
Krama | The Tales of the Numbered

In a newly reformed society, Yuzuru Aki simply wanted to live her life away from this monstrous world. All she wanted was to achieve her dream of living in their little cafe along with her loved ones. However, rumors are spreading that the rebel organization 'Krama' has returned and is causing chaos, the very organization that has taken their youth and inflicted countless traumas within their life. Fear once again strikes, as the people who led Krama’s initial downfall have begun to move with the intent of ending such terrorism once and for all. But that isn’t her problem now, is it? They were used as pawns for Krama to achieve its notoriety, people who were experimented on to create the device that Krama was infamously known for. That’s why all she wanted to do was to run away from them, especially now that she has finally escaped from their clutches. Yet fate is as cruel as ever, condemning them to the point of no return, giving them a life filled with dread and excruciating memories. With no other choice than to fight back, Yuzuru Aki sets out to destroy Krama and secure a peaceful future for herself and those she cares about. For that is the fate of a Numbered.

Artuven · Urban
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16 Chs

The Return (1)

Silence blanketed the whole room as the current Police Chief suddenly stepped inside. If it weren't for the little autumn's exceptional observational skills, she wouldn't have detected the slightest bit of confusion and surprise that was laid deep inside every officer's gaze - especially the one coming from his blood relative.

"Dad…" Officer Ain whispered, prompting the people who'd heard it to glance at him for a few seconds, before returning it to their superior.

The Police Chief, who was known to be the person who led the Bureau of Welfare and Safety in unraveling Krama's base, was well-known for his act of righteousness. With his clean-cut hair, intense black eyes, and unrivaled confidence, Baldur Clyde is a man who has dedicated his whole life purely to serving the public.

Additionally, unbeknownst to the public, he was the only one who even took the time and initiative to support the victims of that horrendous organization. With his unrelenting attitude and a touch of pure intent in wanting to save them, he is the only man she can trust in this establishment.

A trust he had gained after years of servitude, granting them their needed shelter and space.

"Are you all right?" It took them a few seconds to process to whom he was talking, but in the end, Yuzuru Aki nodded her head to which the Police Chief gently smiled. "Thank goodness."

If not for the fact that he holds such a vast and powerful title, the people who had seen his smile might have dropped dead by now. Not because of how chivalry it looked - even though it is - but because he rarely does so.

Well, according to him. He always smiled at the two of them whenever he visits, so it's not unusual.

But of course, the people here beg to differ. To them, based on their sudden change in demeanor and posture, he's a respectable man that can't afford any leniency.

As cold as ice, the Police Chief is someone worthy of admiration, and most of all, fear.

And it didn't take long before the little autumn noticed the shift in his expression as his gentle and fatherly-like smile was instantly replaced by a cold and murderous one. It was as if their benefactor never existed and a new person has entered this place.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asks, making the two ladies shiver at the intensity of his tone. It was as if someone would immediately get fired if their reply did not satisfy him. "This is an establishment that ensures the safety of the public. So, can someone explain to me why these two ladies are injured?"



Beside her, even Cassandra couldn't help but flinch, prompting the little autumn to caress her friend's trembling hand.

Seeing such an act, however, only made the police chief even more furious. "Everyone unrelated to this case, I order you all to leave this room. Refusal to do so will receive demerits."

As quick as a hare, in a matter of few seconds, several police officers immediately made their way out, not wanting to acquire a stain in their careers.

Except, of course, the people who were tasked to investigate this particular case. Lieutenant Rainer continued to pin the old man down, while Officer Ain brought two chairs forward, ushering the two ladies to take a seat.

"Thanks," Cassandra whispers, just as she pulled the little autumn along to sit beside her.

But instead of following her friend, Yuzuru Aki simply stood there, eyes wavering between the two opposing men inside the room. It was her first time to see such disdain fill the eyes of their benefactor, and she doesn't know what to do with the emotions stirring within her.

Back then, all she remembered was seeing his gentle and soft side, eyes moist from sadness and regret - as he had once told them about. Looking back, Aki's perception of him was simply based on what she had seen on the surface. Who knows how terrifying he can be towards the people who conduct malicious deeds?

So, before she even knew what she was doing, before she could even comprehend the words that would come out of her mouth, she whispers, "It's been a while, Sir Clyde."

