
A Little Trouble.. Ok Maybe More Than A Little

It has already been a few days since the Vytal festival started, and today is the last of the 3 on 3 matches before the 2 on 2 tomorrow. Everyone did well and unsurprisingly Pyrrha's team had the least amount of trouble and won with record time.

Me along with Glynda and some other people are in Ozpin's office discussing the final surprise part of the festival.

"Alright, so after he's entered- I'm sorry, it appears we have to continue this meeting another time. A brawl seems to be happening outside and is destroying parts of my bridge. Dominus, if you would be so kind to tend to that?"

"Sure, I'll see you down there." I say heading for the window.

The others there except for Glynda and Ozpin have confused and concerned looks on their faces. I pay them no mind and leap out of the tower going into a free fall. As I'm nearing the ground, Ker exits my shadow and jumps from the tower's wall and pushes me away from it onto his back.

We land safely and Ker enters my shadow to not attract any more attention. I sprint straight at the two fighting through the crowd. I jump in the middle of the two as they're about to clash and stop both of their attacks with my blades. The white haired woman has a look of shock while the black haired drunk has a smirk on his face.

"Would you two just stop? You're wrecking the place." I say.

"And what if we don't? What are you gonna do about it~?" The black haired one asks trying to be sly.

"This." I quickly move aside letting him fall forward even just a little and punch him away into a bullhead that has its hatch open. He hits the wall it makes a dent and I can hear him say, "point taken." painfully.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby shouts while rushing after her uncle, looks more like her dad to me.

"Ahem." I hear someone clear their throat behind me, I turn around and it's the white haired woman.

"Hmm?" I look at her with a questioning look.

"I just want to give my thanks to finally beating some sense into that drunk. I am Winter Schnee, Atlas military specialist but you may just call me Winter. Who may you be?" She says.

"You can call me Dominus, and Schnee huh? That means you and Weiss are related?" I ask.

"Yes we are, we're sisters. And thank you about reminding me of her we have a lot to talk about considering her performance during her matches." She says with a sinister smile directed to Weiss which sends shivers down her spine.

"Alright everyone, break it up! Break it up! Get back to class now or I'll double the amount of homework you have!" Glynda shouts while walking through the crowd.

After hearing what she said, everyone that valued their mental health left quickly. At this point Qrow is already back with Ruby riding his back. Irondick then comes out from behind Ozpin shouting at Winter.

"Schnee! What do you think you're doing!?" He shouts.

"He started the altercation, sir!" She said standing at attention.

"Oh you're going to act like a kid now and just point at others claiming this and that? Don't try and deny it ice queen." Qrow says.

"Is this true?" The general asks looking at me.

"Hey don't look at me, I got here in the middle of the fight." I say.

"Schnee?" He looks towards Winter again.

She looks hesitant but ultimately nods and hangs her head in shame.

"And you." He says walking towards Qrow who was a fake surprised look and points to himself and his gesture just says, 'Who, me?'

"What about me?" Qrow asks.

"What are you doing here?" Ironwood asks.

"Now now, why don't we discuss this back at my office shall we?" Ozpin says.

Ironwood sighs before following Ozpin.

"Qrow, Dominus; you two too please." Ozpin says.

I quickly catch up and pull Glynda closer by her shoulder, she doesn't resist and wraps her hands around my waist.

"You actually got yourself a guy Glynda, a strong one at that. Color me surprised." Qrow says surprised from behind.

Glynda looks back halfway and flips him off. He just laughs as we continue our way to the office.

The elevator couldn't fit that many people so Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda and I went up first. Ozpin got to his seat and I sat on the sofa that has been recently added to the office. Qrow decides to stand on the other side of the room while Glynda is going to sit with me.

As she's about to sit down however, I pull her so she falls onto my lap. She flinches for a moment but laughs it off and leans into me.

"Care to share when this whole thing happened?" Qrow asks.

Me and Glynda look at each other before answering Qrow in sync, "No thanks."

