shigeki Chaser, and you?"
"Takashi Yalezir."
"Wait a second... you're a descendant of Samura?"
"Ehhhh I felt you didn't say that in a good tone, but yes."
Chaser, shocked at the sight of a descendant of Samura who had slaughtered his family maybe 3,4 generations ago, his body started shaking from the genetic memories, he couldn't swallow. He became silent as if he had a knife in his throat.
Takashi Samura, one of the most terrifying Shans in history. One of the most powerful of the Shans, Samura was a threat to an entire world with his various techniques alone. Those who did not yet know Samura's power, of course, tried to resist her and did not bow down. But all of them were beheaded by Samura as executioners. Samura was a sorcerer who lived in the 3rd age. His techniques were more or less known until the middle of the 4th age, but by the last age they were long forgotten. So the new communities' knowledge of Samura is actually too limited to speak in detail. But what is known is that the shrinking area of Pirhelia and being squeezed by other empires were the things that bothered Samura the most, and at first Samura was not an emperor, he was a right hand man. He told the emperor to start a war and he said they would win. The emperor didn't listen to him for about 3 years and continued to lose territory. Samura, knowing his power, first made a coup and he became the head of Pirhelia. Then he first conquered the Zangerian Empire under Samouth's command and took the southern lands under his command. Then he took back the conquered lands of Pirhelia in the west. Finally, he subjugated half of Kregertan and slaughtered it senselessly, but not completely. It was out of respect for "him". The reason Samura is so feared is that he did it all by himself. There was no 2nd soldier behind him, just himself. And his dragon, whose authenticity was uncertain. But Samura didn't stop there. Since Pirhelia, like Kregerta, was an ocean-coast country, he burned all the nearby islands except the eastern ones so that the islands would not be conquered. The reason he didn't burn the eastern ones, the islands of Kregerta, was again out of respect for "him".