Successfully acquiring his attention, the Police Chief then turned his gaze to her figure, his obsidian-colored eyes connecting with her dull ones. Aki noticed this specific feature of his a few years ago, but up to this moment, she still couldn't help but be envious of how different their eyes looked, even if they do have the same color of it.

"Aki," His worried tone eventually broke her stupor, making her notice the shift in his aura. The murderous gaze he once held became something even more… benign. His expression now presents an emotion filled with relief, something that made the nearest officer flinch, prompting the little autumn to tilt her gaze and witness the surprised look of his son. "You're hurt."

It took a while for Aki to realize that he was referring to her, but when she did, she simply shrugged her shoulders and eventually took a sit beside her friend. "I'm fine. It's nothing I can't handle."

Sighing, the police chief shook his head. "It's not something you should handle, you of all people. That includes you, Cassy."

Eyes widening at the correct usage of her self-made nickname, Cassandra smiled. "Yo, Bal. Long time no see."

"Bal?" Unable to contain his surprise and curiosity any longer, Officer Ain spoke. "Wait, you all know each other?"

Humming as a response, the little autumn tried to open her mouth and reply.

Something that she has not been able to accomplish due to her inability to speak after coughing up blood.

Everyone in the room instantly became aware of this, except for the old man who was still being restrained by Lieutenant Rainer. He just started laughing at his realization that the little autumn's body had suffered some minor injury as a result of pushing her body to accomplish those inhumane acts.

And Yuzuru Aki knew, deep within, that she did push her body to the brink.


"I'm fine, Cassandra." She successfully says, wiping the blood off of her mouth. "I've been out of practice, that's all."


"I don't think anyone can achieve what you just did simply by practicing…" Officer Ain mumbles under his breath, his amber-colored eyes gazing at the crater she had made.

But instead of focusing on that statement, the chief of police instantly gave her his handkerchief, something that the little autumn gratefully accepted.

"Do you want something to drink?" Asks Sir Clyde, making the little autumn shake her head in reply. Sensing that she doesn't want everyone's attention on her, he continued. "I was about to visit your place after dealing with some matters here, so it's a surprise to see both of you here. Good thing I heard the commotion."

Frowning, Officer Ain once again intervened. "But sir, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the main branch?"

"My investigation of a particular group led me to this place." He then proceeded to walk towards the old man, not even once glancing at his son. But seeing how unaffected Officer Ain is, the little autumn realized that this cold and icy facade of his must be a common trait of his - which contradicts their fatherly-like image of him. "As the police chief, I can simply let a captain or lieutenant deal with it. But unfortunately, this case is sensitive and troublesome to deal with."

'Is it related to the commotion in the lobby?' The little autumn thought to herself, remembering the number of people she saw in that place. But before she could dwell on that topic, Lieutenant Rainer spoke.

"A case?" He repeats, raising his eyebrows from curiosity.

But instead of following up on his question, the chief shrugged his shoulders before returning his look to the two wounded ladies.

"Aki, Cassy, do you remember my explanation about this country's hierarchy?"

Confused at his random and unrelated question, both of them nodded their head, to which Cassandra volunteered to reply. "After the monarchy's reign, the Republic of Veto eventually created its government that would create its laws. Unlike the other continents, our country also established a unique group that has the power to approve or reject the decision of the government."

"The Council." Aki intervened, eyes locking with number 129 just when Lieutenant Rainer lifted him. Unlike earlier, his wrists are now restrained by a handcuff. "And under both parties is the Bureau of Welfare and Safety."

"A department that I currently lead." The Chief of Police finishes, sighing at the heaviness of his next words. "Unfortunately, I've been ordered to detain the people connected to Krama."


"Huh?" Her grip on the little autumn's hand eventually tightened, eyes unfocused while processing the information they'd just heard. "Bal, do you mean-"

"Yes, Cassy," It seemed like they'd just been poured by a bucket filled with ice. The little autumn, on the other hand, felt the blood on her face drain with each passing second. "Everyone, be it their relatives, helpers, and cruelly, their victims."


That was the only word they needed to hear to fully lose their trust in this country's way of doing things.

After all, who in their right mind would detain a wounded victim instead of offering their support?


Updating two books at the same time is hard oh god XD But for those who continue to read this work of mine, you rock! I'll update the next chapter soon, peace out :D

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