He shrugs it off and takes a sip from his flask. The elevator dings, it opens revealing Winter and Irondick.

"Let us get this discussion underway shall we?" Ozpin says.


Me and Glynda are in the amity colosseum as security while also to watching the match itself. I didn't have to go but I didn't have anything better to do so I might as well. The scoreboard then turns black and into a roulette of names, it spins and lands on Pyrrha and Penny.

Penny is immediately at a very bad disadvantage but so is everybody that faces Pyrrha. They enter the field and the crowd cheers loudly for the both of them. Oobleck explains the rules of the match, when either one of their auras shatters or goes into red they are out. Port counts them down as they get into their stances.

The countdown ends but they don't rush each other, they wait to see if the other will make the first move. Everyone was silent not wanting to disrupt their focus. Until Penny decides to be the one to do the first move.

She sends multiple swords flying at Pyrrha while also going to attack herself. Pyrrha easily dodges and parries the swords with the help of her semblance and shield. Penny with the help of her swords, goes in for a series of combos. But even those aren't enough as they're blocked or parried Pyrrha.

Penny jumps back a couple times and is looking stressed thinking of a way to get through her defense while Pyrrha is on the other side of the scale, she is calm and composed waiting to see what she'll try next. She could easily end this now, but I think that she wants to at least give Penny a good fight.

Penny looks like she has an idea and her swords fly above her and for a circle before spinning together. Eventually when they become blurs a laser shoots out of it. Pyrrha was caught slightly off guard with this but manages to jump out of the way. But that isn't the end it seems, the laser doesn't disappear but instead follows her.

She runs circles around Penny as she gets closer with every rotation. Once she's a couple of steps away, she jumps and smashes the sword formation with her shield thus cancelling the laser. As she's falling she attempts to dropkick Penny but she backs away just enough that Pyrrha's foot only grazes her hair.

Pyrrha backs away a couple steps and checks how much time she has left in the match. There's only a minute and a half left. She says something that was hard to read the lip movements from this distance, but I'm assuming that she's going to end it now.

Penny is about to use her swords again but Pyrrha uses her semblance to stick all of them into the ground and keeps a firm grip on them. It seems that Penny is connected to the swords through something since she's struggling to get those out of the ground instead of trying to dodge the incoming attack.

Pyrrha throws her shield aimed at Penny's head at a speed she has barely any time to react to, thus hitting her. This stuns her for a moment, and a moment is all Pyrrha needs. She uses this moment and pulls her shield back before hitting it with her spear like a bat. This lands another successful hit. She repeats this until Penny is just below half of her aura.

Pyrrha lets go of her semblance much to the surprise of Penny. She dashes at her leaving a crack and a loud boom. Before Penny can even process what happened, Pyrrha has punched her gut with her shield with enough force to send Penny flying away and disconnects the swords from the ground.

She reappears behind Penny who is still flying from the first punch, and with her fist she punches Penny downwards. This causes Penny to get sent to the ground, and once she hits it her momentum causes her to bounce several times until she hits the arena barrier which causes to go to a complete stop.

Port then announces the winner which is Pyrrha. The audience cheers loudly for her, she bows before walking over to Penny and helps her up. They shake hands and bow together which makes the audience cheer louder for the both of them.

But suddenly I see something being thrown at the back of Penny, from the quick look I got it's a circular object with 4 spikes and a red flashing light on top of it. Shit that cant be good! I quickly shake Glynda, she looks at me confused.

"Grab that thing with your semblance now!" I say turning her head to the thing.

She gets out her riding crop as fast as possible but as she's about to activate her semblance, it latches onto Penny's back and explodes, engulfing that quarter of the arena with smoke and debris. Pyrrha gets sent flying out of the smoke but she manages to land. The audience immediately panics and starts running for the exit.

But then everything turns red and on every screen on the arena says, 'GRIMM BREACH DETECTED MAXIMUM SECURITY ENGAGED' and all of the entrance and exits are blocked off.


And I'm back!

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