
Krama | The Tales of the Numbered

In a newly reformed society, Yuzuru Aki simply wanted to live her life away from this monstrous world. All she wanted was to achieve her dream of living in their little cafe along with her loved ones. However, rumors are spreading that the rebel organization 'Krama' has returned and is causing chaos, the very organization that has taken their youth and inflicted countless traumas within their life. Fear once again strikes, as the people who led Krama’s initial downfall have begun to move with the intent of ending such terrorism once and for all. But that isn’t her problem now, is it? They were used as pawns for Krama to achieve its notoriety, people who were experimented on to create the device that Krama was infamously known for. That’s why all she wanted to do was to run away from them, especially now that she has finally escaped from their clutches. Yet fate is as cruel as ever, condemning them to the point of no return, giving them a life filled with dread and excruciating memories. With no other choice than to fight back, Yuzuru Aki sets out to destroy Krama and secure a peaceful future for herself and those she cares about. For that is the fate of a Numbered.

Artuven · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Trouble at 63rd Street (2)

"Have you heard what happened at 63rd Street?"

"I saw caution tape surrounding the newly built playground! Whatever happened there a few days ago must be serious!"

"I wonder what transpired though."

"I guess Krama's influence has finally reached this place." Hearing that off-side comment, however, made the blonde worker's expression deadly, forcing the owner of the café to smack her head. "Honey, should we leave this place? I don't feel safe here anymore."

Not knowing how to react to their current situation, the little autumn could only sigh, disappointed at how short-lived their sense of freedom was.

As said by one of their customers, days have already passed since that incident with the old man occurred, leaving both the little Autumn and her blonde friend feeling anxious and antsy. It, however, doesn't hinder them from continuing to work in their little café, knowing full well of the consequences should they allow such incidents to overwhelm them.

Nevertheless, there is one specific line that the little autumn couldn't ignore, even as she continued to busy herself with their lunch service.

'My son… please… let me at least…' Aki then gave the couple their change, just as they finally left their café. It still didn't deter her thoughts, however, as she continued his next words. 'Hug him… for the last…'

"Yuzu~" Flinching, the little autumn did a double take just as her friend, Cassandra Lou, grabbed her shoulder in an attempt to get her attention. Alarmed by the sudden intrusion of thoughts, Aki blinked a couple of times before finally giving Cassandra a signal to proceed. "You're spacing out again. I understand that the incident a few nights ago still worries you, but some of our customers are starting to ask me if you're all right."

"Ah." After finally being told how her actions began to spark worry in the eyes of their customers, the little autumn pulled her hands away from the register and slowly started to calm her anxious heart.

'How unprofessional.' Aki couldn't help but scold herself for her vulnerability, something that her friend has easily noticed which prompted Cassandra to ask, "Were you thinking about that man?"

A flinch was all it took for Cassandra to arrive at the answer.

Both worried and conflicted, the little autumn knows full well that talking about this topic in broad daylight would surely have some consequences. So, even though Cassandra wants to help Aki calm her chaotic mind, she has no choice but to wait until nightfall and until their service finishes for the day.

With that in mind, Yuzuru Aki faces her friend and was about to open her mouth to speak – in an attempt to tell her friend not to worry – but was ultimately distracted by the sound of the café's door opening, revealing their new customer.

'Guess that'll have to wait.' The little autumn thought to herself, just as she stepped away from her friend and the counter to begin service.

Like how they practiced, Aki forced herself to smile, just as she greets their new patron. "Welcome! Would you like to order first or should I guide you to an available seat-"

Then suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, the man who had just stepped inside their café held an aura of superiority – something that made everyone shut their mouths just to witness his sudden arrival.

Widening her eyes, even the little autumn couldn't help but react.

A man donning a police uniform had just taken a step into their little café, immediately making both of its workers apprehensive.

'Shit.' The little autumn thought to herself just as she unconsciously took a step back.

An act that made her suspicious, as his gaze immediately connected with her own. His blue oceanic eyes held no emotion, and almost everyone in the café noticed it. It was a gaze that instantly analyzes everything within its sight, therefore making it look intimidating to stare at.

However, after years of observing every human's gaze, Yuzuru Aki can confidently say that this man holds his sense of righteousness in high regard – a quality that befits a police officer.

At this moment, Aki knew that every action she took would surely affect the outcome of this sudden visit. It was a do-or-die situation.

It took everything within her just to contain the aura she tries so hard to conceal – one that held a hint of defensiveness. Her expression also didn't help, heck, it might probably make things worse.

So, before she accidentally revealed her identity as a 'Numbered', like a professional liar and manipulator, she smiled. "Good day, officer. Would you like to order?"

Cold, stoic, and relentless. These are the little autumn's first impressions of this man. With his short black hair, intense blue eyes, tanned skin, and an expression that could kill, whomever this officer is…

He's dangerous to have around.

'And I'm sure that it's a common observation.' Yuzuru Aki thought to herself as she walked back to her station behind the counter. Her eyes passed through Cassandra's suspicious gaze, forcing her to pat her friend's back, an action that reminded her of where they were.

And what position their customer holds.

Knowing full well that he had silently followed her to the counter, Aki then proceeded to hand him their menu, which he gratefully accepted.

Who knows how long he stared at it? For the little autumn, a few seconds of him scanning the menu already equated to an eternity. Call it exaggerated, but in this situation, anything can happen.

Such as the door opening once more, revealing another police officer.


But before they could even welcome him, the second police officer suddenly cried out. "You bastard!"



Welp, so much for the formed tension.

"Ain," And for the first time, the blue-eyed police spoke. "Must you always cause a racket?"

Scoffing, the police officer in question flipped his blonde hair in an attempt to brush it upwards. Seeing such action almost made the two ladies, who do not know of such a posture, frown. "My presence alone is enough to spark chaos. But enough about that! You left me!"

'Ah.' The little autumn couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu. Reflexively, her eyes immediately landed on her friend's figure, prompting her to notice how her hands continued to tremble as she tried to hide it by placing both of her hands behind her back.

Not that she succeeded, seeing how the little autumn still managed to notice it.

With no other choice, Yuzuru Aki shifted closer to her friend and whispered. "We'll be fine, Cassandra."

"Just follow my lead."

But before she could reply, the second police officer once again cried out. "And stop making detours; damn it, we're late!"

Seeing how conflicted his partner is, Aki can't help but wonder how troublesome this blue-eyed police officer is. And instead of replying to his enraged partner, he simply gazed back at the little autumn and said, "One vanilla frappe, and a pretzel to go."

After finally giving her his order while paying for it as well, Yuzuru Aki then proceeded to punch in his orders while ignoring the fact that he has a sweet tooth. And as she was about to give him his change, she asked, "And your name, sir?"


And that made her pause, which was evident enough seeing how her hovering hand literally froze mid-air. She once again looked into his eyes, knowing full well that acting mediocrely like this wouldn't escape his intense gaze.

It was a name she often heard about during her patrols. After Krama was "taken down," one police officer was adamant about putting an end to those who cause mayhem as if to demonstrate what justice looks like. It's a unique name, so even Aki couldn't help but remember it.

And it surely backfired on her, as of this moment.

But even if he had seen how she reacted, he continued, as if he wanted to fully introduce himself. "My name is Rainer O'Neal, a police lieutenant. I've been assigned to investigate the recent crime in this place. It's nice to meet you."

"Ah." As a response, she smiled.

'We're fucked.'
